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Steel Beams Bending Formulas

M* ≤ ΦMs = ΦZefy
Member (for x-x bending ONLY):
M* ≤ ΦMb = ΦαsαmMs
Φ = 0.9 M* = Maximum moment

First, convert load into design loads

1.35G or 1.2G + 1.5Q (IF required).
Then use statics to determine design
shear & moment (see next page)

refer to ‘Serviceability’ section
(different design loadings)

----- M* ≤ ΦMs = ΦZefy -----

fy = Yield stress (look up Onesteel

catalogue) (element of section
w/lowest fy governs)

<<<< Follow the steps in the slide

next to this text to calculate Ze

----- M* ≤ ΦMb = ΦαsαmMs -----

First, check if member has full lateral

restraint. If yes, SKIP THIS
SECTION (since Mb = Ms)

For doubly symmetrical I beams, if:

Then the (sub-)segment has f.l.r.

βm = -0.8 (if transverse load is

applied, or - ratio of end moments if
no transverse load is applied)

αm: Find distribution of moment

across beam, then find αm in table

αs: Must first find Mo (To get Mo, you

need J, Iy and Iw from Onesteel)

E = 200,000 MPa G = 80,000 MPa

Also need le = kl*kt*kr*l (see slides)

Calculate Mo (as per slides)

(^ for doubly symmetrical I

sections ONLY) (see slides for others)


calculating Mo (N, mm and MPa)

Calculate αs (as per slides)

Does the beam have full lateral


(since Mb = Ms)
Some definitions for determining if a
section is Fully, Partially, Laterally
Restrained or Unrestrained
<<<<<< e
<<<<Tables & Formula for αm
For members with both ends
fully or partially restrained

Use Table 5.6.1 where possible

(formula not conservative)

βm = - (Smaller end moment / Larger

end moment)


M 0.75M

Where moment distributions are

‘paired’ (such as the first two), you
can extrapolate between the ranges
for βm and αm using the formula:

βm = -0.75
αm = 1.75+1.05*(-0.75)+0.3*(-0.75)2
= 1.13
<<<< Formula for αs

<<<< formulae for Mo

<<<< Formula for αm
Flexural Shear (no compression bearing or stiffened webs)
Shear Formula
V* ≤ ΦVv
Φ = 0.9 V* = Max shear


calculate bending capacity (Ms),
then see next page

----- Check Shear Distribution -----

Look at distribution of shear
the beam)

Uniform or non-uniform?

Approx. uniform: fvm / fav ≥ 1.1

Non-uniform: fvm / fav ≤ 1.1
fvm = Max shear stress
fav = Average shear stress

---- Finding Vv (Uniform Stress) ----

Vv = V u

First, calculate Vw

Vw = 0.6fyAw (Aw = Area of web)

Vw = 0.36fyAe
(Ae = Ag if An/Ag > 0.9, else Ae = An)

Check dp / tw (dp as per first slide, tw

= web thickness). Vu = Vw or Vb?

If Vu = Vb
Vb = αvVw (unstiffened, s / dp ≥ 3.0)

----- Finding Vv (Non-Uniform) -----

For circular sections:

Vv = Vw = 0.36fyAe (see next page)

For non-circular sections:

Vu : calculate as per above for

uniform stress
f*vm = Max shear stress
f*va = Average shear stress
-- Shear & Bending Capacity (Vvm) --

V* ≤ Vvm (Must satisfy this equation)

---- Shear & Bending Method ----


Determine Vvm using the method

below and see if V* ≤ Vvm is

Ms = Section moment capacity

= Zefy (or from Onesteel)

---- Proportioning method ----

Alternatively, If M* ≤ ΦMf

Then Vvm = Vv

Check if V* ≤ Vvm is satisfied

ΦMf = 0.9Afmdf fy

Afm = See slide on this page

df = depth between flange centroids
fy = flange yield stress
Steel Beam-Columns ---- Finding ke -----
Find γ values of each end of column
to find its ke. For sway frames, find
ke for both braced and sway case.
Calculate Nomb (braced) and, if sway,
Noms (same as Nomb, but use sway ke)

---- Moment Magnification -----

M* ≤ δM*m

Braced / notionally braced: Find δb

only (NOTE: δb ≥ 1)

