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% School days Vocabulary School subjects 1 Look at the poster. Talk about it. Omi information a poster of. / It giv 2 OND) Write the school subject for each photo. Then listen, check and repeat. —__—— ¢—_____ OBLIGATORY SUBJECTS: English. math b e____________science, ICT history, PE, technology, : ' geography, citizenship and one foreign aaa language (French, Spanish or German) OPTIONS: art, drama, music, dance @, @ | ke it, t00. / Really? | don’ lke maths {im not very good at L 1m good ( bad at Write about your favourite school day. My favourite school day is Tuesday. On Tuesdays, I've got PE and | haven't got maths! LEARNING TO LEARN To learn new words, you need to repeat == them. Look at your school timetable and". describe it. py @ On Mondays, I've got language. ee science, geography, art and PI ICT = Information and Communication Technology PE = Physical Education 20 WB > p90 A web article 1. Before you read > Take a quick look at the a SCHOOL EXCHANGE Tae ely] ‘School starts early today for Candy and Terry. They are from London in England, but this week they are at school in South Korea. They are part of a school exchange to investigate the differences between ‘education in England and South Korea. In South Korea, students wear a uniform and uniform rules are very strict. The main subjects are maths, Korean and English. Korean students also study science, technology, history and ethics. They don't spend much time on art, music, drama, dance or PE. Schoo! starts at 750 am and finishes at 4.00 pm, but most students don't go home after school. They go toa library or toa /hagwon. Hagwons are private schools and they close at 10.00 pm. Terry is at Minjun’s house. Minjun studies hard. He goes to school in the morning and then he {goes to a hagwon. When the hagwon closes at 10.00, he goes back to school and studies in the library. Minjun’s school is open until midnight! He says,'Istudy about 15 hours a day and sleep 6hours a night: z > H Candy is at Jiyu’s home. Jiyuis a very good student and helps Candy with her homework. School in South Korea is very difficult for Candy. She says,''m not good at science or maths. My favourite subjects are music and drama and these subjects arent important in this school” » 2 Read for general ideas > Answer. COMPARING CULTURES 1 Where are Candy and Terry from? Write a list of differences and similarities epwihnete are they tile Week between a school in Korea and your 2 Why are they there? school. Sit in groups. Compare your lists. B Read for details > Write T (true) or F (false). Ween meek Ope CO eee 1 In South Korea, maths, Korean and English are obligatory subjects. 2 Korean students don't study science or technology. 3 Alot of Korean students go to school and then they go to hagwons. 4 Minjun sleeps 6 hours every day. 5 Candy needs help with her homework. 6 Music and drama are important subjects in Jiyu’s school. your opinion Do you want to go on a school exchange? Why? Why not? Grammar : Present simple: affirmative and negative ~~ A Analyze these sentences from the text on page 21. Underline seven more present simple verb forms. Students wear a uniform. They don’t spend much time on art. School starts at 7.50. am. Most students don’t go home after school. They go toa library ora hagwon. Minjun studies hard. When the hagwon closes at 10.00, he goes back to school. I study about 15 hours a day. B Tick the correct option(s) to complete the rule. We use the present simple to talk about: * habits and routines. (_) © likes. O * the past. O 1 Complete the sentences about Anna, Candy's friend. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 4 Anna... (go) to a School of Music. 2 She... (study) music. 3 Classes... (start) at 8.45 in the morning. 4 Anna and her’ classmates... (like) music, 5 Anna... (sing) and she plays the guitar. 6 She... (love) her school! COMPARING LANGUAGES In the present simple in English, the third person verb is different. What about in your language? FORM ‘C Look at the tables. eau ieee Ted ole ia aT D Complete the diagrams with the present simple form of work. ‘Write a negative and an affirmative sentence so they are true for you. 1 | go to a School of Art and Design. 2 My teacher lives in England. 3 My classes start at 10 o'clock. ‘4 My school day finishes at 6 o'clock. 5 We study twenty subjects. Free practice > Write sentences about you and your school. Include information about the following topics. Use verbs from the box. go study like wear start finish * school * obligatory subjects © uniform + classes ‘+ summer holidays and winter break WB > 90891 Vocabulary Everyday activities 41 QED Match the photos to the phrases in the box. Then listen, check and repeat. > In turns, look at the photos and describe your routine. @ | get up at 6.30 am. @ | get up at 6.00 am. x Write about your favourite day of the week. On Fridays, | get up at 6.45 am. | don't have 4 shower in the morning. | have breakfast at 700 am. Then | go to school. { have lunch at 13.30 pm. After lunch, | WB > p92 have lunch go to bed getup do my homework have a shower Listening A typical school day 4 OID Listen to Rebecca talking gotoschool (_) watch TV ia) have dinner (_) tidymyroom (_) have breakfast () about her typical school day. r Choose the correct answers. 4. Rebecca gets up at. a 6.30am. b 7.00am. € 7.15 am. 2 Rebecca doesn't like... a maths. b French. ¢ science. 3 After school, Rebece: a watches TV. b hasa shower. tidies her room. 4 She... after dinner. a hasashower b does her homework © watches TV eu > 4 Reading A newspaper article 1 Before you read > Read the title of the article. Then look at the photos and read the captions. What is the article about? New Journals zoth March 00 Life at FC Barcelona’s home for young players Aschool of football and values FC Barcelona's new residence is located in the south of Barcelona, Spain. Itis a very modern \g and itis the home of many young football players. Past football players from La Masia, the old building, include Lionel Messi, Andrés Iniesta and Xavi Hernéndez. What for boys at this residence? Martin, a 13-year-old boy, answers our questions. Do you get up early? And then? Yes, wedo.We getup at6.45am Wehavea shower and we have and tidy our room. We have dinner at 9:30 pm. After dinner, breakfast at 7.00. am and go to we go to the playroom. We watch school. ‘TV, connect to the Internet or play games. We go to bed at 10.30 pm. Do you goto school by bus? Yes, we do. We have classes from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm. Then we come back and have lunch at 2.15 pm. Do you train after lunch? No, we don't. After lunch, we have some free time. Then we do our homework from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm. We have extra classes with private tutors if we need help. We train in the evening from 7.00 pm to 845 pm, 2 Read for general ideas > Answer. 4. Where is FC Barcelona's new residence? 2 Who lives there? 3 Who answers the questions in the article? Is football the most important aspect of your life? No, it isn't. Football is important but values are important too. We learn to be good people and respect others. We also learn that school work is important. Some boys never become professional football players. We all needa good education to goto university. or find ajob in the future. S Read for details > Complete the schedule. 2.00 pm: i Choose and share two surprising facts about life at FC Barcelona's residence. Grammar Present simple: Yes/No questions = = A Analyze these questions and answers from the text on page 24. Underline four more present simple forms. Do you get up early? Yes, we do. Do you go to school by bus? Yes, we do. Do you train after lunch? No, we don't. B Tick the correct option(s) to complete the rule. We use present simple questions to ask about: * routines. [_) * thepast. (_) ‘1 Complete the questions with Do or Does. Then read the text on page 24 again and answer, 1... Martin get up early? 2... he live with his parents? 3 the boys at the residence train many hours a day? 4 ... they have dinner at the residence? 5... they go to bed very late? 2 Write questions. 1 you / play football at school? 2 he / like his teachers? 3 they / study English? 4 she / have classes on Saturdays? 5 he / start school in March? 