JMBF Annual State of LGBTQI+ Rights in Bangladesh 2023

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Defending Human Rights, Fighting for Social Justice

Empowering Communities


Edited by:

Advocate Shahanur Islam

Founder President
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF)
Founder Secretary General
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBD)

Published at & on:

Paris, France , May 17, 2024

Funded by:
Seeking your generous Tinancial support to
publish regular updates on LGBTQI+ rights in
Bangladesh. Your contributions help us
monitor, document, and publish instances of
violence and challenges faced by the LGBTQI+

Published by:
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF)
107 Rue Galleini 93000 Bobigny, France,,,

Copyright © JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), 2024. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF).

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF)
The JMBF is an independent non-proTit, nonpartisan human rights
organization registered in France with registration number
W931027714 under the association law of 1901, dedicated to
defending human rights, Tighting for justice, and empowering
communities in Bangladesh and beyond.

Overall objectives:
The overall objective of JMBF is to contribute to the defense, promotion, education,
protection, and realization of human rights, including civil and political rights, regardless
of sex, caste, race, and faith.

Aims of JMBF:
i. The aims of JMBF are to defend against all forms of discrimination and
impunity against sexual (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer,
intersex+), ethnic-Indigenous, religious (Hindu, Buddhist, Christian,
Ahmedia) and social (Dalit), minority communities, as well as victims of
torture, extrajudicial killing, forced disappearance, and organized violence,
including women and children, by assisting individuals throughout
Bangladesh who have little or no access to human rights resources.
ii. In addition, JMBF aims to extend support to human rights defenders,
lawyers, journalists, bloggers, and artists at risk who are dealing with
human rights violations in Bangladesh.

iii. JMBF also aims to enable access to existing support services for
Bangladeshi-origin asylum seekers, refugees, and immigrants living in

SpeciOic Objectives of JMBF:

The speciTic objectives of JMBF include, but are not limited to:
I. Upholding the United Nations principles and Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, as well as the European Protocol & Convention of Human Rights, in

II. Materializing truth, justice, and complete reparation for serious violations of
human rights of minority people in Bangladesh, through legal and political
actions at the international, national, and local levels where human rights have
been systematically violated.

III. Ensuring physical, legal, and moral support, as well as social and economic
reintegration, to victims of human rights violations against minority people
throughout Bangladesh.

IV. Ensuring education, awareness, training, and dissemination of information

related to global human rights instruments among local-level professionals to
prevent all forms of human rights violations against minority people.

V. Ensuring access to support from human rights organizations for victims of

human rights violations, which will lead to building up institutions and human
rights defenders at the community level in Bangladesh.

VI. Sensitizing on speciTic issues of human rights violations, conducting lobbying,

campaigning, and advocacy activities at the national and international levels
based on research Tindings on legal and human rights aspects, to protect and
promote human rights in Bangladesh.

VII. Ensuring easy access to support services provided by the Republic of France
for Bangladeshi refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants living in France, by
disseminating information and establishing a strong reference mechanism.

02 Introduction of JMBF

04 Content

06 JMBF President’s Forward

08 Background and Context

10 Legal & Policy Framework

11 Social, Cultural & Religious Context

12 Political Parties Stand Towards LGBT Rights

13 Executive Summery

a. Types and Forms of Violence

b. Victims Geographic ProTiles
c. Victims Demographic ProTile
d. Analysis of Multiple Types of Violence
e. Perpetrators of Violence
f. Motivations and Contributing Factors
g. Legal Remedy of Violence
h. Legal Remedy of Violence

25 Murder of LGBT Individual (with Case studies)

34 Suicide of LGBT Individuals

39 Arrest of LGBT Individuals

53 Physical Assault on LGBT Individuals

55 Internal Class Between LGBT Groups

47 Interference in Personal Life of LGBT Individuals

59 Family Feuds involving LGBT Individuals

60 Violence against LGBT Individuals by Local Gov’t

62 LGBT Rights Violations by Government Personnel

65 LGBT Rights Violations in the Educational Sector

70 Violence against LGBT Rights Activists and Lawyers

73 Political Opposition to LGBT Individuals

75 Negative Portrayal of LGBT Issues in News Media

80 Positive portrayal of LGBT Issues in News Media

87 LGBT Individuals in National Parliament Elections

89 Success Stories of LGBT Individuals

98 Positive Initiatives Towards the LGBT Community

111 Involvement of LGBT Individuals in Alleged Violent Activities

113 LGBT Individuals in Social Actions

116 General Findings of Challenges on LGBT Issues

118 Recommendations for Addressing Violence

As the Founder President of JMBF, it is a profound honor to introduce the "Annual State of
LGBTQI+ Rights in Bangladesh 2023," following the groundbreaking inaugural report in
This publication is the culmination of rigorous monitoring of news media in Bangladesh
and analysis conducted by JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), covering
developments of LGBTQI+ rights from January to December 2023.

This second edition reafTirms our commitment to shedding light on the evolving
landscape of LGBTQI+ rights in Bangladesh, recognizing that achieving equality and
justice for LGBTQI+ individuals requires ongoing vigilance and advocacy.
Under the visionary leadership of the JMBF executive committee, we have diligently
assessed the challenges and victories experienced by the LGBTQI+ community, amplifying
the voices of those frequently marginalized through meticulous research and analysis.

However, it's crucial to acknowledge that this report, relying on news from online and
print media, may not fully capture the scope of incidents, as many violations remain
unreported due to social stigma and occurrences in private spaces.
Despite this limitation, the report encompasses not only legal and policy advancements
but also the lived experiences and resilience of community members, aiming to spark
dialogue, advocacy, and positive transformation in Bangladesh and globally.
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our team members, collaborators, and supporters
whose collective efforts have contributed to the creation of this report, fostering progress
towards a more inclusive and equitable society for all.
We urge policymakers, legislators, civil society entities, and community leaders to heed
the report's recommendations, facilitating collaborative efforts toward a future where
LGBTQI+ individuals in Bangladesh can live free from discrimination and violence.
Together, let us continue to work towards a future where LGBTQI+ rights are fully
recognized, protected, and celebrated in Bangladesh and across the globe.

With unwavering resolve,

Advocate Shahanur Islam

Founder President
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF)
Founder Secretary General
JusticeMakers bangladesh (JMBD)

Bangladesh, a South Asian nation, grapples with profound challenges concerning the
rights and safety of its LGBTQI+ population. This community faces a myriad of adversities,
including violence, discrimination, and marginalization, both socially and legally. The
prevailing socio-cultural norms, coupled with religious conservatism and a lack of
adequate legal protections, foster a hostile environment for LGBTQI+ individuals.
Unfortunately, many of these injustices remain unseen due to offensive laws and societal
norms, making it imperative to comprehend the nature and scope of violence against this
community to effectively address these issues.

In 2023, Bangladesh continued to confront signiTicant hurdles surrounding the rights and
well-being of its LGBTQI+ citizens. Instances of violence, discrimination, and
marginalization persist within both societal structures and the legal framework.
Sociocultural norms, religious conservatism, and insufTicient legal safeguards collectively

contribute to the unwelcoming atmosphere encountered by LGBTQI+ individuals.
Additionally, the prevalence of offensive laws and social norms further obscures incidents,
hindering efforts to combat violence and discrimination against LGBTQI+ individuals.
These factors cultivate an environment where LGBTQI+ individuals are vulnerable to
various forms of mistreatment, perpetuating stigma and hostility.

JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), dedicated to defending human rights,

Tighting for justice, and empowering communities in Bangladesh and beyond, remains
steadfast in its commitment to advancing justice and human rights. In 2023, JMBF
conducted monitoring and documentation efforts, meticulously recording 56 incidents of
violence against LGBTQI+ individuals. Through these initiatives, JMBF aims to illuminate
the prevalence, types, and geographic distribution of violence, along with the
demographic proTiles of the victims. By analyzing this data, JMBF endeavors to gain
insights into the underlying factors contributing to violence against LGBTQI+ individuals,
advocating for effective measures to address and prevent such incidents.

The Annual State of LGBT Rights in Bangladesh 2023, published by JMBF, offers a
comprehensive overview of the signiTicant challenges confronting the LGBTQI+
community in the country. Despite ongoing endeavors to promote justice and human
rights, LGBTQI+ individuals persistently encounter violence, discrimination, and
marginalization, exacerbated by restrictive legal frameworks and religious conservatism.
JMBF's vigilant monitoring, documentation, and research initiatives are integral to
informing advocacy endeavors aimed at realizing a more equitable and inclusive society
for all LGBTQI+ individuals in Bangladesh.


Article 19(1) of the Constitution states that the State shall endeavor to ensure equality of
opportunity to all citizens. This article underscores Bangladesh's commitment to striving
towards providing equal opportunities to all its citizens, irrespective of their background,
caste, religion, gender, or any other characteristic.

Article 27 of the Constitution of Bangladesh states that all citizens are equal before the
law and are entitled to equal protection of the law. This article emphasizes the principle
of equality before the law, ensuring that every citizen of Bangladesh is treated fairly and
receives equal protection under the legal system, regardless of their background or status.

Article 28 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh explicitly prohibits

the State from discriminating against any citizen on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex,
or place of birth. This provision reTlects Bangladesh's commitment to upholding
principles of equality and non-discrimination among its citizens, ensuring that all
individuals are treated fairly and have equal opportunities regardless of any backgrounds,
including sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression.

Despite constitutional guarantees of equal opportunity, equality before the law, and non-
discrimination outlined in Articles 19, 27, and 28 of the Constitution of the People's
Republic of Bangladesh, LGBTQ individuals continue to face signiTicant hurdles in
accessing these rights.

A primary obstacle is Section 377 of the Bangladesh Penal Code, a colonial-era law
inherited from British rule, which criminalizes "carnal intercourse against the order of
nature." This provision, although ostensibly applicable regardless of the genders or sexual
orientations involved, is inconsistently enforced.

Regarding gender identity and expression, hijras gained ofTicial recognition as a distinct
gender in 2013. However, the process for legally altering one's gender on ofTicial
documents remains obscure. Despite efforts to integrate hijras into society, including
their inclusion in job opportunities and law enforcement roles, obstacles persist.

These challenges encompass invasive medical examinations to ascertain gender identity

and the absence of explicit provisions in laws, ordinances, or regulations regarding
gender transition via sex reassignment surgery or the prohibition of conversion therapy.

However, in a positive development, in the 2023 parliamentary elections, the Election

Commission of Bangladesh granted the Hijra community the right to stand in
parliamentary elections by their own identity. This decision recognizes the Hijra
community's identity as distinct from male or female, marking a step towards greater
inclusion and recognition of gender diversity in Bangladesh.

- 10 -

In Bangladesh, the social, cultural, and religious contexts surrounding LGBTQ rights are
deeply entrenched in conservative norms and values, largely inTluenced by traditional
interpretations of Islam, the predominant religion in the country.

Social Context:
Social attitudes toward the LGBTQ community in Bangladesh are predominantly
conservative and often hostile. Traditional norms and values, shaped by cultural practices
and religious teachings, contribute to the stigmatization and marginalization of LGBTQ
individuals. Discrimination, harassment, and violence against LGBTQ people are common,
impacting various aspects of their lives, including family relationships, education,
employment, and healthcare.

Cultural Context:
Cultural attitudes toward LGBTQ rights are inTluenced by societal norms and values, as
well as media portrayals and popular culture. Negative stereotypes and misconceptions
about LGBTQ individuals are perpetuated, contributing to societal prejudice and
discrimination. However, there are pockets of support and solidarity within Bangladeshi
society, including from progressive individuals and civil society organizations advocating
for LGBTQ rights and inclusion.

Religious Context:
Religious attitudes toward LGBTQ individuals in Bangladesh are primarily conservative,
rooted in traditional interpretations of Islam, the predominant religion. Islamic teachings
often prioritize heteronormativity and uphold traditional gender roles, leading to the
condemnation of homosexuality and transgender identities.

The intersection of social, cultural, and religious factors creates complex challenges for
LGBTQ individuals in Bangladesh. They must navigate multiple layers of discrimination
and marginalization based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, and
cultural background. Despite these challenges, there are signs of progress, with a growing
LGBTQ rights movement and increasing awareness and acceptance of LGBTQ issues in
certain segments of Bangladeshi society.

- 11 -

In Bangladesh, the political parties' stances toward LGBT rights vary, reTlecting the
diverse perspectives within the political landscape and the broader societal attitudes
toward the LGBT community.

Bangladesh Awami League (BAL):

As the ruling party in Bangladesh, the Bangladesh Awami League has not taken a clear
and explicit stance on LGBT rights. While some members of the party may express
support for human rights and equality, including LGBT rights, the party's ofTicial position
tends to prioritize other political and social issues. However, the Awami League-led
government has taken limited steps to address human rights concerns, including those
related to LGBT individuals, although progress has been slow.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP):

The BNP, one of the major political parties in Bangladesh, has not openly advocated for
LGBT rights. The party's political platform focuses more on issues such as governance,
democracy, and economic development. Like the Awami League, the BNP has not made
LGBT rights a prominent part of its agenda.

Jatiya Party (JP):

The Jatiya Party, another signiTicant political force in Bangladesh, has not taken a clear
position on LGBT rights. The party's platform tends to emphasize national unity,
economic development, and social welfare, with less attention given to social issues such
as LGBT rights.

Leftist and Progressive Parties:

Some leftist and progressive political parties in Bangladesh, such as the Communist Party
of Bangladesh (CPB) and the Workers Party of Bangladesh (WPB), have been more vocal
in their support for LGBT rights. These parties often advocate for human rights, social
justice, and equality, including the rights of marginalized communities such as LGBT

Religious Parties:
Religious political parties in Bangladesh, such as the Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh and the
Islami Andolon Bangladesh, typically hold conservative views on social issues, including
LGBT rights. These parties always oppose LGBT rights, viewing them as contrary to
Islamic teachings and traditional values.

Overall, the political parties in Bangladesh have not made LGBT rights a central issue in
their agendas. While some parties may express support for human rights and equality in
general, others may hold more conservative views and prioritize other political and social
issues. The stance of each party toward LGBT rights often reTlects broader societal
attitudes and cultural norms regarding sexuality and gender identity in Bangladesh.

- 12 -

In 2023, the LGBTQI+ communities in Bangladesh faced a harrowing wave of violence,

comprising killings, physical assaults, suicides, attempted suicides, kidnappings,
detainments, harassment, and extortion, totaling 56 incidents and impacting 219


2023, 219
2022, 204

Number of Incident
Number of Victim
2022, 51 2023, 56

2022 2023
Number of Incident 51 56
Number of Victim 204 219

Types and Forms of Violence:

Among these incidents, 9 resulted in the tragic murders of 9 LGBTQI+ individuals,

including 3 gay, 3 bisexual, and 3 transgender individuals. Additionally, 11 incidents of
physical assault left 92 individuals injured, while 1 incident involved an attempted
suicide. Furthermore, 1 incident saw the kidnapping of 1 minority individual, and 4
incidents resulted in the detainment of 7 people by local powerful groups and police.

Patern of Incident and Victim

100 92
60 55
49 51
40 29
30 18 16 17 13
20 9 9 11
6 8 4 7
10 3
Pysical Detainm Implicati Jail
Murder Suicide Extortion Arrest Other
Assult ent ng Case Custody
Number of Incident 9 6 11 4 3 18 16 17 13
Number of Victim 9 8 92 7 66 55 49 51 29

Number of Incident Number of Victim

- 13 -
Rasio of Incident

Other Murder
13% 9% Suicide
Pysical Assult
Jail Custody
18% 11%
Arrest 3%
Implicating Case

Murder Suicide Pysical Assult Detainment Extortion

Implicating Case Arrest Jail Custody Other

Moreover, 3 incidents targeted 66 sexual minority individuals through extortion, while 18

incidents implicated 55 LGBTQI+ individuals in criminal charges. Additionally, 16 cases
led to the arrest and jail custody of 49 individuals, and 8 individuals tragically took their
own lives in 6 separate incidents. Furthermore, 13 other incidents of various types
involved violence against 19 people, highlighting the pervasive nature of the violence
endured by the LGBTQI+ community in Bangladesh.

Rasio of Victim

Other Murder
8% 3% 2%
Jail Custody
Pysical Assult

13% Detainment

Implicating Case

Murder Suicide Pysical Assult Detainment Extortion

Implicating Case Arrest Jail Custody Other

- 14 -
Victims Geographic ProOiles:

In 2023, among the 56 incidents and 219 victims, a geographically signiTicant number of
incidents occurred in the Dhaka division, followed equally by the Chittagong and Rajshahi
divisions. Consequently, the highest number of victims were from Dhaka, followed by
Rajshahi, and then Chittagong divisions in relation to the incidents.


Number of Incident Number of Victim


7 7 6 2 4
7 6 10
1 1 1

Dhaka Chittag Rajshah Khulna Sylhet Mymen Rangpu Barishal

ong i sing r
Number of Incident 26 7 7 6 2 1 6 1
Number of Victim 92 35 49 21 4 7 10 1

Among the documented incidents, 26 were reported in the Dhaka division, highlighting
the concerning prevalence of such attacks in the nation's capital. Additionally, both the
Chittagong and Rajshahi divisions experienced 7 incidents each, indicative of the
widespread nature of these assaults across different parts of the country. Moreover, 6
incidents occurred in both the Khulna and Rangpur divisions, 2 in Sylhet, and 1 each in
the Mymensingh and Barishal divisions.

Division Wise Incident Ratio

Rangpur Barishal
Sylhet 2%
4% 2%
Khulna Dhaka Chittagong
11% 46%
12% Sylhet
Chittagong Mymensing

- 15 -
Division wise Victim Ratio
Khulna 5% 0%
2% 3%
10% Dhaka



Dhaka Chittagong Rajshahi Khulna Sylhet Mymensing Rangpur Barishal

In terms of victim demographics, 92 individual victims hailed from the Dhaka division,
with signiTicant victim counts in the Rajshahi division, where 49 individuals fell victim to
violence. Additionally, the Chittagong division saw 35 individuals affected, while 21
individuals were impacted in the Khulna division and 10 in the Rangpur division.
However, it's notable that some divisions experienced fewer incidents and victim counts,
such as Mymensingh and Barishal, with only 7 and 1 reported victims, respectively.

