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Thirteenth amendment

● January 13 of 1865
● It was a document that abolished slavery in the United States
● It goes with the constitution
● On February 1 1865 president Abraham Lincoln signed that document.
● President Abraham Lincoln did not end slavery entirely , those enslaved.

Reconstruction era Jim Crow laws

● was an era when the country tried to reconstruct the self’s after the civil war
● 1865-1877
● Abraham Lincoln was also involved with Jefferson Davis, Lee and Ulysses.
● It was caused by the American civil war and the origin was the American civil war
● It ended with compromise in 1877 which settles the 1876 president elections
● The Jim Crow laws was a collection from laws from local people and governor people
the abolish slavery, laws in which they could be free but not that same as the white
people. They were all equal but they were separated from the white people.
● Existed in the reconstrucción era right after the civil war
● It was a response and a way to abolish the slavery and have a different way of living.
● It came from a show that encouraged negative views of black people.
● All of society was involved because it changed the way you lived.
● Probably the southern states were more involved in it
● It ended in 1965-1968
● Jim Crow was a kind of character that was made to make fun of the black people.

Prohibition era
● they create a law in the USA to prohibit alcohol
● January 17,1920 it lasted till
● The USA president was Franklin D roosevelt, he brought hope
● No one could grind job, the market crashed

The mafia
● crime network , 1920 bootleg liqueur in the prohibition era
● 1920-1970(1920 mafia)
● Al Capone, chales Luciano, buggy
● Stemmed from national prohibition- intending to help Carlo social evils, the law had
the opposite effect
● No one knows if the mafia finished.

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