Practi Ce Test #2: For TH E Toefl Speaking Section

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Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL®
Speaking Section

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

The TOEFL Speaking Section:


The following Speaking section of the test will last between 20-30 minutes. To complete it, you will
need a recording device that you can play back to listen to your responses. You should also have a pen
and a piece of paper ready to take notes.

During the test, you will answer four speaking questions. One of the questions asks about familiar topics.
Three questions ask about short conversations, lectures, and reading passages.

When you see the audio icon it means that there is an audio passage you must listen to. Please
click the icon to get redirected to the audio file.

The time you have to prepare your response and speak is printed below each question. You should
answer all of the questions as completely as possible in the time allowed.

If you would like to read and listen to a sample response to the question you are answering, you can refer
to the answer key.

When you are ready, turn the page to see the directions for the first speaking task.

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Speaking Task 1

Directions: You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you
will have 15 seconds to plan your response and 45 seconds to speak.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

“Technology has had a negative effect on relationships between friends and family.”

Provide specific details and examples to explain your answer.

Preparation Time: 15 seconds

Response Time: 45 seconds

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Speaking Task 2

Directions: You will now read a short passage and then listen to a conversation on the same topic.
You will then be asked a question about the passages. After you hear the question, you will have 30
seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

You have 45 seconds to read the passage below. You may begin reading now.

The University Orchestra Spring Concert Cancelled

The Music and Drama Department has decided to discontinue the University Orchestra’s
spring concert. The reason for this decision is that there has been very little interest in the
event over the past three years. In other words, there have not been enough tickets sold to
justify the cost. This year, the concert will be replaced by the Drama Department's
production of Hamlet because surveys show that students prefer to watch plays than listen
to classical music concerts. The increase in revenue from ticket sales will be used to
renovate and expand the auditorium.

Now listen to a conversation about the same topic

Now answer the question.

The woman expresses her opinion on the University Orchestra Spring Concert being canceled. State her opinion
and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds

Response Time: 60 seconds

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Speaking Task 3

Directions: You will now read a short passage and then listen to a lecture on the same topic. You will
then be asked a question about the passages. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to
prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

You have 45 seconds to read the passage below. You may begin reading now.

Habit Formation

Habits are actions that we do on a regular basis automatically and almost unconsciously.
According to behavioral psychologists, there are three parts in the habit process: reminder,
routine, and reward. These are the so-called three Rs of habit formation. Reminder is the
trigger that signals your brain to start an action. Routine is the actual habit, and reward is
the outcome you get from performing the action or habit. If the reward is positive, you’ll
want to keep doing the same action over and over again. If you repeat the process many
times, the action becomes a habit.

Now, listen to a lecture about this topic in a behavioral psychology class

Now answer the question.

Using the examples from the lecture, explain how people can use a series of steps to create a new habit.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds

Response Time: 60 seconds

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Speaking Task 4

Directions: You will now listen to part of a lecture. You will then be asked a question about it. After
you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

Now, listen to part of a lecture in a business studies class

Now answer the question.

Using points and details from the talk, explain what equity compensation is, and why companies might offer it to

Preparation Time: 20 seconds

Response Time: 60 seconds

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Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section
Answer Key

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Speaking Task 1: Sample Answer

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

“Technology has had a negative effect on relationships between friends and family.”

Provide specific details and examples to explain your answer.

Believe it or not, I completely disagree: technology has not hurt my relationships between friends
and family. In fact, the opposite is true; technology has improved my relationships. You see, I travel a lot.
Right now, I live in Japan, but I'm from New York. Without social media like Facebook and Instagram, no
one would know about my life here. But right now, my friends and family can see pictures and comment
on my travels, and, by the same token, I can get updates on their lives as well. Also, international calling
used to be ridiculously expensive, but not anymore. I can have a video chat with anyone back home
through Skype for free. So, while some may feel differently, I personally think technology helps

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Speaking Task 2: Sample Answer

The reading announcement deals with the university’s decision to cancel the orchestra’s spring
concert. In the conversation, the woman says that she is very upset about this decision. For one, the
school is claiming that ticket sales have been too low to justify the cost of the concert. However, the
woman points out that the university really should have collaborated with the Music and Drama
departments first to promote the show and increase sales. Also, the announcement states that students
prefer seeing plays over classical concerts. To this, the woman explains that the survey that was done does
not adequately represent the opinion of the entire student body because it was conducted by students in
the political science department. So this is why the woman disagrees with the school’s decision to cancel
the spring concert.

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Speaking Task 2: Transcript

Man: Hey Laura, you play violin in the school orchestra, right?

Woman: Yeah, that's right.

Man: So, I guess you read the announcement already.

