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‫‪Rhodophycota‬قسم الطحالب الحمراء‬

‫‪Rhodophycophyceae‬طائفة الطحالب الحمراء‬

‫قسم الطحالب الحمراء‬Rhodophycota
‫الخصائص العامة‬
Porphyra • Habitats: Freshwater, saltwater, rocky (or
epiphytic or endophytic), or parasites
• Cellular structures:
• Multicelluar, or colonial, Most of them are simple
filamentous or branched with heterogeneous
structure and can reach a meter in length or leafy
(the blade has four layers: inner and outer cortex,
primary axial cells and secondary medulla cells) or
massive (pseudo-parenchyma).
• The algal cell is mononuclear or polynuclear
• An opening in the cell wall whereby cells are
connected by cytoplasmic connections called pit
• The wall consists of two layers, inner (cellulose
fibres), outer amorphous mucous, galactan,
sometimes deposited on the walls of calcium
carbonate (stone or chalky texture).
• Polysiphonia or multicellular (Porphyra)
• There are hooks or appendages
• Pigments: chlorophylls a&b, Lutein, β-carotene, Tetraxanthin, Allophycocynin, phycoerthrin,
(red) + phycocynin (blue) = Biliprotein + water soluble
• Stored materials: alcohols, oils and Floridean starch (with yellow or brown iodine)
• Apical growth from apical cell
• Reproduction:
• There are no reproductive stages with flagella.
• Asexual and asexual and vegetative propagation by fragmentation.
• Reproduction is asexual by the formation of non-motile single-celled spores, which are formed within the
• Sexual reproduction is oval:
• The male organ spermatangium
• carpogonium female member

• The life cycle of algae is represented by the phenomenon of the exchange of generations:
• Gametophyte (1n)
• Sporophyte(2n) stages that are apparently identical or dissimilar
• The third phase is independent asexual and is Tetrasporangia in which Tetraspores (1n) form
‫قسم الطحالب الحمراء‬
‫طائفة الطحالب الحمراء‬

Bangiophycidae Florideophycidae
lack pit connections, apical had pit connections, apical
growth, and probably sexual growth, and sexual reproduction
reproduction with a triphasic life cycle.

Ceramiales ‫رتبة‬
Rhodomelaceae ‫فصيلة‬
Polysiphonia ‫جنس‬
• live in the seas
• Attached to a disc holder
• filamentous lateral branched
• Its color is reddish brown or dark reddish
• Algae cells arranged in side rows
• The main axis gives rise to lateral branches (polysiphonous appearance): the central cell, the
siphon, and the cells surrounding it (one of which is a siphon).
• Cytoplasmic connections of a mononuclear cell
• It has numerous discoid plastids
• apical growth
• The genus Polysiphonia gives two types of branches: polysiphonous = main axis, single row of cells
(the outgrowth is unlimited, Trichoblasts).

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