4D ENGLISH FEST (Final Script)

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English Fest: Drops of Consciousness: A

Water Conservation Pledge

Skit 1: "The Birth of Water: A Magical Story" (3 students)

[The stage is dark, totally off]

Storyteller 1 [Claudia Palomino]: Once upon a time, long before anything else existed, there
was darkness all around. But in that darkness, there was a tiny spark of something special,
waiting to make the world come alive.

[Aqua [Naomi Tanaka] who is in the middle of the stage turn on her fluorescent light,
representing the spark which one [Claudia Palomino] was talking about, start playing the
soundtrack of water drops/waterfall]

[Starts playing the melody of Honor the water [Mariana Prieto] start playing the violin]

[As the storyteller [Claudia Palomino] speaks, [Mariana Prieto] plays the violin]

Storyteller 2 [Luciana Alvites]: (continuing) From that spark, amazing things started to
happen. Little by little, the world began to take shape, and one of the first things to appear
was something very important: Water!

[Starts playing the complete song Honor the water ([Mariana Prieto] plays the violin (just the
intro), and [Mikela Benitez] sings)]

[Aqua [Naomi Tanaka] dances to the same song acting and moving as water]

Aqua [Naomi Tanaka]: (gently) Hello, inhabitants of the earth! I'm Aqua. I'm all about life and
making things grow. I came to help the world be a better place.

[As Aqua speaks she dances making moves like she’s making shapes of waves. Other
students move and dance backwards wearing light blue pieces of fabric)]

Storyteller 1 [Claudia Palomino]: (excitedly) Aqua was like magic! Wherever she went, she
brought life and happiness. From the tallest mountains to the deepest oceans, Aqua was there,
making everything better.

[Aqua begins to dance gracefully across the stage, her movements light and joyful, as if she's
dancing with the water itself.]

Aqua [Naomi Tanaka]: I'm the rain that falls from the sky, and in the rivers that flow by. I'm in
every drop you drink, and in every tear you cry. I'm Aqua, and I'm here to stay and make the
world a better place every day!

Storyteller 2 [Luciana Alvites]: (presenting her children) And so, thanks to Aqua, the world was
a brighter and happier place, but, is it enough just with Aqua? (asking the audience)
Skit 2: "The Water States' Conversation: Taking Action" (6 students)

[Three students representing the water states, Solid [José Heras], Liquid [Eduardo Centeno]
and Gas [Nícolas Lam] enter the stage wearing raincoats of different colors holding signs
with their respective state, there’s also a tree in the background of the stage [Nicolás
Ramos]standing up]

Storyteller 1 [Mariana Prieto]: A lot of time passes and Aqua has three children, the little
water states, they grow to become the key to take care of the world.

Storyteller 2 [Sofía Qiu]: Sadly, they are fighting with the consequences of the climatic change,
a problem which affects all of us.

[Solid [José Heras], Liquid [Eduardo Centeno] and Gas [Nícolas Lam] are gathered in the
center of the stage, engaging in a conversation.]

Solid [José Heras]: (heated) It's too hot today! I hope the temperature doesn't rise much.

Liquid [Eduardo Centeno]: (nodding) I agree, Ice. We need to maintain a delicate balance to
ensure that we all stay in our respective states.

Gas [Nícolas Lam]: Indeed, our environment is changing rapidly. The air feels heavier, and
there's an unusual smell in the atmosphere.

Solid [José Heras]: (concerned) I've noticed that too, Steam. It seems like our home, Earth, is
facing some serious challenges.

Liquid [Eduardo Centeno]: (worried) You're right, Ice. Pollution is becoming a major problem
for all of us. Our rivers, lakes, and oceans are being contaminated with harmful substances.

Gas [Nícolas Lam]: (sighing) It breaks my heart to see our once pristine waters tainted by
pollution. It affects not only us but also the creatures that depend on us for survival.

Solid [José Heras]: (angrily) Those humans need to realize the impact of their actions! Dumping
chemicals and waste into our oceans and rivers is unacceptable!

Liquid [Eduardo Centeno]: (nodding) Yes!, perhaps I think it is better to tell mom…

Tree in the background [Nicolás Ramos]: And what if you guys send Saint Francis to talk with
the animals first…? They may have problems with the water and the weather too

Gas [Nícolas Lam]: Oh, It’s that the voice of nature?

Tree in the background [Nicolás Ramos]: Yes, I’m, trust on me kids I know when something
Isn’t okay

Solid [José Heras]: So let’s Francis know that we need his help!

Liquid [Eduardo Centeno]: Let’s go guys!

Skit 3: Title: "The Thirsty Animals" (10 students)

Storyteller 1 [Álvaro La Puente]: The three water states met Saint Francis and asked him to talk
with the animals. The Animals were complaining about the situation. They were thirsty and
weak. They were working out a solution.

[Enter Bruno the Bear, Fin, the Fox – Rossie, the Rabbit – Oliver the Owl and Willow, the
wolf, gathered around the dry waterhole, it is represented by a light blue blanket on the

Bruno [Joquín León]: (roaring) This is unacceptable! How are we supposed to survive without

Finn [Gabriel Mateo]: I can't even remember the last time I had a proper drink. This dirty
puddle won't sustain us for long.

