ESTRADA, Benette - Prelim Exam - PSFE04 Politics and Administration

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PSFE04 Politics and Administration

Passed by: Benette Estrada PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 3AB - Political Science



Political parties in the Philippines play a significant

role in shaping the country's political landscape.
Political parties like the Liberal Party (LP) and
Party-List Groups in the Philippines
Nacionalista Party (NP) are only 2 of the most
renowned political parties in the country, and these According to Tangkia and Habaradas (2001), As
parties often form coalitions and alliances to boost the political parties are not prevented from
invading the party-list system arena, the age-
their chances during elections. They're like the gears
old problem of the concentration of
in the political machinery, driving the nation's
socioeconomic and political power to an elite
democracy. These parties represent various interests few remains a concern.
and ideologies, and they can be pretty dynamic.
A. Low Voter Turnout due to the novelty of the party-list
concept, since the primary reason for the low voter
However, there have turnout is the unfamiliarity with the "party list concept."
been several lapses and This confusion stems from the fact that the electorate,
deficiencies in its traditionally casting votes for individual candidates as
effectiveness. Critics and their district representatives in the House of
Political scientists argued Representatives, must now vote for a party, organization,
that the system has been or coalition to represent them in the same house. This
prone to abuse and change in the voting process has led to a decrease in
manipulation by some voter participation. B. Dismal Results Because of the one
political parties and hundred twenty-three groups accredited by COMELEC,
interest groups for their just thirteen managed to secure at least 2% of the total
agendas (Tigno, 2019). votes cast for party-list candidates. This underwhelming
performance is rooted in the low voter turnout in the
party-list representative election. C. The Legal
Status of Marginalized
Controversy arose when only thirteen parties could
Sectors in the Philippines
hurdle the 2% threshold during the first party-list
According to Gonzales elections in 1998. Further, it resulted in the proclamation
(2022), despite the of only 14 party-list representatives, far below the 52
significant progress the party seats, the equivalent of the 20% allocation provided
Philippines has achieved
in the Constitution. At the same time, the controversy
over the decades, 23.7
resolved that the 20% allocation is a mere ceiling. The
percent of the population
including the marginalized 20% allocation provided in the Constitution is optional,
sectors still lives below the i.e., all seats allocated for party-list representatives need
poverty line, not be filled entirely and at all times, but a mere ceiling.
2. How does this electoral system impact the dynamics
of party politics, voter behavior, and representation
compared to other electoral systems?

The mixed-member proportional

representation (MMP) system in the
Philippines significantly impacts the
dynamics of party politics, voter behavior,
and representation compared to other
electoral systems (Magno, 2016).

Regarding Party Politics, MMP

encourages the formation of diverse
political parties and coalitions, as it
combines two types of representatives:
those elected from single-member 'Representation' under MMP ensures
districts and those from party-list a mix of district-level and
proportional representation. Thus, it proportional representation. The
encourages political parties to broaden House of Representatives can hear a
their appeal to local constituencies and broader spectrum of voices
the national electorate. representing marginalized sectors.
District representatives address local
MMP influences Voter Behavior by concerns and said dual
requiring voters to make two choices: one representation contributes to a more
for a local candidate and another for a inclusive and diverse legislative body.
party-list group. It can lead to split-ticket
voting, where voters choose candidates Overall, the MMP system in the
from different parties, making it a more Philippines impacts party politics by
nuanced voting experience than other encouraging diversity, influencing
systems Magno, F. (2016). Said system voter behavior with its two-tiered
allows voters to select whose parties or voting process, and providing a more
coalition to side with, especially which balanced representation compared to
political group aligns with their ideologies other electoral systems.
or interests.
3. What are the major issues and concerns surrounding
campaign financing, and how do these issues affect the
fairness and integrity of elections?

One major issue is the influence of money in

politics. When wealthy individuals,
corporations, or interest groups can contribute
large sums to political campaigns, it can lead to
a perception that the wealthy elite controls the
political process, which undermines the
principle of political equality and can result in
policies that prioritize the interests of major
donors over those of the general population.
(Lessig, 2018).

Finally, concerns about corruption and

bribery are prevalent in campaign
financing. When campaign contributions
are perceived as a means to attribute
influence or access to politicians,
allegations of corruption can quickly arise.
Transparency, or the lack thereof, in campaign Elected officials may seem as if they are
financing is another primary concern. When indebted to major donors, which
campaign contributions are not adequately compromises their ability to act in the
disclosed in elections—money whose sources public interest and raises questions about
remain undisclosed—it becomes challenging the integrity of the electoral process
for the public to ascertain who is funding (Persily & Lammie, 2018).
political campaigns (Fowler & Hall, 2020). This
opacity erodes trust in the electoral system, as
voters are left in the dark about campaign
funds' origins and motivations.

4. What strategies and reforms can be employed to

address the concentration of political power within
certain families and promote greater inclusivity in the
political arena?

Campaign Finance Reform:

Establishing comprehensive campaign
finance reform is crucial (Persily,
2021). Imposing strict measurements
on campaign contributions and
expenditures and firm disclosure
requirements helps level the playing
field. It disproportionately reduces the
undue influence of wealthy families
who can finance their campaigns.
Public financing options can further
reduce the dependence on private
wealth and encourage a more diverse
pool of candidates.

Electoral System Reforms: Consider

changes to the electoral system (Karp
& Banducci, 2008). Systems such as
Political Education and Outreach: ranked-choice voting or proportional
Invest in political education and civic representation can lead to a more
engagement programs (Verba et al., diverse representation in government
1995). Increasing political awareness by reducing the barriers for smaller
and participation among marginalized parties and independent candidates.
communities can empower them to Such reforms can dilute the
compete in the political arena. dominance of established political
Encouraging voter registration, families and encourage new voices to
education, and mobilization efforts enter politics.
can help these communities have a
stronger voice in the political process.
5. How has social media transformed political
communication, and what are the implications for the
democratic process, especially in terms of
disinformation and fake news?

Social media has transformed political

communication by providing unprecedented
platforms for politicians, parties, and citizens to
engage in public discourse, mobilize support, and
share information.

It has democratized political communication,

giving individuals a direct voice in the political
process (Tufekci, 2017). Politicians can connect with
constituents in real-time, bypassing traditional
gatekeepers like the media, and citizens can
participate in political discussions without

Moreover, social media algorithms can

unintentionally promote sensational and
divisive content by prioritizing engagement
and click-through rates (Pariser, 2011). It can
lead to filter bubbles where individuals are
exposed primarily to information that aligns
with their preexisting views, hindering the
diversity of perspectives necessary for
informed democratic deliberation (Sunstein,
The speed and reach of social media enable the
"rapid spread of false or misleading In conclusion, social media has revolutionized
information," which can influence public opinion political communication, granting broader
and election outcomes (Pennycook & Rand, 2019). access to political discourse. However, it has
The viral nature of fake news on platforms like also raised significant concerns about the
Facebook and Twitter can amplify echo chambers, spread of disinformation and fake news,
reinforcing existing beliefs and polarizing society
threatening the quality of democratic
(Bakshy et al., 2015).
deliberation and the integrity of elections.
Addressing these challenges is crucial to
preserving the democratic process in the digital

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