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Chapter 1

What are crystals?

We have all heard the word “crystals”. The word “Crystal” refers to a type of jewelry with
healing purposes, a spiritual or decorative purpose. Therefore, depending on how the
word is used, it is possible to assume that crystals are used for different purposes. But
what are crystals, anyway?

Well, crystals are minerals that, through a natural geological chemical process, solidify.
Crystals have specific, unique chemical compositions. They also have extremely ordered
atoms and specific physical properties, distinct for each particular type of crystal. Even
though people say they are “beautiful” stones, they are actually very specific in their
composition. The opposite of a stone which is an agate of minerals and/or mineraloids,
but which does not have a specific composition. A mineral can, in composition, vary from
pure elements of simple salts to complex silicates with thousands of known forms. The
study of minerals is called mineralogy. So, in simple terms, a crystal is a mineral.

For a mineral to be classified as a “true mineral”, it must have a crystalline structure and
be in solid form. It must also have a homogeneous substance arising naturally with a
defined chemical structure. A “crystal” has a geometric spatial arrangement of atoms in
its internal structure. There are 14 crystal structure arrangements for atoms in the third
dimension called the “Bravais Lattice”. Each of these structures can be classified into one
of seven crystal systems.

All crystals recognized today fall into one of the Bravais Grids within one of the seven

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A crystal structure is based on a regular internal ionic and atomic arrangement,

characteristic of the geometric shapes assumed by a specific crystal. Even when mineral
grains are too small to be seen, they retain the same atomic and ionic structures making
a crystal grain. Without a doubt, it is the chemistry and structure that truly define a crystal.

It is also a fact that two minerals can have the same chemical structure but be different
in crystal structure, which is known as polymorphs. Examples of polymorphs would be
pyrite and Marcasite, two iron sulfides, but different in terms of their atomic structural
arrangement. Likewise, two minerals can have the same crystal structure but not the
same chemical composition. Some examples include halite, which is composed of
sodium and chlorine. Galena, composed of lead and sulfur. And periclase, composed of
magnesium and oxygen: but the three share the same cubic crystalline structure.

Physically, the crystalline structure has a lot to do with its properties. For example. A
diamond and graphite have the same composition. They are pure carbons, but graphite
is soft, while diamond is one of the hardest minerals in the world. This is because the
atomic arrangement of the two is totally different. The carbon atoms in graphite are
arranged in layers and can easily slide over each other, while the diamond atoms interlock
to form a powerful three-dimensional network. The structure and symmetry of a crystal
play a role in determining many of its physical properties, such as breakage, band theory,
and optical transparency.

The main difference between crystals and stones is that crystals are naturally solidifying
minerals with specific chemical compositions and crystal structures. On the other hand,
stones are agates made up of one or more minerals and other things. A stone may
contain remains of organic matter, as well as mineraloids. Some rocks are just minerals,
like limestone, which is basically a sedimentary rock made up entirely of crystallized
calcium carbonate. The rocks that form the Earth's crust are composed of quartz, feldspar,

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mica, chlorite, cauline, calcite, epidote, olivine, augite, hornblende, magnetite, hematite,
limonite and some other minerals.

Some minerals can be found all over the world, while others are only found in a few
specific locations. More than half of the known mineral species are so rare that only a
few samples have been found. Many are only known thanks to two small grains.
Classifying minerals can range from something very simple to something very complex.

A mineral can be classified and identified by several physical properties. Others were
identified thanks to techniques such as X-rays. There are currently 4,000 known
minerals, according to the International Association of Mineralogy, responsible for
approving and naming new mineral species discovered in nature. Among them,
perhaps 100 can be called “common”, 50 are “occasional”, and the rest range from
“rare” to “extremely rare”.

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Chapter 2
Crystals and Metaphysics

Crystals were used in ancient civilizations for their healing and metaphysical
properties. There is archaeological evidence that early humans used
crystals in their metaphysical belief systems. When using crystals for
metaphysical purposes or for healing/spiritual reasons, the crystalline
atomic structures combined with the chemical composition of the crystal
must emit an electromagnetic energy. It is this energy that gives the crystal
its “healing” power. Healing can be spiritual and/or physical, through spiritual

Crystal “healing stones” come from our Mother Earth, which is a source of
spirituality in many belief systems. Crystals are created mainly from the
“magma or central core of the earth”. Crystals purchased to use in your own
healing or for spiritual purposes have naturally gone through a geological
process of heating, cooling and shifting to become what we know as a
Crystal. The actual energy field of a crystal is influenced by its geological
shape, its color and its subtle vibration. Each crystal is composed of a tiny
crystalline structure that emits energy, frequency or vibrations due to its
constant atomic movement. The density of the crystal, as well as the
radiation of light through the crystal, also plays a role in its spiritual and
healing characteristics, as does its color.

From the earliest days, men and crystals have been in symbolic connection.
There is evidence of this connection documented since the fourth millennium
BC. Ancient civilizations, such as the Chinese, Egyptians, Sumerians,
Greeks, Romans, Shamans and healing magicians, used precious stones
to heal in multiple ways – in the form of powders or elixirs, worn, carried or
placed on the body and during ceremonies. and rituals. This ancient
knowledge has survived to this day, and is further accentuated by the
growing popularity of holistic health and healing. The use of gemstones is
once again entering modern life.

