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A six-pack of Conqueror tier scenarios for
The King of Dungeons

Written by Baz Stevens

Art by Daniel Comerci at
Cartography by Dyson Logos at

Thanks to the incredible generosity and patience of the backers for the King of
Dungeons Kickstarter campaign.

Read this first
The Charter
Locate the six members of the Fellowship. Convince each to come to Cataclysm,

The Pitch for a one night only, private dinner with Sharlitte herself. There will be
conversation and private sketches of the occasion will be commissioned from the
finest artists.

The six members of the Fang have all moved on with their lives since their
Sharlitte Bailey* is a founder and current head of glorious Guild days. Each will take some convincing to come back together. The
Bailey & Motte. This is the wealthiest, best Guild split due to adventuring differences and have rarely spoken to each other or
organised and most ubiquitous adventurer's guild in public since.
in the world. Everyone has at the very least heard
of it, probably had dealings with it and knows not
to mess with it. Sharlitte, as well as being the
most powerful business-being in the Dunmarren
Isles, is also an ardent collector.
Her current obsession is a long since retired Guild, the Fellowship of Sharlitte recruits our Guild personally. She offers them this Charter
the Fang. This particular Guild enjoyed fame and notoriety in and on the basis that they have proven themselves worthwhile
around the city of Cataclysm some years ago, before B&M came to the investments in the past and she is keen to see young Guilds prosper
prominence it enjoys today. Stories are still told in pubs across the Isles under her guidance and patronage. She offers generous terms and
about the Charters won and lost by ‘The Fang’ back in the day. The even accedes to negotiating higher fees if pressed. She can afford it,
individual members of the Guild have each pursued separate paths since and her desires outweigh her usual fiscal prudence.
those glory days, their names fading a little more from popular memory
as each year goes by. She is happy to bankroll any expenses the Charter runs up, to a
degree. She explains that none of the Fang are likely to be swayed by
Sharlitte is an appreciator of all things old school in the adventuring mere cash incentives, personal leverage is more likely to be effective.
profession and has spent years collecting ephemera and memorabilia Our Guild will be expected to use their initiative, in every sense of
connected to the erstwhile Fang. She has grown somewhat bored with the word.
merely possessing polished mementoes of a past she never personally
experienced and now seeks to bring back the old times, to reunite the Oh, and one more thing; the Charter will only be considered complete
living members of the Fellowship, to get the Guild back together for if every member of the Fang is recruited. If even a single one is
just one last Charter. She recruits the PCs to make it happen. missing, then the Charter will be frustrated and considered null and
*that’s her on the cover.
A Done Deal
Sharlitte meets the Guild in the offices of her personal balloon. This is
powered by tame fire and air elementals. It is tethered to the main B&M
facility in the heart of Cataclysm, the capital city of the Dunmarren Isles and
home to a thousand adventuring Guilds. The offices are a classy affair,
appointed in black, white and tasteful greys. Spotlights illuminate trophy
filled recesses. paintings of Guilds through the years adorn the walls. A
sunken seating area bordered with silk upholstered lounge chairs provides a
spot for nibbles and negotiations.

Sharlitte is conducting this Charter negotiation personally, and has stepped

away from yet another reception in order to see the Guild herself. She is
power dressed, in form fitting business armour and dripping in statement
jewellery. Her hair contains more treasure than a hundred delves could gather,
and she wears it with comfort and confidence. That confidence is bolstered
by the presence of her head of security, Dante Bone.

Aside: King, this scene should be short, spicy, non threatening and palms
open. In other words, there should be no trickery here, no threats, nothing
untoward. Sharlitte is upfront, honest and no nonsense. Just play the scene
out to give all concerned a chance to chew a little scenery, get warmed up,
perhaps have a little mini-flex if they must, but basically everyone should
shake hands and get to it. The Charter lies on the other side of this scene,
don’t let it slip away.

Aside aside: there’s more on Bailey & Motte in The Call of Cataclysm.

A coloured print of La Minerve National Air and Space Museum

The Bailey & Motte Agenda
Bailey and Motte are an organisation that serves as an umbrella for Adventuring Guilds. They auction off treasure, provide support and
training for their own in-house Guilds and liaise with local authorities. There's more about them on page 124 of the main book, but just
think of them as some kind of corporate Adventuring Inc and you won't go far wrong.
The B&M agenda is the one that overtly drives this scenario.
Wants the Fang reunited, so it can be destroyed/leveraged/exploited!
1.Will use in house acquisition teams to track and trace the Fang
2.Will offer Black Charters to assassinate any reluctant Fangs ("If they won't adventure for me, I'll make sure they won't adventure for
anyone else either.")
3.Will do same against your Guild to silence witnesses if necessary