Victims Demographic ProOiles:

In 2023, a disturbing pattern of violence emerged, with 56 incidents targeting 219 LGBT
individuals across various demographics. Among these incidents, 5 speciTically targeted
lesbians, impacting 9 individuals, while 9 incidents were directed at gay individuals,
involving 13 victims.

Sexual Orientation wise Incident & Victim

Number of Incident 80
Number of Victim 60 34
5 9 9 13 8 6
Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual Transgende
Number of Incident 5 9 8 34
Number of Victim 9 13 6 191

- 16 -
Sexual Orientation wise Incident Ratio


Transgender Bi-sexual

Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual Transgender

Additionally, 8 incidents inTlicted violence upon 6 bisexual individuals. However, the most
alarming trend was the victimization of transgender individuals, with 34 incidents
causing harm to 191 sexual minority LGBTQI individuals.

Sexual Orientation wise Victim Ratio

Lesbian Gay
4% 6% Bi-sexual


Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual Transgender

- 17 -
Analysis of Multiple Types of Violence:

In 2023, among a total of 56 incidents and 219 victims, 33 involved a singular type of
violence, resulting in the victimization of 121 individuals. However, in the remaining 23
incidents, multiple types of violence were reported, impacting 98 individuals.

Multiple Type wise Incident & Victims

140 121



60 48 49
20 7
1 1
Single Violence Doubble Violence Tripple Violence More Violence

Incident Victim

Within the incidents characterized by multiple types of violence, 7 cases featured two
distinct forms of violence, leading to the victimization of 48 minority individuals.
Additionally, in 15 incidents, 49 minority individuals faced the harrowing reality of
experiencing three types of violence simultaneously.

Multiple Violence wise Incident Ratio

More Violence
Tripple Violence

Single Violence
Doubble Violence

Single Violence Doubble Violence Tripple Violence More Violence

- 18 -
Multiple Violence wise Victim Ratio

More Violence
Tripple Violence 1%

Single Violence
Doubble Violence

Single Violence Doubble Violence Tripple Violence More Violence

Furthermore, in one particularly egregious incident, 1 LGBTQI+ individual found

themselves subjected to four distinct forms of violence, highlighting the severity and
complexity of the challenges faced by marginalized communities in Bangladesh.

Perpetrators of Violence:

During the reporting period, various perpetrators were involved in perpetrating violence
against LGBTQI+ individuals in Bangladesh, often in collaboration with others, creating a
complex web of perpetrators.

Perpetrator wise Incident & Victim

60 52
50 45
30 21 20
20 12 13
4 6 5 5 7
10 2 3
General Govern Organis Police Self Hijra Family Others
People ment ed Membe
Group r
Number of Incident 12 4 13 20 6 5 5 2
Number of Victim 36 21 52 45 9 70 7 3

Number of Incident Number of Victim

- 19 -
General people were responsible for 12 incidents of violence, resulting in the
victimization of 36 sexual minority individuals. Among these, 6 incidents involved joint
perpetration with members of the police, victimizing 25 LGBTQI+ individuals.

Perpetrator wise Incident Ratio

Family Member
Hijra 3% General People
7% 18%
Self Government
9% 6%

Organised Group

General People Government Organised Group Police Self Hijra Family Member Others

Organized groups were implicated in thirteen incidents, leading to the victimization of 52

people, while government-related personnel were responsible for four incidents,
victimizing 21 individuals. Notably, one incident involved joint perpetration by
government personnel and members of the police, resulting in the victimization of one
LGBTQI+ individual.

Perpetrator wise Victim Rasio

Family Others
General People
3%1% 15%
Hijra Government
29% 9%

Self Organised Group

4% 21%

General People Government Organised Group Police Self Hijra Family Member Others

- 20 -
Family members, including parents and spouses, contributed to Tive incidents of violence,
victimizing 7 people. Among these incidents, 3 involved joint perpetration by family
members and member of police, leading to the victimization of 5 LGBTQI+ individuals.

Single & Multiple Type Perpetrators

Involving Incident & Victim



Single Type Perpetrator Multiple Type Perpetrators

Number Incident Number of Victim

Members of the police were involved in perpetrating 20 incidents, resulting in the

victimization of 54 individuals. Some of these incidents involved joint perpetration with
general people, government personnel, or family members, further complicating the
dynamics of the violence.

Multiple Type Perpetrators Involving

Incident & Victim
Number of Incident Number of Victim

10 6 5
5 1 1

General Mass & Government Family Member &
Police People & Police Police
Number of Incident 6 1 3
Number of Victim 25 1 5

Additionally, victims themselves were perpetrators in six incidents, victimizing 9

individuals. The Hijra community was also implicated in Tive incidents, victimizing 70
individuals. Lastly, two incidents were perpetrated by other individuals, resulting in the
victimization of 3 sexual minority LGBTQI+ people.

- 21 -
Motivations and Contributing Factors:

During the reporting period, violence against LGBTQI+ individuals in Bangladesh

manifested from a complex interplay of societal norms, religious inTluences, legal
constraints, and political dynamics.

Reason wise Incident & Victim

Number of Incident Number of Victim

80 62
60 45
34 30
20 6 4
Financial Unacceptabilit Internal Criminal
Interest y Conflict Offence
Number of Incident 6 34 4 15
Number of Victim 112 62 45 30

Notably, 06 incidents were driven by Tinancial motives, resulting in the victimization of

112 individuals who became targets for exploitation or extortion. Furthermore, social
unacceptability fueled 34 incidents, impacting 62 individuals who faced discrimination
and hostility due to societal attitudes towards their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Reason wise Incident Ratio

Financial Interest
Criminal Offence 10%

Internal Conflict

Financial Interest Unacceptability Internal Conflict Criminal Offence

- 22 -
Reason wise Victim Ratio

Criminal Offence
Internal Conflict Financial Interest
18% 45%


Financial Interest Unacceptability Internal Conflict Criminal Offence

Internal conTlicts within communities or families led to four incidents, victimizing 45

individuals who found themselves caught in personal disputes exacerbated by their
LGBTQI+ identity. Additionally, police records identiTied 16 incidents where criminal
activities were involved, resulting in the victimization of 32 individuals, highlighting the
intersection of criminal behavior with violence against LGBTQI+ individuals in

Legal Remedy of Violence:

In 2023, out of the 56 reported incidents victimizing 219 individuals, 34 were direct
criminal and civil offenses targeting 161 members of the LGBT community. However, only
11 of these incidents, affecting 13 individuals, were ofTicially recorded as criminal cases.
The remaining 23 incidents, impacting 148 individuals, have yet to face any legal

Incident & Victim Wise Legal Remedy

40 23 20
11 13 9 9 4
20 2
Case Recorded Not Recorded Arrest Not Arrested
Inicident 11 23 9 2
Victim 13 148 9 4
Perpetrator 20

Inicident Victim Perpetrator

- 23 -
Incident wise Case Recording Ratio

Case Recorded

Case not Recorded


Case Recorded Case not Recorded

Furthermore, the limited prosecutions in 2023 highlight a broader issue of impunity.

Despite the seriousness of these offenses, only 20 perpetrators were arrested in
connection with 9 cases throughout the year.

- 24 -

In 2023, within the total of 56 incidents affecting 219 victims, the most alarming were the
9 tragic murders of LGBTQ+ individuals. These incidents claimed the lives of 3 individuals
identifying as gay, 3 as bisexual, and 3 as transgender, underscoring the severity and
diversity of the violence faced by the community.

Islamist Extremists Allegedly Murder Gay Retired Teacher Golam Kibria in Savar,
Dhaka, Solely for His Sexual Orientation.

On August 20, 2023, around 3 PM, the lifeless body of Golam Kibria was discovered at his
residence in Vatpara, Savar Municipality. Tragically, Kibria's hands and legs were bound,
and his mouth was gagged with a cloth. A note left at the scene, addressed to the police,
chillingly unveiled the motive behind the gruesome act: Kibria's sexual orientation.

Kibria, a retired teacher from Savar Model School, had been offering private tutoring to
students following his retirement. The note explicitly implicated the perpetrators, citing
Kibria's sexual orientation as the sole reason for his brutal murder. The extremists
responsible claimed that Kibria's orientation contradicted their religious beliefs and
justiTied their actions as a defense of their principles.

In response to this harrowing event, local authorities promptly arranged for a

postmortem examination. It is alleged that Islamist extremists were involved in the tragic
murder of the 42-year-old, whose life was tragically cut short due to his sexual

- 25 -
Bi-Sexual Butcher Khairul Islam Allegedly Killed by Shahidul Islam During Night in
His Shop Following Suspected Homosexual Advance in Dhaka.

On the night of September 12, 2023, police made a grim discovery, recovering the
bloodied body of Butcher Khairul Islam from his shop in the Dakshinkhan police station
area of Dhaka. His body, wrapped in a blanket, bore wounds including one on his nose and
three sharp weapon wounds on his neck. Initially, investigators faced a challenging task
with no leads, but eventually, individuals were arrested on suspicion.

During intensive interrogation, Shahidul Islam, a butcher from a nearby shop, confessed
to his involvement. He said that he worked at Judge Mia's meat shop and typically
returned home to Bereid after selling meat. However, on the day of the incident, Khairul
asked Shahidul to sleep in his shop, "Afsal Gost Bitan." Shahidul agreed, but around 11
o'clock, Khairul allegedly made a homosexual advance towards him.

In a Tit of anger, Shahidul struck Khairul's face with a meat cutter chapati from Khairul's
multiple times with the same weapon, ensuring his death. After conTirming Khairul's
demise, Shahidul wiped the body with a blanket, placed it in a box, covered Khairul with
another blanket, and Tled the scene.

Bisexual Stone Carving Worker Ismail Allegedly Killed by College Student Revealing
Disturbing Motive Tied to Homosexuality Struggle in Kishoregan

On February 13, 2023, Ismail, a 40-year-old stone carving worker and member of the
LGBTQ+ community, was tragically found dead near the Arial Khan river in Pakundia,
Kishoreganj. Golam Rabbi, a 20-year-old college student, was arrested for his murder.
Golam Rabbi confessed to the crime, revealing a disturbing motive tied to his struggle
with homosexuality.

- 26 -
In his deposition, Golam Rabbi confessed to struggling with a deep-seated addiction to
homosexuality, which tragically led to the heinous act. Ismail was allegedly subdued with
a lethal combination of sleeping pills mixed with soft drinks, rendering him unconscious
before being strangled to death.

Authorities swiftly arrested Golam Rabbi, a 20-year-old college student from Egarsindur
Union Parishad, on February 16, in connection with Ismail's murder. Golam Rabbi's
confession, both to the police and later in court, revealed the chilling details of the events
leading to Ismail's demise.

Golam Rabbi, the accused, was the son of Abu Taher from a neighboring household.
Despite being a second-year HSC student at Matkhola Haji Zafar Ali College, Golam Rabbi's
involvement added another layer of shock to the unfolding tragedy. Following his arrest,
Golam Rabbi was remanded to Kishoreganj District Jail, pending further legal

- 27 -
Gay Islamic Religious Leader, Maulana Jalal Uddin Jalali, Allegedly Stabbed to Death
in Dhaka Home by Juvenile Assistant over Pay Dispute.

On April 20th, 2023, Maulana Jalal Uddin Jalali, a prominent 79-year-old gay Islamic
religious leader, was tragically stabbed to death in his home located in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Jalali's assailant was identiTied as his juvenile assistant, Quarnic HaTiz Hasan Ahmed, who
was swiftly apprehended by the police following the incident.

According to reports, Ahmed claimed that he had stabbed Jalali following an argument
over his pay. The dispute escalated to a violent confrontation, resulting in Jalali's untimely
death. Despite Ahmed's attempt to Tlee the scene, the police, aided by crucial bloodstain
evidence, managed to track and arrest him within two and a half hours of receiving
information about the murder.

In the aftermath of the incident, the victim's cousin Tiled a murder case against Ahmed,
initiating legal proceedings against him for his alleged role in Jalali's death. The shocking
nature of the crime and the involvement of individuals within Jalali's inner circle have
sent shockwaves throughout the local community and sparked discussions about the
vulnerability of LGBTQ+ individuals, even within religious circles, in Bangladesh.

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Bisexual Awami League Leader Saif Uddin Fatally Allegedly Stabbed to Death in
Retaliation for Sexual Encounter at Sunmoon Hotel in Cox's Bazar.

On August 20, 2023, Saif Uddin, an Awami League leader residing in Ghonapara, Cox's
Bazar, met a tragic fate as he was fatally stabbed in Cox's Bazar, allegedly in retaliation for
a sexual encounter with Ashraful Islam. Ashraful, aged 18 and residing in Pahartali
Islampur area of Cox's Bazar city, was subsequently apprehended by the police in the
Hoikang area of Teknaf. The incident unfolded in room number 208 on the second Tloor
of the Sunmoon Hotel, where Ashraful purportedly sought revenge for sexual abuse he
claimed to have endured at the hands of Saif Uddin.

Saif Uddin's lifeless body was discovered on August 21, 2023, and following a post-
mortem examination at Cox's Bazar Sadar Hospital, it was returned to his family. The
altercation transpired after Ashraful and Saif Uddin visited Hotel Sunmoon, having
purchased local liquor and guavas. Subsequently, Ashraful was allegedly brought back to
the hotel by Saif Uddin, where the fatal confrontation took place.

Transgender Hijra Drummer Babul Mridha Brutally Murdered in Naria, Shariatpur

City Residence, Sparks Outrage and Investigation

On the night of September 4, 2023, tragedy struck as Babul Mridha, a self-identiTied

member of a transgender Hijra group, was brutally murdered at the residence of Kadir
Khan in the Shubhogram area of Naria city. Babul, who had resided there as a tenant for
18 years, proudly identiTied herself as a "Hijra" and was actively involved in the
community as a drummer.

Originally from the Maishagaon area of Tongibari Upazila in Munshiganj district, Babul's
life was cut short in a horrifying manner. In the dead of night, unidentiTied assailants
forcibly entered Babul's home, launching a vicious attack with sharp weapons, inTlicting
severe injuries upon her. Despite the valiant efforts of other transgender Hijra individuals

- 29 -
and local residents to intervene and render assistance, Babul tragically succumbed to her
wounds, succumbing to excessive bleeding.

Following the harrowing incident, authorities swiftly responded, recovering Babul's body
and conducting a post-mortem examination at Sharitatpur Sadar Hospital. Subsequently,
an investigation into the heinous crime was initiated, with a case registered at the Naria
Police Station against the unknown perpetrators.

Transgender Woman Sohel Rana 'Dustu' Brutally Murdered by Her Boyfriend Rakib
in Brahmanbaria, Sparking Outrage and Legal Action

On June 30th, 2023, Sohel Rana, affectionately known as Dustu, a 25-year-old transgender
woman, was killed by her 23-year-old boyfriend, Rakib. The disturbing incident unfolded
during an altercation between the couple, ignited by Dustu's expressed desire to visit
Rakib's home in Dinajpur.

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The situation quickly escalated into a nightmare as Rakib violently assaulted Dustu with
a tree branch and a broken piece of brick, resulting in fatal injuries that claimed her life.
Dustu's lifeless body was tragically discovered on July 1st in the Gopinathpur area,
sending shockwaves through the community.

In the wake of this grievous tragedy, Dustu's guru mother, Najma Akhtar, took swift action
by Tiling a formal complaint against Rakib, seeking justice for her beloved daughter.
The authorities responded promptly, launching a comprehensive police operation that
culminated in Rakib's arrest on July 4th.

During subsequent legal proceedings, Rakib confessed to the brutal murder in court,
providing chilling details of the events leading to Dustu's untimely demise. As a result,
Rakib was remanded to jail under Section 164, awaiting further judicial action.

Bisexual Community Architect Imtiaz Mohammad Bhuiyan Brutally Murdered by

Organized Criminals After Falling into Trap on Grindr in Dhaka.

On March 7, 2023, Imtiaz Mohammad Bhuiyan, a prominent bisexual community

architect, met a tragic end after being reported missing following his departure from
home. His lifeless body was discovered the next day in Munshiganj, buried anonymously.

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His wife, Fahmida Akhter, took immediate action by Tiling a general diary at Kalabagan
Police Station on March 8. Upon the exhumation of his body on March 21, she, along with
other relatives, positively identiTied him. Harun-or-Rashid, the additional commissioner
of DMP and DB chief, disclosed that Imtiaz had been utilizing the homosexuality-based
app Grindr, falling victim to a trap set by organized criminals.

Imtiaz had forged a connection with an individual named Alif through the app, ultimately
being lured to an apartment owned by another individual, Arafat. It was there that he
found himself in a compromising position, documented by Millat, Anwar, Arafat, and
Megh. Following this, they demanded a substantial sum of money from Imtiaz, met with
his refusal, and responded with a brutal assault, leading to his untimely demise. The
perpetrators callously disposed of his body near Nawabganj Highway Road in
Kamarkanda village.

On March 26, law enforcement made signiTicant progress by apprehending three suspects
in Sirajganj, Manikganj, and Narayanganj. However, efforts continue to track down the
remaining two suspects, Arafat and Alif, in connection with this appalling crime.Alif.