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Crystals were used in three basic ways for metaphysical purposes.

They can be rough, cut or in the form of objects, such as jewelry. The
raw crystals are in their natural form. They are broken or undermined into
living stone. “Raw” means they are left in their natural state. Its surface
is irregular and it provides a rough feel and appearance. This untreated
surface, which appears “rough,” contains the greatest healing power.

They are placed on the body or hands as a meditation tool to heal a

person. Cut crystals are treated with water and sand until their rough
surface becomes smooth. These types are used as objects or in jewelry.
As their surface is smooth, they can be stroked or touched during the
healing process, but they can also be carried on the body or in a pocket.

From subatomic bodies to physical bodies and large vibrating bodies,

everything on this planet contains a form of dynamic energy. All crystals
have tiny crystals that vibrate and emit energy. Because atoms vibrate
and are in constant motion, they emit an energetic frequency. With that
in mind, just as we are affected by our environment and what we do in it,
so are crystals. Just like what we eat, the weather and colors we wear
affect us, and crystal vibrations are affected when we touch or use them.
They absorb and provide energy with our contact.

Therefore, the amount of light, both absorbed and offered by a crystal, is

equally important in its metaphysical healing properties. The color and
property of the crystal resonates with the energy system of the human
body creating an effect, based on the unique healing characteristic of
this crystal. They can harmonize the person and the environment when
used correctly.

Crystal healing, also called crystal therapy, is “vibrational medicine.” This

means it falls into a category of wide variety of alternative healing
systems, natural or holistic. These systems also incorporate spiritual and
metaphysical components into the healing process. Vibratory medicine
integrates the use of vital forces called “Qi or Prana”, and attempts to
create balance and harmony within the person and within

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of your environment to promote a healthy existence. Vibrational medicine

assumes that illness and dissonance are largely due to a form of imbalance
that blocks the flow of life force. When we have blockages, whether in our body,
our spirit or our environment, we are not in balance with the life force. It is fertile
ground for all diseases. Crystals are a remedy for many of these problems.

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Chapter 3
Healing and metaphysical properties of crystals

There are thousands of crystals on the planet. I'm not going to catalog them all because
that would take a lifetime. But here are some of the main crystals used for different

Types of crystals and their uses


Variety of colors – also known as quartz stone. Colors vary as much as the spectrum.

Used for spiritual healing and chakra cleansing. Allows you to look into the mirror of
your soul.


From light violet to dark purple.

Protection. Improves intuition and helps remember dreams. Stimulates hormones,
calms the nervous system, cures digestive, heart and hearing disorders, good for
insomnia, for bones, stomach, skin and teeth.


Light, pale blue.

Balances the physical body with the spiritual aura. Also used for physical healing and

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Typically green, but can also be yellow, blue, reddish brown and lilac.

Apatite is a balancing stone. Helps balance the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual
body. Also used to lose weight.


Clear, white, green, yellow, green, pink, violet or rarely

Used to conserve and rejuvenate energy. Facilitates the perception of the highest levels of
spiritual consciousness.


Light Blue.
A stone of joy and happiness. Traveler's protective stone.
Helps you see through people. Helps the throat, ear and mouth, spleen, heart and immune
system. Respiratory allergies.


White, colorless, with soft tones of red, yellow, orange and

Encourages patience and stability. Also used for hair loss and skin.


Various shades of green.

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Used for emotional balance. Also to treat disorders of the lungs, heart,
adrenals and muscles.

Black Obsidian

From dark green to dark brown to black.

Stimulates stability and protects against negative energy like a shield.

Black Tourmaline

Black – can be marbled with gray or brown.

Protection at all levels. Removes and purifies negative energy.
Stimulates the adrenal glands, reflexology points and lower back. Used
to treat arthritis, heart diseases and dyslexia.


It varies from dark green to greenish black with red markings.

Stability, concentration, protection, prosperity, relieves anxiety and depression. It works
with the blood and marrow to strengthen the blood. Equally beneficial for female
hormonal imbalances.

Blue Dumortierite

Jeans blue – can also be violet and pinkish brown.

It acts on emotions and creativity. Works with the third eye and psychic

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Generally white or colorless, with light shades of yellow, orange, blue, pink, red, green,
brown, black or gray.
Occasionally iridescent encontrada.
Raises vibrational levels and promotes faster healing in the body.


Colors ranging from orange to colorful coral, red and brown.

Considered the stone of “good luck”. Protects against anger, hatred and jealousy. It
helps to manifest one's desire. It can soften sadness and physically heal wounds,
rejuvenate tissues and cells, colds, allergies and neuralgia. It can help stimulate sexual

Cat eye

Colors ranging from honey to yellow, green and brown.

Stimulates intuition and awareness. Dispels unwanted energy. Also used as protection.


Light blue to steel blue and gray, sometimes with yellow and red veins.

Generates positivity, helps alleviate anxiety and despair, helps intelligence. Treats
hearing and vision disorders, mental dysfunctions and eliminates toxins. Aligns the
body's energies and helps to carry out astral travel.