Rossie [Fernanda Peña]: It's true! My fur is drying out, and I fear for the safety of my offspring.

Willow [Mikela Benitez]: We need to do something, but how do we make the humans

Storyteller 2 [Araceli Liu]: The animals were thinking about their dilemma, scratching their
heads and looking uncertain. Suddenly, Saint Francis turned up and talked with the animals]

Saint Francis [Leonardo Valverde]: Peace and All Good my sisters and brothers, how are you?

Bruno [Joquín León]: Oh Saint Francis, do you know we are running out of water and we don’t
know what to do!

Finn [Gabriel Mateo]: How are we supposed to drink and freshen ourselves?

Rossie [Fernanda Peña]: That's true. We’ll die unless we act fast

Willow [Mikela Benitez]: Maybe…Saint Francis, will you be able to help us?

Saint Francis [Leonardo Valverde]: Of course, I was waiting for you to ask me, I will talk to the
humans with Aqua, I’m sure they will understand If we show them the problem!

Bruno [Joquín León]: excitedly) Wow! That's amazing Saint Francis, It’s essential to make them
know what they are doing wrong!

Storyteller 3 [Gino Chen]: The animals gather around Saint Francis to thank him for his great

Oliver [Nicolás Espezúa]: (addressing the group) Yup, so please, Saint Francis, In the name of
all the animals and nature, help us to restore our home!

Storyteller 4 [Macarena Bravo]: The animals nod in agreement, determined to make their
voices heard. And so, Saint Francis decided to talk with the humans but this time, he didn’t go
alone. He went with Aqua, the mother of his life…
Skit 4: "Making conscience" (12 students)

Storyteller 1 [Julieta Lama]: In a typical household kitchen. A family like yours or mine, was
getting ready for their day.

Dad [Adrián Flores]: (confused) What's going on? Why is there no water?

Mom [Claudia Daniela]: (frustrated) I don't know, but we need water to get ready for work and

Storyteller 1 [Julieta Lama]: The family members look around, realizing the severity of the
situation, when suddenly Saint Francis and Aqua step in front of them

Saint Francis [Leonardo Valverde]: Peace and All Good. Don’t worry family we came to help

Aqua [Naomi Tanaka]: Probably you don’t know us, so we’ll introduce ourselves

Saint Francis [Leonardo Valverde]: I’m The Patron of The Nature and I always look forward the

Aqua [Naomi Tanaka]: I’m the mother of life, Aqua, the personification of the water

Son [Sebastián Jo]: (surprised)Is it true? Who are you? Can you repeat, please?

Daughter [Camila Macavilca]: (concerned) Will you bring water for us? We won't be able to
take a shower!

Dad [Adrián Flores]: (trying to stay calm) Calm down, let's not panic. We need to figure out
what's going on and find a solution.

Mom [Claudia Daniela]: (sighs) Aqua, how will we recover water? It’s essential for life! We
won’t survive without water!

Storyteller 2 [Fang Ye]: All the family rushed to gather containers to look for water outside.]

Son [Sebastián Jo]: (calling their neighbors) hey neighbours, come. We found water and won’t
let it go!

Aqua [Naomi Tanaka]: Hold on, I have a message for you. I will give you all the water you need
provided that you use water responsibly.

Daughter [Camila Macavilca]: What do we need to do?

Neighbour 1 [Luhana Cano]: We should take shorter showers and turn off the tap after
brushing your teeth

Neighbour 2 [Jimmy Yuan]: Reduce the use of water everyday

Neighbour 3 [Nicolás Shen]: We should water the plants at night only.

Neighbour 4 [Amaranta Cherre]:Fix the water pipes and leak whenever it’s necessary.

Neighbour 5 [Denver Tang]: Avoid washing the car if it isn’t necessary.

Neighbour 6 [Nicolás Ilizarbe]: If we use water responsibly, we won’t run out of water in the

Saint Francis [Leonardo Valverde]: You are totally right brothers and sisters. Now go and share
this message with your families and friends.
Aqua [Naomi Tanaka]: Now, you know what you have to do. You are aware of the danger of
running out of water. It depends on you to keep alive. Water is Life!

Song: "Echoes in rain" (everybody sings)

[All the students enter to the stage to sing together]

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Wait for the sun

Watching the sky

Black as a crow

Night passes by

Taking the stars

So far away

Everything flows

Here comes another new day

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Into the wind

I throw the night

Silver and gold

Turn into light

I'm on the road

I know the way

Everything flows

Here comes another new day

Alleluia, alle-alle alleluia

Alleluia, alleluia

Alleluia, alle-alle alleluia

Alleluia, alleluia

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Echoes in rain

Drifting in waves

Long journey home

Never too late

Black as a crow
Night comes again

Everything flows

Here comes another new day

Alleluia, alle-alle alleluia

Alleluia, alleluia

Alleluia, alle-alle alleluia

Alleluia, alleluia

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Alleluia, alle-alle alleluia

Alleluia, alleluia

Alleluia, alle-alle alleluia

Alleluia, alleluia

Alleluia, alle-alle alleluia

Alleluia, alleluia

Alleluia, alle-alle alleluia

Alleluia, alleluia

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah


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