Transgender Woman Abdul Khaleque Fatally Stabbed to Death in Gazipur, Prompts

Police Investigation into Brutal Crime

On February 19, 2023, a grim discovery shook Gazipur as the police uncovered the lifeless
body of a transgender woman, the victim of a fatal stabbing by unidentiTied assailants.
IdentiTied as Abdul Khalek (44), the son of Kamal Hossain from the Jhajhar area under the
jurisdiction of Gacha police station in Gazipur city, the victim's body was found by local
residents in an alley adjacent to Chandana High School in the early hours of Sunday

Prompted by reports from concerned citizens, Basan Thana police swiftly responded to
the scene, where they discovered the victim's body bearing multiple stab wounds to her
chest. The severity of the injuries indicated a vicious attack, likely carried out with a knife

- 32 -
following a dispute. The perpetrators, however, had Tled the scene before the authorities

In light of the tragic discovery, the police transported the victim's body to Shaheed
Tajuddin Ahmed Medical College Hospital Mortuary for a thorough autopsy to ascertain
the exact cause of death and gather evidence for further investigation.

- 33 -
In 2023, there were six incidents involving suicides or suicide attempts among LGBT
individuals, resulting in the loss of eight lives, with one individual attempting suicide.
Among these incidents, two involved suicide by lesbian women, resulting in the loss of
three lives. Additionally, one lesbian woman attempted suicide but was rescued thanks to
prompt initiatives by family and local community members. The remaining four incidents
involved suicide among gay men, resulting in the loss of Tive lives across the country.

Tragic Suicide of Two Gay Friends Riyad Hossain and Moni Hossain in Gazipur
Sends Shockwaves Through Community

On the night of May 15, a tragic incident unfolded in the Mouchak Dakshinpara Ice Market
area of Kaliakair Upazila, Gazipur, as two friends, Riyad Hossain and Moni Hossain, also
known as Jamis, tragically took their own lives. The following morning, authorities from
the Mouchak Outpost police made a chilling discovery, Tinding the lifeless bodies of Riyad
and Moni hanging from the branches of a barberry tree.

The sight prompted immediate action, with the police recovering the bodies and
transferring them to the Gazipur Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College Hospital
morgue for a post-mortem examination to determine the cause of death.

Riyad Hossain, aged 20, hailed from Panchbaria village of Jamalpur police station, while
Moni Hossain, also 20, was from the Khiardichar area of the same police station. Both
young men were employed at Silvia Apparels Limited, located in the Mouchak Ice Market
area. Their close bond was evident in their affectionate nickname for each other, "Puspa,"
reTlecting the depth of their friendship. They shared a profound connection characterized
by mutual care and empathy, highlighting the signiTicance of their relationship.

- 34 -
Two Gay Friends, Yasin Ali and Isa Howladar, Commit Suicide within 22 Hours,
Shaking Sharankhola Community in Bagerhat

On August 14 and 15, 2023, tragedy struck the small community of Sharankhola in
Bagerhat with a devastating force, leaving its residents reeling in shock and grief. In a
harrowing sequence of events spanning just 22 hours, two young lives were tragically cut
short by suicide. Yasin, a 12-year-old from North Kadamtala village, and Isa Howladar, a
13-year-old from the neighboring Rajeswar village, both students at the Mohsinia HaTizia
Forkaniya Madrasa in Kadamtala upazila, succumbed to the overwhelming despair that
had gripped their young hearts.

Yasin, the son of ShaTiqul Gazi, and Isa, the son of Habib Howladar, shared a close
friendship, bound by the camaraderie that often develops between classmates. However,
on August 14, Isa's world was shattered by a scolding from her father, a seemingly trivial
incident that would have far-reaching consequences. Reportedly unable to bear the
weight of her father's rebuke, Isa made the heartbreaking decision to take her own life,
leaving behind a wake of devastation that would ripple through the community.

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The news of Isa's suicide reverberated through the tight-knit village, casting a pall of
sorrow over its inhabitants. For Yasin, her untimely death proved to be an unbearable
blow. Plunged into a depth of despair that seemed insurmountable, Yasin found himself
engulfed by the anguish of losing his dear friend. Tragically, unable to cope with the
overwhelming grief that consumed him, Yasin followed in Isa's footsteps, succumbing to
the same fate on August 15, a mere day after her passing.

Young Lesbian Couple, Yuthi Akhtar and Shabana Khatun, Succumb to Societal
Rejection, Tragically Ending Lives by Ingesting Poison in Pabna

On May 20, 2023, tragedy struck the serene village of Handyal in Chatmohar upazila,
Pabna, as two young lesbian girls, Yuthi Akhtar and Shabana Khatun, made the
heartbreaking decision to end their lives. Their souls, burdened by the relentless societal
and familial rejection of their love for each other, succumbed to the overwhelming despair
that plagued their hearts.

Yuthi Akhtar, a vibrant student in the eighth grade at Handyal Girls' High School, resided
in Jaighar village alongside her father, Zillur Hussain. Her companion and conTidante,
Shabana Khatun, pursued her education at Pakpara Senior Alim Madrasa, illustrating the
geographical and cultural diversity of their connection. Despite the scholastic boundaries
that separated them, their bond deTied societal norms, echoing the power of love to
transcend conventional constraints.

Seeking refuge and guidance in their shared journey, Yuthi and Shabana turned to a
private tutor, a BSc teacher, for academic support and solace. However, their aspirations
for a life together were met with formidable obstacles fueled by deep-seated prejudice
and familial disapproval.

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Overwhelmed by the weight of societal rejection and familial condemnation, the young
lovers found themselves on the precipice of despair. Together, they embarked on a
poignant pilgrimage, procuring pesticides from Handyal Bazar with the tragic intent to
end their suffering.

Ingesting the lethal substance, their bodies ravaged by its toxic effects, Yuthi and Shabana
returned home, their demeanor erratic and unsettling to their family members. Hastily
rushed to Pabna Sadar Hospital, their fragile existence hung in the balance. Tragically,
Yuthi's battle against the poison was brief, her dreams and aspirations extinguished in a
cruel twist of fate.

Despite valiant efforts, Shabana's condition deteriorated rapidly, the journey to Rajshahi
Medical College marred by the relentless march of despair. Enveloped by darkness and
sorrow, Shabana breathed her last en route to the medical facility, her untimely passing
marking the poignant conclusion of a love story fraught with adversity and anguish.

Tragic Love Story: Lesbian Couple's Suicide Pact Ends in Death for One,
Hospitalization for the Other

On January 7, Sumi Akhtar and Lakshmi Das Pooja, two lesbian Tirst-year honors students
at Bhanga KM College, Faridpur insecting poision for lost their lives. Hailing from
Serestabad in Rajair Upazila of Madaripur District, and residing in the Sonamukhi area of
Bhanga upazila, Sumi and Pooja shared a deep connection that transcended mere

- 37 -
Despite facing immense challenges, particularly from Pooja's parents and the rigid norms
of society, the bond between Sumi and Pooja only grew stronger over time. Their love was
veiled in secrecy, marked by clandestine exchanges and ultimately culminating in a
marriage ceremony conducted in March 2020, a testament to their unwavering
commitment to each other.

However, on January 7, Sumi's mother shattered the fragile peace of their clandestine
existence. The confrontation escalated, resulting in Sumi striking her mother with a brick
before reaching out to Pooja for support. In a moment of desperation and despair, the two
lovers embarked on a poignant journey, purchasing poison before boarding a bus to
Srinagar upazila.

At a secluded Tishing point, far from the prying eyes of society, Sumi and Pooja fulTilled
their pact to live and die together by consuming the deadly poison. Fortunately, their
attempt at self-destruction was thwarted by the timely intervention of local residents who
discovered them and rushed them to the Srinagar Upazila Health Complex.

Despite their dire condition, Sumi and Pooja managed to provide their family details
before being transferred to Dhaka for urgent medical treatment. Tragically, Sumi's battle
with the poison proved fatal, and she succumbed to its effects on January 12, leaving
behind a void that could never be Tilled.

Meanwhile, Pooja, after a prolonged and arduous stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU),
Tinally returned home on January 22, her body scarred by the physical and emotional toll
of their harrowing ordeal.

- 38 -

In 2023, a signiTicant number of LGBT individuals were incarcerated following arrests and
involvement in various criminal charges. In total, 18 incidents led to criminal charges
being Tiled against 55 LGBTQI+ individuals. Moreover, 16 cases resulted in the arrest of
49 individuals, and 17 incidents led to the jail custody of 51 LGBTQ individuals for various
reasons. It's alarming that a signiTicant majority of those arrested, implicated in cases, and
placed in jail custody were members of the transgender community, particularly Hijra
individuals. Additionally, it's noteworthy that one lesbian girl was also unjustly put in jail
custody after being arrested on false and fabricated criminal charges.

Lesbian Girl Arrested Following Allegations of Suicide Abetment in Tragic

Poisoning Incident in Munsiganj

On February 8th, 2023, Poja, a lesbian individual, found herself under arrest in connection
with a case Tiled by her girlfriend's brother with the Srinagar police station. The
allegations against her included rape and abetment of suicide. This distressing incident
had its roots in events dating back to January 7th.

Sumi Akhtar and Lakshmi Das Pooja, both Tirst-year honors students at Bhanga KM
College in Faridpur, had been in a relationship since 2020. However, their love faced
signiTicant opposition from their families due to societal norms. On January 7th, the
situation reached a breaking point when the couple, unable to cope with the pressure and
rejection, consumed poison together.

Their attempt at ending their lives was fortunately discovered by locals, who swiftly
intervened and rushed them to the Srinagar Upazila Health Complex for urgent medical
attention. Despite the efforts made, Sumi tragically succumbed to the poison on January
12th, leaving behind a heartbroken community and devastated loved ones.

- 39 -
Pooja's condition, however, showed signs of improvement during her prolonged stay in
the ICU, and she eventually returned home on January 22nd, albeit still grappling with the
emotional and physical aftermath of the ordeal.

Four Hijras Arrested by Dhaka Metropolitan Police for Extortion and Disturbance
at Wedding Venue in Mirpur, Dhaka

On January 17, 2023, four self-identiTied hijra individuals, Barshti Afrin (25), Madhu (32),
Ishani (25), and Sumi (22), were apprehended at the Mirpur Model Police Station of the
Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) on charges of extortion and causing a disturbance at a
wedding venue in the capital city.

The incident unfolded during a wedding ceremony where the hijras allegedly disrupted
the proceedings by demanding a sum of BDT 20,000 from the occupants. Their demand,
purportedly made for their livelihood, faced resistance from the hosts, resulting in an
altercation between the hijras and the wedding party and leading to a disturbance at the

Despite initial refusal, the hijras persisted and eventually received a smaller sum of
money. However, dissatisTied with the amount, they proceeded to block the exit of the
wedding house, intensifying the commotion and causing distress to those present.
Prompt intervention by law enforcement ofTicers was necessary to rescue the occupants
and apprehend the hijras. During the operation, authorities seized BDT 1,500, believed to
be part of the extorted funds.

Following the incident, a case was Tiled against the hijras, detailing their involvement in
the disturbance and extortion at the wedding venue. Subsequently, they were presented
before the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court (CMM) in Dhaka, where they were
remanded to jail custody pending further investigation and trial.

- 40 -
Eight Transgender Individuals Arrested for Extortion in Dhaka Capital; Police
Crackdown Following Emergency Call

On August 12, 2023, eight self-identiTied transgender individuals—Md. Hossain, also

known as Shila Hijra (27), Md. Hriday, also known as Pia Hijra (18), Aminul Islam, also
known as Aishi Hijra (21), Saiful Islam, also known as Jaya Hijra (27), Yahia, also known
as Maury Hijra (30), Nayan, also known as Nishi Hijra (20), Belal, also known as Kaya Hijra
(28), and Mizanur Rahman, also known as China Hijra (20)—were arrested by the Mirpur
Model Police Station, Dhaka, on charges of alleged extortion.

The incident transpired around midday when a motorcycle rider by the name of Tawhid
Ali became ensnared in an unexpected encounter with some of the hijras. In a bid that
would later be described as an act of extortion, they intercepted Tawhid's path and
demanded money from him. When Tawhid refused to comply with their demands, the
situation escalated, leading to the coerced extraction of 200 BDT from him.

Not one to yield to such injustices, Tawhid promptly reached out to the National
Emergency Service 999, seeking assistance in addressing the ordeal he had endured.
Responding to his distress call, a vigilant police team from the Mirpur Model Police
Station swiftly mobilized into action. A case was promptly Tiled against the accused under
the Speedy Trial Act at Mirpur Model Police Station, marking the commencement of a
judicial process aimed at delivering justice and ensuring accountability for their actions.

Police Arrest 10 Hijras for Demanding Extortion and Vandalizing a Home in Dhaka

On August 10, 2023, 10 hijras were arrested by the Mohammadpur police station in Dhaka
on charges of culminating in acts of vandalism and violence at Mohammadia Homes
Limited, Dhaka. Masudur Rahman, a private television journalist residing in the
aforementioned house, became the focal point of the hijras' ire following the birth of his
son Tive months prior. The hijras had been persistently demanding a sum of 10,000 Tk
from Masudur, but Masudur steadfastly refused to acquiesce to their demands, prompting
escalating tensions between the two parties. Despite the presence of security personnel
tasked with safeguarding the premises, the situation spiraled out of control when

- 41 -
approximately 15-20 hijras, including individuals named Julie and Riya, congregated
beneath the house.

Their demands for payment met with continued resistance, and the hijras resorted to
drastic measures, launching an assault on both the security personnel and the property
itself. In a frenzied display of aggression, they proceeded to ransack the house, wreaking
havoc and instilling a sense of fear and chaos in their wake. Promptly responding to the
scene, the police apprehended the hijras, detaining them and transporting them to the
Mohammadpur police station for further interrogation and legal proceedings. A case was
Tiled against them.

Transgender Individual Disguised as Patient Arrested for Alleged Mobile Phone

Theft After Receiving Free Treatment at Kalyanpur Hospital

On July 15, 2023, Shahinur, also known as

Shaheen Hijra (43), was arrested by
Mirpur Model Thana Police for allegedly
stealing a mobile phone. He was
apprehended from the Section 11 area of
Pallabi police station on Saturday evening.
Shaheen, originally from Bitna village in
Nalchiti police station of Jhalkathi district
and the son of Abdul Malek Gazi, had
visited the emergency department of
Kalyanpur Ibn Sina Medical College
Hospital on July 14, 2023, pretending to be
seriously ill. Despite being Tinancially poor
and transgender, he received free
treatment arranged by the doctor.
However, upon Shaheen's departure, the
attending doctor, Md. Tariful Islam,
noticed the absence of a mobile phone.

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Subsequent CCTV footage analysis conTirmed that Shaheen, disguised as a transgender
individual seeking medical assistance, had absconded with the device.

Transgender Champa apprehended for suspected murder of partner in Dhaka post-

transition following spouse's demise

On October 17, 2023, Naushad, also known as Champa or Swapna, was apprehended by
the Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) of Dhaka district on suspicion of murdering his
partner amid a love affair dispute. The arrest occurred at Elkar Hijra village in Sundarganj
police station of Gaibandha district. PBI Chief Banaj Kumar Majumder disclosed this
information during a press conference at the PBI headquarters in Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
According to Naushad's statement during interrogation, he transitioned to a transgender
identity under the inTluence of Delu Hijra after experiencing depression following his
wife's death.

Naushad, previously married with a son, underwent surgery to become transgender and
assumed the name Champa. He confessed to the murder of Rakib Hasan Shawon, his
partner in Enayetpur, Ashulia, Dhaka, following a dispute over money and inTidelity.
Naushad allegedly strangled Rakib to death and disposed of his body in bushes near their
residence. After evading capture for several days, Naushad was arrested and has since
confessed to the crime under section 164 of the law.

Transgender Woman Megh Arrested for Alleged Involvement in Bisexual Architect's

Murder in Dhaka; Confession Under Section 164 Revealed in Court

On March 26, 2023, transgender woman Ehsan, also known as Megh, was arrested along
with two others in connection with the murder of bisexual architect Imtiaz Mohammad
Bhuiyan on March 7, 2023, in Dhaka. The following day, Ehsan confessed to the crime
under Section 164 during their appearance before the Munshiganj Senior Judicial
Magistrate's Court on Monday, March 27, while the other two suspects were remanded.
The arrests were made by the detectives branch of police from Munshiganj, leading to a
court order for Ehsan's statement under Section 164 and subsequent detention, with the

- 43 -
other two remanded for four days. The case, initially registered against unknown
perpetrators, unraveled after architect Imtiaz's disappearance on March 7, with his body
discovered on March 8 in Sirajdikhan. Investigations revealed that Imtiaz was targeted
following a visit to a house in Kalabagan, where he was fatally assaulted as part of a
premeditated plan orchestrated by the accused. Subsequent interrogations exposed the
accused's involvement in illegal activities, including targeting vulnerable individuals
through online platforms, highlighting the intricate nature of the case.

Two Transgender Women Incarcerated for Alledge Kidnapping and Torture of

Fellow Transgender Individuals in Meherpur, Bangladesh

On January 8, 2023, two hijras, Rekha and Sohagi, denied bail and incarcerated following
court ruling in Meherpur Sadar Upazila, Bangladesh, amidst charges of kidnapping and
brutalizing fellow hijras, Sandhya and Rubina, amid intra-community discord. Sandhya
and Rubina, abducted and subjected to torment on December 25, allegedly by Rekha,
Sohagi, and cohorts, in reprisal for prior animosity. The victims, discovered unconscious,
rescued by Chuadanga Police, hospitalized at Meherpur-250-bed General Hospital.

- 44 -
Complaint Tiled by Meherpur Hijra Guruma Seema Hijra at Meherpur Sadar Police Station
instigates arrest and ensuing legal proceedings against Rekha and Sohagi.

Two Hijras, Rupa Hijra and Farhana Akhter Apprehended by Narcotics Control
Department for Alleged Possession Locally Made Alcohol in Rangamat

On July 23, 2023, the Narcotics Control Department in Rangamati arrested two hijras,
Rupa Hijra (20) and Farhana Akhter (18), for possession of 20 liters of locally handmade
alcohol from Vijay Su Shop near the Shimultali Passport OfTice. They were apprehended
following a raid conducted after receiving secret information. They were caught red-
handed with the alcohol concealed in saline packets tied to their bodies, totaling 33 liters
of brewed liquor. Subsequently, they were handed over to Rangamati learned court and
sent to Rangamati District Jail. Notably, complaints about immoral activities, including
drug trade and human trafTicking, have been ongoing in the Shimultali area under the
leadership of Nayan Tara Hijra.

Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) Apprehends Two Rohinga Transgender Drug Traders,
Seizes 10,300 Yaba Tablets in Savar, Dhaka

- 45 -
On 29 September 2023, the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) apprehended two individuals
disguised as transgenders involved in drug trafTicking in Savar. The suspects, identiTied as
RaTiq (18) and Mamunur (23), were caught near the New Market area of Savar Bazar Bus
Stand, where RAB seized 10,300 pieces of Yaba tablets from them. RaTiq hails from
Kutupalong refugee camp in Cox's Bazar, while Mamunur is from Balukhali refugee camp.
Operating under the aliases Kajal Hijra and Parimni Hijra respectively, they utilized their
transgender identities to peddle drugs. RAB-4 CPC-2 Company Commander Rakib
Mahmud Khan disclosed that the duo had been procuring Yaba tablets from neighboring
countries for an extended period and distributing them to dealers across Dhaka.
Following their arrest, RAB Tiled a case against them under the Narcotics Control Act,
subsequently handing them over to Savar Model Police Station for further legal
proceedings. OC Deepak Chandra Saha of Savar Model Police Station conTirmed the
detainees' transfer and the initiation of legal action against them.

Mipur Police Uncover Transgender Hijra Duo's Elaborate Scheme by Arresting Two
Hijras for Theft and Extortion in Dhaka.

On August 31, 2023, Mirpur Police arrested two transgender hijras for stealing gold
jewelry and extorting money in Dhaka. Friday and Saturday, typically days of rest,
transform into prime time for RaTiq and Monir's nefarious deeds behind ofTice doors.
Adorned in veils and shielded under umbrellas to evade CCTV surveillance, they execute
thefts and then disguise themselves as hijras to extort funds on the streets. Apprehended
by the Mirpur Police Station in the Sherebangla Nagar area on August 31, their arrest
uncovered a cache of stolen gold jewelry and extortion money. IdentiTied as Monir
Prakash, also known as Hijla Monir or Prakash Mani (27), and RaTiq Prakash, alias Dimali
Prakash or Aparupa Prakash Rupa (28), their duplicitous tactics facilitated over 100
thefts, often assuming personas of transgenders or girls. Despite initial misidentiTication

- 46 -
in a theft case, their true identities emerged upon arrest on August 31, with authorities
seizing 168,000 taka in cash, 2 mobile phones, and 5 annas of gold jewelry. Legal action
has been initiated by the Mirpur Police Station.

Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) Apprehends 8 Hijras with Yaba Worth Tk 1.05 Crore
on Dhaka-Chittagong Highway in Narayanganj

On May 22, 2023, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) arrested 8 hijras with Yabas on the Dhaka-
Chittagong highway in the Madanpur area of Narayanganj port for their involvement in
drug smuggling, including Yaba worth Tk 1 crore and Tive lakh. At the time of the arrest,
they were found in possession of 35 thousand pieces of Yaba. The arrested individuals are
RaTiq alias Lalita (40), Ravi Alam alias Beauty (40), Ekram alias Parimani (22), Ravi Alam
alias Priya (24), Md. Al-Amin alias Nishi (35), Raihan alias Ankhi (20), Saber alias Bijli

(22), and Farooq alias Riamni (25). They are active members of organized drug smuggling
rings, with all members identifying as hijras, including the main owner of this syndicate.
These gang members were engaged in the purchase and sale of the banned drug Yaba,
disguising their activities under the pretense of being third gender individuals traveling
to different places.

Transgender Srabanti, along with Oive accomplices, arrested on charges of forcibly

sexually abusing girls in Chittagong

- 47 -
On May 29, 2023, a Monday, five people, including Srabanti, a member of third gender were
arrested on charged with forcibly sexually abusing girls in the floating tin house belonging to
Srabanti, located on the Ishaq Depot Toll Plaza Bypass Road in Chittagong. The arrested
individuals are third-gender Srabanti (34) and her accomplices Mitu Akhter Kajal (19), Amir
Hossain (35), Md. Jamal (52), and Abdul Jalil (55). They used to lure helpless girls from different
places, taking advantage of their helplessness and socio-economic condition. They promised the
girls jobs and a better life (nurture them) to trick them into coming with them. Two underage
girls were rescued from the location. Srabanti would approach them in the Tiger Pass area of
Chittagong city railway station, promising to nurture helpless girls. If a girl agreed, Srabanti
would take her to the house. Later, the girls were forced into prostitution. If they refused, they
were tortured. A case has been filed against the perpetrators under the Human Trafficking
Prevention Act.

Transgender individual Anik and accomplices apprehended in Jessore for alleged

abduction, assault, and extortion of her boyfriend

On September 24, 2023, transgender individual Anik and his accomplice were
apprehended by the police in Jessore on charges of abduction, assault, and
extortion.Jahangir Alam, the boyfriend of transgender Anik, traveled to Jessore to meet

- 48 -
his alleged lover, only to discover that she was transgender. Subsequently, Jahangir was
abducted assaulted, and extorted by Anik's associates. Police intervened and
apprehended nine suspects, including hijras, in a late-night operation conducted in the
Khaldhar Road area of the city. Among the detainees are Mukt Kumar Biswas alias Anik,
Limon Molla, Haseeb Kazi, Sheikh Abdullah Al KaTi, Taim alias Tanveer Elahi Tahin, Munna
Hossain, Shahajul Islam, Mehdi Hasan, Akash Biswas, and others from various localities.
According to SI Yasif Akbar Joy of Kotwali police station, Anik, posing as a girl on
Facebook, deceived Jahangir into believing they shared a romantic connection. When
Jahangir met Anik in person and realized the truth, he attempted to Tlee but was seized
by Anik's associates, who demanded a ransom of 20,000 rupees for his release. Jahangir
managed to escape and reported the incident to the police, leading to the arrests. A case
has been Tiled against 12 individuals at Kotwali police station regarding the abduction and

Transgender Leader Ruby Begum Arrested for Allegedly Illegally Selling

Government-Allocated Houses in Thakurgaon

On April 9, 2023, the police arrested Ruby Begum, also known as Rubel, the self-
proclaimed 'Guru Ma' of the third gender (transgender party leader) community, for
selling 20 tin houses in Guchch village. These houses had been gifted by Prime Minister
Sheikh Hasina to the residents of Nargun Union, Sadar Upazila, Thakurgaon district. Later,
on April 10, the presiding judge ordered him to be sent to jail after he was handed over to
the police court. Hasan Ali, Deputy Assistant OfTicer of No. 16 Nargun Union Bhumi OfTice,
Tiled a case against Ruby for selling the government houses. Nargun Union Chairman

- 49 -
Serekul Islam stated that in 2019, the government constructed tin houses in the West
Nargun Iksu Farm area to resettle members of the third gender community. Despite being
allocated to third gender individuals, these houses remained unoccupied. Subsequently,
their team leader, Rubel, sold 20 houses in Guchchagram during the night. The sudden
disappearance of these houses overnight has caused upheaval within the administration.

Dhaka Police Expose Sham Hijra Gang: 6 Transgender Individuals Apprehended for
Extortion, Masquerading as Transgender Community

On February 17, the detective police arrested 6 members of a fake hijra gang while investigating
a case at Jatrabari police station. All of them live in Dhaka with their families. However, they
dressed as hijras and went out on the streets to extort money. Deputy Commissioner of Police
Muhammad Ashraf Hossain told reporters that Kajal, also known as Sajni Hijra, is the head of the
gang. His real name is Sohag. Father of two children, Sohag has a circle of seven to eight people.
They were blackmailing people in various ways, including extortion. According to the police, Sajni
Hijra formed a fake Hijra group with 7 to 8 people like him.

- 50 -
Police Uncover Sex Change Gang in Murder Investigation: Fraudulent Doctor
Arrested for Gender Reassignment Surgeries

On November 7, 2023, Md. Hadiuzzaman, a self-taught individual without any formal

medical qualiTications, was arrested for conducting gender reassignment surgeries in
Bangladesh. Over a span of 12 years, he operated on more than 500 individuals, charging
signiTicant fees for transitioning them to the third gender. Operating without medical
certiTication, Hadiuzzaman performed surgeries such as penis removal and chest
alterations using hormonal injections and silicone gel implants. Despite previous arrests
and a six-month jail term, he continued his illegal activities until his recent arrest by the
Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI). Another individual, Rashed Ahmed Nashim Khan,
was also apprehended for his involvement in the illicit practice. The arrests were made
under the Human TrafTicking and Prevention Act and the Bangladesh Medical and Dental
Council Act, underscoring the legal ramiTications of practicing medicine without proper
qualiTications in Bangladesh. The investigation to uncover their operating theater and

- 51 -
other information is ongoing. While probing a murder case, authorities discovered a sex-
change racket.

Transgender Scam Unveiled in Jamalpur: Man Exploiting Third Gender Identity for

In a shocking revelation, it has been discovered that Delur, purportedly a member of

Jamalpur's transgender community, is actually a man with sons and daughters. Operating

under the guise of a third gender, Delur has been extorting money from various parties
through fraudulent means, even establishing his own group for this purpose. Utilizing
funds acquired through deceit, Delur has constructed a three-story house in Jamalpur,
among other misdeeds. Furthermore, Delur has facilitated surgeries for numerous
individuals, coercing them into becoming third gender and subsequently exploiting their
newfound identities for Tinancial gain.

- 52 -

In 2023, a signiTicant number of LGBT individuals became victims of physical violence for
various reasons. Across 11 incidents of physical assault, 92 individuals were injured, with
a majority of the victims belonging to the transgender community, particularly Hijra
individuals. Many of these assaults occurred because the victims refused to pay money to
the Hijra guruma, who holds signiTicant inTluence, as well as by local powerful Tigures such
as former members of the union parishad. Additionally, some were victimized due to open
internal clashes between two transgender Hijra community groups vying for control of
collecting money in the local area. In one speciTic case, two gay individuals were detained
and physically assaulted by local people due to their homosexual relationship.

Transgender Woman Independent Candidate Assaulted During National

Parliament Election Campaign Rally in Rangpur City

On December 22, around 8:30 pm, supporters and workers of the Jatiya Party (JAPA)
reportedly assaulted Anwara Islam Rani, an independent candidate representing the sexual
minority, the third gender, during a mass meeting in Rangpur-3 Constituency at the Deodoba
Barabari Morichtari area in Rangpur city. Rani asserted that she had been campaigning
within the regulations since the allocation of symbols. Starting from Friday afternoon, she
conducted public gatherings in various neighborhoods of Ward 14. However, upon reaching
the Morichitari intersection in the evening, she encountered a group of 20 to 25 individuals
who had gathered to see her. While engaging with them, some Jatiya Party workers and
supporters forcibly took the microphone from her and physically assaulted her, subsequently
driving her away while issuing threats of violence.

Locals Assault Gay Men Caught in Homosexual Act, Sparking Controversy in


On May 20, 2023, a gay man was caught by locals engaging in homosexuality with another
man at Nabinagar police station in Habiganj. They were physically assaulted by the crowd
before being released, sparking an adverse reaction in the area. Locals reported that the
ofTice assistant of a local high school was apprehended with a rickshaw driver from the

- 53 -
same village at a secluded location. Upon being caught red-handed, they were subjected
to physical punishment before being released when the crowd gathered.

Bogra Shoe Showroom Clash: Subscription Payment Dispute Leads to Injury of Hijra

On the night of April 10, 2023, hijras and employees clashed over subscription payments
at the Paye Paye showroom in the city. Police intervened to quell the situation, and
following a two-hour negotiation between the showroom owner and the district hijra
leader, a resolution was reached with a payment of Tk 5,000. On the occasion of Eid,
around 9 o'clock at night, four hijras, including Upp Pari from the Badurtala area of the
city, went to the shoe showroom to ask for money. However, the showroom employees
only gave them 500 taka and asked them to leave. When the hijras demanded the agreed-
upon 5000 BDT, the employees beat them under the orders of the store cashier, resulting
in blood coming out from the forehead of a hijra named Surbhi.

- 54 -

In 2023, the LGBT communities, particularly the transgender Hijra community, were
embroiled in internal conTlicts that escalated into open clashes, resulting in four incidents
victimizing 45 transgender Hijra individuals across the country. These victims faced
extortion, threats of false and fabricated cases, as well as physical assault by both
opposing Hijra groups and the inTluential Hijra guruma.

Hijra Leader Accused of Abuse, Embezzlement, and Coercion; Fellow Hijras Protest
Outside Residence in Chittagong

On July 20, 2023, in Chittagong, a protest human chain formed against Falguni Hijra,
president of the Nava Jagran Hijra Cooperative Society. Led by the organization's general
secretary Rjhana Hijra and other members, the protest aimed to address severe
allegations of abuse, embezzlement, and coercion by fellow hijras. Accusations include
Falguni's involvement in beating, torturing, and misappropriating government funds
allocated for hijras, coupled with threats of false charges if contributions aren't paid.
Speakers at the protest denounced Falguni's disregard for Hijra Samiti rules, emphasizing
instances of intimidation and brutality against dissenters. Urgent appeals were made to
the administration to intervene and address the alleged oppression and tyranny, as hijras
seek to break free from Falguni's control.

Three Members of the Hijra Community Injured in Violent Internal Clash in

Kashimpur Police Station Area, Gazipur

On May 31, 2023, three members of the hijra community were injured in an attack by a
rival group using sharp weapons during an internal clash between two hijra groups in the
Kashimpur police station area of Gazipur metropolis. Nahidul Islam, also known as
Neelima, was among the injured and appeared at Kashimpur police station covered in
blood, Tiling a written complaint against Tive individuals from the Hijla community. The
injured individuals include Neelima (25), Kaya (26), and Koli. The accused individuals, all
belonging to the Hijla community, are identiTied as Jasim alias Jiasmin (40), Ferdous alias
(36), Mahidul alias Sumi (45), and Jonaki (35), who reside on rent in Ward No. 3.

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According to the complaint, party leader Jasim was extorting money from hijras in the
area, and when Neelima protested, the accused attacked them with iron rods and knives,
resulting in severe injuries. Additionally, one attacker stole a gold pendant and a mobile
phone from Neelima.

Hijra Leader and Followers Brutally Assaulted in Mymensingh City by Opposing

Group, Sparking Outrage and Demands for Justice

On February 9, 2023, Tanu Hijra, the president of Setubandhan Kalyan Sangha Hijra
Samiti, was brutally assaulted in a vicious attack by a group of opponents. Tanu Hijra
promptly Tiled a written complaint at the Kotowali Model Police Station seeking justice
for the assault. The attackers, identiTied as Shakin, Sakhi, Sonia, and Rani Hijra, along with
their associates, were reportedly engaged in extortion and violence in the Shambhugangaj
More area of Mymensingh city. They were accused of extorting money from locals and
resorting to physical and sexual assault against those who resisted. On the day of the
incident, Tanu Hijra and her companions intervened to halt these immoral activities. In
retaliation, the assailants launched a violent attack using local weapons, inTlicting severe
injuries on Tanu and her fellow hijras. During the assault, Tanu Hijra and others sustained
serious injuries, with Mary suffering a broken hand.

- 56 -

In 2023, two couples of lesbian girls were forcibly separated by their families with the
support of the police. They were removed from their private residence and coerced to
return to their parents' custody by the police ofTicers.

Police Compelled to Return Two Teenage Girls to Parents After Attempt to Live
Together in Gaibandha

On June 17, 2023, a heartening yet concerning incident unfolded as XXX Khatun (18) and
XXX Khatun (17), two teenage girls from Gobindganj Upazila of Gaibandha, were rescued
by the police in Dhaka after being missing for 17 days. The duo had been the subject of an
extensive search effort by their families and local authorities.

The girls were discovered in a rented house in Ashulia Bypile, Dhaka, by a raiding team
from Gobindganj Thana Police on a Saturday morning. XXX and XXX confessed that they
had traveled to Dhaka without informing their families, with the intention of living
together and seeking employment in a garment factory.

Both teenagers had recently completed their Secondary School CertiTicate (SSC)
examination at Chaichhariya High School. However, after their exam on May 31, they did
not return home, sparking concern among their families. Despite thorough searches
conducted by their family members, Lia and Hima remained untraceable, prompting their
families to Tile separate general diaries at the police station on June 2.

Lesbian Teenage Girls Rescued by Police, Forced to Return Home After Fleeing
Family Pressure

On May 27, 2023, a distressing incident unfolded involving two lesbian girls who were
forcibly compelled by the police to return to their families after being rescued from
Doarabazar in Sunamganj. These teenagers, both 11th-grade students at Dhaka Tejgaon
Women's College, had found solace and love in each other, but their relationship faced
signiTicant opposition from their families.

- 57 -
Upon discovering their homosexual relationship, the families of the two girls exerted
immense pressure on them to separate. Unable to withstand this familial pressure and
the ensuing emotional turmoil, the teenagers made the difTicult decision to Tlee from their
homes to an undisclosed location two months earlier, without notifying their families.

To evade detection, the girls turned off their mobile phones and embarked on a journey
from Dhaka to Doarabazar in Sunamganj, where they sought refuge by renting a house. In
an attempt to conceal their true relationship, they pretended to be sisters studying in

As days passed without contact, their families grew increasingly concerned and initiated
searches for them. Unsuccessful in their efforts, the families eventually sought assistance
from the police and the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB). Utilizing mobile tracking
technology, the authorities were able to trace the location of the two girls to Doarabazar
in Sunamganj.

Subsequently, a police team was dispatched to the location, and the teenagers were
forcibly taken into custody and compelled to return to their families against their wishes.