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Chalcedony (represents a large family of stones with many shared properties)

Colors vary across the color spectrum: includes agates, jaspers, heliotrope, carnelian and
Helps eliminate fear, hysteria, depression, mental illness and sadness. Reduces fever,
helps the eyes. Stimulates stability in the practice of rituals.

Chiastolite or Stone of the Cross

Colors range from white to brown, green, red and orange with an apparent cross shape.

Stone of harmony, balance and mental, intellectual and emotional stability. Good for
blood, veins and respiratory problems. Balances the energies of the chakras.


Mostly green, but can be white, yellow, red, lavender and black.

One of the most supportive healing stones, used for positivity in all ways.


It goes from sunshine yellow to wine orange.

Called the stone of manifestation. It dispels anger, gives optimism, aids digestion and
provides mental clarity.

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All spectrums of white. The more light passes through the stone, the more it emits the
luminous white color. There are rare yellow, brown, black, pink and blue diamonds.

Known as the stone of innocence and purity. It attracts positivity, manifests good luck,
helps with creativity, improves psychic abilities, stimulates harmony and balance.


Mostly white, but can be yellow, pink, gray, brown or black.

This stone is specifically intended for depression. It helps to alleviate sadness. Used to
align and balance energies, remove blockages. It can be used for chakra energy loss.

It also helps rebuild muscles, blood, bones, teeth, nails and hair.


It varies in shades of green – some have yellow and blue.

Known as the “stone of success in love”, it provides domestic happiness by increasing
loyalty and sensitivity. It brings harmony to different aspects of someone's life. Helps
communication. Good for fertility and vision.


Colors range from the characteristic mauve to blue, green, yellow, colorless, brown, pink,
black and reddish orange.
Prevents other people from making unwanted energetic changes. Balances energy and
stimulates well-being. It absorbs discordant energies and, for this reason, is good for

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It varies from light to white, mauve, blue, smoke gray. You must open
them to see the color.
Clarity can help you see the bigger picture of the situation. You can make
a decision before things go wrong. They also conserve energy when
touched. So touch it and remember something.


All shades of red – from red to reddish brown, reddish violet and almost
black red.
Stone of health. Remove negative energies by exchanging them for
positive energies. Helps the circulatory system, including lungs and heart.
Detoxifies and strengthens the blood. Helps fight exhaustion, inflammation
and restores balance.


Varied tones, ranging from lead gray to silver and black.

Considered a stone of harmony. Reduces personal ideas and feelings of


White, with black or gray veins crossing the white.

It encourages tranquility, calm, patience, as well as prudent and positive
actions. Used to eliminate pain, anger and stress.
It discourages impertinence, encourages subtlety.

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Opal Hialita

Hyalite is a white, transparent opal that reflects the entire color spectrum.

Supports someone's progress. Help in each person's quest to find peace. It increases
self-esteem and increases financial gains and conversations. Helps balance male and
female energies in the body. Helps with mental clarity.


The colors range from blue to violet – it is possible to see yellow in transparency, it looks
like a sapphire.
Used to strengthen the aura; balances Yin and Yang, awakens intimate knowledge,
improves intuition.


It is a blue tourmaline – a deeper blue than other blue stones.

Used to strengthen communication skills. It acts on the third eye and the throat chakra,
facilitating psychic awareness.


It ranges from brick red to brown red with yellow, white, gray and/or black veins or spots.

Used for strength and protection. It gives you the power to express yourself and possess
independence. An uplifting stone, good for shy people; warrior stone, makes someone
fight against injustice and for what is right. Keep your feet on the ground. Heals the
kidneys, liver, bladder and stomach. Helps restore the lack of smell and remember

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Mainly blue, but exists in other colors – white, colorless, green, gray and black.

Balances the chakras; opens all chakras. Helps with communication on all levels, directs
conscious energy, promotes tranquility, stimulates the immune system, manifests
properties and induces dream memory.


Multicolor – the color changes according to the angle of refraction of light. The base of
the stone is silver/gray with blue, pink, green and yellow veins.

Protects the aura, cleans and balances, aligns the subtle bodies, transforms intuition and
intellect to get things done. Improves eyes, helps with gout, colds, rheumatic fever and
blood pressure.

lapis lazuli

Different shades of blue – some with white qualities and others with pyrite yellow.

They say it existed before the beginning of time. Used to gain access to these mysterious
realms, based on ancient texts. Stimulates consciousness, helps with depression,
harmonious relationships and spiritual development. Helps with disorders of the throat,
medulla, thymus and immune system. Insomnia, vertigo and inner ear damage.

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Mica Form. Found in mauve, pink, yellow, green or white.

Stone that helps with transitions from body to spirit. It allows for gentle change, hope
and acceptance. Connects the heart and soul, used to locate energetic blockages.
Against nightmares. Heals painful muscles, tiredness, stress, wrinkles and nerves.


Stone with green bands, bands that go from light to deep dark green.

Excellent for clarifying emotions, improves psychic abilities. Releases old and past
traumas. Helps with asthma, arthritis and swollen joints, tumors, injured muscles and
muscle strains.

