Writing 1 Introducing Myself Abel Inga Curo

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Written Report 1
Introducing my Self

Title: Daily Activities

Name: Abel Inga Curo - 100110758@cientifica.edu.pe
Course: English
Section: 2U
Teacher: Ericka Arnao Ojeda

Lima, Perú

Dailys Activities
My name is Abel Inga, I am a Veterinary Medicine student, I am 19 years old, I am from
Lima, Peru, and this is what I do from Monday to Friday.

In the morning I get up at 6 am, I make my bed, I change, I do my personal hygiene and then
I go running with my dogs in the park, then I return and have breakfast at 8 am, finishing it, I
go to the shower and then go to university.

In the afternoon I have lunch at the university at 1 pm, and then go back to classes, then I
leave at 6 pm and head home.

At night I have dinner at 8pm, then I do my homework, once finished, I take my dogs out to
the park again, after being at home I get distracted for a while checking my cell phone and
watching movies, finally I change my pijamas and brush myself teeth to go to sleep at 11pm.

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