- 58 -

Wife Divorces Husband Over Alleged Homosexuality, Sparking Community

Controversy in Comilla

Pushpa, the wife of Nuruzzaman, a Bahraini expatriate, accused her son-in-law Rubel of
engaging in homosexual activities with her husband, escalating tensions within their
family. Nuruzzaman's purportedly close relationship with Rubel, whom he had brought
from their village abroad, further strained familial ties. The situation reached a boiling
point when Nuruzzaman allegedly coerced their young daughter into marrying Rubel
upon their return to Bangladesh. Pushpa, claiming to have witnessed evidence of their
relationship, played a pivotal role in her daughter's divorce from Rubel after discovering
incriminating videos on her father's phone. Despite Nuruzzaman's denials and Rubel's
assertions of an amicable relationship, the community's observations of their suspicious
behavior only fueled speculation. As Pushpa seeks justice and support, the community
grapples with the complexities of familial dynamics, acceptance, and identity, raising
pertinent questions about relationships within their midst.

- 59 -
In 2023, LGBT individuals were also persecuted by former local government personnel.
In at least two incidents, around 55 transgender Hijra individuals were victimized
through extortion, physical assault, threats, and bribery by these individuals.

Former UP Member Accused of Extorting and Assaulting Hijra Community

Members and Calls for Justice in Chapainawabganj Sadar Upazila

In Chapainawabganj Sadar Upazila, Ranju Khan, a former UP member, allegedly extorted

Tk 1 lakh from each of the 40 houses designated for the Hijra community, accompanied
by his associate Roman. They harassed and physically assaulted Hijra members, denying
them access to their rightful spaces. Despite a protest staged by the Hijra community on
June 7, 2023, seeking intervention, no criminal action has been taken against Khan and
his accomplices even after two months. This neglect highlights the urgent need for
authorities to address violence and discrimination against marginalized communities
promptly and effectively, ensuring accountability for perpetrators like Ranju Khan to
prevent further harm and injustice.

Former Union Chairman Accused of Fraudulently Taking Bribe to Resolve ConOlict

Between Local and External Transgender Communities in Chuadanga

- 60 -
A dispute between local and external transgender (hijra) communities in Chuadanga
district remains unresolved despite the intervention of ShaTiqul Islam Moktar, the former
chairman of Jeevannagar Andulbaria Union. Moktar allegedly accepted Tk 1 lakh from the
local hijra community to settle the issue but failed to do so. This failure has sparked
discussions across the district, tarnishing the reputation of public representatives. The
conTlict arose when three transgenders from the Poradah area began forcibly collecting
donations from the local hijra community under the inTluence of external hijra members.
Despite complaints and Tinancial contributions from the local hijras, Moktar could not
resolve the matter, leading to frustration and Tinancial losses for the affected community.
Both sides have approached the Upazila Nirbahi OfTicer for resolution, but hearings have
been delayed due to the defendants' absence. Meanwhile, Moktar demands the return of
the money and the eviction of external hijras to restore peace in the area. The local hijra
community emphasizes their right to a fair trial and protection from external disruptions
to their profession.

- 61 -

In 2023, there were at least two incidents where the civil and political rights of LGBT
individuals were directly violated by government ofTicials responsible for upholding
those rights. In one incident, a government higher ofTicial denied permission for
transgender women to undergo sex reassignment surgery. In the other incident,
transgender individuals faced harassment when attempting to enroll for the National
Identity Card.

Government OfOicial's Negetive Opinion on Gender Dysphoria Sparks Controversy

in Bangladesh

On April 30, 2023, Khandaker Azharul Islam, Assistant Secretary of the Health Service
Department in Bangladesh, sparked controversy with discriminatory remarks regarding
gender dysphoria. He characterized it as a disease rather than a condition and advocated
for psychological treatment to revert transgender women to a perceived "normal life."
Citing societal and religious norms, he denied Babita Akhtar's application for sex
reassignment, despite her longstanding desire to transition. This stance, coupled with
Bangladesh's lack of legal support for gender transition, highlights broader challenges
facing transgender individuals in accessing appropriate healthcare and societal

- 62 -
The Plight of Third Gender Residents in Kurigram: Exclusion from Voter
Registration Despite Citizenship

Despite being citizens, third-gender residents of Kurigram lack a national identity card,
rendering them unable to register as voters despite having the right to vote. During the
information collection process, they were overlooked, and the election ofTice faced
harassment. The question of why citizens are not beneTiting from approved policies
pertains to the third-gender community. Even some of the transgender faced
discriminatory behavior during the collection of their pictures by the assigned persons.

Hijra Voters MisclassiOied as Women in Meherpur District's Voter List Sparks


Following years of struggle for constitutional recognition, Hijras Tinally gained

recognition as a distinct gender. However, controversy erupted in Meherpur district after

- 63 -
the local election ofTice listed Hijra voters as women in the updated voter list for the 12th
National Assembly elections. The voter list revealed only 2 Hijra voters in the entire
district, sparking mixed reactions and raising questions about the accuracy of the count.
Discrepancies arose as various government departments provided conTlicting numbers
of Hijra individuals in Meherpur, with Tigures ranging from 25 to 30. Despite efforts to
include Hijra voters in the electoral process, the misclassiTication underscores challenges
in accurately representing marginalized communities, highlighting the need for improved
data collection and recognition of diverse gender identities by electoral authorities.

- 64 -

In 2023, rather than taking positive initiatives to support transgender individuals in the
education sector, the government faced opposition from Islamic political parties and pro-
Islamic student groups. Consequently, Dhaka University authorities canceled the decision
to implement a transgender quota in graduation-level admissions. Additionally, BRAC
University was compelled to cancel a session where a transgender woman was invited to
speak at the Women's Carnival due to pressure from similar groups. Moreover, the
government withdrew two new school textbooks following protests from Islamist groups
over curriculum changes aimed at recognizing transgender identities, same-sex
relationships, and secular science.

Dhaka University Cancels Transgender Quota Amidst Controversy: Backlash from

Reactionary Students Leads to Withdrawal of Educational Opportunity

In response to pressure from reactionary Muslim students, Dhaka University authorities

have announced the cancellation of the transgender quota for undergraduate education.
This decision comes after students opposed the quota following the publication of the
admission notiTication for the academic year 2023-24 on December 18. The quota,
introduced as 'Transgender/Hijra' in the previous academic year 2022-2023, aimed to
ensure higher education opportunities for sexual minorities. However, in light of the
opposition, the university authorities have verbally announced the cancellation of the
quota, despite recommendations from the University Grants Commission in its 46th
Annual Report advocating for special arrangements for higher education for Hijras to the

Dhaka University Students Demand Cancellation of Transgender Quota in Human

Chain Protest

On December 21, 2023, Dhaka University students organized a human chain protest, led
by the 'common students' group, at the anti-terrorist Raju sculpture in Dhaka University's
TSC. Their demand was the cancellation of the transgender quota in the admission test
for the undergraduate program of the 2023-24 academic year. They called for an apology

- 65 -
from the university administration, accusing them of violating the law and the
constitution by promoting transgender ideology and the LGBT movement through the
quota system. The students presented a four-point demand, including the immediate
cancellation of the quota and the prompt publication of a revised admission notice. They
also submitted a memorandum to the DU Vice-Chancellor outlining these demands.
During the protest, the students cited the constitution of Bangladesh, arguing that quotas
should be provided to backward communities for higher education opportunities.
However, they contended that individuals identifying as transgender do not belong to a
backward group, as they undergo voluntary gender transition. Therefore, they insisted
that the quota should not apply to transgender individuals and urged for its cancellation
through a revision of the admission notiTication.

Dhaka University Students Threaten Street Protests Demanding Removal of

'Transgender' from Admission Circular in Press Conference

On December 30th, Saturday afternoon, Dhaka University students held a press

conference demanding the removal of the controversial term 'transgender' from the
admission circular. They threatened to cease studying and take to the streets until their

- 66 -
demands were met. The students urged the university's vice-chancellor and registrar to
eliminate 'transgender' from the circular by January 1st and issue a revised version. Citing
the term's absence in the Bangla Academy dictionary and its potential cultural
implications, they stressed the need to protect national heritage. Additionally, they argued
that using 'transgender' could undermine the rights of the Hijra community and called for
its immediate withdrawal from the admission notiTication to safeguard their rights."

Restriction of a transgender woman from participating as a speaker in the Women's

Career Carnival at North South University

On the afternoon of November 24, 2023, Ho Chi Minh Islam, a transgender woman and
rights activist, was invited to speak in a session addressing the inclusion of marginalized

communities in the workforce and fostering an inclusive work environment at the

Women's Career Carnival at North South University campus, organized on November 24-
25, 2023, by two organizations, Heroes for All and ISOSHAL, aiming to empower women
through networking, learning, and professional development. However, upon the
revelation of Islam's participation, reactionary fundamentalist groups initiated a
propaganda campaign against her through various media channels, including the
Facebook page "Islamic for Practitioner NSU." This misinformation aimed to incite
students against Islam, misrepresenting her speech as promoting homosexuality.
Consequently, students petitioned the university to cancel Islam's speech, threatening to
boycott classes if their demands weren't met. As protests erupted on campus on
November 24, organizers were compelled to cancel Islam's session, citing concerns for
her safety.

Islamist Protests Prompt Bangladesh to Withdraw School Textbooks Recognizing

LGBTQ+ Identities

On February 11, 2023, Bangladesh withdrew two new school textbooks following
protests from Islamist groups over curriculum changes aimed at recognizing transgender
identities, same-sex relationships, and secular science.

- 67 -
The decision, targeted at students aged 11 to 13, came amidst demonstrations in Dhaka
demanding the scrapping of the revised content. One contentious section narrated the
story of a child transitioning genders, sparking backlash. While the National Curriculum
and Textbook Board cited criticisms and the need to reduce the reading load on students,
the move underscores ongoing tensions over social and educational reforms in the
conservative Muslim- majority country. Despite recent strides in recognizing transgender
rights, discrimination and violence persist, underscoring the challenges of societal
acceptance and inclusion.

Anti-Transgender Students' Perspectives on the Implementation of the

Transgender Quota at Dhaka University

Shakhawat Zakaria, a student of the law department who participated in the protest
against the quota for transgender individuals at Dhaka University, said, "Dhaka University
has quotas for hijras, as well as for minorities. The only groups entitled to claim quotas in
society are the backward ones. We will never allow those who willingly associate
themselves with a backward society to avail themselves of this constitutional opportunity.
Transgender culture encompasses LGBT. Therefore, granting a quota to transgender
individuals is tantamount to promoting LGBT culture itself.

- 68 -
A female student of Shamsunnahar Hall expressed that the quota system primarily aims
to support backward communities, which includes transgender or third-gender
individuals. She argued that as transgender individuals have no control over their
physical characteristics, it's fair to consider them disadvantaged and backward. However,
she opposes granting quotas to transgender claimants, stating it's unreasonable. She
expressed concern that implementing such a quota would pose threats to women
students. For instance, if a male identiTies as a girl or a trans woman mentally, and is
allocated a seat in the girls' hall, it could lead to uncomfortable living situations for female

- 69 -

In 2023, LGBT rights defenders and activists were also victims of violence, including
threats, death threats, police surveillance, and protests by Islamic political parties and
extremist groups throughout the year. For instance, the Founder President of
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France was surveilled by the Special Branch of Police and
received threats from Islamic extremist groups via social media to ban him and his
organization in Bangladesh.

Special Branch Police Conducts Inquiries into Human Rights Lawyer Shahanur
Islam and Family Members

On July 11, 2023, an ofTicer from the Special Branch of Police (SB) in Badalgachhi,
Naogaon, visited the residence of Shahanur Islam, a Human Rights Lawyer and the
Founder President of JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF). The ofTicer conducted

- 70 -
a thorough inquiry regarding Mr. Islam and his family members, requesting detailed
information such as their names, dates of birth, national identity numbers, educational
backgrounds, occupations, and travel histories. Additionally, the ofTicer reached out to Mr.
Islam via Facebook Messenger, requesting his comprehensive curriculum vitae.

In another incident on February 19, 2023, an ofTicer from the Special Branch (SB) of the
Police sought extensive details about Mr. Islam, his wife, child, elderly mother, mother-in-
law, siblings, and himself. This inquiry extended to Mr. Islam's relatives, with one of his
cousins being contacted for information regarding their education, professions, national
ID card and passport details, addresses, political afTiliations, activities perceived as
against the government, ages, and more. The ofTicer also delved into Mr. Islam's current
residence abroad, expected return to Bangladesh, reasons for staying abroad, Tinancial
support, work related to advancing LGBT rights, and advocacy for the decriminalization
of homosexuality in Bangladesh.

Islamic Group Urges Ban on JusticeMakers Bangladesh and its Founder Shahanur
Islam, Accusing Promoting Homosexuality in Bangladesh

On June 21, 2023, at 5:18 PM Bangladesh time, a Facebook user going by the name "Mon
Dey" ignited a Tirestorm of controversy by calling for the ban of human rights activist and
lawyer Shahanur Islam in Bangladesh. This call, emanating from the Facebook group
Caravan, operating under the slogan "Look at the world through the eyes of Islam,"
accused Islam of promoting a Western agenda aimed at legitimizing homosexuality within
the country. Mon Dey's post also advocated for the prohibition of Justice Makers
Bangladesh, an organization established by Shahanur Islam. The inTlammatory write-up,
titled "Homosexuality on the way to legalization in Bangladesh?" was disseminated via a
Tictitious Facebook proTile, urging various segments of society, including religious leaders,
online activists, and ordinary Muslims, to take decisive actions against Shahanur Islam.
Caravan, a conservative Islamic Facebook group, echoed these sentiments, amplifying the
call for the ban on the same day. The online appeal, which has since been removed,

- 71 -
additionally urged for leg islative measures to curb the promotion of homosexuality
across Bangladesh. Shahanur Islam contends that this campaign extends beyond mere
online trolling, citing past instances where similar posts have incited riots in Bangladesh
by exploiting religious sentiments, often through fake social media accounts. These
attacks have resulted in physical assaults and property destruction, including the burning
of homes, underlining the gravity of the situation.

- 72 -

In 2023, the stance of most political parties in Bangladesh, including the ruling party
Bangladesh Awami League, the parliamentary opposition party Jatiya Party, the
Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), and Islamic Andolon Bangladesh, as well as other
political parties, was against LGBT people. Among them, Islamic parties and their
afTiliated organizations were particularly vocal in their opposition to LGBT rights on
multiple occasions.

Mosihur Rahman Ranga Faces Backlash for Degrading Comments Towards

Transgender Community During Election Campaign

During the campaigning for the 12th National Parliament Election in December 2023,
Moshiur Rahman Ranga, the Chief Whip of the then-opposition party in the National
Parliament and the expelled Secretary-General of the Jatio Party, representing Rangpur-3
Sadar Constituency, made a comment on his Facebook status about his rival candidate,
party chairman GM Quader, stating, "Allah is watching." Additionally, he mentioned having
at least 8-9 contenders in his constituency, implying a competitive election. He expressed
his frustration about only one or two candidates being elected from Rangpur, particularly
a candidate like him, representing the third gender community. He asserted that if he
were in such a position, he would refrain from participating in the election and would
instead engage in dialogue with the public. During this discussion, his supporters
emphasized his identity as a transgender individual. However, his comments, vilifying
transgender individuals as "not human," were deeply offensive and contributed to further
marginalization and discrimination.

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Islamic Student Group Denounces Transgender Rights, Calls for Removal from
Dhaka University Policies

On December 27, 2023, during a human chain event at TSC premises, Dhaka University,
Shariful Islam Riad, the central president of Islami Chhatra Andolan Bangladesh,
denounced transgender individuals, labeling them as suffering from a mental disorder
and arguing that their recognition contradicted Bengali culture and Islamic beliefs.

He vehemently opposed Dhaka University's inclusion of transgender quotas, claiming it

undermined societal norms and jeopardized the rights of female students. Riad also
criticized attempts to validate transgender identities, attributing them to Western
inTluences, and called for the removal of the term "transgender" from university
admissions. Other speakers echoed Riad's views, condemning the university's alleged
promotion of transgender rights as unscientiTic and socially disruptive, and threatened
collective action if such promotion persisted.

- 74 -

In 2023, some national and local newspapers, as well as online news media, including the
Islamic ideological newspapers Daily Sangram and Naya Diganta, were involved in
publishing negative portrayals of LGBT rights in Bangladesh through editorials, opinion
editorials, and special reports.

Khulna's Homosexuality Debate: Daily Sangram's Controversial Report Ignites

National Dialogue with Negative Portrayal

On June 24, 2023, the Bangla Jatiya newspaper, Dainik Sangram, published a report titled
"The Increasing Prevalence of Homosexuality in Khulna." The report highlighted concerns
that students in many schools, colleges, and madrasahs were reportedly developing
homosexual inclinations, which were perceived as contributing to the formation of a
distorted mindset. A leader of the Islamic youth movement unequivocally denounced
homosexuality as abhorrent, considering it the most reprehensible act. The report also
suggested that several nations had faced destruction attributed to homosexuality.
Furthermore, it asserted that homosexuality poses severe health risks, including the
transmission of incurable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, according to a doctor from Khulna
Medical College Hospital who characterized homosexuality as a manifestation of a
complete mental disorder.

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Controversy Erupts Over Gender Identity Content in Bangladesh Class Seven

The inclusion of content in class seven textbooks in Bangladesh that challenges traditional
concepts of gender identity and suggests that children can choose their gender based on
their thoughts and behavior has sparked controversy and concern among psychologists
and conservative groups. The chapter on community and gender identity portrays
scenarios where individuals can identify as a different gender through their thoughts and
actions, raising questions about the appropriateness of such topics for young students.
Additionally, passages discussing same-sex marriage and homosexuality have further
fueled debate, with critics arguing that such content contradicts religious and cultural
values in a predominantly Muslim society. While proponents view it as a step towards
promoting inclusivity and understanding, opponents fear it may sow confusion and
undermine societal norms.

