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Acetylcholine ______ Involved in involuntary motor movements

(decreased levels -think Parkinsons).
Stimulates the body’s “feel good” pathways
(imbalance – think addiction). Regulates
emotion, motivation, attention. High levels –
think Schizophrenia.

B. Dopamine _______ Contribute to seizures, agitation, and

anxiety. Major role in the control of
neuronal excitability through the brain.
Dysregulation of this is associated with
anxiety disorders. Decreased activity is
associated with seizures.

C. Norepinephrine ______Important role in learning and memory.

Primary cholinergic neurotransmitter.

Think - Dementia, Downs.

D. Serotonin __________ Major role in generating and maintain

mood states. Think – Mood disorders.
Involved with sleep/wakefulness. Plays
role in the physical symptoms of anxiety.

E. GABA _________ Plays role in emotions, cognition, sensory

perceptions, biologic functions (sleep
appetite). Low levels associated with –
depression. Assists dopamine to balance
the “feel good pathways” - addiction).

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