Grammar Task - I - II - Variants - KEY

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I variant

Task: Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense, active or passive.

New York
Sunday 22nd

Dear Mum and Dad

I can't believe I (1) (be) in New York for three months now. Time (2) (pass)
far too quickly. So much has happened since I last wrote to you that I don’t know
where to begin.
I’ ll start by telling you of my little adventure. Last Saturday I went shopping in
the local shopping mall. I (3) (look) for some new jeans for party I was going to
that evening when suddenly I (4) (realize) that my purse (5) (steal). The police
were called immediately, but I couldn’t answer their questions because I (6) (cry)
so much. I (7) (look) in my bag for a tissue when - guess what? – I (8) find) my
purse! It had got hidden underneath all the other stuff. I felt such a fool!
Anyway, the party that evening wasn't much good, which was a shame as I was
looking forward to it all week. When I arrived all the food (9) (eat). The friends I
hoped to meet (10) (go) home already. After half an hour we (11) (tell) we were
making too much noise, so we had to turn off the music. I decided to leave at about
11.00. I (12) (give) a lift home by a guy called Peter, who you’d really like. When
I got home, I (13) (starve)!
Mr. Goldstein (14) (say) for weeks that she wants to take me to the Statue of
Liberty, so tomorrow we (15) (see) it. They're a very kind family, and I feel at
home here. They are teaching me to speak with an American accent, so when I
speak to you on the phone you (16) (not recognize) me!
The course I (17) (do) in psychology is interesting. The college is situated
on the edge of Central Park, so I often (18) (have) my lunch there as the canteen in
the college (19) (decorate) at the moment. My teachers are great. One of them (20)
write a book which (21) (translate) into five languages! I (22) (not read) it yet,
but it’s on my list. She (23) (study) how children learn their first language for
years and years, and I think she’s quite well-known.
Dad, please could you send me some money? I only have $10 to last me till I
(24) (pay) next week. I have been saving up for my return fare home, so you can’t
be cross with me!
Please write soon with all the news from England. Give my love to the dog.

Lots of love
II variant

Task: Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense, active or passive.

Last month, I (1) (attend) a reunion of students, who (2) (be) on the same
course as me at the university ten years earlier. When I (3) (leave) university, I (4)
(not keep) in touch with many people – just my closest friends and one or two of
the lecturers – so I (5) (not know) who or what to expect.
When I (6) already (arrive) at the hotel where the reunion (7) (hold), they
(8) (chat) in small groups, or in the queue for food, or at the bar. Everyone seemed
to have someone to talk to except me. I (9) (make) my way to the bar and (10)
(stand) patiently waiting for the barman (11) (notice) me. After what seemed an
age, I (12) (tap) on the shoulder and someone shouted, ‘I (13) (not believe) it!
You, at university reunion!
I (14) (turn) round quickly and (15) (face) with a man of about my age that
I (16) (no recognise) at all. He seemed to know me though, and continued, ‘How
are you? What (17) you (do) since we left?
Instead of (18) (explain) that I didn’t know him, I (19) (find) myself replying, ‘I’m
fine. I work in computing now, but I (20) (spend) five years abroad working as a
voluntary teacher. ‘For the next hour, this man (21) (tell) me his whole life story
while I (22) desperately (search) for someone that I knew. I (23) (manage) to talk
to a couple of my old lecturers, but my strongest memory of the evening was that I
(24) (have) a reunion with someone I don’t even know.
Keys Stop & Check

I variant

Task: Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense, active or passive.

1. ‘ve been
2. has passed
3. was looking
4. realised
5. had been stolen
6. was crying
7. was looking/ looked
8. found
9. had been eaten/ was eaten
10.had gone
11.were told
12.was given
13.was starving
14.has been saying
15.are going to see/ are seeing
16.won’t recognize
17.‘m doing/ ‘ve been doing
18.have being decorated
20.has written
21.has been translated
22.haven’t read
23.has been studying paid/ get paid
II variant

Task: Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense, active or passive.

1. attended
2. had been /were
3. left
4. didn’t keep
5. didn’t know
6. had … arrived
7. was being held
8. were chatting
9. made
10.stood notice
12.was tapped
13.don’t believe
15.was faced
16.didn’t recognise
17.have … been doing
22.was … searching
24.had/ had had

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