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54 LA TARENTELLE DE LA TARENTULE Paroles de Musique de Boris. VIAN ‘André POPP ‘Tempo de tarentelle Lam, %. mu Le ee solr Pour al . Jer dan.sor la Ta-ren . tel. lo No mets ce solr Du chian_ ti avec do Ia can - nel. le Crest par- Be eS Nosy tpt pes Tadic Sta Goer asc bellow: Ta, aie ee este ae ion ta garde Ae mel = ts EL to ee ets Dit> -onode Tu {pours male_10. gh tec eane, op, pol. Ma ma. Gti eeerees 9a ictolrs, Poor sghi-.cicvest.ts toux sans me por MA ms ie replete Taina Petr fet Sir ost a. moet ins. ee. ipoic!2 Ma ma. ‘Acatt;commng wit“ mou - tard" Et tu restos un cd tin sans we. pois Ma Re oem tba, solr, psPoec_ al 2 ler chawiete de ta, rten- =. tardies Ne. mets eee gt cu hiss: tl a ves in. te ca 2 ani nest gurl eT ie tt —A)oe sole —_No-—-va—pas dam Ja come-faic’ “ties bal les Ta {val ee er ee ee ee ee ee © 1957 by INTERSONG-PaRIS S.A International Copright. scented 74, Boulevatd Vincent Aucil ~ 78013 PARIS TAT, 86 Tous droits risers pon tous ps ew wa sop oof arm ye wel Te ag Fexp “ues ppm of sid ceyS gaa ob wos-uego ep quour-,tmos 89,9 ‘se soy “nod un ouory ssuyed “09 suoq sfon 204 - e oyu ue suvs ye - rq) oT of “eid crd wd ua ows xngja ump m - eA - oy yer > 1 0s of “sid way ae or aes yar, sie —9T8 * up yuaur~9y ~ gfd-woo uaresp -var vwo.m,f sjey— sed 3725 uaz uo ouioa ssp-mol sep Nog eu * mmm 30 pul: que) “Ud —eTa "up soup “pH ystey ow sumo ~ nop Jujnoy opm” Te wow 30 wu 3g ‘UE Mm ~ Ta* ey Tour yon ow s2nof - nop gurnoq apts“ Te vow your ss “wor an oa aes) wer sows upg 9x0 uo o8uvy> 9} Ta PAGS ~ oq * eo NAb omy curs op 3 job agw ‘TOW —-sYOA. ou! aU ~aa,p xnoyut sues xnoy ©} -309 115 - gn amog exyoso ow xned «m9 “amey sues xy" of syex-anod ny = jou Hq ~ wy uy med "1 in bMS

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