Chi Squared Test IBSQ

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IB Style Questions – Statistical Applications

Chi-Squared Test

Question Score Out of Comment

1 6

2 6

3 6

4 6

5 6

6 6

7 6

8 10

9 12

10 15

Total 79

© InThinking 1
Question 1
A survey was conducted of television viewership. A group of 300 viewers were asked
which type of TV show they prefer. The results were organized into the table below.

Drama Comedy Reality Sports

Aged 30 years and Younger 65 128 57 50
Older than 30 Years Old 75 110 43 72

A !χ 2 test was carried out, at the 5% significance level. The !χ 2 critical value of the
test is 7.82.

(a) Write down the null hypothesis for this test. [1]

(b) Write down the number of viewers who preferred sports and were older
than 30 years old. [1]

(c) Use your graphic display calculator to find the !χ 2 statistic for this test. [2]

(d) Determine, giving a reason, whether the null hypothesis should be accepted. [2]


(a) ____________________

(b) ____________________

(c) ____________________

(d) ___________________________________________________________

(6 marks)

© InThinking 2
Question 2
A survey was carried out to determine whether a person’s gender is related to their
choice of course in university. A random sample was taken. The results are shown in
the following table.

Sciences Math Humanities

Male 35 28 22
Female 32 27 31

A !χ 2 test was carried out, at the 1% significance level. The !χ 2 critical value of the
test is 9.21.

(a) Write down the null hypothesis for this test. [1]

(b) Write down the number of degrees of freedom. [1]

(c) Show that the expected frequency of females who choose math
is 28.3, to 3 significant figures. [2]

The !χ 2 statistic was calculated to be 1.54.

(d) Determine, giving a reason, whether the null hypothesis should be accepted. [2]


(a) ____________________

(b) ____________________

(c) ____________________

(d) __________________________________________________________

(6 marks)

© InThinking 3
Question 3
A group of 215 students gave the following responses about the afterschool activities
they are enrolled in.

Sports Chess Arts & Crafts Total

Junior School 24 28 33 85
Middle School 29 12 24 65
Senior School 42 5 18 95
Total 95 45 75 215

A !χ 2 test for independence was conducted at the 5% significance level. The null
hypothesis was

H0: School and afterschool activity choice are independent.

(a) Find the expected frequency of middle school students who do sports
as an afterschool activity. [2]

(b) Find the !χ 2 statistic for this test. [2]

The !χ 2 critical value is 9.49 at the 5% significance level.

(c) Determine, giving a reason, whether the null hypothesis should be accepted. [2]


(a) ____________________

(b) ____________________

(c) __________________________________________________________

(6 marks)

© InThinking 4
Question 4
Maitrai conducted a survey to determine whether there is a relationship between a
person’s gender and the number of hours they sleep per night. She asked students
to choose between the categories “Less than 7 hours per night”, “between 7 and 8
hours per night”, and “More than 8 hours per night”.

She surveyed 70 girls and 80 boys.

She performed a !χ 2 test for independence at the 1% significance level.

(a) State Maitrai’s null hypothesis. [1]

(b) State the number of degrees of freedom. [1]

She found that 56 students get more than 8 hours of sleep per night.

(c) Calculate the expected value of male students who get more than 8 hours
of sleep per night. [2]

Maitrai calculated the !χ 2 statistic to be 9.67. The critical value at 1% significance

level is 9.21.

(d) State Maitrai’s conclusion. Give a reason for your answer. [2]


(a) ____________________________________________________________

(b) ____________________

(c) ____________________

(d) ____________________________________________________________

(6 marks)

© InThinking 5
Question 5
A real estate developer conducted a survey. He asked 100 people who live in the
city and 100 people who live in the suburbs if they prefer bicycling, driving, walking,
or taking public transportation to work. The results are shown in the table below.

City Suburbs
Bicycle 15 20
Drive 35 30
Walk 15 20
Public Transportation 35 30

A !χ 2 test was conducted at the 5% significance level.

(a) Write down the null hypothesis for this test. [1]

(b) Write down the number of degrees of freedom. [1]

(c) Use your calculator to find the p-value for this test. [2]

The surveyor claims that whether people live in the city or suburbs is independent of
their choice of getting to work.

