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Question no: 01

Explanation of the following terms in my own words:

1. Computer: Describe the basic components of a computer (Hardware and software)
and their functions.
2. Internet: Explain what the internet is and how it allows the communication
between devices worldwide.
3. Website: Define a website and its key elements (e.g. web pages, hyperlinks,
URLs).Discuss how websites are accessed and displayed on a computer screen.

Computer is an electronic device that is used to accept data,
process data into useful information and store it for later use.
The device that is used to input data and after processing it converts
the given instructions into useful information in the form of output is
known as a computer.
It is used to solve different problems according to the set of instructions
given to it.
The word computer is derived from compute that means to calculate.
It means that at the beginning computers were considered a calculating
tool but now they are used to perform different tasks and to solve
different problems. It has changed the way of life. Nowadays they are
used in every field of life. The most important task of computer is that it
has widely opened the way of communication. Due to this, life has
become so easy and the wastage of time has been reduced. Moreover
the accuracy of work performed by computers is better than the work
performed by humans. In this regard the computer has become an
essential part of our life.
Computers are available in different shapes and sizes. A common type
of computer is as follows:

(Computer system)

Hardware and software

Computers consist of hardware and software.
A set of raw facts, data or instructions that are provided to a computer
to solve a problem is called software. It is also called a program. They
cannot be touched by users.

The two main types of software are:

1. System Software:
This type of software consists of operating systems and utility
programs that control the computer hardware so that application
software can do its tasks. System software works as an interface
between the hardware and the end-user.
2. Application Software:
Application software contains programs made to perform special
tasks for users. These could be anything from word processors
and web browsers to games and multimedia software. Application
software is what most people connect with directly to complete
their work or entertainment needs.
The physical parts of a computer that can be seen and touched by a
user are called hardware. For example: key board, mouse, central
processing unit (CPU), monitor, etc.
A computer works only when hardware and software works together

Components of computer
A computer consists of different components which are as follows:
 Input devices
 Output devices
 System units
 Storage devices
 Communication devices
Their explanation is as follows;
Input devices
The data and instructions given to the computers is called input. The
devices used to enter these inputs into the computer are called input
Some common used input devices are as follows:
 Key board: it is used to enter data in the form of text. It consists
of different types of keys to input different data.
 Mouse: This input device is known as a pointing device that is
used to control pointers on the screen. It consists of a rolling
wheel and left and right clicking buttons.
 Microphone: This device is used to input data in the form of
Moreover touchpad, Scanner, digital camera, etc.

Output devices:
When data and instructions are processed then they are converted into
useful information. This useful information is known as output.
So the devices that are used to display information to the user are
called output devices.
For example:
 Monitor: This device is used to display output on the screen.
 Speaker: it is used to hear output in the form of voice.
 Printer: It is used to produce text or output on paper.
Moreover headphones, plotter, display devices, etc.
System units
This system contains different electronic components that are used to
process data. These electronic components are connected with the
motherboard. It is also known as a system board or main board. It is
the source of communication for the whole computer system.
The two main components are as follows of system units:

This stands for central processing unit. It is the brain of a
is the most important part of the computer. It controls all the
operations, calculations and all processing systems. A computer cannot
work without a CPU.

The hardware components that store data and instructions temporarily
are called memory. It is also called primary or main memory. It consists
of electronic chips connected to the motherboard. This memory stores
the data before processing and after processing. These are called
volatile because the material is lost when the computer is turned off.
Types of memory
There are two main types of memory:
Volatile memory: it loses its contents when the computer is switched
RAM is the most common example of it. It stands for Random Access is used to store the data temporarily. A program is loaded
before execution in it.
Nonvolatile memory: It does not lose its content when the computer
is turned off.
ROM is the most common example of this memory. It stands for Read
Only Memory. The instructions in the memory make the computer to
use. It stores the data and information permanently.

