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• 1st Scene

Narrator: Its two days before the Passover of the feast of the unleavened bread and the
Chief Priest, the Pharisees and the scribes were plotting on how to arrest Jesus and kill him.(The
chief priests walks in angrily, summoned all the elders)

Caiaphas: My Elders, I greet you all. This nonsense must stop. It’s high time we put an end
to this Jesus

1st Elder: I am no longer respected anywhere I go, even on my priest robe, they seem not
to realize I am a priest anymore.

Caiaphas: what accusation can we level against this man. We must find something very
grievous to level against him so he won’t be able to escape it.

2nd Elder: Yes!!!! I have got it ( we must gather people to come an testify that he claims to
tear down Gods temple & rebuild it in 3 days.

Ananias: And again, he claims to be a King (smiles) which means he contests with Caesar
Certainly my Elders, the Romans will not love him for this.

Caiaphas: Ingenious, very good, great wisdom my elders. We must do that and hear what
he has to say.

3rd Elder: My Lord the high priest, I believe we have gotten the son of the carpenter
where we want him.
(The Elders walks out happily)


Jesus: I welcome you all to this table with me as we gather to eat my last supper with you all

(Disciples looking confused)

(Now as they were eating, Jesus took the bread, said the blessing and broke it and said.
Jesus: “Take this all of you and eat for this is my body” (he shares the bread) for this will be
given up for you.
He took the cup and when he had returned thanks he gave it to them saying.
Jesus: Take and drink for this is my blood, the blood of the new covenant which is poured for
many for the forgiveness of sins. For I shall not drink wine until I drink the new wine with you in
the Kingdom of my Father
John: What do you mean master?

Jesus: Today I say to you, the son of man shall be taking captive

Peter: Who dares!!!?

Jesus: Peter… I say to you, you shall deny me three times before the cock crows twice.

Peter: Master I shall stick out my neck even if it means dying for you

Jesus: I tell you solemnly one of you is going to betray me.

{(Disciples were shocked and confused and asked one after another)

James: Is it I master?

Andrew: Is it I master?

Matthew: (stammering) surely Lord you don’t mean me.

Jesus: The one who will dip his hand into the dish with me will betray me., for how terrible for
that man who betrays the Son of Man, for it would have been better if he had never been born.

Judas: Rabbi, you surely don’t mean me.

Jesus: So you say

(Judas tries to leave, then Jesus speaks)

Jesus: Judas do what you have to do quickly

(Jesus left for the garden with Peter, James and John and others went out
Judas: Greetings my elders.

Caiaphas: Who are you and how can we help you.

Judas: I know you want my Master

1st Elder: Master? Who is this Master of yours?

Judas: You mean you don’t know my master? Jesus of Nazareth the one you have been looking
for. I can hand him over to you my elders but it is going to cost you.

2nd Elder: Cost us? How much is it going to cost us?

Judas: Fifty (50) pieces of silver.

3rd Elder No! that’s too much. We will give you ten pieces of silver

Judas: That’s too small for me to hand him over

(Judas tries to leave, Caiaphas called him back)

4th Elder: Come back here young man. We are going to offer you 30 pieces of silver and
that’s final.

Judas: (smiles) if you have it here my elders, then bring it.

(The coin was tossed to Judas)

Caiaphas: (Smiles) Now we have the son of the carpenter where we want him.

(The elders leave)

Soldier: Not all of us has seen you master before. How do we identify him?

Judas: My master will be going to the garden to pray. The one I kiss is my master.

(Judas and the soldiers went out)

2nd Scene


Jesus: Peter, James and John. Come with me. The rest of you stay here and pray.(They moved
to the other side of the altar)

Jesus: The sorrow in my heart is so great that it almost crushes me. Stay here and keep
watch.(Jesus moves away from them, throws himself face downwards.)

Jesus: hear my Father; Rise up, defend and save me from the trap they set for me.

Satan: Do you really believe that one man can bear the full burden of sin?