Moon stone

Milky color with a bluish or yellowish tinge. It can be translucent with a soft pink or yellow
It carries the energy of the moon that helps balance emotions. Blue Moonstone facilitates
telepathic communications, balances Yin and Yang, spiritual growth. White Moonstone
protects against psychic attacks. Protects women and is a stone of rebirth. It absorbs
pain and illnesses, women's health problems, regenerates tissues and organs and heals
the reproductive system.

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Generally black with inclusions of black and grayish white, which look like snowflakes.
That's why it's called Snowflake Obsidian.

Used for protection. Protects against negative thoughts.

Used as a mirror to contemplate, to change negative communication patterns and
overcome obsessions. Relieves pain, helps circulation, especially in the hands and feet.


Opals are found in different colors – white, light or water opals, blue, pink, green, fire
opals, ranging from orange to cherry red.

Each color is linked to a specific part of the body or chakra.

Each has its own metaphysical attribute that corresponds to color. The benefits of using
opals in general are: it promotes introspection, imagination, awakens intuition, improves
clairvoyance and is used as a manifestation tool.

Peacock copper (Bornita)

From brown to black with a typical dark purple/blue tone, with a copper red cracked
surface. It has a metallic shine.
Brings hope, lifts mood. Used to treat the chakras and make them work together and
individually. Protects from external negativity. It helps in building the physical body by
renewing cell growth and development perfectly. Used for cellular imbalances, metabolism
and changes in body tissues.

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Peridot (chrysolite)

Shades of lime green, yellowish green and olive green.

Heals and relieves emotional stress, depression, anger and hatred, cleanses the lungs,
heart, lymph and chest, helps with fear and jealousy, used for protection, improves
prosperity and comfort. It is used for renewal and rebirth, intuition, inspires healing and
fights infections and flu. Good for nightmares and improves vision problems. Used for
weight loss.

Rose Quartz

Translucent pink crystals.

Stone of human warmth and love. Heals the emotions and the heart. Relieves emotional
pain and opens the heart to love. Relieves loneliness and represses pain. Promotes
forgetfulness and inner peace. Used to prevent wrinkles and for a beautiful appearance.


It goes from pink to blood red, blood red and bright red. It is the stone of nobility.
Stimulates the heart. It brings love, loyalty, trust and courage. It allows someone to love
themselves and their spirit. Stone of devotion. Passion stone. Good for fertility. Detoxifies
and eliminates toxins from the system. Used to treat fevers, compressed circulation and
blood flow, disorders of the heart, muscular system, throat, thyroid and brain.

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Shades of deep blue, even dark blue, almost black. They exist
also in lilac, red, pink, yellow, but they are not as common.
It represents loyalty, truth, sincerity and fidelity.
It helps in healing all parts of the body. Helps with communication and
the throat chakra, provides strength to whoever uses it in this area of the

Tiger Eye

Brown and gold colors, golden and brown stripes, looking

the color of a tiger's eyes. Offers protection, clarity, courage, gives
power, integrity and willpower. It is an excellent stone for
bring strength in difficult times. Helps with ADD, bipolar,
immaturity, creates order where there is chaos, allows us to see without illusions.
Good for eyes, reproductive system, night vision, bones
broken, relieves injuries and confusion, colon, digestion and
stomach problems and helps relieve pain.


Although it is best known in blue, it is also found

in yellow, brown, green, rainbow, red, gray, colorless
it's pink. Encourages a practical spirit. Manifestation stone, promotes
creativity, helps with mental clarity, stimulates confidence. Help
to replace negativity and depression with positivity and joy.
Helps maintain faith towards the state of enlightenment. Restores
loss of taste, relieves injuries and rashes.
Good for liver, gallbladder and gland disorders

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Tourmaline appears in many color varieties. Tourmaline is

a stone in which each color is used for something specific. Each color
corresponds to a chakra. Black: wards off negativity. Blue:
communication and the third eye. Brown: cleans the aura. Pink: promotes
love and joy. Green: opens the heart chakra. Orange:
improves creativity. Lilac: protects against negative entities.
Watermelon: unconditional love. Yellow: improves intelligence. Good
to the nervous system, blood/lymphatic toxins,
resentment, migraines, burns, asthma, headaches,
arthritis, swelling and immobility.

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Chapter 4
How to clean and purify your crystals
There are different ways to cleanse and prepare your crystals before
you can use them. These are some basic ways to purify, prepare, and
energize your new crystals before using them.

Physical Cleansing – Water Cleansing

To use a crystal for healing or any other purpose, they must first be
cleansed. When cleaning a crystal, you eliminate any superfluous
vibrations that are unwanted for the type of use you intend to make.
And because crystals come from the earth, when you buy or find one,
it may have mud, dust, oil, or debris on it.
So, the first step is to physically clean your new crystal.

Most of the time, how to clean a crystal depends on the type of crystal.
If you are not sure of its properties, try using water first of all. The
empirical method is that any crystal with a rating of 6 or higher on the
Mohs mineral hardness scale can be safely cleaned with water.
These crystals can be cleaned in running water, whether tap, natural
or in a river.
Crystals that can be safely cleaned in water include: the quartz family
(clear or “stone”, smoke, rose, amethyst, chalcedony, aventurine, etc.)
and precious crystals (diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires).