Storage devices
The devices that are used to store data, instructions and information
permanently are called storage devices.
These are available in different sizes and capacities.
Some examples of storage devices are as follows:
 Hard drive: It is situated inside the system unit to store data and
 Flash drive: it is used to store photos, videos, documents, etc. It
can be used to transfer files from one computer to another
 Memory card: It is a removable flash drive used to store different
Hard disks, USB flash drives, smart cards, optical disks, etc. are some
common storage devices.
Communication devices
The devices that are used to communicate and exchange data and
information with other computers are called communication devices.
Modern, network cards, router, switch, etc. are some common
communication devices.

Operating system
A set of programs that are used to control all computer components
and operations. A computer cannot perform any Task without an
operating system. They should be installed in every computer. When
the computer is turned on, it runs and checks out whether all the parts
of the computer are working properly.
Functions of operating system
 Booting
 Memory management
 Loading and execution
 Data security
 Disk management
 Process management
 Device controlling
 Printing controlling
 Providing interface

Programming languages
It is a means of communication between the computer and user. A set
of words, codes that are used to write a program is called a
programming language.
There are different types of languages:
 Low level languages are close to computers. Machine and
assembly language are two types of low level languages.
 High level languages are the languages that are close to humans
and far from the computer. These are easy to understand and
write but these require a language translator to make them
understandable by the computer.
Procedural, object oriented, non-procedural, etc. are different types of
high level languages.

Language processor
A computer can only understand the codes written in the form of
binary. High level languages are not understandable by the computer.
In this regard the source code that is written in high level language is
converted into object code that is in machine language which is easily
understood by computer. So the language processor software that is
used to convert source code into objects.
There are three types of language translators. Which are as follows:
Compiler is the language processor that converts source code into
object code as a whole
 Interpreter is the language processor that converts the source
code into object code line by line
 Assembler is the language processor that translates the assembly
language into machine language

2). Internet
The internet is the largest computer network that connects millions of computers
all over the world.
These computers can transfer or exchange data and information to each other
through different resources. These media resources are such as phone lines, fiber
optic lines, satellites and wireless connection. Each computer on the internet has
an IP address. It stands for internet protocol that is used to identify each
computer and its location over the internet.
The Internet has converted the world into a global village. People can
communicate with each other through the internet. They can share information,
data and other resources with each other. Following are some advantages of
 Information search
 Email
 E commerce
 Online results
 Fast communication
 Entertainment
 Advertisement and marketing
 Job search
 Comfort of life
 Better understandings
Online job, online shopping, research etc.
Communication or connecting to the internet
The Internet allows the devices to communicate through different
styles. Every type of connection provides data transfer speeds. This
speed is measured in Kbps or Mbps.
Some examples of internet connection resources are as follows:
 Cable internet
It provides high speed internet through the cable television network. It
demands a cable modem. Then, it uses the same wires to carry TV and
internet signals. This cable internet is not widely available in rural areas.
It stands for Digital Subscriber Line. It requires a DSL modem and
provides high speed internet connections using regular telephone lines.
The big problem of using it is its distance limitations.

 Satellite
Satellite internet services provide high speed internet connections
through satellite to a satellite dish that communicates with a satellite
modem. Its signals can be blocked or slowed by adverse weather
 Mobile wireless
This internet access is most widely used with mobile devices. It enables
the user to connect to the internet using cellular 3G and 4G networks

 Fiber to the premises (FTTP)
It carries signals on fiber optic cable. Fiber optic connection is limited in
less areas where the fiber optic cable has been is more
expensive than DSL or cable but its speed is too high than both of these
 Wi-Fi hotspot
It is a site that offers internet access through a wireless access point.
These are available in many public places such as airports, schools,
hotels, libraries and restaurants etc.

How the internet works and facilitates communication among devices


1. Infrastructure
The internet infrastructure contains physical particles such as
cables, routers, servers, and data centers. These components are
connected through a global network of high-speed communication

2. Protocols
These are the rules that are accepted by both the computer
users to talk with each other. The internet works on a set of protocols.
Internet Protocol (IP) enables devices to send and receive data packets
across the network. Another crucial protocol is the Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP), which ensures that data is transmitted reliably
between devices.

2. Addresses
Every computer connected to the internet has a special numerical
address called an IP address. This address serves as the device's
identifier on the network, allowing other devices to locate and
communicate with it.

