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O Improve Water Quality

O #educe Excess Nutrients
O reate a Balanced Ecosystem
O lear Ponds and Lakes 'Nature`s
O Easy Application
O ade in the USA
Aqua-Tron has been developed to provide you with clean, clear, beautiIul water. The build up oI excess
nutrients causes pond and lake Eutrophicaton, which is very unsightly. Aqua-Tron is composed oI unique
classes oI beneIicial microbes known to rapidly metabolize excess nutrients, pulling them Irom the water
column, returning the water to a naturally healthy and visually pleasing state.
0asy application:
ur beneIicial microbes are available in two sizes, 10 and 25 pound buckets. Inside the buckets, the
microbes are conveniently packaged in 1/2 pound, water-soluble bags, which makes their application very
easy. An initial application rate oI 3-6 pounds oI beneIicial microbes per surIace acre is common Ior most
water bodies. This must be Iollowed up every other week with a maintenance application oI 1-2 pounds
per surIace acre to maintain optimum conditions. See application chart below:
;Pond Size per Acre
;1/4 acre ;1/2 acre ;3/4 acre ;1 acre ;3 acre ;5 acre
;Initial Dose 1.5 lbs. 3 lbs. 4.5 lbs. 6 lbs. 18 lbs. 30 lbs.
;aintenance Dose 0.5 lb. 1 lb. 1.5 lbs. 2 lbs. 6 lbs. 10 lbs.
Aqua-Tron can be used singly or in combination with WS# using standard dosage rates
(7) 1/2 pound, wat0r-solubl0 bags of Aqua-Tron
!ricing information:
.Item # .Quantity .Price
.AQUA 10WSP |10 lbs. .$189.00
.AQUA 25WSP |.25 lbs. .$449.50
Wast0 & Sludg0 R0duc0r (WSR)

O #educe Bottom Sludge
O #educe dors
O #educe Suspended Solids
O #educe rganic Waste
O Easy Application
O ade in the USA
Waste & Sludge #educer (WS#) was developed to target the build-up oI organic material and bottom
sludge in ponds and lakes. As this material accumulates, it Iorms a layer on the bottom that, when leIt
unchecked, will contribute to the degradation oI the water body. WS# rapidly consumes this layer, which
helps improve the water quality. WS# is also very eIIective at eliminating oIIensive odors, ammonia,
nitrite, nitrate and organics.
0asy application:
ur beneIicial microbes are available in two sizes, 10 and 25 pound buckets. Inside the buckets, the
microbes are conveniently packaged in 1/2 pound, water-soluble bags, which makes their application very
easy. An initial application rate oI 3-6 pounds oI beneIicial microbes per surIace acre is common Ior most
water bodies. This must be Iollowed up every other week with a maintenance application oI 1-2 pounds
per surIace acre to maintain optimum conditions. See application chart below:
WS# Waste & Sludge #educer
Pond Size per Acre
1/4 acre 1/2 acre 3/4 acre 1 acre 3 acre 5 acre
Initial Dose 1.5 lbs. 3 lbs. 4.5 lbs. 6 lbs. 18 lbs. 30 lbs.
aintenance Dose 0.5 lb. 1 lb. 1.5 lbs. 2 lbs. 6 lbs. 10 lbs.

WS# can be used singly or in combination with Aqua-Tron using standard dosage rates

(3) 1/2 pound, wat0r-solubl0 bags of WSR
pricing information:
.Item # .Quantity .Price
.WS# 10WSP |10 lbs. .$235.00
.WS# 25WSP |.25 lbs. .$565.00

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