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Challenges to


Poverty is usually referred to as the lack and deprivation of important basic

needs of the Phillipines, poverty antified and measured through rent basic
income. In the Philippines, poverty incidence was recorded at 21.0 per capita
2018 (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2018). Poverty incidence is the proportion
of the poor population to the total population. This means that in the
Philippines, one in five persons
Unsustainable Patterns of Production and Consumption

Maintaining sustainable consumption and production patterns in society are

important aspirations included in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Consumption of natural resources has been tremendously increasing in the last
decades. WWF discussed that in the years 2010-2013, the world population has
been consuming one and one-half 'Earths' in terms of resources and ecological
service we access. This is referred to as an ecological footprint, which refers to
the goods and services consumed by a person including the use of fossil fuels to
provide these services and products.
Environmental Destruction

Deforestation is due to over-extraction of forest-based products by commercial

logging and massive export of forest-based products. Exploitation of mineral
wealth is exacerbated by the Philippine policy that allows 100 percent foreign
ownership of mining companies. Urban dwellers in Manila experienced worst
water shortages in March 2019. Mineral resources of the Philippines are being
over-extracted by foreign mining companies at the expense of local
communities and indigenous peoples. These environmentally destructive
practices exacerbate poverty and vulnerability of already poor and
marginalized sectors (Center for Environmental Concerns, 2019).
Economic Globalization and Sustainable Development

The current trend of economic globalization, adhering to neoliberal paradigm

poses threats to the attainment of sustainable development. Economic
globalization means enhancement of trading among countries. One of the most
important goals is the pursuit of economic growth or enhancement of
production of goods and services. Increasing trading is also about encouraging
competition (Cavanagh & Mander, 2004).

Sustainable development was first coined in 1987 during World Commission on

Environment and Development. It is, however, interpreted differently by
various actors. Some organizations would highlight the economic aspects,
others would emphasize the social and environmental aspects of development.
World leaders also recognized that sustainable development must be a common
agenda of all nations, resulting to commitments to global agreements such as
the Millennium Development Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals.

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