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Paket Intensif 2

Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris

The following text is for questions 1 to 6.

The forests in Sumatra will be depleted if the Indonesian government does not act
immediately to address forest problems.
Forest management shows no signs of improvement compared to the previous year. In fact,
the condition of the forests is getting worse. The increase of illegal logging and burning of forests
for land expansion is still happening. Furthermore, the plan to clear protected forests for mining
and land expansion will actually worsen the situation.
The decline in the forest conservation stems from a management system that is dominated
by the central government and ignores the existence of local communities. It can't be denied that
disagreement in policies between local communities and the government, local communities and
companies, and among local communities themselves make the forest conditions in Indonesia
even worse.
In addition, weak law enforcement causes further forest destruction. Data shows that
about two million hectares of forest are damaged every year. Nearly 64 million hectares of forest in
Indonesia have been impacted in the last fifty years.
Biodiversity, such as flora and fauna, is damaged and lost due to the clearing of natural
forests, especially in the lowlands of Sulawesi. The El Nino phenomenon and land clearing by
burning forests are two of the main factors in the destruction of the forest environment there.
From the facts above, we should have a better understanding of the causes of forest
and it is hoped that the government can take a firmer stance to address this problem.

1. According to the text, what puts our forests in danger?

A. Sumatra's forests will be wiped out.
B. The government does not act quickly in the next ten years.
C. The forest fires and the increase of illegal logging.
D. The situation that clearly adds to the grim fate of the forest.
E. The plan to build protected forest land.

2. “…………..a management system that is dominated by the central government and ignores the
existence of local communities.” The statement above implies that…………….

A Local government has no or less authority to make its own regulations.

B. Local communities take over all management related to the forests.
C. There is no correlation between central and local regulations.
D. The decline in forestry conservation stems from the local communities.
E. Central government and local communities should hand in hand to solve the problem.

3. “In addition, weak law enforcement causes further forest destruction." The sentence above
means that....
A. There must be a punishment for someone who cuts down a tree in the forest.
B. The government should change the regulation.
C. There are often no consequences for initiators of forest destruction.
D. The police tend to put in jail ones who have no ability to defend themselves.
E. There must be clear regulations for using or exploring the forests.

4. How do you relate the first paragraph and the last one?

A. The first paragraph is about the problems that arise due to forest destruction, while the last
paragraph is about our need to increase awareness of this and hope for stricter law enforcement
from the government.

B. The first paragraph refers to our obligation to raise further awareness of forest destruction and
hopes for stricter law enforcement from the government, while the last paragraph contains
problems that arise due to forest destruction.
C. The first paragraph is about the increase in illegal logging and forest burning for land expansion
still happening in Sumatra, while the last paragraph is about the solution.
D. The first paragraph talks about how the Indonesian government's plan to clear protected forest
for mining will actually make things worse, while the last paragraph summarizes its law
enforcement efforts.
E. The first paragraph is about the Indonesian government's legal actions in Sumatra, while the

5. Looking at the policy perspective, what makes the condition of our forests worse?

A. Forest management shows no signs of improvement compared to the previous year.

B. The decline in forest conservation stems from a management system that is dominated by the
central government and ignores the existence of local communities.
C. Disagreement in policies between local communities and the government, local communities
and companies, and among local communities.
D. The increase of illegal logging and burning forest for land expansion is still happening.
E. Biodiversity, such as flora and fauna, is damaged and lost due to the clearing of natural forests.

6. Observe the following statements.

(1) The Indonesian government's inaction in dealing with forest destruction will result in forest loss
in Sumatra.
(2) Expanding land by practicing illegal logging and burning forest is increasing after years.
(3) Several statistics indicate that each year, roughly two million hectares of forest are harmed.
(4) In Indonesia, the size of the forest has shrunk by over 64 million hectares during the past 50

Which of the statements above are TRUE according to the text?

The following text is for questions 7 to 12.

Exploration in the teaching and learning world is happening. Educators are becoming
interested in exploring the educational media of YouTube. The interest in YouTube as an
educational medium has been sparked for several reasons.
Firstly, there is existing YouTube educational content developed to enhance children's and
adults' literacy. These programs have been successful in achieving their intended goals. This has
been reported in several types of research dealing with such things as YouTube-supported distance
learning programs.
Secondly, because YouTube is a very accessible medium, it has the potential to reach
learners who have not been able to participate in traditional literacy programs. YouTube's
technology and content are very convenient for its users.
Moreover, viewers are intimately familiar with the content of YouTube and tend to
associate it with pleasurable experiences because of its power to entertain.
To conclude, many teachers around the world have recently become aware of the potential
of YouTube programs to support the teaching process.

