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Type of lottery -
Buy Date -
Time close -
Status: paid or not paid -
2.1 View aggregates / predictable losses

2.2 View of aggregates / predictable breakdowns (new)

Live status of what lottery is on
Net win loss 2.3 (All adjustable)
- Deposit
- Commissions / Discounts
- Commision / Referral
- Agent
2.4 pending bets on pending mode
2.5 Views of Members/Types
2.6 Refer a friend
3 Manage Members
3.1 Add members
3.2 Member List
3.3 Suspended Members
4 Deposit and withdrawal Credit
4.1 Deposit/Withdraw Members
4.2 Deposit/Withdrawal History

4.3 Member deposit/withdrawl history

5 Manage Accounts

5.1 Deposit Account

5.2 Withdrawal Account
5.3 Member deposit/withdrawal account
5.4 Cancelled deposit account
5.5 Cancelled withdrawal account
5.6 Cancelled Member Account
5.7 Statement
6 Automatic deposit/withdrawal
6.1 Deposit/Withdrawal
6.2 Depository items
6.3 Withdrawal items
6.4 Unknown items

6.5 True Wallet Deposit

6.6 Manage deposit transactions
6.7 Setup
7 Set up the lottery
7.3 Lottery draw
7.4 My Payout Rate
7.5 Payout rate
7.7 Share split
7.8 Set up pickup
7.9 Set up pickup by type
7.10 Open-close lottery
8. Assistant
8.1 Add an assistant
8.2 List of assistant
8.3 Assistant Permissions
8.4 List of suspended assistants
Creating bill to purchase
Client info

Client deposwits and withdrawals

History dep/with

Link account/bank acc/ payment gateway

Withdrawal account

Dep/withdraw accounts of players

Expired accounts dep

Expired accounts withdraw

Stock management after scanning

Legal online lottery sales platform similar to or other recognized platforms at an
affordable price. We offer consultation and guide you through every step from creation to finding
The platform allows scanning of actual lottery tickets to authenticate and display results on the web
application, ensuring credibility and security.

● Automatic drawing and customer notification for all types of lottery prizes.

Explanation of the components with detailed specifications for each major system component in the

online lottery service:

1. Backoffice/Administration System:

● User Authentication: Secure login system with different access levels (admin, manager,
employee, guest).
● Customer Management: Tools to add, edit, and search customer profiles, enhancing CRM
● Lottery Management: Interface to upload new lottery tickets by selecting images, setting
prices, and automatically recognizing and storing ticket numbers in the system.
● Lottery Sets Management: Ability to sell individual tickets or sets (e.g., pairs, trios) with easy
management tools.
● Draw Management: Flexibility to set opening and closing times for ticket sales for each
● Agent Network Creation: Tools for building a network of sales agents with varying levels of
access and control.
● Bank Account Management: For managing banking details for payments and prize
● Order Management: Tools for overseeing customer orders, including status updates and
● Financial Transactions Management: Keep track of money transfers, both incoming and
outgoing, with detailed records.
● Prize Distribution Management: Automated and manual prize distribution systems, including
immediate notification to winners.
● Notification System: Automated alerts through SMS and LINE for various triggers, like
customer payments.

2. Customer and Sales Agent Interface:

● Registration and Authentication: Secure sign-up and login through mobile numbers with SMS
● Product Search and Selection: Advanced search capabilities to find lottery tickets based on
numbers, sets, or other criteria.
● Shopping Cart and Checkout: Intuitive shopping cart experience with a reservation timer and
secure payment gateway integration.
● Payment and Order Confirmation: Easy upload of payment proof, with immediate order
confirmation and SMS notification.
● User Profile and Settings: Users can manage their personal information, password, bank
details for receiving winnings, and more.
● History and Tracking: Detailed view of purchase history, order status, and the ability to track
selected numbers and wins.
● Real-Time Results: Access to live lottery draw results, with the ability to check ticket
outcomes directly on the platform.
● Prize Collection: Flexible prize collection options, detailed fee structures for prize collection,
and instant alerts upon prize disbursement.

3. Lottery and Prize Management System:

● Lottery Ticket Scanning: Fast, accurate scanning of physical lottery tickets into the system,
with automatic number recognition.
● Prize Draw Automation: The system automatically retrieves draw results, identifies winning
tickets within the system, and notifies winners.
● Customer Prize Management: Winners can manage how they wish to collect their prize, with
options for bank transfer or personal collection.
● Hot Numbers and Tips: The platform highlights hot numbers and provides tips for each draw,
encouraging user engagement.
4. Notification and Communication System:

● SMS and LINE Alerts: Automated notifications for registration confirmation, order and
payment confirmations, prize wins, and prize money transfers.
● Customer Support: Integrated support system for customer inquiries through email, chat, or
LINE, enhancing the customer service experience.

This comprehensive online lottery service platform aims to provide a secure, user-friendly, and

efficient way to purchase and manage lottery tickets online. It includes robust backoffice tools for

administrators and sales agents, a seamless customer interface for an enjoyable purchasing

experience, and advanced systems for lottery management and prize distribution, ensuring

compliance, security, and trust for all users.

Building on the foundation of a comprehensive and secure online lottery system, further

development and expansion can focus on enhancing user engagement, security measures, and

integration with emerging technologies. Here are additional components and features that could be

considered for future iterations of the platform:

5. Enhanced Security Features:

● Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Adding an extra layer of security for login and payment
processes to protect users’ accounts.
● Data Encryption: Ensuring all data, especially sensitive personal and payment information, is
encrypted during transmission and storage.
● Regular Security Audits: Conducting periodic security checks and audits to identify and fix

6. User Experience Enhancements:

● Mobile App Development: Creating dedicated mobile applications for iOS and Android to
provide users with a more convenient and accessible platform.
● Personalized User Dashboards: Offering customizable dashboards so users can track their
favorite numbers, upcoming draws, and history more efficiently.
● AI-Powered Recommendations: Implementing machine learning algorithms to suggest
lottery numbers based on historical data and user preferences.

7. Social and Community Features:

● User Forums and Discussion Boards: Creating spaces for users to discuss strategies, share
experiences, and build a community around lottery interests.
● Social Sharing Options: Enabling users to share their wins or favorite numbers on social
media platforms directly from the site or app.
● Group Buying Options: Allowing users to pool resources and purchase lottery tickets as a
group, increasing their chances of winning and fostering a sense of community.

8. Advanced Analytics and Reporting:

● User Behavior Insights: Utilizing analytics to gain insights into user behaviors, preferences,
and trends to tailor marketing strategies and platform improvements.
● Financial Reporting: Advanced reporting tools for administrators to monitor sales, profits,
and payouts in real-time, enabling better financial decision-making.

9. International Expansion:

● Multi-Currency Support: Adding functionality for transactions in multiple currencies to cater

to international users.
● Language Localization: Offering the platform in various languages to attract a global user
base and enhance the user experience for non-English speakers.

10. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives:

● Charitable Contributions: Implementing a feature where a portion of the proceeds from ticket
sales is donated to charity, enhancing the platform’s CSR profile.
● Responsible Gaming Features: Including tools and resources to promote responsible
gaming, such as setting spending limits, self-exclusion options, and access to support for
problem gambling.

By focusing on these areas for further development, an online lottery platform can not only provide a

secure and engaging environment for users but also position itself as a leader in the digital lottery

space. These initiatives could enhance the platform's appeal, drive growth, and ensure a sustainable

and responsible operation.

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