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Name: Shweta Singh

University Roll: 109002210017

Class Roll: 14

Section: A

Department: Information Technology

Paper name: Database Management System

Paper Code: PCC-CS601

Topic: Object oriented and Object relational database

Semester: 6th

Academic Year:2023-2024

These divergent approaches reflect in how they handle relationships,

with OODBs excelling in representing intricate connections between
objects, while ORDBs enhance traditional relational databases by
incorporating certain object-oriented features. The choice between
them hinges on specific application needs, determining whether a
more purist object-oriented model or a hybrid solution integrating
object-oriented concepts with relational databases is more suitable.
Object-Oriented Database (OODB)
Within an object-oriented database, information is portrayed
through objects, mirroring the modeling principles of
object-oriented programming languages. These objects serve
as comprehensive units, encapsulating both data and the
corresponding operations.
Encapsulation: Encapsulation is the bundling of data (attributes) and the
methods (procedures or functions) that operate on that data into a single
unit known as an object.

Inheritance: Inheritance is a mechanism that allows a new class (subclass

or derived class) to inherit properties and behaviors (attributes and
methods) from an existing class (base class or parent class).

Complex Relationships: Object-Oriented Database (OODB) excels in

representing intricate relationships between objects, allowing for the
modeling of complex data structures and dependencies.

Query Language: A language used in OODBs for querying and

manipulating object-oriented databases.
Object-Relational Database (ORDB)

Object-relational databases, on the other hand, aim to enhance

traditional relational databases by incorporating some aspects of the
object-oriented model. They extend the relational model to handle
complex data types and relationships more effectively.
Key features of ORDB

Complex Data Types: ORDBs support complex data types, such as

arrays, nested tables, and user-defined types, allowing for more
flexibility in representing data.
Inheritance and Polymorphism: Some ORDBs introduce features like
inheritance and polymorphism, bringing object-oriented concepts into
the relational model.
Structured Query Language (SQL): ORDBs still primarily use SQL for
querying, making them familiar to developers already accustomed to
relational databases.
Compatibility: ORDBs maintain compatibility with existing relational
databases, enabling a smoother transition for applications with
established relational data.

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