There are crystals that are soluble in water: those with a low score on
the Mohs scale. These types dissolve in water. Some score so low on
the scale that even brief, brief exposure can begin the process of
crystal deterioration.
If you are unsure of the crystal's classification on the Mohs scale, those
that end in “ita” tend to be water-soluble. They include: Fluorite, Calcite,
Malachite, Halite, Sodolite and Rhodizite; they should not be exposed
to water. Lapis lazuli, turquoise, ivory and gypsum are also water
soluble. One test you can perform if you are unsure of a crystal's
solubility is to take a sample and a steel knife. Try to shave the

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surface. If you can, there's a good chance it will be soluble.

If you buy a crystal with mud underneath, chances are good that it still has its growth
matrix. The matrix is the part of the earth in which the crystal grows. It is full of mineral
nutrients. With a dry sponge, gently remove the matrix. Be careful, as the crystal may
be softer than the matrix it is in. The matrix is usually yellow, hard, and cake-like on the
surface of the crystal, and if water and sponge do not work, it can be removed in an
oxalic acid bath for 2 to 5 days. You should use one part oxalic acid to two parts water.

Once the matrix is removed, you can use a hot water bath and a stiff brush for rough
crystals or a softer brush, such as a flexible toothbrush, for more fragile crystals. Some
people use dishwashing detergent to loosen dust. To remove stuck mud, you can also
use a toothpick. Do not use glass wool or steel tools on a crystal to avoid scratching or
damaging it.

Another way to clean a crystal is to dip it in water and add some sea salt. The salt adds
electrical properties that encompass the crystals. Use a metal bowl and non-ionized
sea salt. Use approximately 1 or 2 tablespoons for 4 liters. Soak the crystals for 24 to
48 hours. You can use or add rainwater, mineral water or water from a sacred spring.
You may need to change the water if it becomes very cloudy.

Pearls and anhydrite are sensitive to salt. Let your crystals air dry. People use sunlight
or moonlight for these purposes.

Other types of cleaning Once

the crystal is physically clean, you must clean it spiritually to remove unwanted
vibrations. This is so that unwanted vibrations do not interfere with your intentions and
the way you intend to use your crystal. Crystals absorb other energies without
discrimination. Also clean the crystals after

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use them in a session with someone or yourself. Crystals used in jewelry can also be
cleaned periodically.

You don't need to soak the crystals in water for several days.
Those that are not soluble in water can be cleaned with a little salt for 7 hours. If you
have performed a difficult exorcism with the crystals, you can cleanse them for 3 to 4
two or more times. A plastic bowl is recommended for this type of cleaning – glass is ok,
but it can chip the crystals. Cover the inches with two inches of water. Room temperature
water is best, as is spring water, which is rich in minerals and nutrients. The sea water is
also excellent. You can use distilled water for more refined work.

Another cleaning method is to bury the crystals. Some people place them in a bowl of
sea salt and bury them. But be aware that salt is also a crystal and can scratch it if not
used with great care. Another problem with burying with salt is that if there is moisture, it
can be absorbed through the pores of the crystal and cause platitude. Salt is not the best
option for keeping crystals in good condition.

Burying the crystals in the ground is an alternative used. A hole can be cut in a location
you feel is safe, and then you can carefully place your crystals. You must consider that
in the earth there may be some material that could damage the crystal.

Burying crystals is a good way to remove negative energy. There is a safe alternative for
those who prefer to bury them. Take a pot and buy soft material or foam. Fill the pot
with soft earth or foam, and bury the crystal. It can stay there for a few hours or several
days. If it is a water-soluble crystal, you can minimize moisture by using a container away
from water, moisture, and other moist threats. If the purchased soil is damp, dry it first. If
you have plants, you can use the soil after pruning; the crystals will not do any harm to
the earth. You must ensure that whatever the mixture

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used, the objective of this cleaning is for the crystals to come into contact with the earth.
You can also use sand.

“Incense” is also a technique used to cleanse crystals.

Just as sacred herbs are burned and used to purify spaces and people's auras, they are
also used to purify crystals. They are passed through smoke to be cleansed and purified.
You can use a mixture of dried sage, cedarwood, lavender and/or fine herbs for this
purpose. This cleanses the crystal's structures and energy field. You can cleanse a
crystal this way before or after a treatment session. You can also do this with incense
smoke. Fumigation should last 3 to 7 minutes. You can propel the smoke with a small
fan. Do not fan the smoke or put your hand in the smoke when cleaning the
crystals, as you will absorb the negative energy. Then do the same over yourself to
remove all negative energy, especially in your hands. You can also wash your hands in
salt water.

Using your Breath is another way to purify your crystals. Hold the crystal and breathe
slowly to prepare yourself and focus on it.
Taking a long, deep breath, focus on the crystal you are cleansing. Lift the crystal and
release your breath. Visualize static and ambient energy being expelled. Repeat until
you are satisfied or when you feel dizzy.

You can also use the energy to cleanse your crystals. There are many methods to
channel the energy needed to purify them. One of them is to concentrate with deep,
relaxing breathing. Hold the crystal with both hands and visualize the flow of energy.

Draw in universal energy first, from your preferred vertical source. Then, visualize this
energy radiating through the crystal. Another way is to channel light through your hands
through the crown and heart chakras. As the energy flows from the chakras to your
hands, visualize this energy passing through the crystal.

