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Course Name of the Course

22MCAC40 Web Technology –II
Total Teaching hours: 45 hours
Module No. Curriculum coverage & Topic / Subtopics Teaching
1 HTML5 7 Hours
1.1 What is HTML5
1.2 Features of HTML5
1.3 Semantic Tags
1.4 New Input Elements and tags
1.5 Media tags (audio and video tags)
1.6 Designing Graphics using Canvas API
1.7 Drag and Drop features
1.8 Geo-location API
1.9Web storage (Session and local storage).
2 CSS3 7 Hours
2.1 What is CSS3
2.2 Features of CSS3
2.3 Implementation of border radius, box shadow, image border,
custom web font, backgrounds
2.4 Advanced text effects(shadow) - 2D and 3D Transformations
2.5 Transitions to elements
2.6 Animations to text and elements
3 JavaScript 7 Hours

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Core features
3.3 Data types and Variables
3.4 Operators, Expressions and Statements
3.5 Functions & Scope
3.6 Objects - Array, Date and Math related Objects
3.7 Document Object Model
3.8 Event Handling
3.9 Browser Object Model
3.10 Windows and Documents
3.11 Form handling and validations.
3.12 Object-Oriented Techniques in JavaScript
3.13 Classes – Constructors and Prototyping (Sub classes and Super
4 PHP 8 Hours
4.1 PHP Introduction,
4.2 Why PHP and where it stands in Web environment,
4.3 Job Scope,
4.4 PHP Installation,
4.5 PHP Data Types,

4.6 Operators, Conditional Operators,

4.7 Looping Constructs,
4.8 PHP Functions,
4.9 PHP Arrays, Using Cookies with PHP,
4.10 PHP Sessions.
4.11 PHP OOP: Objects & Classes, Constructor and Destructor,
Inheritance, Abstract classes, Interfaces, Polymorphism
5 Database Connectivity with MySQL 6 Hours
5.1 Configuring PHP for Database Support,
5.2 Connection with MySQL Database,
5.3 Performing basic database
5.4 operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select),
5.5 Setting query parameter,
5.6 Executing query Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins,Self
6 PHP Framework 10
6.1 What is MVC,
6.2 What is Frameworks and knowledge about PHP Frameworks,
6.3 Introduction to Codeigniter,
6.4 Different between Code igniter and other frameworks
6.5 Codeigniter Features Installation and setup,
6.6 Codeigniter Directory Structure, Libraries,
6.7 Creating Controller,
6.8 Model,View,Route.,Config
6.9 Class,

6.10 Database Config,Database Configuration,
6.11 Connecting to a Database,
6.12 Generating Query Results, Query Helper Functions

Reference Books
1. Introducing HTML5 (Voices That Matter) 2nd Edition, Kindle Edition by Bruce
Lawson (Author), Remy Sharp (Author)
2. Beginning HTML5 and CSS3: The Web Evolved (Expert's Voice in Web
Development) 1st ed. Edition, Kindle Edition
by Christopher Murphy (Author), Richard Clark (Author), Oliver
Studholme (Author), Divya Manian (Author)
3. Head First HTML5 Programming: Building Web Apps with JavaScript 1st Edition,
Kindle Edition by Eric Freeman (Author), Elisabeth Robson (Author)
4. Beginning HTML5 and CSS3: The Web Evolved (Expert's Voice in Web
Development) 1st ed. Edition, Kindle Edition
5. HTML5 Guidelines for Web Developers 1st Edition, Kindle Edition
by Klaus Förster (Author), Bernd Öggl (Author)
6. HTML 5 Black Book, Covers CSS 3, JavaScript, XML, XHTML, AJAX, PHP and jQuery,
2ed | BS | e Paperback – 1 January 2016
by DT Editorial Services (Author)
7. Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic
Websites, Sixth Edition (Grayscale Indian Edition)
8. Learning MVC architecture with PHP: to exit beginners, before entering
frameworks (1) Kindle Edition by Atom Yah (Author)
9. Professional CodeIgniter 1st Edition by Thomas Myer (Author)

Sr. No Course Covers Percentage %

1 Employability 50%

2 Programming 40%

3 Skills 10%


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