3. Routing
When we send data on the internet, it doesn't go directly from your
device to its destination. Instead, it may pass through several devices
called routers. Routers are responsible for sending data towards their
selected destinations based on the IP addresses contained within

4. Data Transmission
Data transmitted on the internet is divided into small sizes for
transmission. Each packet contains not only the actual data being sent
but also information about its source, destination, and sequence within
the overall message.

5. Interconnected Networks:
This means that different parts of the internet may be owned and
organized by different organizations or service providers. Despite this
decentralization, protocols and standards ensure that all these
networks can communicate with each other.

6. Applications and Services

The internet supports a big array of applications and services, including
email, web browsing, social media, video conferencing, online gaming,
and file sharing. These applications leverage the underlying
infrastructure and protocols of the internet to enable communication
and interaction between users and devices worldwide.

Overall, the internet serves as a powerful platform for global

communication, information exchange, and collaboration, connecting
billions of devices and users across the planet.

3).Web Sites
A collection of web pages that are connected to each other so we can
easily attain them is called a website.
The websites consist of text, graphics, sound, video and other different
material that are made to be seen on web pages. There are different
types of websites that give different types of information or material
such as news, education, entertainment, and many other contents. A
website should be saved on a web server to provide it all over the
world all time.
In simple words a website is just like an online book with
different pictures, videos, or words. We can click on the different links
to move on different pages.
Key elements of a website are as follows:
The main page of your website, often the first page visitors see.
Web Pages:
These are the documents or files that make up a website. Each web
page consists of articles such as text, images, videos, and other
elements. Web pages are written using HTML (Hypertext Markup
Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and sometimes JavaScript.
So in short, consider web pages as digital documents. Just like how you
read a page in a book or a piece of paper with text and pictures, a web
page is like that, but on the internet. Each web page has its own article,
like words, images, videos, etc.
Navigation Menu:
Links to various pages within your site, making it easy for visitors to
Hyperlinks (Links):
Hyperlinks are selectable elements on a web page that allow users to
search between different web pages or websites. They are text or
images that, when clicked, direct the user to another location on the
web. Hyperlinks can be internal (pointing to other pages within the
same website) or external (pointing to pages on different websites).
So, Hyperlinks, or simply links, are like shortcuts on a web page. When
we click on a link, it takes us to another web page or another part of
the same page. They're the clickable things we see on websites that let
us move around.
It stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is a communication rule
used to connect the server to the worldwide. Its main function is to
form a connection with a web server and submit HTML pages to the
user's browser.
It stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is used to design web
pages. It is used to define text, images, audio and video in web pages.
HTML code can be written in any text editor.
It is the person who creates and maintains a website. He is responsible
for the proper working and updating the whole website.
Some common responsibilities are as follows:
 Designing the website
 Creating and updating the web pages
 Replying to user feedback
 Make sure that the web servers, hardware and software are
working properly

Domain name
It is a text based name that confirms the IP address of a server that
invites a website. It is a part of the web address written in a browser's
address bar to attain a website. is an example of a domain name.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

A URL is the address used to attain a specific web page or resource on
the internet. It contains different components, including the protocol
(e.g., HTTP, HTTPS), domain name (e.g.,, and path
(e.g., /about-us). URLs provide a unique way to identify and search
resources on the web.
In simple terms, a URL is the address of a web page on the internet. It's
like the address of a house or a building. Every web page has its own
address, which we type into our web browser to visit that page. It's
what we see in the address bar at the top of our browser.

These elements work together to create the interconnected structure

of the World Wide Web. Web pages consist of hyperlinks that point to
other pages or resources, and URLs serve as the unique addresses used
to access those pages. This interconnected network of pages and links
forms the basis of how information is organized and accessed on the
Accessing and displaying different websites on a computer screen
consists of following steps:

Domain name
Getting access to websites on the internet requires the first step to
enter a website's domain name into the web browser.
Domain name system lookup
After entering the domain name the DNS server checks out the IP
address and makes sure about the unique numerical address.
IP address
Then the DNS server returns the IP address to your computer, which
then sends a request to the website's server.
Server request
Then the computer sends an HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol)
request to the website's server, asking for the website's content.
Server response
The website server processes the requests and sends the HTML (HYPER
TEXT markup language) code, images, and other content back to your
Browser rendering
Your web browser receives the content and renders it on your screen,
using the HTML, CSS (cascading style sheets), and JavaScript code to
display the website's layout, design, and functionality.
The website is now visible on your computer screen and you can
interact with it by clicking links, filling out forms, and forms.
This process happens rapidly often in a matter of seconds,
allowing you to access and view websites on your computer screen.

