The Slice of Life Menu

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The Slice of Life Menu, Detailed Descriptions

1. The Edible Book of Recipes (35,000 GP)

2. Coffee Dragon (40,000 GP: Battle Pet? Familiar?)
3. Dragon’s Breath Peppers (250 GP x5 Assorted)

4. Smash Potato (50 GP)

5. Gelatinous Ice Cube (50 GP)

6. Widow’s Tea (3,500 GP)

7. Chi-Balancing Tea (2,500 GP)

8. Thirst of the Seelie Court (1 hour duration, 1,000 GP)

9. Tea Weird (300 GP)

10. Teapot of Truth (2,500 GP)

11. Aged Goodberry Wine (3,500 GP)
12. Bloody Marilith (200GP Common Variant, 25,000GP Rare Variant)

13. Wispy Sour (Uncommon Variant, 250 GP, Common Variant, 50 GP)
14. Celestial Sunrise (250 GP)
15. Inspired Cocoa Mug (50gp)

16. Shielding Turtle Sugarbomb (250gp)

17. Jelly Oozebean Sugarbombs (250 GP x1)

18. Kindle Egg Sugarbomb

19. Tote of Tricky Treat Sugarbombs (250 GP)

Tote of Tricky Treat Sugarbombs

Wondrous item, common

This canvas bag holds 5d8 + 10 clove and pumpkin candies inside. A small illusory face appears over the sewn-on
pumpkin at night. Each candy has a minor magical effect that lasts for 1 minute unless otherwise specified. Some
effects are pleasant, whereas some are mischievous. You can eat a candy as an action. When you do, roll on the
table below to determine the candy's effect:

d20 Effect
The candy seemed to have spoiled, forcing you to succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or spend
your action on your next turn retching and reeling.
2 Your face appears to melt: revealing the skull beneath it. The effect is harmless and illusory.
3 Any food you eat or water you drink taste like ash and blood, respectively.
4 Other creatures' eyes appear to be hollowed out and blackened.
5 Your ears turn a different, vibrant color at that start of each of your turns.
6 Your hair falls out and regrows over the next minute.
7 Your laughter becomes maniacal, and you have trouble stopping once you've started.
8 Your pupils resemble a snake's.
9 You hear a fly near your ear, but you can neither see it nor swat it away.
Your skin turns orange, and light spills forth from your eyes and mouth, casting bright light in a 10-foot radius
and dim light for another 10 feet.
11 Confetti bursts from the top of your head, and small children can be heard laughing.
12 You sprout tiny, flightless bat wings.
13 You know the location of the nearest pumpkin within 1 mile.
14 Nearby crows and ravens land on your shoulders or outstretched arm.
15 A friendly, floppy wizard hat appears on your head. After 1 minute, it disappears in a cloud of stars.
d20 Effect
16 Any alcohol in your stomach or that you drink becomes nonalcoholic.
Your voice becomes smooth and golden, allowing you to add your proficiency bonus to Charisma
17 (performance) checks to sing. If you are already proficient with this skill, you add double your proficiency
bonus instead.
18 Any food you eat or water you drink tastes delicious and reminds you of your favorite past times.
19 You gain darkvision out to a range of 30 feet. If you already have darkvision, its range is increased by 30 feet.
20 You can magically sense if someone is possessed, and you can see creatures that are invisible.

"Trick or treat!"

20. Everlasting Sugarbomb (50 GP)

21. Peppermince Sugarbombs (250GP)
22. Hasty Lollipop Sugarbomb (250 GP)

23. LeviBubble Sugarbomb (250GP)

24. Tiny Tasty Tongue Sugarbombs (300 GP)

25. Firecracker Crystals (250 GP)

26. “Mammoth” Steak (Loxodon Steak actually, 100 GP)
- Your ears enlargen and your nose becomes sensitive, giving you +2 on Wisdom (Perception),
Wisdom (Survival), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve smell and hearing for
1 minute.

27. Djinni Ribs w/ Fresh Air Combo (2,500 GP)

- When you consume the whole dish you gain the effect of the gaseous form spell for 10
minutes (no concentration required) or until you end it early using an action. When the effect
ends, your form rematerializes in a rush of air, forcing all Large and smaller creatures within 30
feet of you to make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is pushed 10 feet
away from you and knocked prone.
28. Rakshaha’s Tongue (25,00 GP, EAT WITH CAUTION, IT IS TO DIE FOR)

- A creature that ingests this deadly dish must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, a creature takes 4d6 poison damage and is poisoned for 1 hour. If the poisoned
creature is a spellcaster, it takes an additional 4d6 psychic damage and can't cast cantrips until
this poison ends. In addition, a poisoned spellcaster can only cast spells of 1st level and higher
by using a spell slot at least 4 levels higher than the desired slot level, without the added
benefits of using the higher spell slot level. For example, a poisoned spellcaster can cast the 2nd-
level version of magic missile using a 6th-level spell slot. On a successful save, a creature takes
half as much poison and psychic damage and isn't poisoned.

29. Sausage ala Barbarian (2,500 GP)

- This bubbling red sausage is always warm and tastes of iron and bitter raisins. You can
eat this sausage as a bonus action. When you do, you enter a rage that lasts for 1 minute or until
you're knocked unconscious. This rage grants you the same effects as a 1st-level barbarian's
class feature with the following exception: if you end your turn and you haven't attacked a
hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then, you take 1d4 psychic damage
and your rage does not end. You can enter this rage even if you're wearing heavy armor.
30. Bath Water of a Sea Elf (50 GP)
- This bubbly drink is frothy and smells of lavender and flowers. A creature can drink the bath
water using an action. A creature that drinks this water has its outermost layer of skin rinsed
from its body and any remaining dirt and grime magically washed away. In addition, its
breath, hair, and nails are immaculately cleaned and refreshed, looking either polished and
pristine or smelling of daisies and honey. For the next 24 hours, any blood, dirt, or grime
magically falls away from the creature, and it continues to smell and appear freshly washed.
Bubbles occasionally escape from the mouth of the creature while the potion is in effect.

31. Arcane Stew

You regain 1d3 + 3 expended spell slot levels. You can recover a total number of
combined spell slot levels equal to or less than the number you roll when you consume
this soup. None of the slots can be 6th level or higher.

32. Bottled Abyss

Poured into a cup, only for the edgiest of edgelords. This drink has a fuming, pitch-black
poison. When ingested, the creature takes 4d6 psychic damage and must make a DC 18
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the poison takes hold. While the poison is in
effect, the creature is blind and unable to sleep. When an affected creature attempts to
rest, their dreams are plagued with terrible nightmares and are unable to gain the
benefits of a long rest. The creature can reattempt the saving throw after 24 hours have

The poison lasts until the affected creature succeeds on a saving throw or is cured by
the greater restoration, heal, or wish spell.

33. Marid Fried Egg

- Upon consumption, roll a d20 and determine your curse.

D20 Result

1-3 Toad Form from a Polymorph. After each hour, if one other creature kisses you, you may roll a
wisdom save DC11 to remove the curse.

4-10 Webbed Hands and Feet. For 1 hour, gain the effects of the “Jump” spell and gain swimming and
climbing speed equal to your base movement speed.

11-17 Prehensile Tongue. For 1 hour, you are able to shoot your sticky tongue with 20ft range as a
bonus action. It is a ranged touch attack that can pick up items or grapple opponents with a competing
Strength check. Severing the tongue ends this curse.

18-20 Toad Monster. Gain the effects of all the curses listed above for 1 hour. Also as an action you can
spew slime as if casting the “Grease” spell.

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