Etech Reviewer 3

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1. When selecting an online platform to use in the classroom, what should be the primary consideration?

a. How much it costs. c. Its suitability to the specific learning objective.

b. Its popularity among students. d. How much time it takes to learn to use.
2. What is the meaning of ICT?
a. International Communication and Technology c. Information and Communication Technology
b. Internet and Computing Technology d. Information and Computer Technology
3. How has the use of ICT in healthcare in the Philippines improved patient outcomes?
a. By providing real-time access to patient data. c. By improving the accuracy of diagnoses.
b. By enabling telemedicine consultations. D. All of the these
4. In a company where sensitive information is stored in their computer systems, what is the purpose of using a strong password?
a. To make it easy to remember. c. To prevent unauthorized access.
b. To make it easy for others to guess. d. To impress others.
5. Which of the following is an example of online safety?
a. Posting personal information on social media. c. Sharing passwords with friends.
b. Logging out of an account when finished using it. d. Clicking on suspicious links in emails.
6. If you receive an email from an unknown person and asking for your personal information, what should you do?
a. Reply with the information. c. Ignore the email.
b. Forward the email to all your contacts. d. Click on the link provided in the email.
7. Which of the following is the best approach to use the internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering to best
achieve specific class objectives or address situational needs?
a. Searching randomly and clicking on the first few results.
b. Referring only to one source.
c. Using advanced search techniques to find credible sources.
d. Copying and pasting content from the first few search results.
8. Which of the following is the most effective way to evaluate the credibility of an online video?
a. Checking the number of views the video has received. c. Checking the video's author or publisher.
b. Reading the video's comments section. d. Evaluating the video's content and sources.
9. You come across a website that is filled with grammatical errors and typos. What should you do to determine the credibility of the
a. Ignore the errors and continue to read the website.
b. Look for the author's name and credentials.
c. Evaluate the sources and evidence presented on the website.
d. Disregard the website completely and find a different source.
10. Which productivity tool is best for creating and editing presentations?
a. Microsoft PowerPoint c. Microsoft Access
b. Adobe Acrobat d. Google Sheets
11. Which of the following is an advanced feature in Microsoft Word?
a. Changing the font style of text c. Using the spelling and grammar checker
b. Creating a table of contents d. Inserting a page break
12. How can you effectively use the advanced application technique of templates in Microsoft Word?
a. By using a template to format a document quickly c. By creating a template from scratch
b. By customizing a template to suit your specific needs d. By using a template only for simple documents
13. Which of the following is an example of ICT content that effectively communicates data or information related to a specific
professional track?
a. A personal blog about travel experiences.
b. A social media post about a favorite restaurant.
c. An infographic about the latest trends in the fashion industry.
d. A YouTube video about pet care.
14. What is the first step in creating effective ICT content?
a. Conducting research on a variety of topics. c. Choosing a platform to publish the content.
b. Identifying the target audience and their needs. d. Creating a list of potential sources to use in the content.
15. What is an original ICT content?
a. Content that has never been created before by anyone.
b. Content that is created using the latest technology.
c. Content that is inspired by existing content but adds new value.
d. Content that is created without any regard for the target audience.
16. What is the purpose of evaluating websites and online resources based on the principles of layout, graphic, and visual message
a. To ensure that the website is compatible with all devices and browsers.
b. To create a visually stunning website without regard for functionality.
c. To improve the user experience and make the website more effective in achieving its goals.
d. To increase the website's social media following and engagement.
17. What is the purpose of evaluating websites and online resources based on the principles of layout, graphic, and visual message
a. To increase the website's search engine ranking. c. To determine the website's profitability.
b. To improve the website's design and functionality. d. To monitor the website's social media engagement.
18. You are a web designer who has been tasked with evaluating a website for a client. The client is unhappy with the website's
performance and wants to know how it can be improved. Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of
evaluating the website based on the principles of layout, graphic, and visual message design?
a. To ensure that the website is accessible to all users.
b. To identify areas for improvement in their design and functionality.
c. To increase the website's revenue and profitability.
d. To measure their popularity and social media following.
