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Good morning, class! Let’s have a review of what we discussed yesterday about Chinese literature.

that, answer the five test questions here by posting your answers in our gc. This is not a graded quiz. I
will post the correct answer tomorrow.

I. Asian Literature

A. Chinese Literature


 Wisdom (right knowledge)

 Courage (right action)
 Justice (right conduct) and
 Moderation (right mind)

2. Eight Virtues

a. Filial piety (xiao)- Reverence and loving care of our parents – teachers – elders.

b. Harmony (he) - Sibling Harmony, respect for your brothers, to live at peace as brothers and
sisters, respectful of others.

c. Loyalty (zong)- answerving allegiance in everything you do, dedication, faithfulness,


d. Trust (xin) - Trustworthiness, keeping promises, integrity, sincerity, honesty.

e. Benevolence (kindness) or Ren - the principle governing the subjectivity, self-consciousness

and self-discipline of morality; kindness, Courtesy, etiquette, politeness, and manners. Compassion is
the greatest virtue within Buddhism (c. 5th C BCE) and draws humans towards each other and enables
humans to care for all other life, cultivating kindness, benevolence and understanding. For Buddhists,
moral consideration is given to all humans, animals and the eco-systems that support life on Earth.

f. Righteousness or Yi - The moral disposition to do good, justice.

g. Integrity(lian) - Being non-corrupt, incorruptible, taking only what you deserve, having earned

h. Shame (chi) - Judge and sense of right and wrong, sense of shame, shamefulness,
conscientious, cognizant of shameful action and avoiding it.

• Confucius-

 Analects of Confucius- book of sayings recorded by his disciples that talks about harmonious
living and how to deal with other people.

O Theme of the Analects: A man should lead an upright life, educate himself, and contribute to the
betterment of society. The superior man, he says, respects elders, cultivates the friendship of good
people, presides over his subordinates with a fair and even hand, continually educates himself,
overflows with love for fellow human beings, and in general sets a good example for others to follow.
This is what we call the Superior Man or Junzi – noble man or gentleman.

The Golden Rule or the doctrine of reciprocity: "Do to others as you would want done to you."

B. Historical background

 The New Culture Movement (1917–1923) - saw the vernacular language being widely used and
eventually displacing the classical language in all genres
 Lu Xun - considered the founder of modern baihua literature (literature that uses colloquial
language) in China
 socialist realism - adheres to the principle that art must depict contemporary events exposing
the ills of nonsocialist society
 The Maoist Era (1949–1976) placed the publishing industry and the book distribution system
under government control and implemented strict censorship.
 The Red guards
Destroy the “four olds” - old ideas, old customs, old habits and old culture
“Be resolute, fear no sacrifice, and surmount every difficulty to win victory!”
Source: theredguardian
 During the cultural Revolution, professional Chinese experienced diaspora. Their experiences
were recorded in Amy Tan’s novel titled “The Joy Luck Club”.

Review questions:

1. The Golden Rule, “Do not do unto others as you would that
they should do unto you.” is one of the which is a
collection of the teachings and thoughts of Confucius.

A. Proverbs C. Analects
B. Riddles D. Haikus

2. The following are virtues of Confucianism except

A. Filial piety C. Solitary
B. Superior Man or Junzi D. Benevolence or Ren
3. You are a writer during the Industrial Revolution in China. All
of the following are included in your literary text, except
A. diaspora of professional workers
B. texts that talk about their love for nature
C. Chinese community during the Maoist Era
D. texts are closely related to philosophy and religion

4. Tsze-kung asked, saying, "What do you say of a man who is

loved by all the people of his neighborhood?" The Master replied,
"We may not for that accord our approval of him." "And what do
you say of him who is hated by all the people of his neighborhood?"
The Master said, "We may not for that conclude that he is bad. It
is better than either of these cases that the good in the
neighborhood love him, and the bad hate him."

Based on Chinese philosophy, Confucius wanted to

A. lead China to a national power.

B. strengthen the Chinese government.
C. build social interactions among human beings.
D. raise more public awareness for the working class.

5. “A youth, when at home, should be filial, and abroad, respectful

to his elders. He should be earnest and truthful.”
Based on Benevolence or Ren Confucian virtue, select the
answer that best describes the Confucian philosophy above.
A. These talks about the devotion of parents to their children
B. Filial piety should not be considered a norm within the
C. It involves taking care of and being good to one's parents, and
exhibiting respect, love, courtesy, support, reverence, and loyalty
to them.

D. Filial piety is considered the most fundamental of the

Confucian values, the root of all others that harness respect
towards others more than your family members and parents.

The answer is letter C from numbers 1 to 5.

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