Review Quiz in Research Project

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Which of the following best describes the structure of a

summary of research findings?
Section: a. Abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion
Date: b. Abstract, literature review, data analysis, conclusion
1. It is the main purpose of using inferential
statistics in data interpretation. II. Identify whether each statement is a conclusion or a
recommendation. Write C if the given statement is a
a. To establish instrument validity and Reliability conclusion and write R if it is a recommendation.
b. To determine the statistical significance of _____17. This study highlights the importance of social
the findings media marketing on consumer behavior and purchasing
decisions, to guide marketing strategies and enhance
2. In qualitative research, a conceptual framework is used to:
a. Determine the statistical analysis
brand engagement.
Techniques _____18. The findings of this research provide empirical
b. Provide a theoretical foundation for the evidence that social media marketing has a positive
Study impact on brand awareness and customer engagement.
_____19. The study concludes that the proposed
3. A conceptual framework in qualitative research is often algorithm outperforms existing methods in terms of
represented by: computational efficiency and accuracy, showcasing its
a. Statistical tables and charts potential for practical applications in the field.
b. Diagrams or visual models
_____20. The research findings indicate a significant
4. It is a key consideration when choosing an appropriate relationship between social media usage and feelings of
quantitative research design? loneliness among adolescents, suggesting the need for
a. Data collection methods interventions to promote healthy social interactions and reduce
b. Research objectives isolation.

5. It is the purpose of choosing an appropriate III. Arrange the procedure in data presentation. Write
quantitative research design? numbers 1-5 in the corresponding space before each
a. To establish instrument validity and number where 1 is the first and 5 is the last procedure.
Reliability _____ 21. Researcher consolidates all data collected and
b. To guide data collection procedures
identify which data are essential for analysis
6. When interpreting data, what does it mean to _____ 22. Researcher presents findings anchored on the type
find a statistically significant result? of research being conducted and the format being
a. The result is unlikely to occur by chance observed.
b. The result is consistent across different _____ 23. Validation is done by the researcher to ensure the
studies. validity and reliability of the collected data
_____ 24. Researcher transforms data into numeric format.
7. Which of the following best describes the purpose of _____ 25. Researcher transfers the data with the use of
summarizing research findings? certain programs such as spreadsheets for less complex
a. To provide a concise overview of the key results sets of data or statistics software for studies that involve
b. To determine the statistical significance
of the findings
many variables and varied statistical measurement

8. A statistical test is used to determine if there is a significant IV. ENUMERATION

difference between two independent groups? A. GIVE 3 PROBABILITY SAMPLING
a. t-test TECHNIQUES
b. ANOVA 26. __________________________________
9. Which of the following statistical tests is used to determine 28.___________________________________
if there is a significant difference between multiple
29. ____________________________________
10. What should you consider when writing research 30._____________________________________
conclusions to ensure objectivity?
a. Presenting biased interpretations of the findings
b. Providing clear and logical reasoning
supported by evidence

11. When writing research conclusions, what should you

a. Presenting statistical analyses without interpretation
b. Including personal anecdotes and
unrelated information

12. In writing research conclusions, what should you

consider about the research methodology?
a. The statistical techniques used in the analysis
b. The appropriateness and rigor of the research design

13. How does the data interpretation process contribute to the

internal validity of a research study?
a. It ensures the study's generalizability.
b.. It controls for confounding variables

14. How does the data interpretation process contribute to the

external validity of a research study?

a. It determines the statistical analysis techniques.

b. It affects the generalizability of the research findings.

15. The summary of research findings should be:

a. Lengthy and detailed to include all aspects of the study
b. Free from any interpretation or subjective opinions

1. B
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. B
15. B

17. R
18. C
19. C
20. C

21. 1
22. 5
23. 4
24. 2
25. 3


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