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These are some energy source tips for this type of cleaning:

1. Energies of the Cosmos or Earth.

2. Golden energies – the energy of divine compassion.

3. The Clear Light, which is the energy of pure creation.

4. Reiki Energy (Level 1 cleanses and energizes, level 2 activates).

Other natural sources to cleanse your crystals.

Rays have negative ions. They have been scientifically proven to be
beneficial for our health. The next time you know a storm is coming, place
your crystals under the rain and cleanse them of all negative energy.
Negative ions are generated by candles, burning wood in a chimney,
smoke from sacred herbs (sage and cedar), the ocean and large areas of
healthy moving water (such as the Great Lakes), deciduous and coniferous
forests, as well as electrical storms.

Sunlight is also used, especially to clean clear quartz crystals. Clear quartz
absorbs the sun like a magnet. They are very resistant to withstand the
heat of sunlight. If you want solar-type energy (light, restorative, life), place
your crystal on a window ledge or outside for a few hours.

You can place the crystal in a clear jar covered in clean water to amplify
the sun's energy.

Moonlight is also used to purify crystals. The light of the full moon has a
strong cleansing power and is 100% risk-free for your crystals, making it
an excellent method for cleaning any gemstone. Moonlight is another
method that can be used if the weather is nice. Place your rocks on a
windowsill or outside, if there is a safe place. You will place the stones
during the night of the Full Moon and leave them until the New Moon. The
waning phase of the Moon will help to cleanse and remove all energies
previously stored in the stones. You must remove the stones from the
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during this process, as the sun can discolor some stones.

So, every day, see how the stones feel. You may notice that some do not
need to be placed there for that long, while others may need many cycles
to be fully purified.

It is not recommended to use fire directly on the crystals, as they may melt
or crack.

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Chapter 5

Energize and activate crystals

When you clean a crystal, you remove any negative energy that may
be in it to purify it.
When you energize a crystal, you direct the use of the energy that the
crystal will have. You energize the crystal for a specific purpose or use.
Activating a crystal increases its energy and light capacity. When a
crystal is activated, it opens the dormant energy of the crystal to its
maximum capacity. Activating a crystal awakens the crystal matrix,
which increases the spectrum of light where the energy resides.

There are several methods to cleanse and purify; the same applies to
energize and activate. Here are some general ideas on how to energize
your purified crystal.

Sunlight also energizes crystals. In addition to cleaning them, the sun

recharges them with ultraviolet light called “light radiation”.

Because crystals come from the Earth, they are full of Yin energy, the
feminine energy. The crystal extracted nutrients from the soil – gas,
water, different minerals, to form into a crystal. When it is “harvested”
from the Earth, it removes Yin energies, and now it needs to receive
Yang energies, as a source of energy renewal. Thus, the sun's
ultraviolet light, the full spectrum of light, restores the depleted energies
of the crystals. The time they take depends on the crystal's ability to
absorb light (its crystalline energy structure plays a big role), the level
of energy exhaustion within the crystal, and the will of the person
manipulating the crystal. Generally, 4 hours in the sun once a week
keeps a small crystal energized and alert. However, some require
much longer to energize. You can do an experiment by placing the
crystal in the sun for a week, and then holding it in one hand.

If your crystal is not threatened by the sun, the sun's energy is a

powerful recharging element. Sunlight is beneficial for things like
improving areas of your life that need stimulation. One
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Solar charge can increase vitality, income, love.

Place the crystal in the sun, then set your intentions.

Energizing is simple: you will give your stone a job and directions.
Depending on the stone and your objective, try to reduce your intention
to a single work. For example. Love or self-love, use Rose Quartz.
Vision or psychic visions, use an Amethyst. And so on.

When your crystal already contains its own unique vibrational energies,
these energies can sometimes be reduced or depleted. Powering a
crystal is like starting a weak battery with cables. You should energize
your crystals after purifying them, before using them for a specific
purpose, or when their vibrations seem weak.

Moonlight is another positive energizing option, especially for moonstones

and milky stones such as milky quartz, opals, and pearls. For lunar type
energies (mystical, magical, inner development), place your crystal
outside (in water or not) under the light of a full moon for several hours.
For slightly different goals, place the crystal under a waxing moon
(towards a full moon) for a boost and new beginnings.

Place under the waning moon (after the full moon) to reduce – such as
debt, illness, etc. An energized crystal under the moon can be useful for
meditation or other types of intimate work.

Passing the crystal through an incense impregnated with the same

intention can help provide an immense boost of power. For example. An
incense associated with love energies (lavender, rose or apple tree) is a
good energizing element for a stone used to promote love energies
(rose quartz, emerald). Power-amplifying crystals, such as malachite,
can be energized with power-giving resins. You can also choose an
incense based on planetary or elemental associations. For example.
Use an incense associated with Venus for the stones associated with
Venus. Or incense associated with the earth element for crystals that
have the same association.

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There are specific moments in the solar cycle that have special energies. The autumnal
equinox is associated with the harvest, and you can energize a crystal at this time to
make your dreams come true. The spring equinox is linked to growth.