Sway: Find δb AND δs, then use

largest of the two

----- M* ≤ ΦMb -----

Does the beam have full lateral
restraint? (See 3rd page of ‘Steel
Beams’ section for f.l.r criteria)

If yes, Mb = Ms
If no, calculate Mb = αsαmMs

---- Check Stand-alone Actions ----

Bending Formula
M* ≤ ΦMs = ΦZefy (or from Onesteel)
M* ≤ ΦMb = ΦαsαmMs
Compression Formula
N* ≤ ΦNs
N* ≤ ΦNc = ΦαcNs

---- Check Combined Actions ----

If bending is about major x-x axis



* If ke(calculated) > 1, use ke = 1

If bending is about minor y-y axis


* If ke(calculated) > 1, use ke = 1

There is no out-of-plane interaction

for minor axis bending

Note: If member is in tension

Mi = M r

Design Ratio = M* / M?x

(i.e. load / capacity)
Beam Serviceability Determine Design Loads (Different
to Strength Limit State, see below)

Or a combination of these

Include self-weight of beam in dead

loads! (assume UDL of 0.8kN/m)

Get values for Ψ in table at bottom of

next page (use ΨsQ for live loads)

See example for guidance

--- Determining section required ---

1) Determine maximum allowable

deflection as per 2nd slide

2) Determine maximum total

deflection under design loads (use
formulas in the first slides)

ΔTotal = ΔUDL + ΔPoint

Equate 1 = 2

Solve for I (I is part of 2 and is the

only unknown)

The section required must have a

value of I greater than the one
calculated (look up Onesteel)

-- Checking adequacy of a section --

Determine 1 & 2 as above:

If 1 > 2 (section okay)

If 1 < 2 (section NOT okay)

Since 1 = Allowable deflection

2 = Deflection under loads
Tension & Compression Tension Formula
N* ≤ ΦNt

Φ = 0.9

N* = max of 1.35G (dead load) and

1.2G + 1.5Q (dead & live load) (no
k1 required as with timber design)

Nt = max of Agfy or 0.85ktAnfu

Ag = Gross area (no hole deductions)

fy = Yield stress (look up Onesteel

catalogue) (element of section
w/lowest fy governs)

kt = form factor (see top slide on next


An = Ag - holes (see slides on this

page). Holes are 2mm bigger than
bolt, except in base plates (6mm
bigger). Adopt An of fracture pattern
that gives lowest An

fu = Ultimate stress (look up Onesteel

catalogue) (element of section
w/lowest fu governs)


<<<<<Fracture patterns
<<<< kt
Compression Formula
N* ≤ ΦNs
N* ≤ ΦNc

Must satisfy BOTH

N* = max of 1.35G (dead load) and

1.2G + 1.5Q (dead & live load) (no
k1 required as with timber design)

Φ = 0.9

----- Ns = kf An fy -----

kf: Can usually look up in OneSteel,

but otherwise
kf = Ae / Ag (see this page)

An = Net area (see slide at the top of

this page)

fy = Yield stress (look up Onesteel

catalogue) (element of section
w/lowest fy governs)

----- Nc = αcNs -----

αc: Based on αb and λn

αb: See tables further down

λn = (le / r)*(kf)0.5*(fy/250)0.5
(le / r): first, determine which
governs ((lex / rx) or (ley / ry)). Use
maximum of the two in calculation
of λn.

lex = lx*ke (see next page for ke)

ley = ly*ke (see next page for ke)

l = Longest length between any

intersecting restraints on that axis
(e.g. restraints at 0.5m and 2.5m on
the minor axis of a 3m column will
give ly = 2m)

Use values for αb and λn on the graph

(3 pages onward) to get αc

N* ≤ 0.9*Ns
N* ≤ 0.9*Nc (= 0.9*αc*Ns)

Must satisfy BOTH

<<<<<< ke
<<<<< αb for kf = 1

<<<<< αb for kf < 1

<<<< Use αb and λn to get αc
< Note where beam is pinned, βe = 0

<<<<Braced frame example (has wall)

If it had no wall, it would be sway
Beam-Column + Bending Tables

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