TEMPLATE - Problem Area Assessment

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Client Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ___________

Problem Area Assessment


Self-Awareness □ EQ Assessment, Self-Awareness Score [ ] SECTION Understanding Emotions (All)
SECTION Present Moment Awareness (All)
(Notes) □ Difficulty articulating how he/she feels SECTION 1) Developing Emotional Awareness
□ Lack of understanding why they behave or react the (Interpersonal) Section
 Understanding and Recognizing Your
way they do
Emotions (STEP 1)
□ Struggling with overwhelming emotions they feel  Practicing Emotional Awareness (STEP 1)
unable to control  What Are Emotions Telling You? (STEP 2)
□ Experiencing interpersonal relationship difficulty  Identifying Underlying Thoughts (STEP 3)
 Identifying Triggers (STEP 3)
□ Other:  Quality vs Safe Problems (STEP 3)
 Pain and Pleasure (STEP 3)

Managing Emotions □ EQ Assessment, Managing Emotions Score [ ] SECTION 2) Managing Emotions

 Momentum: Stopping It Early
(Notes) □ Actively seeking to learn how to regulate emotional  Centering Yourself
reactions  STOP Negative Emotions (with the 5 Second
□ Experiencing getting stuck or feeling emotionally Rule) EQ
shut down  Balancing Emotional Responses with
Physical Actions
□ Struggling with overwhelming emotions they feel  Flow: Channel the Energy
unable to control  NLP: Restructuring Your Feelings
□ Experiencing interpersonal relationship difficulty  NLP: Anchoring
□ Other:  NLP: Creating a Happy Anchor

Thoughts and Beliefs □ Actively seeking to overcome limiting beliefs SECTION 3) Empowering Your Thoughts and
(Notes) □ Struggling with limiting beliefs and/or negative
thinking that are repetitive and harmful  Perspective: Reframing Your Thoughts
□ Experiencing negative self-talk and/or being self-  Changing Limiting Beliefs
critical  Affirmations and Incantations
 NLP: Recoding Your Emotional Memory
□ Telling the same stories, repeatedly and/or talking a
lot about the past
□ Having many excuses for why he/she can’t or
doesn’t do or experience what they want
□ Other:

Stress and Circumstances □ Actively seeking to overcome stress and/or SECTION 4) Stress Reduction
 The Importance of Reducing Stress
circumstances that are stressful
(Notes)  Releasing Stress through Venting
□ Struggling with overwhelm due to stress  Tips for Stress Reduction
□ Experiencing acute stress due to specific  Exercise and Stress
challenging life circumstances  Your 2 Brains: Food and Digestion
□ Experiencing chronic stress due to many stressors
impacting him/her over time
□ Experiencing stress-related health conditions
□ Other:

Personal Power/Motivation □ EQ Assessment, Motivation Score [ ] SECTION 5) Personal Power (and Motivation)
 Taking Back Control
(Notes) □ Actively seeking to learn how to make life changes  Putting Yourself First
and increase motivation  Confronting Yourself
□ Experiencing negative self-talk and/or being self-  Laughing at Yourself
critical  Practicing Confidence and Certainty
 Practicing Hope and Joy
□ Struggling with self-confidence belief in their  NLP: Changing Your Negative Self Talk
 Experiencing Unconditional Emotions
□ Struggling with approval-seeking, self-sacrificing
and/or fear of judgment
□ Difficulty following through and/or lack of goals
□ Other:

Interpersonal □ EQ Assessment, Empathy Score [ ] SECTION 6) Empowering Relationships –

Relationships Interpersonal
□ EQ Assessment, Social Skills Score [ ]  Why Emotions Are Contagious (Mirror
(Notes) □ Actively seeking to improve relationships and/or Neurons)
relationship skills  Handling Others’ Emotions
 Establishing Rapport
□ Experiencing conflict or other relationship troubles  Empathy
□ Struggling self-expression, shyness, sensitivity  Listening Skills
 Communication Skills
□ Struggling with communication and/or relationship
concerns in the workplace
□ Difficulty with communication and/or
understanding others
□ Other:
Client Problem Areas

Problem Area: Program sections and activities that Description of the problem: Goal/outcomes:
will be used

Problem Area: Program sections and activities that Description of the problem: Goal/outcomes:
will be used

Problem Area: Program sections and activities that Description of the problem: Goal/outcomes:
will be used

Notes on Progress, Results, Reactions

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