Transgender Rights Act in Bangladesh: A Controversial Debate with Religious and

Social RamiOications

Mohammad Sarwar Hossain, PhD: Associate Professor at IUB and National University of
Singapore, specializing in the Tield of sex change.

The proposition of enacting a Transgender Rights Act in Bangladesh is met with

apprehension and resistance, rooted in societal, religious, and legal complexities. While
strides have been made in recognizing transgender individuals by including them in
ofTicial documents such as national identity cards and passports, there is signiTicant

- 76 -
pushback from religious and political
leaders against further legitimizing LGBT
identities. This resistance is reinforced by
religious sentiments, as evidenced by
statements from overnment ofTicials
denouncing LGBT rights as incompatible
with Islam. The conTlation of transgender
identity with hijra identity further
complicates the discourse, with hijras
historically marginalized and neglected
in Bangladeshi society. Amidst concerns
about religious extremism and social
repercussions, there is a call for a
nuanced approach that addresses the
needs of transgender individuals while
respecting cultural and religious sensitivities. Ultimately, the debate surrounding
transgender rights in Bangladesh underscores the need for careful deliberation and
consideration of diverse perspectives to navigate this complex issue.

Exploring the Dynamics of Homosexuality in Bangladesh: Horror, Punishment, and


Dr. Mohammad Hedayat Ullah: Assistant Professor, Government Madrasa-e-Alia, Dhaka.

The issue of homosexuality in Bangladesh is

currently a contentious topic, with efforts to
decriminalize it led by organizations such as
Justice Makers Bangladesh, spearheaded by
Shahanur Islam. Despite being illegal under
Section 377 of the Bangladesh Penal Code,
there is a growing movement to challenge this
law and advocate for LGBT rights. Shahanur
Islam, also associated with Bangladesh
Institute for Human Rights, has been actively
engaged in international advocacy, garnering
support from various human rights forums
and organizations. With signiTicant
international backing, including discussions
with European human rights lawyers and advocacy at the highest levels of international
diplomacy, the push for LGBT rights in Bangladesh is gaining momentum, prompting
debates and discussions about the legal and social status of homosexuality in the country.

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Inclusive Integration: Addressing Challenges Faced by Bangladesh's Transgender

Mufti Abdullah Masum: Director, IFA Consultancy

The transgender community in

Bangladesh faces signiTicant challenges
despite the government's recognition of
them as a third gender. They continue to
live neglected lives, with their
marginalized status impacting their
practice of Islam and societal acceptance.
Viewing them as a third gender is seen as
inaccurate, as gender is fundamentally
binary. Rather than segregating them,
efforts should focus on integrating them
into mainstream society, starting with
creating a comprehensive database to
distinguish between genuine

transgender individuals and those who undergo artiTicial changes. Education, housing,
and employment opportunities should be improved, and policies implemented to
facilitate their inclusion in the workforce. Discrimination against transgenders goes
against Islamic teachings, emphasizing the importance of treating them with dignity and
respect regardless of gender identity.

Navigating the Complexities of Transgender Identity: Challenges and


Tahmid Tajwar: Student, Department of Social Work, University of Rajshahi.

The issue of transgender identity is a topic

of increasing prominence, particularly
within educated and intellectual circles.
However, the media's portrayal of
transgender individuals has led to
widespread confusion and misconception
among the general population, including
the educated classes.

While the term "transgender" typically

refers to individuals who have undergone a
transformation from one gender to another,
this deTinition overlooks the complexities of
gender identity and biological sex.

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Additionally, the conTlation of transgender and intersex identities further adds to the
confusion. Intersex individuals, whose gender identity is unknown or biologically
ambiguous, are distinct from those who identify as transgender. Moreover, the
normalization of transgender identity in media narratives often disregards the personal
freedoms and legal complexities involved. For instance, individuals who transition from
male to female may face legal and societal complications, particularly in conservative
contexts where homosexuality is criminalized. In light of these challenges, policymakers
must navigate the nuances of gender identity while upholding societal values and legal
frameworks. Vigilance against misinformation and the inTluence of external actors, such
as Western NGOs, is essential to ensure the rights and well-being of all individuals,
including the transgender community.

- 79 -

In 2023, some national and local daily Bengali and English newspapers, as well as online
news media in Bangladesh, including the Daily Prothom Alo, the Daily Star, the Daily Sun,
the Daily Shomoyer Alo, and the Daily Kaler Kantho, published positive portrayals of LGBT
people, especially transgender and Hijra community individuals, through editorials,
opinion editorials, special reports, and success stories.

Inclusion and Recognition: Transgender 'Hijras' Granted Right to Contest in

National Parliament Elections

The transgender community, citing the misalignment between their hormonal

composition and physical attributes at birth, advocates for recognition of their chosen
gender identities, whether male-to-female, female-to-male, or as distinct genders
resulting from medical interventions. In a landmark decision, transgender individuals,
known as 'hijras,' are set to contest in the forthcoming national parliament election
following an amendment to the election management rules, which now includes 'male,'
'female,' and 'transgender' categories. This amendment, implemented under the
Representation of the People Order (RPO), marks a signiTicant step towards inclusivity.

However, the 2013 implementation policy of the Hijra population, deTined by the
Department of Social Services, deTines hijras based on medical criteria, citing
chromosomal defects and congenital sexual disabilities. While acknowledging those
identiTied as hijras in society, the community does not wholly embrace this medicalized

Aleya Hijra's Act of Kindness: Donating Hajj Savings to Aid Fire-Affected Traders

Aleya Hijra, a respected leader within the hijra community in Dhaka's Uttara area, has
garnered attention for her recent act of kindness. In a display of solidarity and empathy,
she donated her hajj savings to support the traders affected by a Tire in Bangabazar,

- 80 -
recognizing their sudden plight and offering assistance during their time of need. Aleya's
compassionate gesture underscores her commitment to giving back to society, a principle
she lives by through her charitable endeavors, including donations to mosques, madrasas,
and support for the needy during Eid. Despite facing societal stigma and discrimination,
Aleya remains steadfast in her dedication to helping others and challenging
misconceptions about the hijra community, exemplifying the power of empathy and
compassion in fostering social cohesion and support for marginalized groups.

Gangs Posing as Hermaphrodites Engage in Criminal Activities in Dhaka, Damaging

Third Gender Community's Image

- 81 -
Gangs in the capital are engaging in various criminal activities, including mugging,
extortion, and kidnapping, while masquerading as hermaphrodites, thereby damaging
the reputation of the third gender community. According to a senior DMP ofTicer,
approximately 90 percent of transgender individuals in the capital are impostors, living
conventional lives with their families and displaying typical sexual orientations, with
many being eunuchs. However, they adopt the guise of transgender individuals to extort
money from both households and individuals on the streets. Despite repeated written
complaints submitted by the third gender community to the Police Headquarters urging
action against gangs posing as hermaphrodites, no effective measures have been taken.
Furthermore, a parliamentary watchdog has recommended implementing medical tests
to verify genuine third gender individuals and issuing identity cards to prevent such
criminal activities, yet no action has been initiated in this regard.

Hijra Education Struggles Persist in Bangladesh Despite Efforts for Inclusion

The education scenario for hijras in Bangladesh remains dire, with negligible literacy
rates and limited access to educational opportunities. Despite efforts to promote
inclusivity in education, hijras continue to face discrimination and exclusion in both
familial and educational settings. Many hijras are deprived of educational opportunities
due to societal prejudices and lack of support from families and schools. Instances of
bullying and harassment by classmates and teachers further exacerbate their educational
challenges. The lack of accurate statistics on the hijra population complicates efforts to
address their educational needs effectively. While government policies aim to improve the
quality of life for hijras, implementation remains inadequate, with limited Tinancial
support reaching those in need. Despite these challenges, there are instances of hijras

- 82 -
breaking barriers and achieving success, underscoring the importance of providing them
with proper education and support to realize their potential.

Dawatul Quran Third Gender Madrasa: Empowering Transgender Education with

Compassion and Respect

Following the state recognition of third gender individuals in 2014, the "Dawatul Quran
Third Gender Madrasa" was established in 2020. Currently, over 1000 members of the

transgender community are enrolled in religious and moral education across its 41
branches nationwide. Overseeing the guardianship of transgender individuals as the head
instructor at the main ofTice is Mufti Mahmud Al Hasan. Despite his dedication, Hasan
faces challenges due to societal attitudes. Initially, joining as a religious teacher for the
Hijra community drew criticism, but Hasan now Tinds fulTillment in his role. ReTlecting on
the harsh treatment he endures, Hasan emphasizes the resilience and respect he receives
from his students. He acknowledges the struggles faced by transgender individuals,
advocating for their acceptance and understanding in society.

Transphobic Backlash at North-South University Highlights Need for Inclusivity in

Higher Education

Ziauddin Ahmed: Former Executive Director of Bangladesh Bank and Former Managing
Director of Security Printing Corporation.

The narrow-mindedness displayed by some North-South University students regarding

Ho Chi Minh's invitation to speak at the 'Women's Career Carnival' is indicative of larger
societal challenges in embracing diversity and inclusion. Despite universities being
institutions of higher learning, some students demonstrated a reluctance to engage with

- 83 -
perspectives from marginalized
communities, revealing a failure to
cultivate open-mindedness and empathy.
The threats and insults directed at Ho Chi
Minh, along with the refusal to
acknowledge his gender identity,
underscore the deep-seated prejudices and
discrimination faced by transgender
individuals. This incident highlights the
urgent need for education and awareness
to promote acceptance and respect for all
gender identities. Ultimately, recognizing
the humanity and experiences of
transgender individuals is essential for
fostering a truly inclusive and equitable

Global Efforts Highlight Need for Transgender Rights in Prisons: Bangladesh Faces
Legal Gap

Md. Saiful Islam: Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate in Rajshahi

Discrimination against transgender individuals in prisons is a global issue, with notable

efforts made in countries like Italy to address this concern. Italy's establishment of
segregated prisons in 2010, such as the facility in Pozzalle, sets an example for ensuring
the rights and safety of transgender prisoners. However, in Bangladesh, despite
recognizing the third gender in 2014, there is a lack of speciTic legal provisions to protect
the rights of Hijras, as highlighted by the absence of Supreme Court judgments akin to
India's NALSA case. While the government has taken steps to acknowledge the third

- 84 -
gender and enact separate laws, the Prisons Act of 1894 does not include provisions for
the segregation of transgender individuals in prisons, unlike the segregation based on sex.
This gap underscores the ongoing challenges faced by transgender individuals in
accessing adequate protection and support within the judicial system of Bangladesh.

Challenges and Struggles of Bangladesh's Transgender Community: Overcoming

Stigma and Discrimination

Dr. Matiur Rahman: Researcher and Development Worker

The transgender community in Bangladesh

grapples with enduring social stigma,
discrimination, and marginalization,
despite government recognition of their
unique identity. Despite legal strides such as
the introduction of a 'third gender' category
on national identity cards, transgender
individuals continue to face signiTicant
barriers in accessing education,
employment, healthcare, and social
acceptance. Deeply entrenched societal
norms perpetuate exclusion and
discrimination, leading to high rates of
homelessness, poverty, and limited access to
formal employment. Addressing these
systemic challenges requires not only legal
protections but also concerted efforts to challenge social norms, raise awareness, and
promote inclusivity and acceptance of diverse gender identities within Bangladeshi

Exploring the Evolution of LGBTQ+ Discourse on Social Media in Bangladesh

Mashaekh Hassan serves as a Teaching Assistant at the School of General Education,

Brac University.

LGBTQ+ discourse on social media platforms in

Bangladesh traces its trajectory from global
support for homosexual marriage in 2015 to the
present. Despite some progress, societal and
legal challenges persist, with vocal support for
LGBTQ+ rights often met with backlash. The
country's cis/hetero-normative society poses
obstacles to openly identifying with alternative
gender identities and sexual orientations,
prompting many to remain closeted for safety.
While the Hijra community enjoys some level of
tolerance, other sexual and gender minorities

- 85 -
face greater scrutiny and discrimination. The heavily regulated nature of social media in
Bangladesh adds another layer of complexity, as activists navigate the politics of visibility
amidst safety concerns. Nonetheless, the increasing presence of queer-friendly content
online signals a shift in societal attitudes, driven in part by afTluent, English-educated
youths. However, the broader implications of this visibility, particularly within the socio-
political landscape, remain uncertain, raising questions about familial support, allyship
stigma, and legal reform.

- 86 -

In 2023, for the Tirst time in history, two transgender women contested in the National
Parliament Election with their own gender identities. One of them ran independently
from Rangpur, while another contested from Gazipur under the political party Bangladesh
Supreme Party (BSP). Moreover, transgender individuals participated in the National
Election and voted using their own gender identities as well.

Third Gender Independent Candidate Shakes Up National Parliament Election

Showdown in Rangpur Constituency

On December 18, 2023, in Rangpur, a signiTicant showdown occurred as the third-gender

independent candidate, Anwara Islam Rani, secured the symbol of an eagle, positioning
herself as the primary contender against Jatiya Party candidate GM Quader in the
upcoming parliamentary elections. Accompanied by a considerable number of
supporters, Rani had previously visited the ofTice of Returning OfTicer and Deputy
Commissioner Mobaswer Hasan to request the eagle symbol. Following the acquisition of
the symbol, Rani emphasized the constituency's dissatisfaction with the Jatiya Party's
performance, pledging to bring about meaningful change if elected. Rallying through the
city streets with slogans urging support for the eagle brand, Rani's campaign stirred
considerable excitement among residents.

Historic Milestone: Hijras in Mymensingh to Vote Under True Identity for the First

In Mymensingh 35 hijras are set to vote with their true identity in the upcoming
parliamentary election. Previously conTined to voting under the 'male' category, this
election marks their Tirst opportunity to vote as hijras. Despite challenges, including the
need for gender change on their identity cards, 35 hijras successfully achieved this
milestone. Their inclusion as transgender voters among 44,43,091 registered voters
across 11 parliamentary constituencies in Mymensingh reTlects progress towards
recognizing the third gender in Bangladesh. The Election Commission's decision to
acknowledge hijras in the voter list signiTies a pivotal moment for their community,

- 87 -
enabling them to participate authentically in the democratic process. Jayita Tanu Hijra,
President of Setu Bandhan Hijra Kalyan Sangh, celebrates this development, emphasizing
the signiTicance of voting in one's true identity as a milestone achievement.

BSP Nominates Transgender Candidate Urmi for National Parliamentary Elections

in Bangladesh

In a groundbreaking move, the Bangladesh Supreme Party (BSP), leading the Liberal
Islamic Alliance, has nominated Urmi, a transgender individual, to contest in the
upcoming 12th National Parliamentary elections from the Gazipur-5 constituency. This
historic decision signiTies a signiTicant shift towards recognizing the rights and potential
contributions of the transgender community in governance and societal development.
The nomination deadline for the general election is set for November 30, with candidates
having the option to submit their forms online through the newly inaugurated "Online
Nomination Submission System (ONSS) and Smart Election Management App.

63 Third-Gender Voters to Cast Ballots in 23 Parliamentary Constituencies Across

Chittagong Region

In a signiTicant development, 63 voters of the third gender are poised to participate in the
electoral process across 23 parliamentary constituencies in the Chittagong region. These
constituencies encompass areas within Chittagong, Cox's Bazar, as well as the hill districts
of Rangamati, Bandarban, and Khagrachari. The total number of voters in these
constituencies stands at 92,43,119 individuals, as conTirmed by Chittagong Regional
Election OfTicer Yunus Ali. Among the 23 constituencies, Chittagong comprises 16
parliamentary seats, Cox's Bazar has four, and Khagrachari, Rangamati, and Bandarban
each have one parliamentary seat.

- 88 -

Despite facing numerous difTiculties, discrimination, and violence from family, society,
and the state, LGBT individuals, especially transgender individuals, have shown
remarkable resilience and success. Despite the challenges they encounter, they continue
to strive for their rights and visibility, contributing to positive changes in attitudes and
policies. Their courage and determination serve as a beacon of hope for a more inclusive
and accepting society where everyone can live authentically and without fear of prejudice
or persecution.

Trailblazing Transgender Sanjeevani Sudha Pursues MPhil at Dhaka University,

Defying Adversity

Sanjeevani Sudha, the Tirst transgender individual to pursue an MPhil at Dhaka University,
has overcome numerous societal challenges to reach this milestone. Born and raised in a
village in Dhanbari Upazila of Tangail district, Sanjeevani faced discrimination and
ridicule throughout childhood and adolescence due to societal prejudices. Despite
enduring hardship, including being ostracized at school and facing ridicule from peers,
Sanjeevani excelled academically, eventually gaining admission to Chittagong University
and later Dhaka University for MPhil studies. Throughout this journey, family support
played a crucial role, although societal acceptance remained elusive. Sanjeevani's MPhil
proposal focuses on reframing gender in Bangladesh's political landscape, reTlecting her
commitment to addressing societal inequalities. Despite facing discrimination and
obstacles on a daily basis, Sanjeevani remains self-motivated and determined to make a
positive impact, drawing inspiration from her own resilience and the support of her
family. Additionally, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sanjeevani volunteered to assist in

- 89 -
the burial of COVID victims, demonstrating her dedication to community service and
empathy towards others.

Transgender Woman Overcomes Adversity to Pursue Higher Education Under True

Identity at Prime Asia University

Saravan Tahura, a transgender woman, is defying societal barriers to pursue higher

education under her true identity at Prime Asia University in the capital. Saravan's
journey, marked by resilience and determination, began amidst challenges as she left her
family in Khulna to settle in Dhaka due to societal pressures. Despite facing discrimination
and ostracism, Saravan refused to give up on her dreams. With the support of an
acquaintance from the Hijra community, Saravan seized the opportunity to enroll in the
Department of International Tourism and Hospitality Management at Prime Asia
University, which allows admissions under transgender and Hijra identities. Obtaining
necessary documentation conTirming her identity eased the admission process, and the
university waived a signiTicant portion of her tuition fees. Saravan's journey has been
fraught with obstacles, including interruptions in her academic pursuits due to familial,
social, and Tinancial constraints. Nevertheless, her unwavering determination and mental
fortitude have propelled her forward. Saravan continues to navigate societal prejudices
while balancing her studies with occasional employment opportunities, demonstrating
resilience in the face of adversity.