19. One basic principle of graphics and layout that states that elements should be grouped together so that the viewer/ reader will be
guided to the different parts of the message.’
a. Alignment c. Proximity
b. Contrast d. Repetition
20. When using image manipulation techniques, what is the purpose of changing or enhancing an image's current state?
a. To create an original image from scratch .
b. To make the image more visually appealing.
c. To communicate a specific message for a particular purpose.
d. To make the image more recognizable to a wider audience.
21. You are a graphic designer tasked to create an advertisement poster for a new product launch. You need to manipulate an existing
product image to enhance its visual appeal and communicate the message effectively. Which of the following image manipulation
techniques would you most likely use in this situation?
a. Taking a photo c. Cropping a photo
b. Adding a filter to a photo d. Saving a photo
22. Which of the following is an example of an online environment where visual message communication is important?
a. A library c. A movie theater
b. A social media platform d. A coffee shop
23. How can creating original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate a visual message in an online environment related
to specific professional tracks benefit a company or organization?
a. It can increase brand awareness and recognition among the target audience.
b. It can help reduce the organization's operating costs.
c. It can provide opportunities for employee training and development.
d. It can improve the organization's financial statements.
24. How can analyzing the effectiveness of derivative ICT content in relation to the original content impact the overall success of an
online campaign?
a. It can help identify areas for improvement and lead to a stronger message delivery.
b. It can help cut costs and streamline the content creation process.
c. It can allow for greater creativity and innovation in the content creation process.
d. It has no significant impact on the overall success of an online campaign.
25. How can evaluating online creation tools and platforms help to improve the quality of ICT content?
a. It allows for the creation of more content in a shorter amount of time.
b. It helps to ensure that the content is visually appealing.
c. It helps to ensure that the content is accurate and relevant for the target audience.
d. It has no impact on the quality of the content.
26. What is the purpose of developing ICT content for specific professional tracks?
a. To appeal to a broader audience.
b. To increase website traffic and social media following.
c. To improve the user experience of the website or application.
d. To address the specific needs and interests of a particular group of users.
27. What are some examples of online creation tools and platforms?
a. Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Word c. Facebook and Instagram
b. Canva and Adobe Creative Cloud d. YouTube and Vimeo
28. Which of the following is an example of a web design principle?
a. Consistency in design elements. c. Using a lot of different font styles.
b. Including long paragraphs of text without any breaks d. Using small images that are hard to see.
29. You are tasked with creating a website for a law firm. What web design element should you prioritize to ensure that the website
appears professional?
a. Large, attention-grabbing images c. A variety of font styles
b. A clean and simple layout d. Bright and bold color schemes
30. You are designing a website for a restaurant. What web design element can you incorporate to entice customers to visit the
a. Using a lot of bright and bold colors.
b. Including long paragraphs of text without any breaks
c. Using small images that are hard to see.
d. Incorporating high-quality images of the restaurant's menu items.
31. You have created a series of blog posts to promote a new service for a specific professional track, but notice that the engagement
rate is low. How can you evaluate the effectiveness of your content?
a. Add more images to the blog posts.
b. Share the blog posts on as many social media platforms as possible.
c. Conduct a survey to gather feedback from your target audience.
d. Use a lot of different font styles to make the text more interesting.
32. A company created a promotional video for their new product and shared it on their social media platforms. They want to evaluate
its effectiveness in increasing product sales. Which of the following metrics should they use to evaluate the video's success?
a. The number of likes and shares on social media.
b. The number of employees who watched the video.
c. The length of the video.
d. The number of subscribers to the company's YouTube channel.
33. What is the benefit of analyzing the user experience of a website or application?
a. To identify areas for improvement and lead to a stronger message delivery.
b. To cut costs and streamline the content creation process.
c. To allow for greater creativity and innovation in the content creation process.
d. To determine the target audience for the website or application.