6 they / learn values? FORM CG Look at the table. Yes/No questions I Do Wop thty | sleep atthe hai Ney ae eee Does he / she / it ene Ifyou / Yes, we/they | 4 he/she /it | does. 1 /you/ w we / they don’t. _ a he / she /it | doesn’t. D Complete the diagrams with the simple present form of study. Free practice > Play a memory game in pairs. Write three questions about Martin. Then close your books. In turns, ask and answer about him, ®@ Does Martin get up at 6.00 am? @ No, he doesn't COMPARING LANGUAGES In English, the word order of questions is different from the word order of statements. ‘What about in your language? * Build yourskills Reading A noticeboard 1 Before you read > Look at the noticeboard. What are the posters about? Cho aie ® FMA Lag, Wednesday Monday 3 30-4.39 ORCHESTRA PRACTICE 3.48-6.00 Room 2 Tuesday 4.00-5.00 Musto room = ‘The hall AKT CLUB Friday 3.30-4.15 Art room Ded Eyer Pree Give your opinion Discuss in pairs or as a class. 2 Read > Answer. 41 What day is the choir practice on? 2 What time does the drama club start? 1. Which activities from the noticeboard 3. What time does the football training finish? do you like? 4 Where is the orchestra practice? 2 Do you do any after-school activities? 5 Which activity can you do on Fridays? Do you do them at school? WB > p94, Asking for information ‘1 Before you watch the video > Look at the photo and answer. 1 Do you remember Rebecca? Where is she? 2 Whois the woman? 2 QED watch the video and listen for general ideas > Answer. 4. Rebecca asks about an activity from the noticeboard, What activity does she ask about? 2 Does she sign up for it? 3 QED Watch the video and listen for details > Complete the conversation. Hello! I'd like to find out about the choi What time does it start? OK. I'd like to sign up, please. Thanks! Oh, one last question — where is it? 4 Speak > Role play in pairs. 1 Role play the conversation in Exercise 3. 2 Role play a new conversation and ask about other activities from the noticeboard on page 26. 3 Change roles, Resource Centre What day is it on? “And what time does it finish? The choir? Yes, of course. It's on () Itstarts at (2) It finishes at (3) Great! You're on the list. Enjoy it! It’s in the (4) ___. Keep it 601m! —_— Circle these words in the conversation. or OK. Great! Remember to use them to sound natural! qu « Writing A report based on a questionnaire 4 Read the questionnaire and the report. cdl 17 Ueuled Peetu 2 Read the ‘Write it right!’ section. Write it right! ——y-— Sa Paictustin > To write a questionnaire, remember to use a question mark (?) at the end of each question. Do you get up early? > Towrite the report, write one sentence for answers with the same content. Use a full stop () at the end of each sentence, up at 200 am. Marco and Vicky get >. Use exclamation marks (}) for interesting information. He likes break time! “ © Report My friends Marco, Vicky and Juan! get up carly. Marco and Vicky get up at ZOO am. Juani | gets up at 715 am. They have : | breakfast in the morning. Marco and Juani don't tidy their room. Vicky tidies her room after breakfast, Marco and Vicky go to schoo! by bus. Juani doesn't G0 by bus. He goes by car. Vicky and Juani watch TV after school. Marco watches TV after dinner Marco’ favourite school subject Is PE and Vicky’s favourite subject is art. Juant doesn't have a favourite schoo! subject He likes break time! etre en 3 Look at the questionnaire and the report again. Find one more example for the first two rules in the ‘Write it right!" section. Writing task ———y— Plan > Write Do you...? questions and create your own questionnaire. Use vocabulary from page 23. Remember to use question marks. Interview three classmates with your questionnaire. For each question, write Yes or No and any additional information they give you. Write > Write a report based on your questionnaire. Use full stops and exclamation marks. Check > Check your writing. WB > p95, Progress check Vocabulary School subjects 1 Look at the photos and complete the school ‘subjects. Everyday activities 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. do get have (x3) go tidy watch a1 up at 7.00 am. 21 a shower in the morning, 3 |_____ my room and then I go to school. 4l lunch at school. 5 After school, | W. 61 my homework in the evening. 7 dinner at home with my family. Bi to bed at 11.00 pm. Grammar Present simple 3 Complete the sentences. Use affirmative and negative present simple forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 He to school by train. (V go) 21 to bed early. (X go) 3 They___art in the morning. (¥ study) 4 Anna___ history. ( like) 5 Brian____ his homework in the evening. ee spots 4 Complete the conversation, Mike: (1) you get up earty? Flora: Yes, | (2) . | get up at 6.30 am. Mike: (3) school start at 7.00 am? Flora: No, it (4) Mike: (5) you do your homework when you get home after school? _Itstarts at 7.15 am. Flora: No, | (6) my homework. Mike: That's good. Oem 5 Order the words to make sentences or questions. - |watch TV. Then I do 1 at/gets / 8.00am /up/he/. 2 school / lunch / they / at / have / . 3 the / you / do / a / morning / shower / have / inf? 4 doesn’t / bus / she / school / go / by / to /. 5 homework / she / dinner / do / her / does / after / ? am » PROJECT 1 Search online. c E Find information about a school. LTT PUTT FT Tips to do your online search: ey es ae ¥ You can find information about one of these schools or another school you choose: Q Joshibi High School of Art and Design, Japan @ A floating school, Vietnam River Plate School, Argentina Q Walnut Hill School for the Arts, USA To make notes, complete this chart the information you find: School a= esc eae City and country: Subjects: Bias Things | like Things | don't like Things that surprise me about the school about the school about the school 2 Imagine the routine of a student from the school you choose. A Choose a name for the student. Then choose B Write a list of six things he/she doesn't do. eight times of the day and complete the activities he/she does. Dhali’ schedule 5.00 am: gets up - sleep In the school 30 am: goes to school on foot eae THINGS HE/SHE DOESN'T DO Include information about the school, the student, his/her routine and the things he/she doesn’t do. You can use PowerPoint or another visual presentation tool. Include information about the school, the student, his/her routine and the things he/she doesn't do. Vocabulary 1. Look at the website of a sports centre. Which activities are you interested in? Welcome to Eastside mas fe offer a lot of activities. Sign up for a week eee EE re JED Listen and repeat the words in In turns, ask and answer about the activities To learn new expressions, you can you do in your free time. classify them. Look at the sports centre website again and complete the ‘play’ @ Do you take dance classes? and ‘do’ columns, do. | take classes on Wednesdays @ Do you like them? play do ey're fun! Reading A sports blog 1 Before you read > Look at the title and the photos on the blog. What do the photos have in common? URBAN SPORT =< a 27 May 5.14 pm Hi. My name's Piet. I'm from ‘Amsterdam. When I'm on holiday ‘on the beach, | go swimming or 27 May 5.28 pm 1'm Ana from Spain and | know the best place for skateboarding! I's in my town, Llanera, in Asturias. Its name is Kaos Temple. i's in an Do you like urban sports? What are the best places to enjoy them? 27 May 6.45 pm 1'm Jeremy from Surrey, England, and I've got @ BMX bike, so my favourite place is Skaterham. Its near my house. I's in an old surfing, But | ike urban sports too. | usually play basketball at school ‘and | sometimes go cycling in the park. The best place to enjoy urban sports? I's Urban Sports Week in Amsterdam. At Urban Sports Week, you can try 3x3 basketball, skateboarding, in-line skating and free running. And you can also ‘eat great street food and listen to fabulous music! v abandoned old church. I's got fabulous murals by the artist Okuda San Miguel. I's famous now and people from other countries come to visit it. often go to Kaos Temple with my friends! @ I do other sports in other places too. | always go to the gym on Saturdays and take dance classes. My teacher is ‘teat and I'm never late for a class! building too, but it hasn't got artistic murals. At Skaterham, you can go skateboarding and in-line skating, or ride a scooter or BMX bike. | often {go on Fridays. Don't go on Sundays. Its closed! 2 Read for general ideas > Match. B Read for details > Answer. a Urban Sports Week b Kaos Temple ¢ Skaterham 4 What sports does Piet do on holiday? 2 Which urban sports does he like? 3 What can people do at Urban Sports Week? 4 Does Ana go to Kaos Temple? 5 Where does she go on Saturdays? 6 What does Jeremy do at Skaterham? 1 It’s closed on Sundays. 2 It’s one week. 3 It’s got murals. 