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chromium electronic configurations : 152 252 2p3 352 343 3ds 45' Sub-atomic particles Relative mass Relative charge Location

energy required to remove one electron from each atom , , , , ,

in one mole of
= ,


Proton i lo

copper electronic configurations : 1s2 ,

25 ? 2p6 3523p6 3910 4s , ,

atoms of an
gaseous octet rule-electronic configuration of noble are stable .

there is between the nucleus & gases

IE values are always positive as an attractive force electrons

which has to be overcome Cation = smaller than neutral atom

During ionization , elections are removed in order of their energies. Electron with highest energy in Anion =

bigger than neutral atom

In electric field

outermost shell is removed first

* For transition elements, electrons are removed from 45 first

Protons= attracted to
negative electrodes
2nd I E is to neutral atom
energy required to
pull an electron
away from
positive ion
compared ·
Electrons= attracted to positive electrodes
Factors I E Neutrons-not attracted to electrodes
affecting charged

1. Nuclear charge Nuclear charge + Attractive forces 4 1. E4 Angle of deflection depends charge of
on + mass
, ,

sizet distance ↑
. Atomic radius =
I Et

Isotopes =
same atomic number ,
different mass number

same electronic
Shielding effect sizet ,
shielding ↑
3 I EN
configuration so same chemical
effect .


Spin-pair repulsion
pair repulsion causes energy ↑ I Et ,

Atomic Structure
different relative atomic mass so different physical properties

Across a period :
There is a
general increase in first I E . principle quantam number-size of the Orbital energy level an electron is placed in

Nobel gases Down subshells
group of each shell = s p , d , f

-highest 1st I .
among elements in the same

increase in nuclear charge number of subshells in each shell-shell number

* Because it has strongest nuclear attraction

(highest no e-added to same shells but outer electrons are further orbital volume of space around the nucleus where electron of
a subshell spent must of their time

Alkali (Group 1)
metals from the nucleus so less attractive forces
# 2 &

lowest 1st I E elements in the same ↓ nuclear charge number shells NI E Pz-orbital Orbital Pu-orbitals
among period of
s-orbitals B

. .


* Because increased cancelled by ctronic with the same

new shell further
away from charge is 2
species electronic configurations
nucleus nuclear

& higher shielding effect .

extra shell so it is easier for e- to be removed .

Aufbau Principle =
always enters lowest energy level available .

Anomalies :
Relatively lower 1st I E .
Pauli's Exclusion Principle =
No single orbital can accommodate more than 2 electrons.

II-III to break V VI increased repulsion between occupying Hund's rule-orbitals of the

energy required ->
the electrons
parallel spins before
: :

occupied singly with

energy are

electron Pair in Group 2 s orbital than the is more easily

up the same p-orbital ,
so electron lost
pairing occurs.
single Outer electron of Group 3's orbital I is substable to remove 1
p .

slightly higher energy required electron

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