Woman: Unfortunately, I did. I've been so bummed out about the whole situation, but I guess it's out of my
control. You know, we have been preparing for this performance for almost a year. They should have tried
to support us instead. We could have worked together with the Music and Drama department to promote
the show and boost ticket sales. If they were worried about getting enough people to show up, they should
have told us first, and we could have done something about it. More people are interested in classical
music than they think.

Man: Really? They didn't give you any type of warning first? I'm surprised.

Woman: You're not the only one. Our conductor was also shocked by the news, especially because enrollment in
the music department has gone up over the past few years.

Man: Yeah, but the announcement mentioned that students prefer watching plays. I think they mentioned
something about student surveys, but I don't remember exactly.

Woman: You know, the problem with those surveys is that they were mostly conducted by students in the
political science department. That whole area of campus consists of history, government, and literature
majors. If they had done those surveys by Lincoln Hall, where the art and music majors hang out, the
results would have been much different.

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Speaking Task 3: Sample Answer

So, I had never heard of habit formation until now, and it's kind of interesting. The idea is that habits
are formed when they follow a three-step process: a reminder, a routine, and a reward. In the lecture, the
professor explains that he used to check his email when he woke up in the morning. However, he wanted
to stop checking email and start running, a better habit pretty much. So, he set up his alarm for early in
the morning, which acted as the reminder. His routine would change, though, from checking email to
running, and his reward would be a delicious cup of coffee. After just a few weeks, his running regimen
became a habit actually. So, the bottom line here is that understanding how habits form will help you
create a new habit, just like the professor did.

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Speaking Task 3: Transcript

“So, I have a good example of this idea of the three Rs. Up until about a year ago, the first thing I would do when
I woke up in the morning was check my email. My alarm clock was a reminder to do this, checking my email was
the routine, and the reward was the good feeling I got staying connected with people and feeling needed. But I
soon realized that checking my email in the morning took too much time and actually distracted me from more
important tasks, like exercising.

Uh, right, so I decided that I wanted to create a new habit and run every morning.

It started with my alarm. My alarm would still be the reminder, but the routine would consist of me getting out of
bed and going for a run. Now, I had my reminder and routine, but running is tough, and it would be easy for me
to give up unless I gave myself some kind of reward. To help keep me motivated, I made a rule that I could only
drink my morning cup of coffee after I finished. So, whenever I'm tired and don't feel like running, I imagine my
day without that cup of coffee, and it motivates me. After repeating the same process for a few weeks, I began
running right after my alarm rang without even thinking about how difficult it would be. It became a habit, the
same way I brush my teeth or put on my clothes, and it was all due to my understanding of how habits form."

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Speaking Task 4: Sample Answer

In the lecture, the professor explains equity-based compensation, which is basically when a
company gives its employees stocks in addition to their usual pay. This type of pay structure has a number
of benefits. First, it is a deterrent for employees to quit. It can take weeks or months to train a new staff
member, and so it is costly when one of them leaves. Employees with stock in the company are more likely
to stay longer. Secondly, companies can actually gain more profits by paying workers in equity. Employees
earn extra income if the stock does well, so they will work hard and promote the business in order to help
it become successful. As the company makes more profits, the stock rises, and the workers gain more
wealth. So, these are just two reasons why a company might offer equity compensation to its employees.

Practice Test #2
For the TOEFL® Speaking Section

Speaking Task 4: Transcript

“OK, so, let’s continue our discussion of employee compensation. Today, I’d like to discuss a less common
method of compensation, namely equity-based pay. In simple terms, under equity-based compensation,
employees of the business receive part ownership of the company. This is usually in the form of shares or stocks.
So, basically, employees are paid a usual hourly wage or yearly salary, but they also receive additional stock in
the company. While this may sound like it cuts into profits, equity-based compensation could, in fact, help save a
company money.

One benefit of equity-based compensation is that it stops employees from leaving. Staff turnover, which is when
employees quit, can be a big expense for many companies. Initial training takes weeks or even months and is
costly since trainees are not yet ready to contribute to the company’s bottom line. Some businesses feel that
offering equity to employees makes them less likely to leave. The reason is that equity compensation plans
typically reward employees with more stock the longer they stay with the company.

Not only can a company save money by utilizing an equity-based pay structure, but they may actually generate
more profits by paying their workers in this manner. You see another potential advantage of providing
employees with stock options is that they are more likely to work harder to ensure the long-term success of the
business. After all, if the company does well, its stock value will go up, and any employee who owns equity will
see their personal wealth rise too. Indeed, employees may actually go above and beyond their normal work
duties to share information about their work on social media, email, and in conversation about their great job
and its unique pay structure.”

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