4 5 10000 It’s in Amsterdam. It’s in an abandoned building. ( Give your opinion Which do you prefer Urban Sports Week, Kaos Temple or Skaterham? Is it good to have a place for urban sport a city or town? Explain. COMPARING CULTURES What urban sports are popular in your country? What are good places to enjoy them? cm = Grammar Adverbs of frequency ~~ : USE FORM A Analyze these sentences from the text on © Look at the table. page 33. Underline five more adverbs of a frequency. tothe You |jatways._ | go skatepark. | usually play basketball at school. : ' sometimes go cycling in the park. She usually | goes tothe gym. | often go to Kaos Temple. a late fora | always go to the gym. j they? ate sometimes | class. I'm never late for a class. late fora We (are never often go on Fridays. _ competition. B Look at the sentences in Exercise A again. D Complete the diagrams with the words Find and write an example for each rule. given, We use adverbs of frequency with the adverb of frequency / be / person present simple of be. Example: + + We use adverbs of frequency with the adverb of frequency / other verbs / person present simple of other verbs. Exampl + + 4 Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverbs of COMPARING LANGUAGES frequency in the correct place. F In English, adverbs of frequency have a 4 | watch sports on TV. (sometimes) specific position in a sentence. What about 2 She does yoga in the morning. (never) in your language? 3 They play basketball. (often) 4 They are on time for their PE classes. (usually) . Free practice > Write true sentences about the “free time activities you do. Use the adverbs of frequency from the box. 2 Choose words from each box and write sentences, Reriember to use adverbs of frequency. © boys © waten football girls play volleyball my sister take dance classes my brother play table tennis | on the beach on holidays at weekends in PE WB > pp96897 Vocabulary Sports and time expressions 4 QHD Match the photos to the phrases in the box. Then listen, check and repeat. __ Inturns, say the activities you do. Use time expressions from the box or adverbs of frequency. everyday three times a week at weekends once / twice a week on Mondays / Tuesdays / @ | go cycling twice a week. @ On my holidays, | go surfing every day. @ | never go skiing. Choose a friend or a family member. Write about the activities he/she does. My brother has got a skateboard. He goes skateboarding every day. On holidays, he sometimes goes fishing. I've got a friend in Bariloche. She always Goes skiing in winter She goes horse-riding in summer. WB > po8 go cycling godiving C) go swimming gohiking () go fishing go surfing (} go horse-riding goskiing () Listening At the sports centre 4 @BED Listen to three conversations at a sports centre. Tick the three activities mentioned. a yoga QO dbadminton = b judo Oe aqua-aerobics. C) swimming () Ff diving oO 5S QED Listen again. Write T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences. Conversation 1 1 He buys tickets for two adults and one child. 2 They've got ten hours in the pool. Conversation 2 3 The classes are twice a week. 4 She books a place for next Thursday. Conversation 3 5 The classes are once a week. 6 He can swim but he can’t dive. em Reading Look at the title and the photo on the website. Do you know the girl in the photo? Who is she? What sport is she good at? Shy, where do you live? ive part of the year in Miyazaki, Japan, and part of the year in California, USA. § I see, Are you from Japan or from What do you want to do in the future? | want to travel, skate, surf, play the guitar and continue to help children in poor countries. ‘You're a great skateboarder! How often J Wt do you do to help? do you exercise? Well, 'm an ambassador of ‘Skateistan, for example. All my skateboards say ‘Skatelstan’. | also make donations. 1'm from Japan. My mother is from Japan too, and my father is from Great Britain, | exercise every day at skateparks. Ido cool tricks and high jumps. | love ‘skateboarding! It's my happy place. ‘When do you go to school? What's Skateistan? It’s an organization to help children in Afghanistan, Cambodia and South Africa. It combines school studies with a chance to skateboard. I travel for competitions about three months a year, so | sometimes go to school but | also study during my trips. ‘And what other activities do you do? ‘That's great! You're a very active | usually go surfing. And | dance {Girl and you've got a very big heart, too. | love music, Congratulations! Complete the file. Answer. 4. Where are Sky’s parents from? 2 Does Sky exercise every day? — 3 What does she do at skateparks? SKY.BROWN _____ 44 Does she go to school? orem a 5 Does she travel every month? 6 What does she do to help other children? Why is Sky special? What do you think about her life ~is it fun, easy, hard? Explain, Grammar Present simple: Wh- questions USE A Analyze these questions and answers from the text on page 36. Underline three more Wh- words. Note: How in How often does not start with Wh- but it is a question word. Where do you live? | live in Japan and in the USA. How often do you exercise? I exercise every day. When do you go to school? 11go to school when I'm at home. usually go surfing. And | dance too. B Tick the correct option(s) to complete the rule. ‘We answer Wh- questions with: * Yes or No. O ‘* a complete sentence. Order the words to make questions. 42 live / where / Sky / does /? 2 when / you / go / cycling / do /? 3 fishing / she / does / where / go /? 44 they / often / surfing / do / go / how / 2 2 Write questions for these answers. 4 Brian lives near the beach. 2 He goes to the beach in the afternoon. 3 He sees red and yellow coral. 4 He goes diving once WB > ppgBao: FORM C Look at the table. Where do you live? When [do |you |gotoschool? What does |she | do at skateparks?. How often | does | she exercise? D Complete the diagrams with these words: play / Wh- word / do / does + + + 2 “3 Free practice > Imagine you can interview Sky Brown, Write four questions to ask her. What video games do you play? Wher When..? COMPARING LANGUAGES To ask questions in English, we put an auxiliary (do, does) before the subject. Do auxiliaries for questions exist in your language? em » Build your skills Reading A survey 4 Before you read > Look at the photos. What can you see? TON Name: Hazel Green Age: [3 Email address: faze| 1 How often do you go to 2 When do you usually |/3 Do you do any of || 4 What other sports go to the pool? these activities? do you do? _| every day || _] Monday-Friday __Jaquaaerobics | | (/ table tennis Y| once a week at weekends WI swimming classes | |\_} cycling __| twice a week or more _I diving | | 1 gymnastics a 2 Read > Answer. 1. How old is Hazel? 2 How often does she go to the pool? 3 When does she usually go to the pool? 4 Does she do aqua-aerobics? 5 What activity does she do at the pool? 6 What other sport does she do? Discuss in pairs or as a class. 4 What activities can you do at a sports centre? 2 Do you go toa sports centre near your home? Why? / Why not? i ies from the survey do you want 38 WB > pi00 Listening & Speaking Look at the photo and choose the correct option. Hazel answers / asks questions to complete a survey, _ Answer 4 Whats the survey about? 2 What activities does the boy do? ) 21) Complete the conversation. Excuse me, ()_____? | | Sure. Go ahead! Thanks! I's fora survey about the sports entre. | Oh, OK. (@)———_? | | tusually come here twiceaweek. What activities do you usually do at the | | | go swimming once a week with school and sports centre? | | Ido judo once a week G) —_? like eyting and | ove playing ten OK, great. That's all. Thanks for your time! ____ No problem. Bye! Role play in pairs. it g Oils! 4 Role play the conversation in Exercise 3 Keep it going, 2 Role playa new conversation and use other _Circle these words in the conversation. activities from pages 35 and 38. Sura. OhOK. OK, great. 3 Change roles. a, Remember to use them to sound natural! palisitieiah deena iieina esate eaneaeenenere” | 40. Writing Survey results 4. Read the survey and the survey results. Physical activity out of school Name: James Williams 1 Do you do physical activity cout of school? Yes[/| No|_] 2. How often do you do physical activity out of school? twice a week 3 What activities do you do? football, bowling 4 Where do you do the activities? ata club near my home 2 Read the ‘Write it right!’ section. Write it vight! ——— > To write survey results, organize the information into paragraphs: + Paragraph a: Introduction + Paragraph 2: Body + Paragraph 3: Conclusion urvey results There are seven stude students do physical in my group. Six vity out of school. Three students do physical activity twice a week. Two students do physical activity once a week. One student does physical activity every day. Two students play football and bowling at the club. Three students go cycling in the streets near their home. One student goes skateboarding in a park. Most students in my group do some physical activity out of school: 43% do sport twice a week; 29% do sport once a week and 14% do sport every day S Look at the survey results again. Answer. 