Question # 02
Explanation of computer network its types
and a discussion how a data travels through
Computer Network
When two or more computers are in a set of connections to
each other to share data and information, then they form a
computer network.
They share information and resources with each other. The
resources may consist of printers, hard disks, scanners or
programs etc. the computers in the network are connected to
each other through communication media. This communication
media may be a physical cable or a wireless connection. The
computers in the network can be in the same or different
Thus a network is a group of devices that are in connection to
each other to share data worldwide. Networks have made life
accessible and easy in every field. If all computer users are
connected to each other through a network they can share
their files and exchange mails. They can also send and receive
documents from anywhere connected to the network. So,
people using this network can share information, files and talk
with one another. Different uses of networks are as follows:
 Easy communication
 Shares data and information
 Sharing of hardware and software
 Entertainment
 Security and management of data
 Information search
Thus, the network is like a huge invisible web connecting
people and information all over the world. It allows us to talk to
each other and share data no matter where we are.

Client and server

A client is a computer in the network that is connected to attain
different resources. These clients request the server for resources. The
server computer gives the resource to the client that is demanded by
the client. This is less powerful than a server computer.

A server is a computer that provides services to the computers and
other devices connected to the network. These are more powerful than
other computers in the network.
Different functions provided by the server are as follows:
 Control access to the hardware, software and data
 Processing data
 Shares software
 Manages network traffic
 Maintain the storage for software, data and information

Types of computer networks

Computer network are divided according to:
 How they are arranged physically
 The way they are used
 The distance over which they operate
Different types of computer network are as follows:
a. LAN (Local area network)
b. WAN (Wide Area Network)
c. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
d. PAN (Personal Area Network)
So, their explanation is as follows:
It is the most common type of computer. It carries a small area.
It connects the computers and other devices within one office
or a building or group of buildings. It is used to share resources
like printers, hard disks, etc. each computer or device in the
network is called node. These are almost connected to wires.
They are able to transfer data at a very high speed. Its speed is
about 10Mbps to 1000Mbps. There is also a limit of computers
on connection.
For example:
In a computer lab there are 40 computers connected to LAN.
The students can share their data, files and software to each
Some important uses of LAN are as follows:
 Resource sharing
 Communication
 Application sharing
 Security and management of data
Limitations of LAN are as follows:
 Privacy threat
 Expensive to install
 Admin time required
This type of network covers a large area. It connects different
computers and devices in different cities and countries. WAN
consists of different LANs connected together. This system is
often connected to telephone lines. They can also be connected
through leased lines or satellites. The speed of this is 56 Kbps to
For example:
 The ATMs of a bank situated in different cities are
connected through this network.
 NADRA offices branches spread in different locations use
this connection of the network.
Advantages of WAN are as follows:
 Communication facility
 Remote data entry
 Centralized
 Entertainment
This type of network covers a specific area of a region to access.
MAN is larger than LAN but smaller than WAN. It is used to
connect two or more LANs in a city or town.

 Different branches of a company in a city connected
through network form MAN
 Different campuses of a college are its best example

 Cable TV network in a city

It is a network that connects personal devices using wired and wireless
technology. THE devices are located within a range of about 30 feet.
They may include computers, smart phones, digital cameras, etc.

For example
The device connected to the computer to transfer files or data etc is the
example of PAN.
Following steps explains how a data travels through network:
Data creation
For transferring the data through the network the main task is the
creation of data. Thus, the files, information or anything else that is in
the form of data is created on computing devices such as computers or
The data is divided into small packets, each with a unique header
containing source and destination addresses.