You can bury your crystal for a few hours for earthly energies (strength, magnetism, ward
off negativity). If you don't have a garden, a pot filled with soil will do the trick. You can
energize the land you live on with crystalline energy by burying crystals in the earth. (Be
sure not to forget where you buried them. A map would be a good idea.) Some people
like to program the crystals, then bury them in their gardens to help them have a bountiful
harvest. If you like to energize your crystals during preparation, you can bury them in
dried flowers. (If you use potpourri, make sure it's not artificially scented.) Any time of
year (as long as the ground isn't icy), you can bury it near a tree. It could be your favorite
tree or a tree associated with a special positive value. Oak trees symbolize strength.
Juniper, purification. Pine trees, in many cultures, are associated with healing.

For a powerful energization (strength, breaking stubborn energies), place your crystal
under a thunderstorm, where it absorbs the negative ions from the lightning. If you purify
your crystals in the rays, they will be powerfully energized when you take them out.

Music and sounds also have a charging effect on crystals. Place a crystal near a chime
and gently tap the chime several times. This has a harmonizing effect on the crystal. If
you enjoy chanting and practice regularly, do so in the presence of your crystals.
Especially if you want to use them as part of your meditation. Likewise, different
instruments are associated with different vibrations, as well as different notes in the
range. You can research to discover the correct associations with your crystals and play
music to them (live or recordings). You can also use a tuning fork or a

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“singing cup”, which is a crystal cup that produces a heavenly sound

when played correctly.

Another method to energize crystals is to use pyramids. The Ancient

Egyptians believed that the pyramid collected spiritual and magical
powers, when used correctly, and released energy. Like lightning,
pyramids generate negative ions that have a balancing effect on our
body's electromagnetic field. Pyramids are used as a vehicle to energize

There are metal pyramids that are just a structure and nothing more.
The metal frame can be made of copper, silver and 24K gold. It is the
shape of this pyramid and the type of metal that help energize the
crystal. It is placed inside the frame and left there for a few hours. The
way a pyramid is constructed causes energy to be directed upwards. If
you hold the crystal above the pyramid, visualize the energy rising into
the crystal.

There are also glass pyramids built to energize crystals. They are hollow
and you can use them in the same way, with the crystal inside or holding
it just above.

Crystal pyramids are also used to energize crystals. They can be made
from a wide variety of crystals.
Some of fine Austrian crystal, a crystal that reflects the rainbow spectrum
of light when you energize it.

GIVE IT ITS OWN ENERGY: You can transfer energy to your crystal in
countless ways to give it power. You can meditate and hold the crystal
in your projective (dominant) hand, visualizing the energy pouring into
it. You can hold the crystal and energize it with your own breath. You
can also energize it during religious rituals by placing it in front of you or
on your altar and directing the energy to it with your sacred tools.

Some Ways to Recharge a Crystal Crystals

work by infusing light to diffuse negative energy. For this reason, your
energy levels may become depleted.

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with time. It's good to recharge and refresh them with vertical power
sources. This revitalizes your energies and your light matrices.

An hour of sunlight can recharge the sun-friendly crystals you have.

This is especially beneficial for clear quartz.
Dark opaque stones, such as black tourmaline and obsidian, can also
benefit from this method.

Moonlight is also good for recharging your crystals. The full moon is
perfect. You can use any phase of the moon, as long as you know what
that phase of the moon does and the purpose of the crystal or stone.
Amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, smoky quartz, moonstone, calcite,
celestite, kunzite, aquamarine and other pastel or light colored stones
are revitalized by moonlight. This is a gentle technique to regenerate
personal stones overnight.

You can recharge a specific crystal by placing it on a quartz battery. If

you are concerned about scratches, you can place a piece of fabric,
such as cotton, between the crystal and the quartz.

A crystal arrangement is where you can use quartz crystals arranged in

a circle around the quartz pile or container that you use to recharge
your crystals. This also works to purify a crystal. For example. Arrange
the crystals according to the four directions: east, south, west, north,
also known as the medical shield. The crystals will channel fresh energy
to recharge the center crystal. If you want to energize your crystal with
a certain vibration, for example serenity or love, add crystals that will
allow you to feed that resonance, such as aquamarine, celestite, blue
chalcedony, chrysoprase, rhodochrosite and rose quartz. This method
is enhanced by the sun or moon.

You can recharge your crystals by sound, using a tuning fork for the
resonance wave of sound, a bell, a cup, or by anointing with suitable oil.

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Activate your crystal

Energizing your crystals will give them power. Activating them will awaken this power.
Sometimes you may have a crystal called a sleeper. This means he must know what his
purpose is and what power he possesses. If so, there are ways to do this.

You can use a ritual, holding the crystal and rolling it in your hands.
Some people sleep with the crystal under their pillow.
Others stare at it to activate it, as well as wash and manipulate it. All this allows you to
activate the crystal.

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Chapter 6
A last word about crystals

Crystals are wonders of nature, influenced by the vibrations of light that pass
through them. Crystals channel, amplify and reflect pure cosmic and terrestrial
energies in the form of light. Unlike crystals, stones can capture these energies only at
a much slower frequency. The vibration that captures the crystal or stone is influenced
by the matrix: type of mineral, family, formation and geographic location. It is the
natural vibration inherent in the crystal that influences the vibration it receives from the
light and other elements around it.