4. What is the introduction about? 2 What is the body about? 3 What does the conclusion say? Writing task ——y»— Plan > Form groups of five or seven students. Copy the survey in Exercise 1. First, write your own answers to the questions. Then interview the students in your group. Write > Write the survey results. Use the text in Exercise 1 to help you. Remember to divide the information into paragraphs. Include a pie chart. Check > Check your writing, WB > pios Progress check Vocabulary Sports and free time activities 1 Look at the photos and complete the sentences. 2 Complete the sentences and questions with do, play or go. a1 skiing on my holidays. 2 We martial arts. 3 Do you cycling at weekends? 4 They table ten Pa points: Adjectives to describe activities 3 Complete the adjectives. 4 'mvery bad at tennis. It's h__d! 2 I love my dance classes. They're f__. 3 Ilike fishing, It'sc_. 4 Iplay table tennis, It's e_ _—Papoints: Time expressions 4 Complete the sentences with time expressions. 4 |usually play table tennis. | play three aweek. 2 He always plays football. He plays day. 3 They go to the sports centre on Mondays and Wednesdays. They go 4 They go to the beach on Saturdays and Sundays. They go every aweek. Grammar Adverbs of frequency 5 Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct place. 4. We play football at school. (often) 2 They do aerobics at the sports centre. (usually) 3 She is late for the races. (sometimes) 4 We go horse-riding. (never) Present simple: Wh- questions G Complete the questions for these answers. a go hiking? 1 go hiking once a week. 2 _______ se He goes surfing near his home. 3 go skateboarding? They go skateboarding on Fridays. 4 do? She plays basketbal Interview a famous sportsperson 1 Search online. Imagine you can interview a famous sportsperson. Search online and choose a sportsperson you admire. Tips to do your online search: ¥ To choose a sportsperson, you can write: sportspeople to admire great sportspeople Q a great sportsperson If you need ideas, here are three people to choose from: ‘Amy Purdy, USA Juan Martin Del Potro, Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal Para snowboarder, actress Argentina Professional football player and model Professional tennis player ‘Match the people with a reason to admire them. 4 This person makes a lot of donations. He donated more than 6 million dollars after) an earthquake in Nepal. 2 This person is very strong. She lost her legs at the age of 19 but didn’t give up. 3 This person ig a great player. He’s very famous, but he never forgets his people () and his home town 2 Complete the file. Sportsperson for my interview Sportsperson | admire: My reason to admire this person: Correct the sentences. Write a negative and an affirmative sentence. 4. Dorais 14 years old. 2 She has gota cat. 3. She takes dance classes on Fridays. 4 Dora and her brother like basketball. 5, She wants to save money for a mobile phone. ns with the words from What Where When How often 4, ______ does Dora live? Near the park. 2 ______ does she go to the sports centre? Twice a week. 3 —______does she do her homework? In the afternoon. 4 does she do on Fridays? She goes to the cinema. © Write this text again. Change the words in green, Write true information about you. ‘My name's Dora. I'm 13 years old and I'm in Year 8 at school. After school, | do my homework. and then | watch TV. After dinner, | have a 7 Choose the correct options. Hello. My name's Brad and I'm Dora's brother. My routine is very different from Dora's. | @) never watch / watch never TV in the afternoon. |) go always / always go to the club and train after school. | (3) go-sometimes / sometimes go on foot, but | (4) usually go / go usually on my bike. | (5) never am / am never late for my training. After dinner, | (6) am usually / usually am tired. | (7) watch often / often watch Tinbed. ‘8 Complete the sentences with the correct present simple form of the verbs in brackets. shower. In my free time, | often listen to music, a Brad- (not / train) in the ‘At weekends, | usually tidy my room and | evening. : ' sometimes take my dog out for a walk. Do you 2 He (train) at the club in want to know my resolutions for this year? Well, the afternoon, Iwant to make new friends and save money for 3 He (not / go) to.a school a tablet: of football 4 At school, he (have) classes from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm. 5 He do) his homework at weekends. Tn 4s 9 Looking good Vocabulary Clothes 1 Look at the quiz. What is it about? Are you very interested in fashion? I's the school disco. What are wwe wearing? ] Some nice ee. with a suit | Something casual: jeans, a Tshirt and maybe a sweater. | A ito ora | ‘and sor Pg ce a shirt and maybe a tie. vy You're at the shopping centre. What do you buy? Alll the new fashions! Ineed to get the new style of coat or boots. Something from a sports shop. socks, a sweatshirt or a cap. Guy ea eeu RR Aen aca 2 © Listen and repeat the words in blue, Then identify the clothes in the photos on pages 46 and 47. B Do the quiz. Do you agree with your result? 4 Inturns, ask and answer about the clothes you usually wear to school, to parties or at weekends. @ What do you usually wear to school? @ (usually wear jeans and a T-shirt @ What do you usualy we: Siu yy wear shorts, 46 maybe some football shorts and Nom eee a) you like to dress up for a party! T SZ When you meet new people, what do you remember about them? Their trainers ‘or the colour of their Eshirt The music they like. maybe their interests. Definitely not their clothes! Rk ne a) ean era Ce tae LEARNING TO LEARN To learn vocabulary for clothes, cut out pictures from magazines and label them. WB > pioa Reading Aweb article 1 Before you read > Look at the photos and the title of the article. What's the special event? rom night is « formal party in the last year of school. Iris © very special night for high schoo! students in alot of countries. In the USA, students sometimes travel othe prom in limousines and they dance all evening with their friends. Sraan (ayes Maya Ramirez and Cameron Castles aren't wearing traditional prom clothes. They are Stuck at Prom® winners! Maya is wearing a beautiful black dress with white and golden stripes. Of course i's made of the special lape. Cameron isn't wearing a normal tuxedo. He's wearing white trousers, a red waistcoat and a black bow tie. His jacket has got a big King of Hearts atthe back. And i's all made of lapel He's smiling. He's happy to be a winner. Is he wearing conventional accessories? No, he isn’t! Students always wear special clothes for prom. Girls usually wear beautiful, formal dresses and they carry flowers. Boys usually wear tuxedos or rousers with a nice jacket, «shirt and ae. But some students don’t weer raditional prom clothes. They wear clothes ‘made of tape to participate in a competition called Stuck at Prom®. This competition is corgonized by Duck Brand, 0 company that makes a very strong tape used for repairs cand construction work. Students make their prom clothes with this tape to win college scholarships. Duck Brand offers a $10,000 prize for Best Dress and a $10,000 prize for the Best Tuxedo. I also offers eight $500 prizes to runners up or ‘second’ places. CET eens is belt is also made of Do you want to know more about this amazing contest? it the Duck Brand website at ® 2 Read for general ideas > Answer. 4 What is prom night? 2 What do high school students in the USA wear for this event? 3 What is Stuck at Prom®? 4 What is Duck Brand? 5 Who are Maya and Cameron? COMPARING CULTURES Do high school students in your country give a party in their last school year? What =~ clothes do they wear? Do they participate % * ip) in competitions? Read for details > Complete the sentences. 1 Girls usually wear... for prom. Boys usually wear... 2 Stuck at Prom® participants wear... 3 Afirst prize winner gets 4 Arunner up gets... 5 Maya is wearing 6 Cameron is wearing Give your opinion Is the Stuck at Prom® competition a good idea? Explain. am » Grammar Present continuous: affirmative, negative’and Yes/No. questions A Analyze these sentences from the text ‘on page 47. Underline five more present continuous verb forms. Maya and Cameron aren't wearing traditional prom clothes. Maya is wearing a beautiful black dress. Cameron isn’t wearing a normal tuxedo. He’s wearing white trousers. He's smiling, Is he wearing conventional accessories? B Tick two correct options to complete the rule. We use the present continuous to: © describe people in pictures. ‘© describe routines. * talk about actions in progress —) atthe moment of speaking. 1 Look at the picture. Write a negative and an affirmative sentence. 