7. In some areas, access to learning through YouTube is very difficult due to the difficulty of
accessing it. Which of the following is an option regarding how the conditions should be

A. The PIKIR Institute, assisted by Internet Service Providers or ISPS, organizes activities that
provide a way for remote or underdeveloped areas to provide telecommunications infrastructure

independently. This activity is financed by state-owned companies through the Community
Development program.
B. The use of internet satellite is a solution for areas located far from fiber optic cable networks or
cellular BTS. With a much lower cost compared to deploying cellular BTS, the internet can be
delivered even to very remote areas.
C. To be able to hold live online learning, a stable internet is needed, in addition to applications
and understanding of application usage. Meanwhile, there are still more than 12 thousand villages
that have not been touched by telecommunication signals.
D. There are still more than 4,000 villages that receive an inadequate signal. As a result, many
students do not optimize in learning. In fact, many also drop out of school because they have
difficulty following lessons. In 2020, there were more than 159 thousand students who dropped
out of school.
E. Currently, only a limited number of 42 percent of schools hold live online learning throughout
the country. The rest, namely 58 percent, are still implementing distance learning (PJJ). The
problem is adequate internet infrastructure is not distributed evenly in all regions.

8. What is the focus of the third and the fourth paragraphs?

A. The third paragraph shows the accessibility of YouTube both in terms of its technology and its
content. The fourth paragraph strengthens its idea as entertainment medium.
B. The third paragraph gives a reason for the use of YouTube as an educational medium, and the
fourth paragraph shows its use as entertainment.
C. The third paragraph explains the potential to reach learners at all levels. However, the fourth
paragraph explains the opposite.
D. Both the third and fourth paragraphs are statements that strengthen the opinion of YouTube as
the best media for the teaching-learning process.
E. Both the third and fourth paragraphs talk about the new ways of learning and teaching being

9. What message can we identify in the text?

A. Technology is something we cannot deny.
B. YouTube was one of the teaching resources in the past.
C. To support the teaching process, teachers can use YouTube.
D. Viewers aren't intimately familiar with the content of YouTube.
E. To master all knowledge, teachers and students must use YouTube.

10. The media that makes it easier for those who cannot join the conventional class is identified as
media that……………..
A. masters all knowledge
B. supports the teaching processes
C. explores educational problems
D. can be accessed by everyone everywhere
E. has the potential to reach learners at all levels

11. Educators are becoming interested in exploring the educational media of YouTube. How could
you overcome problems arising due to negative content on YouTube accessed by students at

A. Spread kindness with good content that is useful for all of us.
B. Remove negative content from social media and ask students to do so.
C. Instill character education in our students inside or outside of our classes.
D. Create positive content on social media so that it can suppress or prevent the spread of negative
E. Limit students time to access YouTube media and give them tasks related to the channel they

12. "YouTube is a very accessible medium, it has the potential to reach learners who have not been
able to participate in traditional literacy programs!" The phrase "traditional literacy programs"
A. Study in class
B. Potential learners
C. Literacy programs
D. The way to access YouTube
E. Independent teaching learning

The following text is for questions 13 to 18.

The Occurrence of Lightning

When electric charge collects in a cloud, and the cloud's position gets higher, the cloud
charge will be in air turbulence. This causes the electric charge of the cloud to move rapidly and
continuously. This movement will make the positive charge and negative charge separate. The top
of the cloud will collect positive charges, while negative charges will be at the bottom of the cloud.
The negative charge at the bottom of the cloud tends to bind to the positive charge on the
ground. If the negative charge at the bottom of the cloud is large enough, the flow of negative
charge from the cloud will go to the earth.
When lightning strikes, there will be an exchange of negative charges from the clouds with
positive charges from the earth. It is at the meeting of negative and positive charges that we see
lightning and thunder.
Disposal of this negative charge aims to achieve a charge balance in the cloud. Water in the
air will reduce the insulating power of the air, so that during the rainy season electric current will
flow more easily and cause a lot of lightning.

13. What makes lightning happen?

A. When the electric charge collects in the cloud.
B. When the disposal of the negative charge occurs.
C. When the positive charge and negative charge separate.
D. When the electric charge of the cloud moves rapidly and continuously.
E. When there is an exchange of negative charges from the clouds to positive charges from the

14. The effect of air turbulence is…………….

A. The electric charge will gather in the cloud.
B. The cloud's position will get higher and higher.
C. The electric charge of the cloud moves steadily.
D. The positive charge and negative charge separate.
E. The top of the cloud will collect negative charges.