Transgender Entrepreneur Palash Empowers Community Through Successful

Handicraft Venture in Gopalganj

Palash, a transgender woman hailing from Gopalganj, has initiated a transformative

endeavor by establishing a Tlourishing handicraft factory that has positively impacted the
lives of 44 individuals like herself. Despite pursuing studies in law at Islamic University,
Palash undertook this entrepreneurial journey with the aim of empowering the

- 90 -
transgender community, commonly referred to as "hijras," in Bangladesh. Through her
factory, which employs transgender individuals from diverse districts, Palash endeavors
to challenge societal prejudices and foster economic self-sufTiciency within her
community. Trained in handicraft making in Rajasthan, India, Palash commenced the
venture in 2015, primarily focusing on crafting essential products for children. By
importing raw materials from India and leveraging local resources, her factory produces
distinctive and sought-after goods, resulting in successful exports to Nepal. Palash's
pioneering initiative has garnered both international and national acclaim, earning her
prestigious awards and accolades in recognition of her impactful contributions.

Hijras in Gazipur Turn to Agriculture, Cultivating Self-SufOiciency and


- 91 -
In an inspiring departure from traditional means of livelihood such as extortion, a group
of hijras in Gazipur, Bangladesh, has ventured into agriculture to support themselves and
contribute positively to society. Previously reliant on collecting money and essential items
from shops and houses, they have now turned to farming, cultivating various crops
including paddy, onion, garlic, tomato, and sweet pumpkin on 13 bighas of land. With the
support of individuals like Faisal Ahmed and Ramiz Uddin, who provided them with
abandoned land for farming, they are determined to stand on their own feet and dispel
stereotypes about their capabilities. Despite facing initial challenges and Tinancial
investments, they remain hopeful about the future, aiming to scale up their agricultural
endeavors and become self-reliant. The hijra community's embrace of agriculture as a
profession is not only commendable but also underscores their resilience and
determination to integrate into mainstream society. With government support available
for farmers, including transgenders, such initiatives hold promise for fostering inclusivity
and economic empowerment within the community.

Sultana Ahmed Sagarika Makes History as First Third Gender Representative in

Rajshahi City Corporation Elections

Sultana Ahmed Sagarika made history by becoming the Tirst representative of the third
gender in the Rajshahi City Corporation (RASIK) elections. Sagarika secured the councilor
position in the 19th, 20th, and 21st wards of Rasik as a reserved councilor. The election
occurred on Wednesday, June 21, with polling starting at 8 am and concluding at 4 pm.
Among the 46 women councilors contesting in 10 reserved wards, Sultana Ahmed

- 92 -
Sagarika stands out as a representative of the third gender, marking a signiTicant
milestone in inclusive representation.

Ankita Islam Makes History as First Transgender Student Admitted to Dhaka


Ankita Islam's admission as the Tirst transgender student at Centenary University of

Dhaka marks a historic milestone, breaking barriers and inspiring hope for marginalized
communities. Born as Zahidul Islam, Ankita's journey has been one of resilience,
overcoming societal stigma and discrimination to pursue her dreams. Despite facing
mental and physical abuse, Ankita persisted in her pursuit of education, eventually
graduating in mathematics from Govt Saadat College, Tangail. Along the way, she
encountered bullying and rejection, both within her family and educational institutions,
but she persevered, Tinding solace in her identity. Joining BRAC Bank provided Ankita
with a supportive work environment where she could openly express her gender identity.
Her admission to Dhaka University, facilitated by a scholarship arranged by Vice-
Chancellor Akhtaruzzaman, signiTies a triumph over adversity and a testament to her
determination. In her new academic environment, Ankita has found acceptance and
encouragement from both faculty and classmates, reshaping her perception of

- 93 -
educational institutions. Looking ahead, Ankita aspires to continue her education and
advocate for the rights of the transgender community, aiming to address the widespread
deprivation of higher education among transgender individuals.

Cynthia Bhuia, Transgender Industrialist, Nominated for Nepal Bangladesh

Friendship Award 2023

Cynthia Bhuia, a prominent transgender industrialist from Dhaka's Khilgaon Goran and
Chairman of Our Bhavna Association, has been nominated for the Nepal Bangladesh
Friendship Award 2023. The award ceremony, scheduled for November 23, 2023, in
Kathmandu, will honor Bhuia for her humanitarian work. Recognized for her
contributions to society, Bhuia has previously received accolades such as the Mahatma
Gandhi International Peace Award and the Mother Teresa Golden Award. With her
leadership and determination, she has built a successful business empire, employing over
three thousand underprivileged individuals across Bangladesh. Bhuia's mission extends
beyond business; she aims to empower the transgender community by providing
education and employment opportunities, advocating for their rights, and seeking
political representation. Through her unwavering dedication, Bhuia continues to inspire
change and uplift marginalized communities, striving for a more inclusive and just society

- 94 -
Transgender Zara Rahman Overcomes Housing Struggle, Secures Government
Hostel Seat

Zara Rahman, an advocate for transgender rights, faced discrimination while seeking
accommodation due to her gender identity. After being rejected by a landlord upon
disclosing her transgender status, Rahman found solace in securing a seat at the
Karmajeevi Mahila Hostel, operated by the Directorate of Women Affairs under the
Ministry of Women and Child Affairs. The hostel, part of a network of nine government-
run facilities, offers accommodation exclusively for working women. Rahman, who works
as a payroll ofTicer at BRAC, expressed gratitude for the opportunity, highlighting BRAC's
inclusive policies towards transgender employees. Despite societal challenges and
familial misunderstandings, Rahman remains resilient in pursuing her aspirations,
including her pursuit of an MPhil degree from Dhaka University. As she prepares to
embark on this new chapter, Rahman reTlects on her lifelong journey of self-discovery and

- 95 -
acceptance, advocating for greater understanding and acceptance of transgender
individuals in Bangladeshi society.

Transgender Student Shishir Bindu Makes History as Vice President of Rajbari

District Student Union

On January 11, 2023, Shishir Bindu, a transgender woman, made history in Bangladesh
politics by being elected as the Vice President of Rajbari District Student Union. Born in
1994, Bindu faced challenges growing up in a poor family but pursued education,
currently studying for a Masters in Islamic History. Her election represents a signiTicant
milestone in the country's student politics, demonstrating the Bangladesh Student
Union's commitment to inclusivity and representation. Bindu's appointment has
garnered praise from former political leaders and student union ofTicials, underscoring
the progressive stance of the student movement in combating discrimination and
advocating for the rights of all individuals.

- 96 -
Yashin Ahmed Sakal Makes History as First Transgender Winner in Bangladesh
Beauty Pageant

Yashin Ahmed Sakal, a transgender individual, initially hesitated to register for the beauty
pageant fearing exclusion due to her unchanged name. Despite the uncertainty, she
persevered and not only registered but also emerged as the second runner-up in 'Miss
Evergreen Bangladesh' season one, marking a historic moment as the Tirst transgender to
win a prize in any beauty pageant in Bangladesh. Yashin's victory signiTies a signiTicant
milestone in raising awareness about transgender rights and inclusion. Raised in Shivpur,
Narsingdi, Yashin is pursuing Honors in Fashion Design and Technology and has
showcased her talents as a model, radio jockey, dance instructor, and actor in the
government-funded Tilm 'Bakul Katha'. She emphasizes the importance of inner beauty
and representation in beauty pageants, challenging traditional notions of heroines while
acknowledging the ongoing societal challenges and prejudices faced by transgender
individuals. Despite encountering negativity and harsh comments, Yashin remains
optimistic about the gradual change in societal attitudes towards gender diversity,
believing that change takes time.

- 97 -

In 2023, Bangladesh witnessed signiTicant positive initiatives from various sectors

towards LGBT rights, particularly transgender rights. The Election Commission included
the Hijra identity among male and female categories in National Parliament Election
rules, promoting inclusivity. The Education Department incorporated transgender
representation in school textbooks, fostering awareness and understanding among
students. Rajshahi Medical College Hospital introduced a dedicated ticket counter for the
third gender community, addressing their healthcare needs. Dhaka University
implemented a Hijra quota for undergraduate admissions, promoting educational
opportunities. The Bangladesh High Court issued a landmark ruling mandating a Welfare
Board for Hijras, ensuring property inheritance rights. Dhaka District Administration
allocated land in Demra for Hijra and third gender community development. The National
Human Rights Commission advocated for a Welfare Board to protect transgender and
Hijra rights. Bangladesh Railway Services allowed sex reassignment employees to join,
promoting workplace inclusivity. Companies like Fair Group and Tasty Treat employed
transgender individuals, promoting diversity in the corporate sector. Furthermore, third-
gender individuals returned to work in Rajshahi through NGO initiatives, highlighting
collaborative efforts towards societal inclusion and equality.

Election Commission:

Bangladesh Election Commission Amends Rules to Recognize 'Hijra' Identity in

Parliamentary Elections, Granting Historic Inclusivity to Gender Diversity

In a landmark move towards inclusivity, Bangladesh's Election Commission has amended

the National Parliament Election Conduct Rules-2008 to allow individuals from the 'hijra'
community to identify as such in nomination papers for parliamentary elections,
alongside men and women. Gazetted on February 23, this amendment, authorized by

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Article 94 of the Representation of the People Order 1972, involves altering 11 rules of
the National Assembly Election Rules. Now, candidates can specify their gender identity,
with 'hijra' being a newly recognized option. This groundbreaking change enables hijra
individuals to run for parliamentary seats under their own identity, either independently
or as representatives of political parties, signifying a signiTicant stride towards
acknowledging and embracing diverse gender identities within the electoral framework.

Education Sector:

Incorporating Transgender Representation in in School Textbooks Bangladesh's

Historic Leap Towards Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity in Education

On January 1, new textbooks were introduced for students aged 11 to 13 in Bangladesh,

featuring a segment on transgender individuals, or hijras. This inclusion represents a
signiTicant stride towards acknowledgment and inclusivity in a nation where hijras have
historically encountered social exclusion and prejudice. The textbooks depict hijras in
various roles, such as beauticians, development workers, and elected ofTicials, alongside
a Tictional narrative illustrating a child's gender transition. While intended to cultivate
understanding and compassion among students, the move has stirred controversy among
conservative Muslim factions, prompting protests urging the recall of the
textbooks.Nevertheless, members of the transgender community and their supporters
perceive this initiative as a promising avenue for societal transformation, hopeful that
heightened awareness will foster broader acceptance and opportunities for their
advancement. Despite enduring challenges, including poverty and educational and
occupational barriers, hijras maintain optimism that initiatives like these will facilitate
their empowerment and integration into mainstream society.

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UP Chairman Nazrul Islam Ritu's Inclusion in Textbooks Marks Milestone for Third
Gender Representation in Bangladesh

UP Chairman Nazrul Islam Ritu, a prominent Tigure from the third gender community in
Jhenaidah, has been featured in textbooks as a testament to his remarkable journey and
achievements. His inclusion in the class VII history and social science books of the new
National Curriculum General Education and Madrassa Board highlights the challenges
and aspirations of the third gender population in Bangladesh. Ritu's victory in the Union
Parishad elections and his dedication to serving his community despite societal
prejudices serve as an inspiration. The portrayal of his life story and contributions in
textbooks reTlects a positive step towards raising awareness and fostering inclusivity.
Ritu's pride and gratitude for being recognized in the textbooks demonstrate the
signiTicance of such representation for the empowerment of the third gender community,
while also emphasizing the need for continued support and efforts for their development.

Dhaka University Introduces Transgender Quota for Undergraduate Admission

Dhaka University has announced a groundbreaking move to introduce a special quota for
transgender students in its undergraduate programs, aimed at fostering inclusivity and
providing educational opportunities for a marginalized community. The decision was
made on January 12, 2023 during a General Admission Committee meeting chaired by
Vice-Chancellor Md Akhtaruzzaman, reTlects the university's commitment to promoting
gender equity and addressing the needs of those who have historically faced neglect and
exclusion. Transgender individuals will be eligible for admission under this quota upon
submission of relevant documentation for veriTication, as outlined in a press release from
the DU Public Relations ofTice.

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Information Technology Sector:

BCC Partners with NGO to Empower Transgender Community Through Digital

Technology Initiatives

On January 17, 2023, the Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) under the supervision of
the Information and Communication Technology Department took a signiTicant step
towards inclusivity by signing a memorandum of understanding with a national NGO to
develop the capacity of transgender individuals through digital technology initiatives.
Ranjit Kumar, the executive director of BCC, emphasized the importance of integrating
transgender individuals into society and providing them with opportunities for
development. The initiative aims to create a transgender-friendly work environment,
offer training in information technology, and generate job opportunities, ultimately
contributing to the vision of building a smart Bangladesh.

Health Sector:

Rajshahi Medical College Hospital Introduces Dedicated Ticket Counter for Third
Gender Community

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Rajshahi Medical College Hospital has taken a signiTicant step towards inclusivity on
January 22, 2023, by opening a dedicated ticket counter for the third gender population.
Inaugurated by senior ofTicials and community leaders, including Rajshahi Metropolitan
Awami League senior vice-president Shaheen Akhtar Reni and hospital director Brigadier
General Shamim Yazdani, the initiative aims to provide easier access to medical treatment

for individuals from the third gender community. Previously, members of this community
faced challenges and embarrassment while queuing with the general public, often being
directed to the wrong lines based on their gender identity. With the introduction of the
separate counter, they can now obtain tickets without discomfort and access the
healthcare services they need without hindrance. Leaders and representatives from
organizations such as Denin Alo Hijra Sangh were present at the inauguration, reTlecting
the collaborative effort to promote inclusivity and dignity in healthcare services.

Groundbreaking Boy-to-Girl Transformation Surgery Marks Historic Milestone in

Khulna, Bangladesh

On the night of May 12, Friday, Bangladesh witnessed its Tirst boy-to-girl conversion
surgery at a private clinic in Khulna city. The successful transformation involved a boy
undergoing surgery to become a girl, with the patient currently recovering in the post-
operative ward of the clinic. Dr. Nirupam Mondal, a urology department doctor at Khulna
Medical College Hospital, who participated in the groundbreaking surgery, explained that
while the patient possessed all internal male characteristics, externally, she exhibited
features typically associated with females. Dr. Mondal identiTied the condition as
Testicular Feminization Syndrome (TFS), where individuals born biologically male
develop external female characteristics due to insensitivity to male hormones. The
extensive four-and-a-half-hour operation entailed the removal of male organs and the
creation of female genitalia, enabling the patient to fully embrace a female identity. Family
members, choosing to remain anonymous, expressed support for the transformation,
envisioning hopes for the patient's future happiness, including marriage and starting a

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family. This pioneering surgery, a Tirst in the region, sheds light on the complexity and
challenges involved in such procedures, offering hope and new opportunities for
individuals dealing with gender dysphoria or related conditions.

Judicial Sector:

Bangladesh High Court Issues Landmark Ruling Mandating Welfare Board for
Hijras, Ensuring Property Inheritance Rights

On March 16, 2023, the High Court responded to a writ petition by issuing a ruling
advocating for the establishment of a Hijra Welfare Board in Bangladesh. The ruling,
delivered by a bench comprising Justice KM Kamrul Quader and Justice Muhammad Ali,
emphasizes the importance of legal provisions to safeguard the social, medical, and
inheritance rights of the transgender (Hijra) community. The petitioner, Sylhet resident
Abdul Jabbar Jalil, highlighted the lack of legal frameworks for Hijras to inherit family
property, emphasizing the need to mitigate their vulnerability and societal
marginalization. Lawyer Abdul Halim KaTi, representing the petitioner, stressed the
signiTicance of recognizing the property rights of the Hijra community to promote
inclusivity and prevent social exclusion. The ruling directs government ofTicials to
respond to the matter within four weeks, signaling a potential milestone in ensuring
equitable rights for transgender individuals in the country.

Supreme Court Lawyer Demands Civil Rights for Bangladesh's Hijra Community

On July 5, 2023, Supreme Court lawyer Mahmudul Hasan issued a legal notice demanding
guaranteed civil rights for the third gender community in Bangladesh, including a
monthly allowance and separate educational institutions. Addressed to the government's
social welfare secretary, Tinance secretary, education secretary, and law secretary, the
notice underscored the neglect and discrimination faced by the Hijra community,
highlighting their isolation from families, lack of educational opportunities, and

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marginalization from mainstream society. Hasan referenced Article 28(4) of the
Bangladesh Constitution, which permits special provisions for backward communities,
and criticized the government's failure to adequately address the needs of the Hijra
population, despite the existence of a policy for their development since 2013.
Emphasizing the constitutional rights of equality and non-discrimination, Hasan urged
the government to take decisive action within 30 days to ensure the welfare of the Hijra
community, threatening legal recourse through a writ petition in the High Court if

District Adminstation:

Dhaka District Administration Allocates Decimile Land in Demra for Hijra and
Third Gender Community Development

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On July 13, 2023, the Dhaka District Administration OfTice in Bhatara Bashundhara,
Dhaka, ofTicially handed over the deed to the Swapnajoy Bangladesh Foundation's
President Sharmita Farhin and General Secretary Himel, allocating 15 decimals of land in
Demra, a suburb of the capital. This allocation is part of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's
commitment to inclusive development, aimed at supporting the Hijra and third gender
community. Dhaka District Administrator Mohammad Mominur Rahman oversaw the
transfer of the property, dedicating 15 decimals of the total land for the organization's

National Human Rights Commission:

National Human Rights Commission Chairman Advocates for Welfare Board to

Protect Transgender and Hijra Rights

On May 11, 2023, Kamal Uddin Ahmed, Chairman of the National Human Rights
Commission, announced plans to propose the formation of a welfare board aimed at
safeguarding the rights of transgender and hijra individuals. Stressing the importance of
bringing attention to the issues faced by marginalized communities, Ahmed highlighted
the need for increased visibility through Tilms and literature to foster positive societal
change. He underscored the urgency of enacting protection laws and collaborating with
various organizations to ensure the well-being of these communities, proposing the
establishment of a welfare board akin to that in India. The deadline for these initiatives
was not speciTied.