1 Jack and Rufus (walk / run) 2 Amy and Beth (go to school / go to a party) 3 Amy (carry flowers / carry a present) 4 Jane and June (ride a horse / ride a bike) FORM C Look at the table. Affirmative i He [She 7 We / You / They Negative i Tmnct He / She / It isn’t | smiling. ‘We /You /They [arent . Yes/No questions smiling. Am_|I Is | he/she /it smiling? Are_| we /yoi Short answers Lt Tare tl ‘mnot No, [he/she /it | isnt. [we / you / they | aren't. D Complete the diagram. To form the present cont C+ "2 Free practice > Write questions. Then work in pairs to ask and answer. 4 you / use a computer / now? 2 it/ rain / at the moment? 3 your teacher / speak English / now? 4 your friends / wear / jeans? 5 your parents / work / today? WB > pp1o2&103 Vocabulary serious () confident () Adjectives of character ‘smart QO friendly = lazy C sporty O 1 QED Match the posts to the adjectives in cheerful () shy Oo the box. Then listen, check and repeat. kipclita—) WEB 4 TEENS | Faas Register Login ] se = — #personalities ceca ned Describe your personality in one sentence! Re: personalities 9 MEY by newcit wed 12/01 6.12 pm Is it dificult? Well. |can do it 0 Tom Wed 1201 727 pm ve got a lot of friends. by AndO2 Thu 13/01 842 pn I don’t talk to people at | parties. | . 3 : SN Deniel08 57 p | smile alot and I'm always sie 6 happy! by Fredo Thu 13101 9.06 pm | | | never work very hard! | o : by Agatha Thu 13101 9.18 pm * I don't smile a lot. ean 9 A by Kiara Thu 13901 9.21 pm Wj) | like to help people. = o a HeathFan Th 9.27 pm . _ { I like sports and adventure. by Mayra Thu 13101 9. | I'm good at maths and history. 2 Inturns, describe personality types and guess. B Think about people you know. Write sentences to describe them. is person has got a lot of friends. @ Friendly! My sister is shy. She never talks to people. My friend Lara likes adventure. She's sporty! Reading A personality guide 4 Before you read > Look at the people in the photos. What are they wearing? What does colour say about YOU? Read our guide and find out! © Are you wearing red now? Then you are probably confident. You like competitions! © Is yellow your favourite colour? Yellow is the colour of sunshine. Do you usually wear yellow? You're probably cheerful, friendly and sporty. © Do you wear blue every day? You're probably smart, But you're not very friendly. © Are you wearing green at the moment? Green is the colour of nature. You're a good friend. And you don’t like orders! © Orange is a mix of red and yellow. Is it your favourite colour? So you probably like adventure. You're a bit lazy at school! © Are you wearing black? You're probably serious or shy but you're a kind person. You often help people! 2 Read for general ideas > Answer. Listening 1 What colours does the guide give information about? Colours and character 2 What do colours express about a person? 4 QED Listen to an interview with an expert. Read for details > Write notes about the paint alanis ead personality for each colour. eee a reds... 4 green 5 QD Listen again. Tick the adjectives the 2 yellow: 5 orange expert uses to describe each person. 3 blue 6 blacks. cee person person serious O O ind 0 O Give your opinion lazy O O What colours do you usually wear? Does cheerful O CL) the description match your personality? friendly O One Why? Why not? ao O a © { usually wear ted. Im confident but sporty i) Oy 1 don’ ike competitions! os On confident O L | 50 j Grammar Present continuous and present simple ws A Analyze these sentences from the text on page 50. Underline five more present continuous or present simple verb forms. ‘Are you wearing red now? You like competitions. Do you usually wear yellow? Do you wear blue every day? ‘Are you wearing green at the moment? You don’t like orders. You often help people. B Complete the rules with present continuous or present simple. We use the to talk about things that are happening now. We use the totalk about habits or routines. We use the to talk about likes and dis 4 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (1)... you... (study) textiles at college? We do! 12)... like) it because it's very practical. Our textiles teacher (3) ... (not usually buy) her clothes - she (4) ... (make) them! She always. (5)... (wear) unusual and original things. This is our first yéar in textiles. | (6) .. (make) a top and my friend Lisa (7)... (make) a skirt. The teacher (8) ... (help) me because my sewing machine (9) ... (not work) at the moment. Or perhaps the problem is me! ———_/) WB > pp104&i05, Ez TIME EXPRESSIONS C Look at these sentences. He's reading at the moment. Iwear green every day. They're smiling now. They wear sports clothes twice a week. You usually wear red. ’m wearing jeans today. She helps her mother at weekends. We often work hard. 1D Complete the table with the time expressions in Exercise C. present continuous | present simple at the moment, every day 2 Choose the correct options. 1 My sister doesn’t usually wear / isn’t usually wearing a dress. 2. She is wearing / wears a dress at the moment. 3 She isn’t wearing / doesn’t wear trainers now. 4 She goes / is going to a wedding now. 5 She wears / is wearing jeans every weekend. 3 Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. /ou . (wear) today? ou usually ... (wear) when you are at home? (ou... (do) at the moment? jou ... (do) after school? true answers for the questions in Exercise 3. Cours Ge 52 Build your skills Reading An online catalogue 1 Before you read > Look at the website. What’s its name? What kind of website is it? ne B can emetic EB co to checkout ‘s socks sweatshirt red/white/blue S,M,L red/white/black S,M,L £1 = > & sunglasses red/orange/blue S, M.L 50 red/white/bivechildoradut £6.99 ee T-shirt cap white/blue 5, M, L red/white/green only one size £8.00 2 Read > Complete the sentences. 3 Discuss in pairs or as a class. 1 The socks cost. 4 What kind of things can you buy on 2 The sweatshirt costs ... the Internet? 3 The T-shirt comes in... colours: ... and ... 2 Do you or your family buy things on the 4 The flip-flops come in ... different sizes. Internet? 5 The cap comes in only one... 3 Ifyou buy things on the Internet, what things do you buy? WB > p06 Buying clothes 1 Before you watch the video > Look at the photo. What is James doing? 2 @BB watch the video and listen for general ideas > Answer, 4 Whats James looking for? 2 What size does he buy? 3 QED watch the video and listen for details > Complete the conversation. Excuse me. I'm looking for a jacket like thi but in blue. @) —___1Can | try it on? Probably (2) I think it's too (3) —!Can I try the ‘small’? That's better! Fl take it, thanks. 4 Speak > Role play in pairs. 1 Role play the conversation in Exercise 3. 2 Role play a new conversation and use clothes from page 46. Use different colours too! 3 Change roles. Resource Centre| |_| Oh, yes. They're over here. Sure. What size are you? There you are. There’s a mirror here. Yes, of course. There you are. Yes -it looks (4) Ok. You can pay over there. Keep it g0im5! ——— Circle these words in the conversation. Oh,yes. Great! OK. Remember to use them to sound natural! ey am > 54 Writing Photo descriptions 1 Read Brenda's descr jon of three photos. Ariana Grande Ariana Grande is a singer and actress. She lives in the United States. In the first photo, Ariana looks great. She's posing for a photograph and she’s smiling. She's wearing a beautiful pink dress and pink boots. She looks smart. In the second photo, Ariana is singing with Miley Cyrus. She's wearing a white sweatshirt, blue jeans and black boots. I like her casual look. The third photo is my favourite! Ariana is dancing, She's wearing a black dress and black boots, Four men are dancing with her. They're wearing white T-shirts and black trousers. Brenda 2 Read the ‘Write it right!’ section. Write it vight! es Use the present continuous to describe what a person is doing. ie’ posing for a photograph > Use the present continuous to describe what a person is wearing. Shes wi sweatshirt Use the present simple to say what you know about a person's life. Use the verb look + an adjective to give your opinion of a person in a photo. 3 Look at the text again. Find one more example for each of the rules in the ‘Write it right!” section. Writing task ———— Plan > Choose three photos of a famous person. Write > Describe them. Use the text in Exercise 1 as ‘model. Remember to start with a short description of the famous person you choose. Look at the ‘Write it right! section again to use the correct verb forms. Check > Check your writing. We > p07 Progress check Grammar Present continuous Vocabulary Clothes 1 Look at the photos and write words for clothes. Sr Adjectives of character 2 Look at the photos and complete the adjectives. 3 Complete the sentences with adjectives. 