Walking and Running Biped Robots STATE OF ART

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Walking and Running Biped Robots

Eric R. Westervelt and Carlos Canudas-de-Wit

ascination with anthropomorphic legged robots and the examined, including wheeled transport. (Most mobile robots
advantages of biped locomotion in environments with locomote with wheels since most mobile robot tasks may
discontinuous support are among the reasons why be performed as well or better with wheels rather than
walking and running biped robots have become a popular legs.) The article begins with a review of the general types
area of research. Other important reasons include the poten- of energy losses that are experienced in locomotion. Then,
tial impact on the development of human assistive devices and wheeled and legged locomotion are compared in terms of
the use as a vehicle for the development of novel design and those losses. The comparison includes the zero-moment
control methodologies. point (ZMP) walking principle and the dynamic walking
The goal of this special issue is to provide a balanced approach, as well as an examination of the strategies by
overview of the current research across the field of biped which humans maximize their economy. Finally, the arti-
locomotion with contributions that are representative of the cle considers the design and technical challenges of a
research currently taking place across the world. It is hoped hypothetical biped robot that is both energetically efficient
that the tutorial nature of this special issue’s articles will help and versatile.
usher the advent of reliable and versatile biped robots. The article by Spong et al., “Passivity-Based Control of
Research in the field of biped locomotion may be roughly Bipedal Locomotion,” is an overview of the authors’ results in
divided into several categories based on the biped’s motion regulating walking in bipeds. The article represents a synthesis
complexity: two-dimensional bipeds, with motions taking of different control approaches based on passivity into a set of
place in only the sagittal plane, versus three-dimensional cohesive results that exploit the notion of passive walking.
bipeds, with motions taking place in and out of the sagittal The article starts with a brief review of the general back-
plane; minimalist bipeds, which have a minimal number of ground on hybrid Lagrangian models that are typically used to
degrees of freedom, versus anthropomorphic bipeds, which study biped locomotion and control. Then, the core of the
have a large number of degrees of freedom; and bipeds with article discusses three ideas central to energy- and passivity-
passively stable gaits versus bipeds with gaits that are actively based control of bipeds, namely, controlled symmetry, energy
controlled. The bipeds and biped models discussed in this spe- shaping, and trajectory time scaling. Using these concepts, it is
cial issue cover all categories. shown how to control walking on varying slopes, ensure
Research in the field may also be divided into two cate- robustness to uncertainties and disturbances, and control
gories based on technical issues: design and control. The walking speed and gait transitions. The article includes simula-
primary challenge in addressing these issues stems from the tion results for the compass-gait biped to illustrate the perfor-
need for robot autonomy. Autonomy, in both the sense of mance of the presented controllers.
untethered and not requiring human intervention, is need- The article by Morimoto and Atkeson, “Learning Biped
ed for bipeds to be useful. That is, practical biped robots Locomotion,” proposes a model-based reinforcement learning
need to be energetically efficient so that refueling is mini- algorithm for the control of biped walking. With this algo-
mized. Also, practical biped robots need to be functionally rithm, a robot learns to modulate a walking pattern so that the
versatile and robust so that they can locomote in a variety resulting gait is stable. The learning algorithm modifies via-
of environments and are not sensitive to uncertainties and points of the walking pattern’s trajectories based on a learned
disturbances, such as having an unknown payload or model of a Poincaré map to achieve stable walking. The
bumping into an obstacle. Attempting to meet these learning algorithm is first tested in simulation and then in
requirements gives rise to many interesting and challenging experiment. The article reports that, in experiment, stable
research topics. This special issue covers a subset of these walking is learned within 100 trials.
topics: mechanical design for efficiency and robustness, the The article by Wisse et al., “Passive-Based Walking
tradeoff between energetic efficiency and versatility, and Robot,” presents the construction details of the Denise robot,
the design of controllers for walking and running. An whose design was heavily influenced by the principles of pas-
overview of the special issue’s contents is given next. sive dynamic walking. Although Denise has been featured in
The article by Kuo, “Choosing Your Steps Carefully,” dis- other publications of the authors, many of the details con-
cusses issues that are fundamental to dynamic walking biped cerning its construction and control are reported for the first
robots. To determine the potential gains in the energetic time. In particular, the article presents a detailed description of
economy of biped walking, several locomotion principles are the design and the construction process. The article includes

6 IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine JUNE 2007

comparison of results from walking experiments and from a controller is designed to track the transformed running
simulation of a model of Denise. pattern. The article presents experimental results using the
The article by Kajita et al, “ZMP-Based Biped Run- HRP-2LR running with a mean speed of 0.58 km/hr
ning Control,” presents the extension of the ZMP walk- (0.16 m/s).
ing principle to running. Since, by definition, running has The special issue also includes an announcement by Kuo
an aerial phase, and since the ZMP is not defined during and McGeer of the W Prize, an award to the first legged robot
the aerial phase (when the robot is not in contact with the that is able to cross a specified obstacle course with both speed
ground), the main result of the article is a technique to and efficiency. The essence of the task is to travel 10 km over
extend the ZMP principle to accommodate aerial phases. an obstacle course in no more than 10,000 s while using no
The essence of the approach is to first plan a running more than 10 kJ per kg of machine mass. It is hoped that the
motion for an inverted pendulum model of running. The W Prize draws attention to the field of legged robots, and in
running motion for the pendulum is then transformed into particular biped robots, as the X Prize (www.xprize.org) did to
a running pattern for the entire robot. Finally, a tracking space travel!


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