Jesus: Shelter me o lord, I trust in you, in you I take refuge.

Satan: No one man can carry this burden, I tell you……….. it is far too heavy…..saving their soul
is too costly….. no one, I tell you no one…….

Jesus: Father you can do all things if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. But let your will
be done, not mine…………
Satan: who is your father? Who are you?

(Jesus moves to where the disciples are)

Jesus: How is It that you three were not able to keep watch? Watch and pray that you will not
fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

(Jesus moves away again, repeats the prayer and goes back to find three disciples sleeping.
This happen the third time and…………)

Jesus: Are you still sleeping and resting! Look! The hour has come for the son of man to be
handed over to sinful men. Get up, let us go. Look! Here is the man who is to betray me.

(The soldiers and Judas walks in)

Jesus: Who are you looking for?

Soldier: Jesus of Nazareth!!!!!

Jesus: I am he.

They all retracted in fear.

Jesus: Who do you seek?

Soldier: Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus: I have told you I am he. If then you are looking for me let the others go.

(at this point Judas walked up to Jesus and kissed him)

Jesus: Judas, do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?

Soldier: Seize him.

(A tussle occurred, peter draws his sword and cuts off the ear of a soldier)

Jesus: Peter! Put your sword back in its place “Don’t you know he who lives by the sword dies
by the sword. Don’t you know that I could call on my father for help and at once he would send
me more than 12 Armies of Angels? But in that case how could the scripture come true which
says that this is what must happen…..

(a miracle occurs then he address the soldiers)…….

Jesus: As for you do you have to come with swords and clubs to capture me, as though I were
an outlaw? Every day I sat down and taught in the temple and you did not arrest me. But all this
must happen in order to make what the prophets wrote in the scriptures come to pass.

Soldier: Seize him!!!

(all the disciples left Jesus and ran away)

2nd Scene


Caiaphas: Who is this beggar you brought before us chained like a condemned man.

Soldier: Jesus of Nazareth the trouble maker.

Caiaphas: Are you Jesus of Nazareth?

1st Elder: I hear you are a king, where is this kingdom of yours?

2nd elder: What line of kings do you descend from.

Ananias: Will you speak up!!!!

Witness 1: my Elders I greet you, this man heals the sick with the power of black magic, I have seen
it. He even cast out demon with the help of the devil

Witness 2: he claims he’s the bread of life that if we don’t eat his body and drink his blood we
won’t have eternal life.

3rd Elder: this arrogant boy said he will tear down Gods temple which took our forefathers forty
six (46) years to build and he said in three days he will rebuild it.

Nicodemus: Why don’t you allow him speak.

4th Elder: Keep quiet you fool, what has he got to say

Jesus: I have spoken openly to everyone. I have taught in the temple where we all gather. Ask those
who have heard what I have said.

Soldier: Is this how you address your chief priest with arrogance.(Soldier strikes Jesus)

Jesus: What wrong have I done? What evil have I said? If I have not said anything wrong why then did
you strike me

Caiaphas: Have you no answers to this accusation leveled against you.

Nicodemus: With all these I have heard, this looks like a conspiracy. I can’t be part of this evil plan (he
stands up and leaves).

5th Elder: Away with you! What good are you to us? Let him go. He must have eaten part if his
body. You Fool!!!

Caiaphas: In the name of the living God I hereby put you on oath. Tell us, are you the Son of the
living God.

Jesus: Solemnly I tell you, you will not believe me, but from now on you will see the Son of man sitting
at the right hand side of God descending from the clouds of heaven.

Caiaphas: Are you then the Son of the Most High?

Jesus: So you say.

Caiaphas: (shouting) Blasphemy!!! We don’t need any more witnesses. You have just heard his
blasphemy. What are your decisions?
Elders: He must die!!!

(slams their staffs on the floor)

Caiaphas: Take him away.

1st Elder: we must take him to Pontius Pilate for crucifixion.