4 He often helps people. He's 2 They are goodat all the subjects. They're Fi 3 lalways say, ‘can do it!’ I'm ‘4 She doesn’t talk to people. She's 5 He doesn’t work hard. He’s 4 Write sentences or questions. Use the present continuous. 4 They / not study / history. 2 1/ wear / jeans. 3 She / not talk / to me. 4 Mike / wear / a cap? 5 Ben and Anne / go / toa party? 6 I / not ride / my bike. Present continuous and present simple 5 Complete the sentences and questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 He (wear) a tie in the photo. 2 you usually (wear) yellow? 3 They (read) now. 4 he _— (mile) in the photo? 5 She (not wear) a dress today. 6 He often (wear) jeans. 7 he___(sing) every day? 8 |____ (do) an exercise at the moment. 9 they _____ (go) to school now? [9 points em :: _ 2 School days 90 Vocabulary School subjects 1 What are the school subjects? Cross out three extra letters and find out. a Smutsick 2. TRECHINOCLOGY 3. SOCIBENCIE 4 CITRIZENTSHILP 5 CHISTMORLY 6 ADOANCIE music 2 Write the school subjects. 1 B Look at the timetable and complete. ‘MONDAY | TUESDAY | WEDNESDAY | THURSDAY | FRIDAY maths | ICT maths Ic Spanish geography | music | Spanish | maths | _ music history | science | science | French | history French PE__| citizenship | PE | ctizenship BREAKTIME - drama_| drama | drama | drama | drama Hi! My name is Johanna and | go to the Metropolitan Drama School. My school is special. We've got (@ __drama_ lessons five days a week. Itis an important subject in my school. My favourite days are Tuesdays and Fridays. We've got (2) . Love singing. We use new computers in 6). We study cultures and their past in (4) We read about countries in (5) like this subject. 'm not good at it! This subject is very eresting. ~Idon’t Grammar Present simple: affirmative and negative Choose the correct options. 1 | studies at the Music School in Liverpool. 2 Mysister Helena teach / teaches French. 3, We don't do / doesn’t do our homework in the morning. 4 My brother Jason plays / play volleyball at school. 5 My friends Albert and Fred go / goes to school by bus. 5 Write sentences about Martina and her friends. 4 Martina / go / adult school 2 School / start / 7.00 / evening 3 It/ finish / 21.00 pm 4 Martina and her friends / not wear / a uniform 5 They / study / Spanish, maths, history and geography 6 They / not have / PE lessons 7 Martina / be / very good / Spanish xtra Grammar Practice Present simple: affirmative and negative A Complete the sentences with the affirmative © Read and complete with a verb in the affirmative present simple form of the verbs in brackets. present simple form. 4 | _study (study) music and dance. 4 He __ Iles PE, He doesn't like ICT. 2 He_____ (study) science, technology 2 You at 7.30 am. You don’t start § and maths. at 7.45. 3 We_____ (go) to school five days a 3 They fourteen subjects. week, They don't study twenty. 4 Our school _____ (tart) at 8.15 am. 4 She______near her school. 5 Classes _____ (finish) at 12.45 pm. She doesn't live near the station. 6 She___ (lke) history and geography. 5. My school day at 3.30 pm. It doesn’t finish at midday. 6 We___jeans to school. We don't wear a uniform. D Complete the sentences with information about you. 4 Myclasses start 2. My school finishes the sentences in Exercise A. Make them negative. 4. __Ldont study music and dance. obligatory subjects. i _ Its my favourite subject. 4 5 goto school 4 = 5 6 inf¢de = JA Write your answers in the ‘You’ column. Interview [Answer Student B's questions. Compare your your classmate and write his/her answers in the answers. Are your habits similar? second column. Do you... You Student B do your homework after dinner? tidy your room at weekends? have a shower in the morning? go to bed at 10 pm? 92 Vocabulary Everyday activities G Match the columns. «et a 2 have (x4) 3 watch 4 0 (x2) 5 do 6 tidy breakfast up your room to school wv to bed lunch same ance your homework i ashower i dinner Use phrases from Exercise 6 to describe Andrew’s routine. Write them in the correct form. 1 Andrew__getsup at 7.00 am. 2 He with his family. 3 He his room before school. 4 He at 8.30 am. 5 At1.00 pm, he at the school canteen. 6 He 7 He at home. He's very responsible. at 11.00 pm. Hes tired! Complete the text with phrases from the box. getup gotobed gotothe club have ashower have breakfast have dinner have lunch _ play basketball tidy myroom watch TV My favourite day is Saturday. | (1) __geiuo at 8.30am.1 (2)__ with my mum and dad. 1@) . After that, | (4) with my friends. We (5) for three hours. love basketball! We (6) bar. We have pizza. It's delicious! At 5.00 pm, | go back home and (7) At 6.00 pm, | go to the living room and | (8) tke sports programmes very much, especially about football. At 7.30 pm, | (9) family and | (20) atthe pizza with my Grammar Present simple: Yes/No questions Complete the mini-conversations. 10 1 A:_Do_you like History? B:No,_|__ dont, 2 A:_____ your teacher live in London? B: No, a 3A you study ICT at school? BiYes, ah your parents have lunch at home? B:Yes, 5A Maria wear a uniform? B:Yes,__ Look at the table and write questions about Sabrina and her twin sisters, Marge and Janet. Give short answers. (yes) X (no) Sabrina) ree, 40 to school by bus Vv x have lunch at home x v ‘g0 swimming before school| x v “studyinthe library | - 1 __Does Sabrina go to schoo! by bus? Ves, she does. 2 __DoMarge and Janet go to school by bus? No, they dont Extra Grammar Practice Present simple: Yes/No questions ‘A Order the words to make questions. C Complete the questions with verbs from the box. TE 7 Then complete the answers. watch get play study tidy am 4 _Does__he tidy __ his room every day? No, he __doesn't they ___ football at school? 4 get / you / up / Sundays / on / late / do /? : oe ps 2 to/ foot / go / on / do / school / you /? Yes, they 3 after / study / sometimes / lunch / do / you /? 3 you up early on Mondays? 4 you / morning / have / the / a / shower / do / 12 Yes, é 5 a/do/ breakfast / big / have / you /? 4 —___she__ Tin the afternoon? 6 your / you / do / do / at / homework / 5.00 pm / ? Yes, he 1 __Doyou get up late on Sundays? 5 ——_ you _______ obligatory subjects? 2 Yes, Wein 3 D Read the answers and write questions. 4 1 : 5 No, | don’t. | don't get up early. | get up late. 6 Hi ? B Answer the questions in Exercise A about you. No, he doesn’t. He has a shower in the evel 1 3 i 2 3 4 5 6 In pairs sata A Write your answers in the ‘You’ column. Answer B&_Interview your classmate and write his/her Student A’s questions. answers in the second column. Compare your ' answers. Are your habits similar? Do you... You Student A have breakfast in the morning? watch TV after dinner? get up at 6 am? read books in bed? 04, Reading A magazine article 11 Read the article and answer: What is it about? Welcome to the he BRIT School in London is a very special place. It's school for performing arts and technology. Many of its past students are famous. The BRIT School is free. It has got excellent facilities. It has got a gym, a recording studio and a theatre. In the theatre, students perform concerts and musicals. BRIT students do not wear a uniform. They study obligatory subjects: English, maths, science and PE. They also have options: art, technology or performing arts. Tom Holland is a past student of the BRIT School. He's a popular actor. DID YOU KNOW...? Other famous past students include ‘Adele, Jessie | and Leona Lewis! 12 Read again and complete. 2 Allstudents are famous. 1 The name of the school is 2 Itisin 3, The school costs a lot of money. 3, Many of ts students are _ 4 Jessie is a very popular 4 Students wear a uniform for obligatory 13 Read again and write True or False. Correct Sets, the false sentences, 4 BRIT schools anormal school, 5 Allstudents study English and maths. Speaking Asking for information 14 Order the lines 1-12 to make a conversation. Then practise it in pairs. It's on Wednesdays. ‘ leit _ a g __ Thanks! Oh, one last question — where is it? h__What day i __ Itstarts at 6.00 pm. j 1 Hello! like to find out about the drama club. k __What time does it start? 1 __Itfinishes at 8.30 pm. __And what time does it finish? 2 Great! You're on the list. Enjoy it! b « d __ The drama club? Yes, of course. e __It’sin room 26. f 0K. I'd like to sign up, please. Writing A report based on a questionnaire 15 Read the report and complete the questions and answers in the questionnaire. Root Nea ian aagEaS Paulo | Gustavo ‘Paulo and Pustave git up at TBO am. Amanda, gots : Yo | Ge, up ot 7.00 am. Amanda and Paulo go-to sehook by, 730 | 7:30 Aine, Qustavo dovint go to school by bike +4 goes by 4 = Gus. They oll practise sports at sehool, Amanda, dovint —___to Tor Fane a fanourite subject, Paulo's Gasounite subject oy sioner | |e | et SS Gustave's favourite sabjeot is music, Amandar 2 eee | and “Paulo dont git home late, Rome at practise sportsat | Cyn | Gs | Yow Gatave ye __ schoo? | | 5.00 pons Tes very late! 4 ———a eo : iouteibect| 7 a T - = 47 Write a report based on your classmates’ sam ae | oe | answers. Change one piece of information. late 3. 