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Practice Interview

Phase 1; Ask the interviewee the following questions

a) Tell us about yourself and why you chose to become an engineer.

Ask your own follow up questions.

b) How did you find the process of giving feedback to your peers about their portfolios?

Ask your own follow up questions

c) Describe a situation in which you __________

Choose two of the topic cards at the end of the document and use them to question the student.

Ask follow up questions

d) How has what you learned in your work experience, changed you as an engineer?

Phase 2: Ask the assigned industry expert for this student the following

What did you find most interesting about what you heard?

What motivates this person? What will they be doing in 10 years’ time?

What is most similar to your own experiences?

Did you learn anything new from what the interviewee said?

Are there any questions you would like to ask this person?

Phase 3: Return to the interviewee

e) What was most interesting about what the interviewee said?

Ask your own follow up questions.

f) What are your strengths as an engineer?

Ask your own follow up questions.

g) What are your ambitions as an engineer?

Ask your own follow up questions.

h) What do you need to do to achieve your goals?

Ask your own follow up questions.

i) What will you do, if you don’t get the job you want?

Now as a group, give feedback to the interviewee.

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