Pilate: What accusation do you accuse this man of?

4th Elder: we wouldn’t have brought him to you if he had not committed a crime

Pilate: That’s not what I asked ……. Why don’t you judge him according to your own laws.

3rd Elder: it is unlawful for us to condemn anyone to death

Pilate: To death? What crime has this man committed to require death? (Pilate sends for Jesus)

3rd Elder he has violated our Sabbath and desire death.

Pilate: Go on!

1st Elder: He has seduced the people by his false teaching.

3rd Elder: he claims that he is the Messiah…….the king promised to the Jews. He has forbidden his
followers to pay tribute to Emperor.

Pilate: (Drinks) Are you the king of the Jews?

Jesus: Does this question come from you or do you ask this because others have told you of me

Pilate: Am I a Jew? Is it not your High priests, your own people have handed you to me? So what have
you done? Are you a King?

Jesus: (Reflectively) My kingdom is not of this world;… if it is here, my followers would fight to keep
me from being handed over to Jewish authorities. No my kingdom does not belong here

Pilate: Then you are a king

Jesus: It is you who say that I am. That is why I was born to give testimony to the truth. All men who
belong to the truth listen to me.

Pilate: Truth? What is the truth?

Jesus: I am the truth.

(Pilate sighs, frustrated and goes out to meet the crowd, calls one of his soldiers and talks to him and
he goes to bring Barabbas)
Pilate: I cannot find any reason to condemn this man. But according to the custom you have, every year
a prisoner is set free for you during the Passover. Do you want me to set free Jesus the King of the Jews
or Barabbas, the notorious criminal?

Caiaphas: He is not our king; he is an impostor, a blasphemer! Free Barabbas.

(All the elders shout “we want Barabbas”)

Pilate: again I ask you which of these men should I release to you, Jesus the Jing of the Jews or
Barabbas, the Notorious criminal?

(The elders echoed, “We want Barabbas, free Barabbas!!! Free Barabbas!!!)Pilate sets Barabbas free.

Pilate: And Jesus, what do I do to him?

Elders: Crucify him! Crucify him!! Crucify him!!!

Pilate: Shall I crucify your king

6th Elder: We have no other king except Caesar.

Pilate: (went close to Jesus and sought to set him free) you will not speak to me? Don’t you know I
have the power to set you free and also to have you crucified?

Jesus: You have no power over me whatsoever, except the one given to you from above. So the man
who handed me over to you is guilty of the worse sin.

Pilate: free Barrabas

Crowd and elders shouts with joy

Pilate: Elders I shall set this man free for I see no reason to condemn him.

Caiaphas: If you set this man free, you are not a friend of Caesar and anyone who claims to be king
is a rebel against Caesar.

(Pilate orders Jesus to be scourged, soldiers crowns him with thorns and mocks him)

Soldiers: Long live the King of the Jews. All hail the King of the Jews!

Pilate orders for water to wash his hand and said:

Pilate: I am not responsible for the death of this man, this is your doing.

(Elders synonymously shouted “Let the responsibility be upon our head and our children-children”)

Pilate hands over Jesus to the elders for crucifixion.

4th Scene

2nd Station

3rd Station
4th Station

5th station

6th station

7th station

8th station

9th station

10th station


1st thief: Jesus of Nazareth, you say you’re the son of God. Why don’t you call your father to send down
his angels to save you and save us also.

2nd thief: Shut up you fool. Jesus remember me in your kingdom

Jesus: Tonight you shall be with me in paradise, as for you for you, you don’t know what you’re saying.

Jesus: Mother behold your son, son behold your mother

Jesus: Eli! Eli! Lama sabac Tani

Crowd: Hahaha he’s calling down Elijah

Guard: What do you mean?

Jesus: My God my God why have you forsaken me.

(One of the guard broke the leg of Jesus and the thief with his Barton)

Jesus: I thirst

(Vinegar was given to him by a guard)

Jesus: It his finished 😩

13th station

14th station

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