(d) Determine whether this claim is justified. Give a reason for your answer. [2]


(a) _________________________________________________________

(b) ____________________

(c) ____________________

(d) __________________________________________________________

(6 marks)

© InThinking 6
Question 6

Jeff wants to carry out a !χ 2 test to determine whether or not a person’s choice of
meat is influenced by gender. He asks men and women if the prefer beef, chicken,
pork, or fish.

(a) State the null hypothesis of this test. [1]

(b) Write down the number of degrees of freedom. [1]

Jeff surveyed 300 people, 160 of whom were female. 70 people chose beef.

(c) Calculate the expected value of males who prefer beef. [2]

Jeff used a 5% significance level for his test and obtained a p-value of 0.0437
correct to 3 significant figures.

(d) State Jeff’s conclusion to the test. Give a reason for this conclusion. [2]


(a) __________________________________________________________

(b) ____________________

(c) ____________________

(d) __________________________________________________________

(6 marks)

© InThinking 7
Question 7
A market researcher conducted a survey to determine whether North Americans or
Europeans prefer different types of fruits. She asked them whether they prefer
bananas, apples, oranges, grapes, or peaches.

She performed a !χ 2 test for independence at the 1% significance level.

(a) Write down the null hypothesis. [1]

(b) Write down the alternative hypothesis. [1]

(c) Find the number of degrees of freedom. [2]

The calculated the !χ 2 statistic was 10.8. The critical value at 1% significance level
is 13.28.

(d) Determine, giving a reason, the conclusion of the test. [2]


(a) __________________________________________________________

(b) __________________________________________________________

(c) ____________________

(d) __________________________________________________________

(6 marks)

© InThinking 8
Question 8
A survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of smokers. The data was
divided into age groups. The results are shown below.

Age 15 – 25 Age 26 – 40 Age 41+ Total

Smoker 50 53 37 140
Non-Smoker 40 62 28 130
Total 90 115 65 270

A !χ 2 test at the 5% significance level was conducted. The !χ 2 critical value of the
test is 5.99.

(a) State

(i) H0, the null hypothesis for the test;

(ii) H1, the alternative hypothesis for the test. [2]

(b) Show that the expected frequency of those who smoke between the
ages of 26 and 40 is 59.6, to 3 significant figures. [2]

(c) Write down the number of degrees of freedom. [1]

(d) Find
(i) the !χ 2 statistic;

(ii) the associated p-value for the test. [3]

(e) Determine, giving a reason, whether H0 should be accepted. [2]

(10 marks)

© InThinking 9
Question 9
Old MacDonald decided to collect data to assess the effect of the presence bees on
his wheat crop yield. He looked at the size of wheat crops from equal sized fields
and organized his data into the table below.

Bees No Bees
> 3 tons 24 21
2-3 tons 32 30
1-2 tons 20 23
< 1 ton 14 11

A !χ 2 test at the 1% significance level was conducted. The !χ 2 critical value of the
test is 11.3.

(a) State the null hypothesis for the test. [1]

(b) Find the expected frequency of fields with bees yielding a crop of more
than 3 tons. [2]

(c) Write down the number of degrees of freedom. [1]

(d) Find
(i) the !χ 2 statistic;

(ii) the associated p-value for the test. [3]

(e) Determine, giving a reason, whether H0 should be accepted. [2]

(f) Find the probability that

(i) a randomly selected field yields more than 3 tons;

(ii) two randomly selected fields have no bees and crop yields

less than 1 ton. [3]

(12 marks)

© InThinking 10
Question 10
A survey of 115 students was conducted to determine if weekly TV viewing hours
differs between males and females. The results are shown below.

Less than 5 5 - 10 Hours 10+ Hours Total

Male 23 30 12 65
Female 27 25 8 60
Total 50 55 20 115

A !χ 2 test at the 1% significance level was conducted. The !χ 2 critical value of the
test is 9.21.

(a) State the null hypothesis for the test. [1]

(b) Show that the expected frequency of females who watch more than
10 hours of TV is 10.4, correct to 3 significant figures. [2]

(c) Write down the number of degrees of freedom. [1]

(d) Find
(i) the !χ 2 statistic;

(ii) the associated p-value for the test. [3]

(e) Determine, giving a reason, whether H0 should be accepted. [2]

One student is chosen at random.

(f) Find the probability that this student

(i) is female;

(ii) watches less than 5 hours of TV. [2]

Two students are chosen at random.

(g) Find the probability that

(i) both of them are males;

(ii) neither of them watch more than 10 hours of TV. [4]

(15 marks)

© InThinking 11

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