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1. Binary data is type of data that is represented or displayed in the binary numeral system. Binary

data is the only data that can be processed by a computer or computer systems.

a) Explain why binary data is the only data that can be processed by a computer.

Computer can only understand machine code (1/0)


.................................................................................................................................... [3]

b) Convert the following decimal numbers to an 8-bit binary number.

53 = ............................................................................................................................
00110101 [1]

124 = ..........................................................................................................................
01111100 [1]

222 = ..........................................................................................................................
11011110 [1]

Working Space







c) Hexadecimal is a numbering system with base 16. It can be used to represent large

numbers with fewer digits. Give the binary value for each hexadecimal value.

F4 ...............................................................................................................................
11110100 [2]

9D ..............................................................................................................................
10011101 [2]

Working Space





2. The modern computers are based on a stored-program concept introduced by John Von

Neumann. A computer with a central processing unit (CPU). Data is retrieved from the

processor's main memory for processing.

a) State the name of the primary storage from which data is retrieved.

RAM [1]

b) The CPU takes one cycle to process the data. Fetching is the first stage of this cycle.

Name the second and third stages of the cycle.

Second Stage ...........................................................................................................

Decode [1]

Third Stage ...............................................................................................................

Execute [1]

a) List two components within the CPU that are used in the fetch stage of the cycle.

Component 1 ............................................................................................................
PC ( Program counter) [1]

Component 2 ............................................................................................................
MAR (memory address register) [1]

3. MP4 is a common “container format” that allows you to store a lot of multimedia information in a

smaller file size.

b) Tick (ü) to show which type of data is stored in an MP4 file.

Text o
Sound o
Video o

c) Tick (ü) to show the type of MP4 file compression.

Not a compressed file o

Lossy compressed file o
Lossless compressed file o


4. They are three type of storage, magnetic, optical and solid state.

a) A Solid State Drive (SSD) is a well-known solid state storage that is used for gaming PCs.

State one other example of solid-state storage.

Flashdisk, memory card [1]

b) Laser technology is used by optical storage to store and read data from a disc.

Explain how the laser is used to store and read data from the disc.





.................................................................................................................................... [3]

c) Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are using SSD to store data..

i. List three reasons why an SSD is the most suitable secondary storage over Hard

Disk (HDD).

Reason 1 ........................................................................................................
Faster [1]

Reason 2 ........................................................................................................
Durable [1]

Reason 3 ........................................................................................................
Efficient since its lighter [1]

ii. Aside from the operating system, list two (2) other software that can be stored on

the SSD.

Software 1 ......................................................................................................
Spreadsheet [1]

Software 2 ......................................................................................................
Word processor [1]

5. Biometrics are commonly used for verifying or recognizing user identity, for example fingerprint

scanner and face recognition.

a) State what is meant by a biometric.

Biometric is a form of password using biological characteristics such as fingerprint, iris recognition , face recognition, voic

and voice recognition [1]


b) Give two advantages of biometrics over a PIN or password.

Advantage 1 ...............................................................................................................
More secure

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

Advantage 2 ...............................................................................................................
More convenient
.................................................................................................................................... [1]

c) A Student installed a software-based firewall on his mobile device. Firewalls collect data

about traffic entering and leaving mobile devices. Explain how a firewall uses the data it

collects to improve the security of mobile devices.

Firewall will examine outgoing or in going data package, suspicious data package will be blocked





.................................................................................................................................... [4]

6. Image files are composed of digital data in one of these formats so that the data can be displayed

on a digital (computer) display. The image is 8-bit colour and its size is 1024 pixels high and 400

pixels wide. Calculate the file size of the image in kilobytes. Show all your working.





Answer ………………………………………………. ................................................................. [3]


7. A MAC (Media Access Control) address, sometimes referred to as a hardware or physical

address, is a unique, 12-character alphanumeric attribute that is used to identify individual

electronic devices on a network. list three features of a MAC address.

Feature 1 Available
for all network devices

................................................................................................................................................ [1]

Feature 2 Consists
of 6 segments, each segment consists of 2 hexadecimal numbers

................................................................................................................................................ [1]

Feature 3 ...............................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................................ [1]

8. An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into

a human-perceptible form. It can be text, graphics, tactile, audio, or video.

List three examples of output devices.

