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1. What __________ you do if you find a lost wallet?

a. can
b. should
c. might
d. must

2. You ___________ wear a helmet when riding a bicycle for safety.

a. can
b. should
c. will
d. may

3. In many countries, people ___________ vote in elections when they turn 18.

a. have to
b. must
c. should
d. would

4. She ____________ be at the meeting by 9 AM.

a. could
b. should
c. may
d. must

5. It's raining outside, so you ___________ take an umbrella with you.

a. can
b. might
c. should
d. will

6. I ___________ finish my homework before I go to bed.

a. can
b. must
c. would
d. should

7. We ___________ lock the door before leaving the house.

a. can
b. should
c. will
d. might
8. You ___________ be respectful to your elders.

a. could
b. may
c. must
d. will

9. Students ___________ follow the school rules.

a. can
b. might
c. must
d. shall

10. She ___________ not be late for her appointment.

a. will
b. must
c. may
d. shall

11. You ___________ speak up if you see someone being bullied.

a. can
b. should
c. might
d. must

12. In this class, students ___________ raise their hands before asking questions.

a. must
b. might
c. should
d. can

13. You ___________ turn off your cell phone during the movie.

a. can
b. must
c. may
d. shall

14. Employees ___________ complete their tasks on time.

a. should
b. might
c. could
d. will

15. We ___________ always tell the truth.

a. can
b. must
c. should
d. will

16. She ___________ be at the airport two hours before her flight.

a. can
b. must
c. will
d. may

17. You ___________ keep your promises.

a. can
b. may
c. must
d. shall

18. Parents ___________ take care of their children.

a. can
b. must
c. may
d. should

19. ___________ you help me with my luggage, please?

a. Will
b. Must
c. Can
d. Should

20. She ___________ apologize for her rude behavior.

a. could
b. may
c. must
d. shall

21. Students ___________ attend all their classes regularly. a) can b) must c) will d) might

22. In some countries, you ___________ pay taxes on your income. a) can b) must c) may d) shall

23. You ___________ not smoke in this building. a) could b) may c) must d) will

24. People ___________ respect the laws of their country. a) can b) must c) should d) might

25. We ___________ all do our part to protect the environment. a) can b) must c) may d) should

26. He ___________ be careful when handling dangerous chemicals. a) could b) may c) must d) shall
27. Employees ___________ wear safety helmets in the construction area. a) could b) may c) must
d) should

28. You ___________ not forget to buy milk on your way home. a) will b) must c) may d) should

29. We ___________ always be polite to our guests. a) can b) must c) may d) should

30. When you're driving, you ___________ always obey traffic rules. a) can b) must c) may d) shall

31. Employees ___________ complete their work assignments on time. a) can b) must c) will d)

32. In the library, you ___________ be quiet. a) could b) may c) must d) shall

33. He ___________ take his medicine three times a day. a) can b) may c) must d) will

34. Students ___________ not cheat on exams. a) can b) may c) must d) should

35. In case of an emergency, you ___________ call 911. a) can b) must c) may d) shall

36. Employees ___________ attend the mandatory training session. a) could b) may c) must d)

37. Children ___________ always listen to their parents. a) can b) must c) may d) will

38. You ___________ not disturb others during the meeting. a) will b) must c) may d) should

39. Guests ___________ take off their shoes before entering the house. a) could b) may c) must d)

40. ___________ you please pass me the salt? a) Will b) Must c) Can d) Should

1. b) should

2. b) should

3. a) have to

4. d) must

5. c) should

6. b) must

7. b) should

8. c) must

9. c) must

10. b) must

11. b) should

12. a) must
13. b) must

14. a) should

15. b) must

16. d) may

17. c) must

18. b) must

19. c) Can

20. c) must

21. b) must

22. b) must

23. c) must

24. b) must

25. d) should

26. c) must

27. c) must

28. d) should

29. b) must

30. b) must

31. b) must

32. c) must

33. c) must

34. c) must

35. b) must

36. c) must

37. b) must

38. d) should

39. c) must

40. c) Can

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