When light passes through a crystal, it encounters the energy of the crystal itself.
It is in the structure of the crystal matrix that the energy of light, reacting with it, causes
a transformation. It is for this reason that even if a crystal is not purified or energized to
be used for a specific purpose, it always has a power.

When a crystal is used for a specific purpose, it essentially becomes contaminated.

This is because crystals constantly collect energy. Therefore, it is important to clean
and purify carefully to keep your crystals in tip-top shape. Crystals purify and restore
themselves over time, but they require long periods of time to do so. When a crystal or
stone becomes saturated with negative energy, these energies will flow into the light
during the treatment session. That's why it's so important to keep crystals clean,
pure and energized.

Crystals and Minerals can be adjusted to improve their vibrations. They can also be
programmed for a specific purpose. When a specific vibration is introduced into a
crystal, intention passes through that molecular structure and in turn

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time, it resonates with the environment or with the person who uses it for a specific

As stated in the previous chapters of this ebook:

1. Physically cleaning removes toxins and foreign debris from the


2. Purify also clears toxins and debris in the spiritual matrix.

3. Energize, activates the energy in the crystal.

4. Activation awakens you, increasing the energy source and light that the
mineral accesses.

5. Recharging a crystal restores the crystal's energy levels.

6. Dedicating or programming defines the intention for using your crystal.

Dedicating your crystal takes a little time and defines the purpose you want to use
the crystal for. If your intention set for the crystal determines the way you want to work
with your crystal, it can work in harmony with the treatment or other work you do.
It is recommended that, during the dedication process, you visualize the idea of love,
light and good to neutralize any other thoughts that may interfere with the process.

Focus on the positive as your energy “bonds” with your crystal. Positive Affirmations
are very good for this. For example. You can say, holding your crystal: “I am protected
by the divine light and love of the Universe.” Another option might be: “Come to me and
through me to others and the Universe.” If it's for your physical space or your home,
you can

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dedicate an affirmation like this: “My home is protected by divine light and the love of
the forces of universal good.”

If you have a specific job for your crystal, do what is called “programming your crystal.” In
this case, the intention is clearly defined before the devotional process begins.

Always ask the universe to bless your intentions and devotions.

This is a simple way to perform a devotion. First, cleanse, purify, recharge and
activate your crystal. When you are ready, find a place where you can sit quietly
without being disturbed. Start by closing your eyes with your crystal in your hands
and breathe. Focus your energy and allow your attention to focus on what you want
to dedicate to the crystal. Repeat the intention to yourself until it becomes clear.
Then project the thought of your intention into the crystal. If the crystal has 3
faces, it is called the primary transmitter. If it has 7 faces, it is a plumber. On one
of these faces, you will place your intention for the crystal. Repeat your intention
consciously three times on the crystal. You now have a dedicated crystal.

In terms of programming a crystal, you can use a few simple techniques. The simplest
type of programming technique is to write a thought on paper, then place the crystal on
top so that it absorbs the thought. Thoughts are energy and crystals absorb and
emit energy. The crystal magnifies the thought and then acts as a transmitter. Then,
he sends the thought to the target, be it a person or thing, in an expanded state, as
indicated in the note. You can also place the crystal over a photo of a person to send
them the expanded thought programmed into the crystal.

Another way to program a crystal is to hold it, breathing through your nose and at
the same time hold the thought in your mind, then force your breath out through your
nose into the crystal.
Do this for each face of the crystal to program it when using this breathing technique.
A quartz crystal has 6 faces.
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The second breathing technique I will share is to create what we call “circular
breathing” by holding the thought of what you want in your mind, then breathing slowly
and naturally through your nose into the crystal, then breathing the energy
back in from the crystal. Repeat the circular breathing technique for 10 to 20
minutes. This is an effective meditation technique and powerful enough to direct
your thoughts and achieve positive results.

You can place whatever thoughts or images you want on the crystal.
When you want to eliminate them, breathe hard on the word “CLEAN” 6 times into
the crystal – one for each face. If there are 3, do it 3 times.
If there are 7, do it 7 times. And so on.

Never hold a crystal if you are having bad thoughts. Crystals don't make a
distinction, but spirits do, and so does the way we do things. Always wish well.
Crystals are a gift from nature. They are microcosms containing positive
energies drawn from the center of the earth. Crystals have no powers. They
become powerful once energized and are only as strong as the person who
energized them.

Purify and energize crystals, filling them with your intentions to have
available and useful tools for the spiritual work and treatments you need. When
you program them with clear, positive intentions, they draw the correct energy
you need for a treatment or spiritual work session.

You can keep your crystals in a cloth or in a cloth purse or bag. Silk bags are used by
many people who use crystals. When you guard your crystals you protect them from
spiritual or physical contamination. This keeps unwanted energy away from the crystal
until you want to use it. Remember that after using it for a treatment session, a crystal
must be purified and recharged to be ready for the next.


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This book is an introduction to the world of crystals and the vast

possibilities they possess when used correctly in
our lives. I hope this book has inspired you to keep going
learning about crystals and how to use them in your

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