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The following dialog for questions 1-4

Mawar: What do you think we should make for our culture project report?

Bagus: I’m not sure either, Let’s start selecting the topics we have gathered.

Mawar: All right, What about this, “the value of puppet to foreign students”.

Bagus: that’s unique. What is the purpose of the study?

Mawar: to see how many foreign students study puppet and why they choose to study puppet

Bagus: well, don’t you think it will be difficult for us to get the data? Where we can find that many

Mawar: that’s right. What about this? Students understanding for their culture heritage?

We can do it at our school

Bagus: that’s good idea what we can list several famous cultural heritages and see how familiar they to

Mawar: all right, what’s next?

Bagus: lets gather information about famous culture in Indonesia and develop questionnaires from that

Mawar: what about just asking the students directly and recording in on our phone?

Bagus : we still have to make question to be asked to them

Mawar: I see, lets make the questionnaires

The following dialog for question 5-7

Yani: how is our report, febri?

Febri: I have finished the methodology what about you Arya?

Arya: I’m still writing the glossary?

Febri: I think one full page is enough. How many have you got so far?

Arya: it is almost two full pages. Should I cut it?

Febri: no. it’s fine what about you, Yani?

Yani: most of the front pages are done. What about the title? Is “different ways in fermenting “good?

Febri: yeah that’s fine. It represents our report accurately, don’t you agre, Arya?

Arya: I agree, Most of our Data are about the different results of fermenting tempeh, so the tittle is

Yani: alright, I’m glad that everyone agreed

The following dialog is for questions 8-10

Wedha: is this your group project report during our school festival?

Usi: it is Finally, we have finished it? Have you finished yours?

Wedha: I have, what did you do during our school festival?

Usi: we sold juices and milkshake

Wedha: what did you write in the report?

Usi: I wrote the reason why our group decided to make drink stand, the process of getting the stand
ready and the sales records

Wedha: were there no problems during the sales worth writing?

Usi: Ah, yes I forgot. I was so also written in the report

Wedha: so how was the sale? Did your stand get profit?

Usi: the sale was great. It was hot during festival and our stand barely kept up with the line buyers.

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