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1. In the eyes of the community, what is Dolphus Raymond's problem?

The community thinks Dolphus Raymond's problem is that he's wihat a colored women and had mixed children.

2. Why isn't Miss Maudie going to court?

Miss Maudie states she isn't going to ourt becuase she has no buisness there, She says "t's morbid, watching a poor devil on trail for
his life."
3. What fact about Atticus's defense of Tom Robinson does Scout learn from the Idler's Club?
Scout learn from the IDler's clib that Atticus was appointed to the Robbinson case.

4. Where do the children sit during the trial?

The children sit on the blanconet with the colored folk during the trial becaues there isn't any free seats downstairs.

5. What is the first point Atticus trues to make in court?

The first point Atitcus tries to make in court is that Mr.Ewell writes with his left hand.

6. During the discussion of Mayella's injuries, what key fact seems important to Atticus?

7. What detail of the Ewell cabin makes the reader guess that perhaps Mayella is different from the rest?

8. Why does Atticus ask Mr. Ewell break to write his name?

9. Why does Mayella Ewell break into tears at the beginning of her testimony?

10. What makes Mayella think Atticus is mocking her? What does this show?

11. What dramatic fact do we learn about Tom Robinson at the end of Mayella's testimony?

12. Atticus is trying to get Mayella to make a confession. What does he want her to admit?

13. According to Tom's story, when did he "bust up the chifforobe?"

14. On the day of Tom's "crime," where were the seven Ewell children?

15. When Mr. Ewell arrived on the scene, what did he see through the window that infuriated him?

16. Who is Link Deas? What comment does he add to the proceedings?
17. What two points does Mr. Gilmer try to make in cross-examining Tom?

Chapter 16
18. Why does Scout cry after returning home from the jail? How does Jem’s treatment of Scout reflect his

19. What does Maycomb’s turnout for the trial imply about human nature?

20. Why is Scout confused after overhearing remarks about her father’s defense of Tom Robinson?

Chapter 17
21. What does Atticus attempt to establish through Heck Tate’s testimony?

22. What does Atticus attempt to establish through Bob Ewell’s testimony? What impression is the reader left
with of Bob Ewell as he takes the witness stand?

Chapter 18
23. What does Mayella’s testimony add to the case? What startling revelation is made about Tom?

Chapter 19
24. Scout acquires an important realization about Mayella and Boo Radley’s lives during Tom’s testimony.
Discuss the realization Scout acquires regarding their lives and its significance.

25. Why is it significant that Dill should be the one to get sick in the courtroom?

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