Example 1 ..............................................................................................................................
Monitor [1]

Example 2 ..............................................................................................................................
Speaker [1]

Example 3 .............................................................................................................................. [1]

9. An input device is a piece of equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information

processing system, such as a computer or information appliance.

Live three examples of input devices.

Example 1 ..............................................................................................................................
Mic [1]

Example 2 ..............................................................................................................................
Keyboard [1]

Example 3 ..............................................................................................................................
Scanner [1]


10. State five sensors that could be used in the following applications.

Give a different type of sensor for each application.

Application Sensor

Weighing a baby in a hospital


Turning off a kettle when the water boils


Controlling an automatic door

Ultrasonic, IR, proxy

Monitoring the air quality in an aeroplane

Gas sensor
Counting cars crossing a bridge
Pressure plate

11. Browser, Internet Protocol (IP) address and Uniform Resource Locator (URL) are Internet terms.

Five statements are given about the Internet terms. Tick (ü) to show which statements apply to

each Internet term. Some statements may apply to more than one Internet term.

Statement Browser IP Address URL

It consists of 4 segments, each segment consists

of 3 digit numbers from 0-255

it is used to display webpage

It consists of protocol name, domain name, and

domain type
It is an address that identifies the location of
device on the internet or a local network.

It converts HTML to human readable information


12. A company transmits data to an external storage at the end of each day.

a) Parity checks can be used to check for errors during data transmission.

i. Aside from Parity check, state one other method that could be used to check for

transmission errors.

Check digit, checksum, echo check [1]


ii. The system uses odd parity. Tick (✓) to show for each of the received bytes

whether they have been transmitted correctly or transmitted incorrectly.

Received byte Transmitted Transmitted

correctly Incorrectly
(✓ ) (✓ )





b) Data can be transferred using parallel or serial data transmission.

i. Describe what is meant by serial data transmission.

Serial data transmission is a process of transferring data using a single wire



........................................................................................................................ [2]

ii. Give one application of serial data transmission.

USB, telephone, CCTV, internet

........................................................................................................................ [1]

iii. Explain why serial data transmission is preferred for transferring data over a
long distance.
- cost less

- less interference


........................................................................................................................ [2]


c) Encryption is a way of scrambling data so that only authorized parties can understand

the information. In technical terms, it is the process of converting human-readable

plaintext to incomprehensible text, also known as ciphertext.

i. List two (2) types of encryption

Type 1 : ..........................................................................................................
Symmetric [1]

Type 2 : ..........................................................................................................
Assymetric [1]

ii. Describe methods that can be used to increase the security level of encryption.

Enlarge the number of encryption key

........................................................................................................................ [2]

13. State and define two (2) type of interrupts.

a) ....................................................................................................................................
Software interrupt [1]

Definition : ..................................................................................................................


.................................................................................................................................... [2]

b) ....................................................................................................................................
Hardware interrupt [1]

Definition : ..................................................................................................................


.................................................................................................................................... [2]

14. There are two (2) types of software translators, they are the compiler and interpreter. Each of

them has different way of working.

a) The similarity between a compiler and an interpreter is that they both translate a high-

level language into machine language. Name another similarity between a compiler and

an interpreter.

Both produce error code

.................................................................................................................................... [1]


b) Explain two differences between a compiler and an interpreter.

Compiler do compile all at once

Interpreter line by line

Compiler produce executable file

Interpreter does not produce executable file [4]

15. Tick (✓) whether these statement about Digital Currency below are true or false.

Statement True False

Digital currency exists purely in a digital format. It has physical form

like conventional fiat currency

Blockchain is a decentralised database

Cryptocurrency uses cryptography to track transactions


16. Given the table below, identify the type of data being described by the following expression.

Expression / Data declarations Data type

FYE_Score ß 49 Integer

Password ß Binabangs4!' String/ vachar

Status ß True Boelean

Var_Q ß '80% increase' String/ vachar

BestTime ß 10.111 Float



17. Write a python program to identify whether the number input is odd or even number


18. Essentially, AI is just a collection of rules and data, and the ability to reason, learn and adapt to

external stimuli. There are three (3) categories of AI. List one (1) and describe.

................................................................................................................................................ [1]

Description : ...........................................................................................................................


................................................................................................................................................ [2]


19. Analyse and interpret the following pseudo code below. Create the equivalent flowchart.

FOR X ß1 TO 10



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