330 | Pay attention to punctuation! 16 Look at the questionnaire and write five 48 Read the report to a classmate. Tell him/her to questions. Ask three classmates. Write yes or no spot the false information. and any additional information. Bonus practice Correct the sentences. ‘4 We don’t wears a uniform at school. 1. My brother study French at school. My brother studies French at school 5 Does Fred and Ben walk to school every morning? 2 School start at 8 in the morning. 6 Do Maria study ICT at school? 3 We doesn't play tennis at school. em 3 Active! Vocabulary Free time activities and adjectives 1 Use a mirror, find and write free time activities. 2 IASY3JJOV 3 2IT@AMMYD 4 @noeeas 3nAG 5 2iMMaT aN8AT 6 279A JAITAAM, 7 uaaTaneaa 8 2010934 5 6 7 2 Complete the table with words from Exercise 1. do_|yo¥ play take 3 Complete the words that describe the acti 41 Martha and Helen do karate. It is note. 2 < y. Itisreallyh_.__. 2 Alex plays volleyball with his friends on Wednesdays. itis f__. 3, We take dance lessons on Saturdays. Itis ‘ 4 | do aerobics every morning. Itis really f__. 96 Grammar Adverbs of frequency 4. Write the adverbs of frequency in order. 0% 100% arene sometimes usually 5 Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct place. 4 Wewatch a football match in the evening. (often) We often watch a otball match inthe evening 2 Alan plays volleyball at the club. (sometimes) 3 The kids are happy at the sports centre. (always) ‘4 Steven does yoga before dinner. (usually) 5, Patricia is late for school. (never) Look at the table and write sentences. | Alexand my Molly “Gordon _| grandmother _ never | dojudo go fishing onten | KE aanee play softball Lessons | PY every | 50 day skateboarding | | play table usually tennis 4 _Moly never does judo. 2 ar 3 4 5 6 Extra Grammar Practice Adverbs of frequency A Look at the table and write sentences. Use B Order the words to make sentences. adverbs of frequency and the correct present NoeaeCeiey simple form of the verbs. 2 we / yoga / school / often / at / do /. always+++++ usually++++ oftens++ : sometimes++ never 3 ate / sometimes / school / for / are / they /. : 4 on/he / time / usually /is /. 1 He / play volleyball ++ Fifmeedans deseo el aces 5 usually / weekends / you / at football / play /. 3 We / do aerobics at school 4 She / do martial arts +e po 5 They / play basketball teheee 2 6 He / do gymnastics ++ 3 1 _ He sometimes plays volleyball : im © Complete the sentences with information about 3) ss you. Use always, usually, often, sometimes or ‘= never. 5 2 [oS do sermbiegs 6 2 |____goto the gym. 3. Myfriends and|_____ play football at school. 4l play volleyball on the beach. I n p al fos eer judent B, go to page 99. A. Find out which activities Student B does on B These are photos of your holidays. Answer his/her holidays. Tick the correct boxes. Student B's questions. © Do you usually go skiing on your holidays? skiing © tabletennis (1) skateboarding () horse-riding (1) volleyball Oo fishing QO hiking O cycling «=O 98 Vocabulary Sports and time expressions 7 Complete the words. 1 gofis hing ae mo)s Kenteeb eaet diem 3 goh_k__g 4 goc_c_ing 5 go s_im_ing 6 gos_ii_g 7 goh_r_er__ing 8 gosu_f____ 9 godi__ng Write sentences. Susan / twice a week Susan goes horse-riding twice wi Henry / every weekend Thomas and Lorna / three times aweek Harry / every day Grammar Present simple: Wh- questions © Complete the questions with What, Where, When or How often. 1 _Where does Mary live? She lives in Brazil. 2 ____ do Martin and Vince go surfing? They go surfing in the morning. 3 —______ does Albert do? He studies French literature. 4 —______ do you take jaz lessons? | take jazz lessons twice a week. 5 does your friend play rugby? He plays rugby at the sports centre. 10 Imagine Federico is your new friend. Write questions about him. 1 _Where does Federico ive? He lives in Puerto Madryn, He goes to school in the morning. He watches football matches on TV at weekends. He goes swimming three times a week. 11 Order the words to make questions. Then answer about you. 1 you / do / live / where / ? Where do you ne? 5 James and Sam / once a week 6 Jennifer / every day 2. favourite / your / what / free time / is / activity /? 3. do / football / you / often / how / play /? 4 you / school / do / do / every day / what / at /? Extra Grammar Practice Present simple: Wh- questions A Match questions 1-4 to answers a-d. © Read the answers and complete the questions. 4 Where do you live? a A:_Where does Tom __ live? ‘What does she do every day? ountains. do there? 2 3 When do they go fishing? 4 How often do you play basketball? je goes climbing with his sister. ____go climbing? I play twice a week Sacies 9 hey go climbing in the morning, They goin the morning. (-) ee go climbing? a b ¢ Ilivenearthe beach. () ; hey go climbing three times a week. She goes cycling. oO D Answer with information about you. 1 When do you usually exercise ~in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening? B Order the words to make questions. 4 often / he / late / is /? 2 we / yoga / do / school / often / at / do /? 3 late / sometimes / school / for / are / they / ? 4 on/he/ time / usually /is /? 5. usually / weekends / you / at / football / play / do/? Ishe often ate? 2. How often do you exercise? 3 Where do you exercise? 2 3 4 5 Inpers ss =:.. A These are photos of your holidays. B Find out which activities Student A does on ‘Answer Student A’s questions. her holidays. Tick the correct boxes. ® Do you usually go surfing on your holidays? surfing =) football () cycling =) yoga swimming (_) diving hiking O volleyball —_) eur » Reading A newspaper article 12 Read the article. Then choose and write the best title. a German's life b German and his family A family of athletes ermén Chiaraviglio is an Argentinian ( athlete. He does pole vaulting and he has got lots of medals and prizes. He has got the Argentine record. He jumps 5.75 m. He is also an Olympic finalist and he wants to be a world champion. All the members in his family are athletes. His brother, Guillermo, and his sister, Valeria, are pole vaulters too, They are grateful to their father, a famous pole vaulter in Santa Fe, for being their {inspiration and example of hard work. Germin ata competion Germin on atypical training day Guillermo has got the South American silver medal. He jumps 5.20 m. He wants to beat his record. Germén usually gets up early and always has ious breakfast. Then he starts his strong legs to run fast. German, Guillermo and Valeria usually live in Santa Fe, their home town. They always have a good time with family and friends. 13 Read again and complete. 1 The Chiaraviglios are from 2 They practise 3 German wants 4 German usually 5 German often 44 Read again and answer. 4 What do German, Guillermo and Valeria do? 2 What does Guillermo want to do? 3 How often does German have a nutritious breakfast? 4 Why does he often exercise his legs? 5 Where do the Chiaraviglios usually live? Speaking Asking about activities and sports 15 Complete the conversation with expressions from the box. Then practise it in pairs. what other sports do you like? Go ahead! How often do you go to the sports centre? That's ll! | go swimming twice a week “Excuse me Alan: (a) me_Can ask you a few questions? Francesca: Sure. (2) Alan: Thanks! It's a survey about the local sports centre. Francesca: OK. Alan: (3) Francesca: | usually go three times a week. Alan: What activities do you usually do at the sports centre? Francesca: (4) and | do gymnastics once a week. Alan: And (5) Francesca: Judo is fun. Alan: OK. (6) Thanks for your time! Francesca: No problem. Bye! Writing Survey results 46 Read the survey results and complete the pie chart. Use never, twice a week or every day. There are twenty students in my class. Eighteen students do physical activity out of school. Ten students go to the sports centre twice a week. Two students take dance lessons and eight students play hockey. They also go swimming. Eight students are in a team or club out of school. They practise every day. Four students play softball and four students play football, ‘Most students in my group do some physical activity out of school. My classmates’ favourite activity is hockey. 