EC2 GroupProject

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University of Technology, Jamaica

School of Computing and Information Technology

Enterprise Computing II
Final Project

Given: Week 7 Due: Week 12

Project Overview:
Students are to develop an ASP.NET e-commerce web application using ASP MVC Core and
related technologies. This solution should provide customers bill payments options for the
Jamaica Public Service (JPS).

This is a group project which consists of a maximum number of four (4) students who are from
the same practical class. Each group must designate a group leader, who is responsible for
supervising the development of the project and the coordination between all parts of the project
developed by other member of the group.

JPS is seeking to build out an online platform that will allow customers to pay for their
electricity bill.
A customer of JPS may have a saving/credit account with either the Bank of Nova Scotia
(BNS) or the National Commercial Bank (NCB). JPS has one bank account with (NCB). Each
bank has an administration role which allows that user to manage customers (create, view
all/one, update and delete). The minimum balance when creating a new account is $10,000. For
credit accounts the balance will represent your available funds. Each bank also has tellers which
can process customers’ deposits and withdrawals. Customers are able to log on to their banks
website and view their balance and transaction history.
JPS web app should allow customers to view their pending bills and also see a history of
paid bills. JPS already has an automated routine for their customer bill generation, however they
have asked you for testing purposes to allow administrators to manually generate a bill for

1. Jamaica Pubic Service (JPS) Web Application
 Each bill contains
i. bill id
ii. bill generation date (create date)
iii. bill due date
iv. premises number
v. customer id
vi. address
vii. amount due (JMD only)
 An administrator is able to
i. CRUD a bill for a customer
ii. view all pending bills
iii. view all paid bills
 A customer is able to:
i. Register with a unique premises number
ii. View only his/her pending bills
iii. View history of all bill payments
iv. Pay for a bill in full (using Credit or Debit card)
1. Verify customer card details are correct and that they have the
necessary balance to make payment
2. Based on the card number, determine which banks web service to
3. Transfer funds from customer account to JPS account

2. Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) Web Application

 Minimum information to retain on customers
i. Customer id
ii. Name
iii. Address
iv. Balance
v. Account Number (7 digits, starts with 212)
vi. Card Number (12 digits, starts with 4001)
vii. Available Balance
viii. Account type (Savings or Credit Card)
 A Teller is able to
i. Make a deposit in customers account
ii. Make a withdrawal from customers account
iii. view all customers
iv. view all customer transactions
 An Administrator is able to
i. CRUD a customer
ii. CRUD a teller
iii. Assign user to role
 A Customer is able to
i. View all his/her account details
ii. View all transactions conducted on his/her account

3. National Commercial Bank (NCB) Web Application

 Minimum information to retain on customers
i. Customer id
ii. Name
iii. Address
iv. Balance
v. Account Number
vi. Account Number (7 digits, starts with 919)
vii. Card Number (12 digits, starts with 9505)
viii. Account type (Savings or Credit Card)
 A Teller is able to
i. Make a deposit in customers account
ii. Make a withdrawal from customers account
iii. view all customers
iv. view all customer transactions
 An Administrator is able to
i. CRUD a customer
ii. CRUD a teller
iii. Assign user to role
 A Customer is able to
i. View all his/her account details
ii. View all transactions conducted on his/her account
Discuss with your lab tutor the preferred method of submitting your solution. Lab tutors are free
to request a cd or to simply use an electronic submission mechanism.

Late Submission
If the project is submitted to lecturer after the due date the evaluation interview may still be
conducted based on the discretion of the lecturer, but a penalty is attracted for every late day.
Each day after the due day (including Saturdays and Sundays) will attract a 10% penalty, which
will be deducted from the total mark of project.

Presentations should be conducted in week thirteen (13) with the lab tutor. Absence from the
interview will result in 0%. The timetable of presentation will be generated by your lab tutor. It
is recommended that each developer should be responsible for some section of the project.
However, each developer must be familiar with ALL parts of project.

Marking Scheme Breakdown

# Project components Marks Actual
1 Logical Implementation & Functionality 25
2 MVC implementation 5
3 Security – Appropriate access rights 10
4 Validation techniques and Error Pages 5
5 GUI Design – Bootstrap, Page Layout, Menu Management 10
6 Web API/Web Service/WCF Service 15
7 Unit Tests 5
8 Software Specifications Document 20
 Work Breakdown Structure
o Special instructions to run projects
 Project Management
o Techniques employed
 Quality Assurance
o Test Strategy
o Test Plan
o Test Estimation
 Reports
o Meeting Minutes
o Issue & Bug Reports
o Burndown Charts
Velocity Charts

Total: 100
Sample Table of Contents

Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................ii
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Document Purpose...........................................................................................................1
1.2 Document Conventions....................................................................................................1
1.3 Acronyms, Keywords and Definitions.............................................................................1
1.4 Team Profile.....................................................................................................................1
1.5 Entity Profile....................................................................................................................1
1.6 Problem overview............................................................................................................2
1.7 Product Scope..................................................................................................................2
2. Project Management
2.1 Overview of Project management techniques/strategies

3. Proposed Solution....................................................................................................................2
3.1 Overview..........................................................................................................................2
3.2 Product Functions............................................................................................................3
3.3 Design and Implementation Constraints..........................................................................3
3.4 User Documentation........................................................................................................3
3.5 Assumptions and Dependencies......................................................................................3
4. System Features & Requirements..........................................................................................4
4.1 Functional Requirements.................................................................................................4
4.2 Non-Functional Requirements.........................................................................................5
5. Quality Assurance....................................................................................................................5
5.1 Testing strategy................................................................................................................5
5.2 Test Plan...........................................................................................................................5
5.3 Test Estimations ..............................................................................................................5
i. Weekly Sprint planning Meeting reports
ii. Sprint Retrospective Meeting (bi-weekly)
iii. Issue & Bug Reports
iv. Burndown Charts
v. Velocity Charts


Good resource:

Sprint planning/product backlog meeting

Product backlog

Sprint Retrospective Meeting

Issues/Bug Report

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