Bangladesh Rail Way:

Transformation Triumph: Gibran from Sharmin Cleared to Join Bangladesh Railway


Sharmin Akhter Jhinook, now known as Gibran Saudagar, has received approval to assume
the position of Fitter Grade-II in Bangladesh Railway after a period of uncertainty.

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This milestone was achieved through a letter issued by Palash Kumar Saha, Deputy
Director of Personnel-3 Branch at the Bangladesh Railway Director General's ofTice,
granting Gibran permission to commence his service. The decision, based on the
recommendation of the medical board, underscores the necessity for Gibran to adhere to
established regulations regarding any previous absences from work. Despite
administrative action looming due to Gibran's extended absence from work without
ofTicial permission, his gender transition journey, marked by surgeries in 2021, including
mastectomy and hysterectomy, supported by medical certiTicates from both Bangladesh
and India, has paved the way for his seamless integration into his new role. Despite his
transformation, Gibran's ofTicial documents, including employment records, national
identity cards, and passports, still bear his former name, reTlecting the complexities of
navigating bureaucratic procedures amidst personal change.

Bangladesh Police:

Sherpur Hijra Community Celebrates Acquisition of Dedicated Burial Ground

The Sherpur Hijra community now has a dedicated burial ground for their deceased
members. On July 21, 2023, Friday afternoon, the graveyard was ofTicially inaugurated by
Kamruzzaman, the police superintendent of the district. Sanjida Haque Mau, president of
the Police Women's Welfare Association-Punak and wife of Kamruzzaman, planted three
trees during the ceremony. Situated in the Andharia-Sutirpar area of Kamaria Union in
Sherpur Sadar Upazila, the graveyard is located near Guchch village, a central location for

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the Hijra community. Kamruzzaman and his wife personally Tinanced the acquisition of
the land, investing approximately 10 lakh taka for the construction of the graveyard,
exclusively for the use of the Sherpur Hijra community. This development has been
warmly welcomed by the Hijra community, who expressed their excitement and gratitude
for the initiative.

Prison Sector:

Transgender Leader Ruby Begum Moved to Panchagarh Jail Due to Lack of

Accommodation in Thakurgaon Jail

On April 10, 2023, Ruby Begum, also known as Rubel, a transgender community leader in
Thakurgaon, was transferred from Thakurgaon Jail to Panchagarh District Jail due to the

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lack of accommodation for third-gender individuals in Thakurgaon Jail. Ruby was
arrested on allegations of selling 20 government houses in Guchchagram, following a case
Tiled by Hasan Ali, the deputy assistant ofTicer of Nargun Union Land OfTice.

Housing Sector:

Government Provides Houses to Seven Transgender Individuals in Rajbari,

Signaling Progress in Rehabilitation Efforts

Recently, seven transgender individuals in Daulatdia, Goaland upazila of Rajbari, received

houses as part of rehabilitation measures taken by the government. The seven recipients
are - transgender president Milan (Mahia Mahi), Rokeya Akhter, Antara Khatun, Roni
Chowdhury, Neelima, Rokeya, and Akash Mandal. These individuals, who have long faced
neglect and societal discrimination, now Tind hope and dignity in their newfound homes.
Each house, spanning about 400 square feet, includes two rooms, a balcony, a toilet, and
a kitchen. This initiative signiTies a transformative change in the lives of transgender
people, offering them not just shelter but also a sense of belonging and acceptance in

Corporate Sector:

Fair Group Sets Example with Employment Initiatives: Appoints 30 Hijras in Their

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On April 15, 2023, during a CSR Meet titled "Social Inclusion of Transgender Community"
held at Tejgaon, NBR Chairman Abu Hena Mohammad Rahmatul Muneem emphasized the
importance of social integration for transgender individuals. He commended Fair Group
for their exemplary corporate initiatives in employing transgenders. Fair Group Chairman
Ruhul Alam Al Mahbub highlighted their commitment to social inclusion by employing
over 30 transgenders across different SBUs, urging other private sector entrepreneurs to
follow suit. Additional IGP Habibur Rahman and cultural personalities Shamim Ara Nipa,
Sadia Islam Mou, and Amitabh Reza Chowdhury also voiced their support for integrating
the transgender community into mainstream society.

Tasty Treat Employs Transgender Individuals at NBR Branch, Paving the Way for
Inclusive Employment

On June 14th, Tasty Treat, a fast-food brand under the PRAN-RFL industrial group,
launched a new sales outlet at the National Board of Revenue-NBR building in Agargaon,
Dhaka, appointing two transgender individuals as sales staff. NBR Chairman Abu Hena
praised this initiative during the opening ceremony, commending Tasty Treat for its
commitment to providing employment opportunities to the Hijra community. Ahsan Khan
Chowdhury, the Group Chairman, underscored the signiTicance of inclusive employment
practices. Simran, one of the transgender employees, revealed that she is currently
studying theater at Jagannath University and expressed gratitude for the job, which has
brought stability to her life. Another employee, Papdi, expressed happiness at securing
employment after previously relying on singing and dancing for a living. Both Simran and
Papdi reside in a rented house near the NBR building.

NGO Sector:

Empowerment and Reintegration: Third Gender Individuals Return to Work in

In Rajshahi, third gender individuals are reclaiming their place in society by transitioning
from a life of marginalization and extortion to one of empowerment and independence.
Formerly relegated to begging and extorting money, individuals like Hena, Polly, Ankhi,

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and Jasmine have forged their own paths by establishing businesses with the support of
organizations like the Foundation for Humans and Dayan Alo Hijra Sangh. Over 35 third
gender individuals have reintegrated into the workforce, some opening their own shops
while others join NGOs or ofTices. Despite facing initial skepticism, their businesses thrive,
symbolizing a shift towards acceptance and inclusivity. However, challenges persist, with
limited job opportunities and societal prejudices hindering their full integration. Efforts
by organizations and government agencies aim to provide training and support, signaling
a gradual but hopeful progress towards gender equality and economic empowerment for
the third

- 110 -

Fish Seller Stabbed by Hijra Over 10 Rupees in Rangamati

On February 1, 2023, in Naniarchar, Rangamati, a Tish seller named Tushita Chakma was
stabbed by an unidentiTied hijra over a dispute regarding 10 BDT. The hijra demanded
money from Chakma, and upon refusal, threw the Tish he was selling on the ground and
proceeded to stab him multiple times, causing injuries to his hands, neck, and cheek.
Chakma was promptly assisted by locals and a UP member to the health center, where he
received treatment for his wounds. The hijra Tled the scene and is currently being pursued
by authorities for legal action.

Transgender Hijras Assault Elderly Woman in Manirampur, Resulting in Serious


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An elderly woman was severely injured in an altercation with transgender individuals.
Shampa, along with two other hijras, visited the residence of the deceased Shamsur
Rahman in Danga Mohisdia village of Manirampur upazila around 11 o'clock. They
demanded two thousand taka from Majida Begum (65), the deceased's wife. Begum,
stating her poverty, offered two kilograms of rice instead. Enraged by this, the hijras
verbally abused Begum and physically assaulted her. The altercation led to Begum losing
three woman was injured by transgender teeth as locals intervened to rescue her. While two
hijras Tled, the crowd apprehended Shampa, administering two slaps. Witnesses attested
that Shampa attempted to restrain the others rather than inTlict harm on Begum.

Hijra Group Attacks Wedding Guests and Vandalizes Community Center in Comilla

On June 23, 2023, during a wedding ceremony at the press club community center in
Comilla, a group of hijras launched an attack on the relatives of the bride and groom,
vandalizing community center furniture after their demand for 10,000 BDT went unmet.
Led by individuals identiTied as Nadira Hijras or Abina Hijras, they resorted to verbal
abuse, including obscene language, and engaged in indecent behavior, even disrobing. The
hijras then confronted the wedding guests, clapping loudly to intimidate them. Later,
another group led by Rabina Hijra joined, initiating further harassment and torture when
the organizers couldn't meet their demands. The situation was eventually brought under
control after the Comilla Kotyali Police Station was contacted, and the police force arrived
to protect the wedding organizers.

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Transgender Community in Bangladesh Protests for End to Arson and Violence,

Calls for Greater Rights and Representation

On December 05, 2023, members of the transgender community in Bangladesh,

represented by various organizations including Hope and Peace Welfare Organization and
Conscious Hijra Adhikar Youth Sangh, staged a human chain protest in front of the
National Press Club. They demanded an end to arson and violence associated with strikes
and blockades, highlighting the risks posed to their lives and livelihoods. Additionally,
they called for punishment for perpetrators of such acts and advocated for greater
recognition and rights for hijras, including representation in parliament through reserved
seats. The protesters emphasized the need for justice for transgender individuals,
particularly in cases of rape, and expressed support for the ruling Awami League party
while pledging their votes in the upcoming election. They urged for fair and peaceful
electoral processes, echoing their desire for societal inclusion, progress, and respect.

Hijra Community Rallies in Solidarity, Donates 20 Lakh BDT to Fire-Affected

Traders in Bangabazar

On April 9, 2023, in a heartwarming gesture of solidarity, approximately 100 members

of the Hijra community visited Bangabazar to extend support to the affected business of
a market Tire. President Kashmiri Deepali Hijra expressed the community's longstanding
connection with these traders, spanning over four decades of mutual leaders, handing
over 20 Lakh BDT. Instead of indulging in Eid shopping, they chose to channel their
resources towards assisting the struggling traders to survive the aftermath upport. Bakul
Haji reiterated their commitment to standing alongside the affected individuals,
highlighting their decision to forgo new Eid attire in favor of collecting

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donations nationwide. This act of kindness underscores the compassion and unity within
the Hijra community, exemplifying the power of collective empathy in times of crisis.
Additionally, earlier that day, Hijra leader Aliya from Uttara had contributed an additional
two lakh rupees towards the cause, further illustrating the community's dedication to
supporting those in need.

Dhaka Flood Tragedy: Family Electrocuted, Infant Sole Survivor Amidst Third-
Gender Community's Heroism

In a tragic incident, Mizan (35),

a resident of Barisal, along with
his wife Mukta (25) and
daughter Lima (7), were
electrocuted on Thursday
(September 21) around 9:30 pm
in Dhaka's Jhilpar Basti area
near Mirpur Commerce College.
The family was returning home
amid heavy rain when they
encountered electrically
charged water due to the
Tlooding caused by the
downpour. Despite the
unfortunate event, their seven-
month-old son Hossain survived
the ordeal. Hossain was rescued

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from the water and promptly taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital by compassionate
individuals from the third-gender community, Amina and Barshi. Mohammad Anik, a local
youth, tragically lost his life while attempting to rescue Mizan's family. Rashti, a third-
gender individual who witnessed the incident, recounted their efforts in assisting the
injured, particularly focusing on ensuring medical care for Hossain. Although Mizan,
Mukta, and Lima succumbed to their injuries, Hossain was discharged from the hospital
after receiving initial treatment. The child is now under the care of relatives, while the
bodies of his family members await further arrangements at Suhrawardy Hospital.

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In 2023, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI+) individuals
faced signiTicant challenges in their daily lives across various domains, including family,
society, education, workplace, and within the state. These challenges included:

Family Rejection:

Many LGBTQI+ individuals experienced rejection, discrimination, and even violence from
their families due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, leading to strained
relationships and emotional distress.

Social Stigma and Discrimination:

Deep-rooted societal norms and prejudices persisted, resulting in widespread stigma,

discrimination, and social exclusion for LGBTQI+ individuals. This discrimination
manifested through verbal abuse, physical violence, and denial of basic rights and

Education Discrimination:

LGBTQI+ students encountered discrimination, bullying, and harassment in educational

institutions, hindering their academic success and psychological well-being. The lack of
inclusive policies and support systems further marginalized LGBTQI+ students.

Workplace Discrimination:

LGBTQI+ individuals faced barriers to employment opportunities, career advancement,

and workplace inclusion due to discrimination, harassment, and unfair treatment based
on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Legal and Policy Challenges:

Existing legal frameworks often failed to adequately protect the rights of LGBTQI+
individuals, with laws criminalizing same-sex relations and gender non-conformity still
in place. Limited legal protections and enforcement mechanisms left LGBTQI+ individuals
vulnerable to rights violations and impunity for perpetrators.

Healthcare Disparities:

LGBTQI+ individuals encountered barriers to accessing inclusive healthcare services,

including discrimination from healthcare providers and lack of culturally competent care,
impacting their ability to seek appropriate medical treatment and support.

- 116 -
Psychological and Emotional Impact:

Constant exposure to discrimination, stigma, and violence took a toll on the mental health
and well-being of LGBTQI+ individuals, leading to heightened levels of stress, anxiety,
depression, and trauma.

Lack of Support Systems:

Limited access to support services, including mental health care, legal assistance, and
community support, further exacerbated the challenges faced by LGBTQI+ individuals.
Inadequate resources and infrastructure hindered their ability to seek help and support
during times of crisis.

Persistent Violence:

Despite advocacy efforts, LGBTQI+ individuals in Bangladesh continued to face pervasive

violence, creating a hostile environment that compromised their safety and well-being.

Geographic Disparities:

Violence against LGBTQI+ individuals was concentrated in urban areas like Dhaka but
also occurred in rural regions, indicating nationwide challenges. Addressing
discrepancies in support services and legal protection access across regions remained a
priority to ensure equality and safety.

Intersectional Vulnerabilities:

Transgender individuals, in particular, were vulnerable due to intersecting factors such

as gender identity, socioeconomic status, and healthcare access. Intersectional
approaches were necessary to address the diverse needs and vulnerabilities within the
LGBTQI+ community effectively.

Complex Perpetrator Dynamics:

Perpetrators of violence against LGBTQI+ individuals ranged from the general public to
organized groups, government personnel, and even family members. Collaborative efforts
were crucial to hold perpetrators accountable and dismantle systems that enabled
violence and discrimination.

Overall, the daily lives of LGBTQI+ individuals in 2023 were characterized by persistent
challenges and barriers across various aspects of their lives, emphasizing the urgent need
for comprehensive legal protections, social acceptance, and support systems to ensure
their rights and well-being.

- 117 -

Constitutional Recognition of Homosexuality:

Acknowledge homosexuality within the constitution of Bangladesh to ensure equal rights

and protections for LGBTQI+ individuals in the country.

Decriminalization of Same-Sex Relationships:

Repeal Section 377 of the Bangladesh Penal Code to promote equality, justice, and human
rights for LGBTQI+ individuals in Bangladesh.

Criminalizing Conversion Therapy:

Enact speciTic laws to criminalize conversion therapy and create a safer and more
inclusive society for LGBTQI+ individuals in Bangladesh.

Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Laws:

Implement laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity,

and expression across all aspects of life.

Legal Recognition of Gender Identity:

Ensure simpliTied procedures for changing legal gender markers on identiTication

documents to recognize and respect transgender and non-binary individuals' gender

Protection from Hate Crimes:

Strengthen hate crime laws and law enforcement training to protect LGBTQI+ individuals
from bias-motivated crimes.

Access to Gender-AfOirming Healthcare:

Guarantee access to gender-afTirming healthcare without discrimination and provide

coverage under public and private health insurance plans.

Inclusive Family Law:

Recognize diverse family structures and ensure equal rights for LGBTQI+ families in areas
such as adoption and child custody.

Education and Training:

Implement mandatory training programs on LGBTQI+ issues for legal professionals and
law enforcement ofTicers to combat bias and discrimination.

Access to Legal Services:

Improve access to legal services for LGBTQI+ individuals, particularly those from
marginalized communities, by providing free or low-cost legal assistance.

- 118 -
Rights Protections:

Enact laws prohibiting discrimination in healthcare, employment, and housing based on

gender identity.

Intersectional Approaches:

Adopt intersectional approaches to address the unique challenges faced by LGBTQI+

individuals who belong to other marginalized groups.

Education and Awareness:

Implement inclusive education programs to promote acceptance, tolerance, and

understanding of LGBTQI+ identities.

Workplace Diversity and Inclusion:

Encourage businesses and organizations to adopt non-discrimination policies and create

inclusive work environments.

Support Services: Increase funding and resources for LGBTQI+ support organizations
and establish community centers.

Capacity Building:

Provide training for law enforcement agencies, public prosecutor, judiciary and other
service provider on LGBTQI+ rights and sensitization.

Engagement with Families:

Conduct outreach programs to educate families about LGBTQI+ issues and provide
support services.

Data Collection and Research:

Collect comprehensive data on LGBTQI+ individuals' experiences to inform evidence-

based policy and advocacy efforts.

International Cooperation:

Collaborate with international organizations to advocate for LGBTQI+ rights.

By implementing these recommendations, Bangladesh can work towards creating a more

inclusive and equitable society where LGBTQI+ individuals can live free from
discrimination, violence, and prejudice, and enjoy their fundamental human rights and

= = = END = = =

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We urge all of you to generously support 8inancially, whether institutionally or individually, with
large amounts or small, at once or regularly, to continue our monitoring, documenting, publishing,
and advocating for addressing the violence against LGBTQI+ people in Bangladesh.


Edited by:

Advocate Shahanur Islam

Founder President
JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF)
Founder Secretary General
JusticeMakers Bangladesh (JMBD)

Photo Credits:

Copyright © JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), 2024. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
- 120 -
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of JMBF.

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