The Adventuring Party Agenda

Morgan Ironwolf, a warrior; Silverleaf, an elven mage; Fredrik, a dwarf commander; Sister Rebecca, a priest; and Black Dougal, a rogue.
These beings have banded together to form a political lobby bent on regulating Guilds for their own continued health and well-being. Think
of them as a nascent union, promoting collective rights. Check out page 107 of KoD for more on these guys.
Wants to recruit all independent Guilds to them. They plan to use The Fang as iconic poster beings, to take back the spirit of original
adventuring from what they see as the homogenous B&M creed.
1.Will directly attempt to recruit your Guild to their cause
2.Posters and proclamations of AP propaganda start to be seen everywhere
3.Deadline set for mandatory registration or to be ostracised, potentially criminalised

The Rival Guild Agenda

The Fang’s rival Guild from back in the day, their infernal nemesis (I use Hexensquare as last seen in the first KoD adventure, The Call of
Cataclysm), or you can sub in your own choice based on your own experiences so far), was largely unknown to the general populace as they
were most often too little or too late to affect the Charter. Years of second fiddle simmering resentment was about to come to a head with a
massive confrontation at The Fang’s Guild HQ, when The Fang suddenly announced their retirement, completely out of the blue. The rivals
themselves didn't retire though. Instead, even with some of the wind taken out of their sails, they regrouped, went back to their low level
Charters and forgot all about The Fang. Until now...
To gain prestigious Charters, preferably at the expense of our Guild.
1.Will beat your Guild to a Fang
2.Will arrive late to poach a Fang
3.Will attempt to slay a Fang to spoil your Guild's chances
Gathering Information
They were working their debut Charter, rescuing some captured
Marquis no-one now remembers, when the Saladragon reared up.
Your Guild will want to know more about their quarries. Some
Thirty feet of magma-dripping terror glared down at them through
information can be doled out as common knowledge. These
smouldering vents where its eyes should be. Tendrils of greasy
open secrets should be discovered via contacts, overheard
smoke drifted out from between black glass fangs the size of
conversations, scroll research, or simply from memory. Let the
scimitars. The Saladragon stood between them and the only exit
players decide how the characters know what they already
from the dungeon.
Tamlin wielded a greatsword which Rhori’s church had custom-
Other information is harder to come by, and these hidden clues
blessed for him. The sword was made of honey-tinted bladium. The
should be obtained through play, and delivered through a variety
hilt and quillon set with a myriad of precious stones. Tamlin bellowed
of methods. Each Charter lists the specific, deeper, secrets and
his God’s battle cry - "Smile, ya bastard!" - and charged headlong into
clues that can be obtained.
the surprised jaws of the Saladragon. Mystnera wrapped her arms
around the beast's neck and wrestled it to the ground. Its titanic jaws
Public knowledge snapped shut mere inches from Alyndra’s face. Tamlin swung his
The Fellowship of the Fang were... great weapon with both hands. The sword blade bit deeply into the
• Kalzivere “Kal” Hatlord III, a half-goblin mage Saladragon's neck and, powered by magic from a safely distanced Kal,
• Venn, a human rogue keened through to the other side. Venn leapt from the shadows and
• Tamlin Graves, a human commander gutted the beast with his signature quill-thin, razor-sharp blade.
• Alyndra, an elven scholar Magma spewed from multiple wounds and lacerations. With an
• Rhori Oathsworn, a dwarf priest earth-shaking crash, the Saladragon slumped at the Guild’s feet, dead
• Mystnera, a human warrior and smoking. The combined skills of the Guild had saved the life of
the Marquis and ended the dark reign of the Saladragon-tyrant. The
The legend of The Fang, as related by bards employed by Kal to Fellowship of the Fang returned to Cataclysm as heroes.
spread the Guild's origin story back in the day, follows.
The Fang successfully pursued many more Charters over
They have never spoken
the years before splitting up in mysterious circumstances,
publicly of the reasons for the
right in the middle of a live Charter.

Each never again took up sword,

song or spell for any Guild,
preferring instead to pursue solo
1. Alyndra. They never manage to get past the bureaucratic
obstacles and give up the chase quite early hoping for easier
Each Fang has their own agenda, and their own opinions on the pickings.
others. Some will be easier to recruit than others, but the order in 2. Rhori. They go in heavy handed and are defeated in battle by
which they are approached might make a difference. Each Fang Rhori's minions. They retreat to lick their wounds.
comprises a mini Charter of its own. Your Guild is free to pursue 3. Tamlin. He agrees to a meeting, but then turns the RAP down
whoever they want, in whatever order they want. The adventurers flat. Not interested.
are on an invisible clock however. Sharlitte has other Guilds 4. Venn. He agrees to follow the RAP back when promised a fat
working this Charter, she's not silly and, as noted above, this rival purse for his time. They also get Venn's daughter, Sarya.
Guild will be racing for the Fangs themselves. The RAP will work 5. Mystnera. The RAP have leverage in the form of Mysty's child
through the Fangs in the following order: who they keep as hostage convincing her to return to the
6. Kalzivere. Kal finds the RAP approach ridiculous and hilarious
in equal measure and uses his magic to turn the petitioners into
servant geckos.

Silhouettes courtesy of Telecanter’s Receding Rules. Art is in the public domain.

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