17 Order the sentences to write the introduction and body of another report. Then complete the conclusion. They practise every day. [| Most students go to the park twice aweek. { ‘Twenty-one students usually do physical activity out of school.” There are thirty students in my class. |) ae NY) Fifteen students go cycling in the park twice a week. Six students play in the rugby club team. ‘Most students in my class aacbr ee s ePEe pice eae Bonus practice Complete the sentences so they are true for you and your best friend. Our favourite free time activities 4 Mike 2 Igo take My best friend likes He/She goes aur we He/She takes _ 4 Looking good Vocabulary Grammar Clothes Present continuous: affirmative, 1 Find and circle nine more items of clothing on negative and questions the scarves. @ Match the words or phrases to make sentences. |_| Myparents | Martha You | Mydog | is | am are c ing | playing | looking | studying | tango | French, | 2M” | tennis, | thet 2 Circle the odd one out. lessons. | dress. girl. 4. shorts — jeans 4 _ Martha is wearing a new dress 2. jacket ~ shoes ~ boots Z 3. Tshirt sweater - trainers a 4 trainers - boots ~ cap a 5. sweater— jacket - socks e 6 trousers —tie - jeans é 3 Complete the sentences with words from 5 Write five sentences from Exercise 4 in the negative Exercise 2. form. 4 We always weart + 2 £58 togo A running. 2 Alexandra looks glamorous in her evening d 3 Itis very cold. Put on yours wun 4 |want to save money! | want to buy a new pair ofb 5, Do you like my new pair of j They are size 24. 6 This is my new c____. | always wear it at the sports centre. 6 Order the words to make sentences or questions. 2 not / Jennifer / in / running / park / the /is /. Jennifer isnot running inthe park 2 Peter and Albert / reading / books / are / now /? and aj 3 is / new / wearing / Mark / sweater / his / . 4 taking / we / not / jazz / lessons / are | . 5 training / the / competition / you / for / are /? Grammar Practice Present continuous: affirmative, negative and questions A Complete the sentences with the affirmative © Order the words to make questions and complete present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. the answers. 4 |_amwearng_ (wear) white trainers. 2 He_____(smile). 3 They___ (wear) party clothes. 4 She___ (carry) a big present. 5 You____ (walk) fast. 6 The dog —_____ (Sleep) on my bed. 7 |____ (do) an exercise. B Rewrite the sentences in Exercise A. Make them negative. 42 _Imnot wearing white tra 2 3 4 5 6 7 listening / music / you / are / to /? party / to / they / are / going /a/? tuxedo / is / wearing /a/he /? you / using / my /are / pen /? is / flowers / carrying / she / ? ‘Are you listening to music? wuruwn Yes, _|__am No, Yes, No, Yes, In ai rs Student A, look at this page. f ‘Student B, go to page 105. A Look at the photo and choose a person. Describe what he/she is wearing. B Listen to Student B’s description and identify the person in the photo. Vocabulary Adjectives of character 7 Lookat the photos and write adjectives of character. a serious 2 —— 6 & Complete with words from the box. kind: lazy friendly serious shy confident cheerful sporty 4 Alice always helps people. She is very kind 2 My children are play football or basketball in the afternoon. . They always 3. Miss Lenton is very She is never afraid of anything, 4 MrSum, our maths teacher, never smiles. He is 5 Why don't you help me, Tommy? You are really 6 Albert looks . He is always talking to different people. 104, Grammar Present continuous and present simple © Choose the correct options. 1 Ali reads a novel now. 2. The students do / are doing karate once a week. 3 I'mnot going / don't go cycling every day. 4 Are the children playing / Do the children play table tennis now? 5 Jeffisn’t swimming / doesn’t swim at the moment. 10 Find and trace five sentences or questions. Then write them. Thekids | are | history? | 1 am ; ing | YU | Goh Are | wearing | studying | YOU" | doing you | shorts. | We Is | yoga taking | ,22"8> | are some—with lessons: football watching | ri Inateh, |__| Watching | fiends} now. 4 __Lam doing yoga with some friends now. 2 3 4 5 11 Weekdays are very busy for the Harlows. Today Saturday. Look at the table and write about them. Weekdays Saturday Mrand | workattheir | have breakfast Mrs Harlow office with their children Frank study at ride his bike university ‘80 out with her Annabella | "goto school iota Mrand Mrs Harlow work at their office on weekdays. Today they are having breakfact with thelr children, Extra Grammar Practice Present continuous and present simple A Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 4 Tusually__do__(do) my homework in the evening. 5 2 |_________ (do) my homework right now. 3 It___ (rain) now. 4 Italways (rain) in October. 5 She often (help) at home at weekends. 6 She (help) her mother now. B Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 | always go cycling on Fridays, but today |_am_ watching (watch) TV. 2. Mysister doesn’t usually wear red, but she (wear) a red dress today. 3 lalways (have) a small breakfast, but today I'm having a big breakfast. 4 They always ride their bikes to school, but today they. (walk) to school. 5 Henever but he’s reading it right now. A Listen to Student A's description and identify the person in the photo. B Look at the photo and choose a person. Describe what he/she is wearing. (read) the newspaper, ‘Student A, go to page 103. Student B, look at this page. © Choose verbs from the box to complete the questions. Use the present simple or present continuous form. Complete the answers. watch like go play do study he psy _ video games every day? 2 ___they__TVright now? Yes, they 3 ——— you usually to bed late? Yes, | 4 —sssstshe parties? Yes, she She loves parties! 5 you _ maths? Yes, we . We're doing maths exercises. 6 —____he__ martial arts on Saturdays? Yes, he Reading A dialogue 12 Read the conversation. Cross out the title that does not correspond to the text. a Family album b Family plans Laura is looking at some old photos and her friend Jimmy comes to visit her. Laura: Hi, jimmy! Jimmy: What are you doing? I'm looking at old photos. This is my aunt. She’s wearing an evening dress at her prom. And this is my uncle in his elegant tuxedo. He’s wearing a black shirt and a black tie too! Is this your sister Lily? Yes. She’s wearing shorts and a sweatshirt. She is in the mountains with her classmates. Jimmy: Have you got a photo of our first cycling experience? Let me see... Here it is! You are wearing a yellow T-shirt and red shorts. Jimmy: Oh yes! Cycling is fun! Are you coming to cycle in the park now? Laura: Laura: 43 Read again and answer. 4 Where is Laura? 2 What is she doing? 3, Who is wearing a tuxedo? ‘4 Who is in the mountains in photo 8? 5, Does Jimmy like cycling? 14 Read again and underline in the text: 1 The description of photo A in red. 2. The description of photo B in green, 3. The description of photo C in yellow. 106 15 Read again and correct what is wrong. 1 Laura and Jimmy are sister and brother. 2 Laura's aunt is wearing a T-shirt. 3 Tuxedos are sporty. 4 Jimmy doesn't like cycling. Speaking Writing ,» Buying clothes Photo descriptions 16 Complete the conversation with expressions 17 Read the description of the three photos and from the box. Then practise it in pairs. complete the fact file. Maluma is a singer, songwriter and actor. He lives Can Itry the ‘small’ can pay over there in Bogota, in Colombia. He loves exercising and he Excuseme lltake it over here usually goes to the gym for one hour a day. What size are you In the first photo, Maluma is posing for a photograph at the Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas. He’s wearing a dark suit with a black shirt. He looks smart. You: — (1) __.'m looking for a jacket like this but in blue. Assistant: Oh yes. They're (2) You: Great! Can tryit on? - In the second photo, Maluma is at Assistant: Sure. (3) ______________? the Latin American Music Awards. You: Probably medium. He's wearing a loose orange T-shirt, Assistant: There you are. There’s a mirror here. prey Jeans alia arena boas Hike his casual look, You: __| think it’s too big! (4) The third photo is the best! Maluma is performing in New York City. He’s wearing an orange jacket, orange That's better! shorts, black trousers and black ant: Yes ~it looks great! boots. He is also wearing dark sunglasses. He’s having a good time! Assistant: Yes, of course. There you are. Ye Ass You: (5) . thanks, Assistant: OK. You (6) —______—. [Fact Fie | | FULLNAME: | Juan Luis Londofio Arias _ ) Bonus practice —y»—— ]f | CLOTHES: Look at the pictures and compare the people in them. Second photo: a__—orange ture A, Gabriel is wearing grey jeans | | and ___— | | Third photo: an orange jacket, 47 and complete it with information about your favourite celebrity. Then find three pictures of your celebrity and Gabriel Elsie write his/her picture description. Gabriel

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