15. Which of the following is related to the fact about lightning being a useful thing to our earth?

A. Many benefits come when there is lightning. Lightning produces nitrate carried by rain which is
good for plants. Lightning also produces ozone to cover ultraviolet rays. So, lightning is actually a
friend of life.
B. Lightning is often considered dangerous and scary, especially when heavy rain occurs. Its
booming sound makes everyone who hears it cover their ears. Some people have even reportedly
died from being struck by lightning. Besides this, do we know that lightning has many benefits for
human Iife on Earth?
C. Despite being a normal natural phenomenon, lightning can pose a danger to living things. For
example, an electric current in lightning can cause death. However, in addition to causing harm,
lightning also has benefits for the life of various living things on Earth.

D. There are three conditions that must be met so that lightning can occur. First, there is the suns
heat that evaporates water. Second, there are floating particles in the air, which are usually from
sea salt or industrial pollutants, and third is the humidity of an area.
E. Lightning is a natural phenomenon that produces light that arises or is called lightning. The
cause of lightning comes from the process of electrical discharge that occurs from clouds to earth
and from clouds to other clouds. This natural phenomenon is a normal, natural phenomenon that
occurs, especially when it rains.

16. Which of the following is incorrect?

A. Lightning is a flash of light that strikes the air.
B. Lightning is usually followed by a loud rumbling sound called thunder.
C. Lightning is a natural phenomenon that is quite common during the dry season.
D. Lightning is one of the natural phenomena that is unique but dangerous for humans.
E. The process of the occurrence of this lightning involves electric currents in the air and the

17. ne negative charge at the bottom of the cloud tends to bind to the positive charge on the
ground." The sentence can be paraphrased into…………..

A. The positive charge on the ground has a propensity to cling to the negative charge at the base of
the cloud.
B. The negative charge at the bottom of the cloud has the power to release the positive charge on
the earth.
C. The positive charge above the clouds has the power to release the negative charge on the earth.
D. Positive charges and negative charges repel each other when they meet in the cloud where they
are close to the earth.
E. The positive charge at the bottom of the cloud tends to release the negative charge on the

18. Which of the correct sequences is the process of lightning?

A. Positive charge descends to earth - negative electric charge rises from the ground - the two
combine to form lightning that strikes the earth - water and ice particles separate.
B. Water and ice particles separate - negative charges fall to the earth - positive electric charges
rise from the ground - the two combine to form lightning that strikes the earth.
C. Negative charge descends to earth - positive electric charge rises from the ground - the two
combine to form lightning that strikes the earth - water and ice particles separate.
D. Positive charge descends to earth - water and ice particles separate negative electric charge
rises from the ground - the two combine to form lightning that strikes the earth.
E. Water and ice particles separate - both combine to form lightning that strikes the earth -
Negative charge falls to the earth - positive electric charge rises from the ground.

The following text is for questions 19 and 20.

Every student who wants to continue their study at a State University (Perguruan Tinggi
Negeri or PTN) must know these tips before they enter.
1. Know and understand yourself
Know your strengths and weaknesses. This can assist you to choose the right college. Therefore,
knowing yourself is one of the tips to enter the state university you want.
2. Determine the choice of major in advance.
Start considering a college major 1-2 years before the SNPMB (Seleksi Nasional Penerimaan
Mahasiswa Baru) periods. Having a good plan a long time before the examination will make you
more focused on studying at school.
3. Determine the entry path

There are three ways to enter PTN that students can choose. SNBP (Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan
Prestasi), SNBT (Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Tes), and independent examination. Commonly,
SNBP and SNBT are the targets of many students because both pathways have a lower portion of
tuition fees compared to independent examinations. Maintain scores in a good position from the
first to the fifth semester if you want to enter through the SNBP route. However, if you want to
choose the SNBT, you have to study hard to prepare for the Computer-Based Writing Exam (UTBK)
and take part in the tryout.
4. Find out the targeted PTN.
Knowing the desired PTN and campuses is very important. If necessary, you can also register for
PTN through the independent examination. This does not mean that you are pessimistic about the
results of the SNBP and SNBT, but that is also one way to make it easier for you to study at the PTN
you want.

19. "This does not mean that you are pessimistic about...” The word pessimistic in the sentence
means that……………

A. somebody who always expects the best to happen

B. to make something function at its best or most effective
C. a tendency to see the negative or worst aspects of something
D. tending to take a hopeful and positive view of future outcomes
E. somebody who tends to feel hopeful and positive about future outcomes

20. Put a tick (√) whether the following statements are True or False according to the text.

Statements True False

A Knowing yourself is not important when choosing a college.
B It is advisable to start choosing a college major just a few months berore ie
SNPMB periods.
C SNBP and SNBT are preferred by many students due to lower tuition fees
compared to independent examinations.
D SNBT requires students to take a Computer-Based Writing Exam (UTBK) as
part of the process.
E Registering for PTN through independent examination implies pessimism
about the results of SNBP and SNBT.

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