34. You are creating a website for a non-profit organization. Which web design principle is important to keep in mind to effectively
communicate the organization's mission and values?
a. Using a variety of different font styles. c. Including a lot of personal opinions and anecdotes.
b. Using bright and flashy colors to catch attention. d. Using clear and concise language with a well-organized layout.
35. You are creating a website for a travel agency. Which web design principle is important to keep in mind to effectively communicate
the agency's sense of adventure and excitement?
a. Using a lot of personal opinions and anecdotes. c. Including a lot of text and very few images.
b. Using a cluttered design with many competing elements. d. Using high-quality, visually appealing images and videos.
36. How can the use of online creation tools and platforms impact the effectiveness of ICT content for specific professional tracks?
a. It can make the content less relevant to the intended audience.
b. It can decrease the visual appeal of the content.
c. It can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the content creation process.
d. It can limit the creativity and innovation in the content creation process.
37. Which of the following is NOT a factor to consider when evaluating the appropriateness of peer's ICT content?
a. The intended audience of the content. c. The theme or topic of the content
b. The number of likes the content has received. d. The goals and objectives of the content
38. What is the main reason for evaluating peer's existing or previously developed ICT content?
a. To criticize and judge the content. c. To learn from the content and improve future ICT projects.
b. To discourage peer's from creating further ICT content d. To promote the evaluator's own ICT content
39. What is the main focus when evaluating the value of peer's ICT content?
a. The creativity and innovation in the content creation process.
b. The goals and objectives of the ICT project.
c. The personal preferences of the evaluator.
d. The number of views the content has received.
40. Why is it important to evaluate the appropriateness of peer's ICT content?
a. To ensure it is legally compliant. c. To avoid offending potential customers or clients.
b. To prevent the spread of false information. d. To make sure it conforms to industry standards.
41. What are some criteria that can be used to evaluate the quality of peer's ICT content?
a. Creativity and originality c. Number of followers or subscribers
b. Clarity and accuracy of information d. Amount of advertising on the content
42. When evaluating the quality of peer's ICT content, what is an example of a subjective factor that can influence the evaluation?
a. The length of the content. c. The amount of research that went into creating the content
b. The overall visual appeal of the content d. The size of the audience that has viewed the content
43. Why is it important to consider the theme or topic of peer's ICT content when evaluating its quality and appropriateness?
a. To ensure it is legally compliant. c. To avoid offending potential customers or clients
b. To make sure it conforms to industry standards. d. To ensure it effectively communicates the intended message
44. What is the purpose of collaboratively designing an infographic?
a. To present complex information in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand way.
b. To make the information more difficult to understand.
c. To show off design skills without regard for the content being presented.
d. To create an eye-catching visual with no real purpose.
45. How can a collaboratively designed infographic be used to build a professional network?
a. By providing a platform for showcasing individual design skills.
b. By highlighting shared interests and expertise among collaborators.
c. By making connections with potential clients or customers.
d. By displaying personal information such as contact details.
46. How can a collaboratively designed newsletter or blog site be tailored to a specific audience or viewer?
a. By including personal anecdotes and stories.
b. By using technical jargon and industry-specific language.
c. By incorporating relevant and timely topics.
d. By using flashy and attention-grabbing graphics.
47. What is the benefit of collaboratively designing a newsletter or blog site?
a. It allows for more creative control for each individual creator.
b. It makes the content creation process quicker and easier.
c. It allows for a wider range of perspectives and ideas to be included.
d. It limits the amount of feedback and revisions needed.
48. Who is the intended audience for a collaboratively designed newsletter or blog site?
a. The creators of the content c. The general public
b. A specific group of professionals or enthusiasts d. Only friends and family of the creators
49. What is the primary purpose of sharing and showcasing existing or previously developed material on a collaboratively designed
newsletter or blog site?
a. To present new information c. To promote products or services
b. To share existing or previously developed material d. To generate revenue
50. What are some examples of previously developed material that could be shared on a collaboratively designed newsletter or blog
a. Research papers c. News articles
b. Personal anecdotes d. All of these

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