The packets are sent to a router which forwards them to the next hop
on the path to the destination device.
The packets may pass through switches, which direct them to the
appropriate device on the same network.
The packets are transmitted over the network medium, such as wireless
links or cables.
The packets arrive at the destination device, where they are
reassembled into the original data.
Data receipt
The data is received and processed by the destination device.
The data travels through a network using standardized
protocols like TCP/IP and hardware components like routers, switches,
and network interface cards. This enables efficient and reliable
communication between devices, allowing us to share information and
resources worldwide.

Question # 3
Different ways to access the internet
The internet can be accessed through different means. It depends upon
the availability of infrastructure and personal inferences. The user has
many options for connecting to the internet. Every type of connection
gives different data transfer speeds. The speed is measured in Kbps and
Mbps. Dialup is the least expensive internet connection. It is very slow
with a download speed of 56Kbps. It is only used where high speed
connections are not available.
Following are some common ways to access the internet:
Cable internet
Cable internet provides high speed internet access through the cable
television network. It demands a cable modem and uses the same wires
to attain TV and internet signals. Cable speeds range from 1 Mbps to
100Mbps but mostly are 8 Mbps to 50Mbps. Cable internet is not
accessible in rural areas.

Dial up
It uses a phone line to connect to an internet server provider ISP, with
speeds up to 56 Kbps. It is an older technology, slow and often ties up
phone lines.
DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. It demands a DSL modem and
gives high speed internet connection using regular telephone lines. The
average speed of DSL is 1 Mbps to 20Mbps. It is slower than cable but is
commonly less expensive. A big problem with it is distance limitations.
It requires the DSL modem to be 3 miles from the DSL server provider.
A general term for high speed internet access, including DSL, cable,
fiber optic, and mobile connections.
Satellite internet service provides high speed internet connections
through satellite to a satellite dish that communicates with a satellite
modem. It is slower and more expensive than cable or DSL connection.
Satellite signals can be slowed or blocked by adverse weather
conditions such as rain and snow. That is why it is less reliable than
cable and DSL.
Mobile wireless
This type of internet access is generally used with mobile devices. It
makes it possible for the user to connect to the internet by getting
cellular 3G and 4G network standards. The signals are transferred from
one to another by a series of cellular towers. Some networks also give
4G LTE. It is faster than 3G but does not meet the rate required to be
FTTP stands for Fiber to the Premises. It is the fastest type of
broadband with top speeds of 300 Mbps. It carries signals on fiber optic
cable. Fiber is more expensive than both DSL and cables. It can carry
Internet, TV and phone calls for home and business over fiber optic
cable. Fiber optic connection is available in limited areas where the
fiber optic cable has been installed.
Wi-Fi Hotspot
It is a site that offers Internet access to the users through a wireless
access point. The Wi-Fi hotspots are available in many public places
such as airports, schools, hostels, libraries and restaurants. Some public
Wi-Fi hotspots are free but some charge per hour, per day or on a
subscription basis.
Tethering involves using a smartphone's mobile data connection to
provide internet access to other devices, such as laptops or tablets, by
connecting them via USB cable, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi hotspot.
It stands for Integrated Services Digital Network. It is an older
technology to access the internet with speeds up to 128 kbps.
High speed internet connections that is used by businesses and
organizations, with speed up to 44.7 Mbps (T1) and 44.7 Mbps (T3)

A local area network LAN technology used to connect devices to a
network, with speeds up to 10 Gbps.
Mobile hotspots
The portable devices that provide internet access through cellular
networks, with speeds up to 10 Gbps.
Public WIFI
Internet access provided in public places like libraries, airports, and
chafes, with speeds varying depending on the connection.
Moreover, there are other technologies such as that also used to access
Fixed wireless
It uses wireless signals to connect to the internet, with speeds up to 1
HFC stands for Hybrid Fiber Coaxial that combines fiber optic and
coaxial cables to provide high speed internet with speeds up to 1 Gbps.
Power line
This source uses electrical power lines to access the internet with
speeds up to 1 Gbps.
So these are the different ways to access the internet. Each
technology has its own advantages, disadvantages and availability that
depends on their region and infrastructure.
Moreover new technologies continue to merge, providing faster and
more reliable connections.

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