Turning Forces

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By the end of this topic, students should be able to;

1. define the moment of a force

2. state the principles of moments and use it to solve problems
3. explain the action of simple tools and devices as levers

To learn about the fundamentals of moments, click here

Terms to know:

● Clockwise (cw) : as the hands of a clock move

● Anticlockwise or counterclockwise (ccw)


The moment, T, of a force is the product of the magnitude of the force, F,

and the perpendicular distance, d, from the pivot to the line of action of the
force. In other words, T = F x d
The units of moments is the newton meter (Nm)

For example, if a force of 200N is applied to the spanner at a distance of 30

cm from the pivot point (the nut), the moment, T, of the force will be;
= 200N x 0.3m
= 60 Nm
Is this spanner experiencing
clockwise or counterclockwise

To learn more about the principle of moments, click here

When an object is in equilibrium (balanced and not moving), the

sum of the clockwise moments about any point (acting as a
pivot) equals the sum of the anticlockwise moments about the
same point.
Clockwise moments = F x d
= 300N x 1.5 m = 450Nm

Anticlockwise moment = F x d
= 450N x 1m = 450Nm

The system is in equilibrium as the clockwise moment is equal to

the anticlockwise moment.

(a) Calculate the clockwise moments acting on the plank.

Cw moments, T = F x d
= 50 N x 6 m = 300 Nm
(b) Calculate the anticlockwise moments acting on the plank.
Ccw moments = F x d
= 80 N x 4 m = 320 Nm
(c) Is the plank in equilibrium (balanced) ?
No. The plank is not in equilibrium. The ccw moments are greater
than the cw moments.

Weight = mass x gravity

W =mxg
= (9kg X 10N/kg)
= 90 N

(a) Calculate the total anticlockwise moments.

Ccw moments, T = F x d
= (m x g) x d
= (9 x 10) X 0.4
= 36 Nm

(b) Calculate the total clockwise moments.

Cw moments = (F x d)1 + (F x d)2
= ((4 x 10) x 0.3)) + ((4 X 10) x 0.6))
= (40 x 0.3) + (40 x 0.6)
= 12 Nm + 24 Nm
= 36 Nm

(c) Is the system in equilibrium?

Yes. As the ccw moments and the cw moments are equal, the system
is in equilibrium.


a. Calculate the total anticlockwise moment if F2 = 8N.

Ccw T = (F x d)
= 8N x 4m
= 32 Nm
b. Calculate the total clockwise moments.
Cw T = (F x d)2N + (F x d)3N
= (2N x 3m) + (3N x 8m)
= 6 Nm + 24 Nm
= 30Nm

c. Is the system in equilibrium

Try these additional questions on moments


When two or more parallel forces act on an object, several things may
happen. First, we decide whether the object is in equilibrium. If it is neither
moving or turning, then it is definitely in equilibrium.

For an object to be in equilibrium, two conditions must be met.

1. The sum of the forces acting on it in one direction must equal the
sum of the forces acting on it in the opposite direction.
2. The sum of the clockwise moments about any point on the object
must equal the sum of the anticlockwise moments, about the
same point.



● Name the upward forces acting on the bridge.

● Identify the downward forces acting on the bridge.
● How many parallel forces are acting on the bridge?

From condition 1, we have identified upward and downward forces acting

on the bridge:

Sum of upward forces = sum of downward forces

FA + FB = mbg + mtg

Now imagine that the bridge might turn or tip up at one end and we choose
a suitable pivot. Let’s use point P.

Because point P is also at where FB acts, FB has no moment about it.

From condition 2, we can calculate the clockwise and anticlockwise
moments acting about point P:
(Assume mass of truck acts at a distance of 0.25L from P and the mass of the
bridge acts at distance of 0.5L from P)

Sum of the clockwise moments = Sum of the anticlockwise moments.

FA x L = [(mb x g) x 0.5L] + [(mt x g) x 0.25L]

Question 1:
If the bridge is 50m long with a mass of 130,000 kg and the truck has
a mass of 30,000kg,
(a) calculate the total downward force acting on the bridge
Weight of truck = mass x gravity
= 30,000kg x 10 N/kg
= 300,000 N
Weight of bridge = mass x gravity
= 130,000 kg x 10 N/kg
= 1,300,000 N
Total downward force on bridge = 1,300,000 N + 300,000N
= 1,600,000 N
(b) state the total upward force acting on the bridge
For a bridge in equilibrium, the sum of the downward forces must
equal the sum of the upward forces. Therefore, the total upward
force acting on the bridge is 1,600,000N.
(c) calculate the value of FA
Sum of cw moment = sum of ccw moments
FA x L = (weight of bridge x 0.5L) + (weight of truck x 0.25L)
FA x 50m = (1,300,000 N x 25m) + (300,000N x 12.5m)
= 32,500,000 + 3,750,000
FA x 50m = 36,250,000 Nm
FA = 36,250,000 / 50
= 725,000 N

(d) calculate the value of FB

FA + FB = mbg + mtg
FA + FB = 1,600,000 N
FB = 1,600,000 N - FA
= 1,600,000 N - 725,000 N
= 875,000 N

[Condition 1]
Using the formula
sum of upward forces = sum of downward forces
C1 + C2 = W2 + W1
= 200,000N + 5,000,000N
= 5,200,000N
[Condition 2]
Using the principle of moments:

Sum of clockwise moments = sum of anticlockwise moments

C1 x 50m = (200,000N x 45m) + (5,000,000N x 25m)
= 9,000,000Nm + 125,000,000N
C1 x 50m = 134,000,000Nm

C1 = 134,000,000Nm ÷ 50m

C1 = 2,680,000N

C1 + C2 = 5,200,000N

But C1 = 2,680,000N

Therefore, C2 = 5,200,000N - 2,680,000N

= 2,520,000N = 2,520kN

C1 = 2,680,000N and C2 = 2,520,000N

Summary Questions:
1. Give two things that would decrease the moment of a force.

2. State the principle of moments.

3. What is the unit of the moment of a force?

4. Calculate the moment of a force of 8N acting at 25cm from a pivot.

5. Which has the larger moment, a force of 15N acting 60cm from a

pivot, or a force of 20N acting at 40cm from the pivot?

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