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Semana del 7 al 11 de AGOSTO

Making plans


Answer the questions

1. What are your plans for the weekend?

2. What is your plan for your birthday?


A. Match the special days to the photos. Which days are every year?

B. Think about you and your family. Which special days do you plan to celebrate this
C. Complete the sentences with phrases from the box and your own ideas.

D. Tell your partner what do you do on your birthday.

1. I normally go to a nice restaurant with my family.

2. This year, I plan to go out with some friends and celebrate my birthday.


E. complete the conversations. Use be going to and the words in parentheses. Then
practice the conversation in pairs.

F. Complete these sentences with your own plans.

1. After class, I’m going to __________________________________________
2. This weekend. I’m going to _______________________________________
3. Next month, I’m going to _________________________________________


1. In pairs, choose a special day. For example, New Year’s Eve or a graduation.
 What you are going to do.
 Where is it going to be.
 Who are you going to invite.

2. Share with the class the info.

A. Read the article. Then correct these sentences.
1. To celebrate her birthday. Elena is going to pull on her friend’s ears.
2. On his birthday. Mr. Aoki is going to buy something red.
3. Yan – Ching is going to cook some noodles on her birthday.
4. Philippe’s friends are going to take him out to dinner on his birthday.

B. How do people usually celebrate birthdays in your country?

Do you have plans for your next birthday?
What are you going to do?

Describe a national day

1. Do you celebrate any of these holidays? How do you celebrate them?

2. What are some holidays in your country? What’s your favorite holiday?

Track 67 – Number the months in the correct order. Then listen and check.

Track 68 – Match the dates to the special days and holidays. Then listen and check.
Notice how we say the dates.
1. March 3rd _________ a. Valentine’s Day
2. February 14th _______ b. Independence Day in Bolivia
3. April 22nd ________ c. Halloween
4. May 1st _________ d. Girl’s Day in Japan
5. August 6th ________ e. Earth Day
6. October 31st ________ f. Labor Day (in many countries)

 In pairs, say the dates for these special days

 Your birthday
 New Year’s Day
 Independence Day
 Mother’s Day
Track 69 – Listen to two conversations. Write the dates you hear.
1. New Year’s Eve in the US in on _________________________________________.
2. This year, the New Year in China starts on ______________________________.
3. Independence Day in the US is on _____________________________________.
4. Independence Day in Brazil is on ______________________________________.

Track 69 – Listen again and answer the questions.

1. Why isn’t Linda going to Times Square?
2. What is she going to do?
3. What is Chen going to do?
4. What is Tom going to do during the day?
5. What is he going to do at night?
6. What time is he going to leave?

Track 70 – Listen and check the correct column.

Answer the questions in the table with your own information. Then work in groups of three.
Ask your classmates the questions and complete the table.
What are you going to do?

Months and dates

Listen and practice Track 54 CD2

Class activity

Go around the classroom and make a list of your classmate’s birthday.

Teacher: Yosemel. When is Luigi’s birthday?

Marcos: It’s on July 21st.

Conversation – Happy Birthday! Track 55 CD2

Listen and practice

Answer the questions:

1. When is your birthday?

2. What’s your plan to celebrate your birthday?

Grammar Focus

It’s January first. How old are these people going to be on their next birthdays?
Write sentences.

1. Alex is going to be seventy – six on March fifteenth.

2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________

What are these people going to do this weekend? Write sentences

Evaluation – Describe what are these people’s plan.

1. Robert and Susan are going to go dancing at the club.

2. Tina is going to read an interesting book.

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