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Methodoly, findings,

data analysis dicussion

Equipe 6 - Julia, Stefany, Davi, Guilherme Z., João

Data analysis discussion
Scientific articles
Scientific methodology is the sum of certain rules and
procedures of an academic work with the objective of
systematizing and bringing clarity to scientific research.
Thus, the researcher must follow the entire research
process, seeking the best methods through stages, such as:
-Definition of techniques for data acquisition
-Data collect
-Exhibition and organization of the results obtained
-Results analysis
• The methodology is a tool we use for data collection;

• The section entitled methodology in a scientific article aims to

describe the step by step of these actions, for the concreteness
of the research;

•And also to arrive at conclusions through a systematic and

theoretical analysis, applied to some field of study.
•Research methods are important in an article, as they locate and
delimit a problem, allow the collection of important data to
generate hypotheses that are later proven or supported.

•The methodology to be used may include, in many cases:

-Demographic analysis;
-Risks or threats;
-Historical and contemporary data;
-Publications, books, among other avenues of research.
"[...] In order to obtain the results and answers about the problematization presented in this work, a film
analysis will be carried out on two films with different narrative styles through explanatory research. To film
works were chosen:
"The Misunderstood", by François Truffaut, belonging to the Nouvelle Vague, a French cinematographic
"Kids" by Larry Clark, which falls into the postmodernist period.
Both address the theme of marginalized adolescence in its context, which is subdivided into three themes:
family, sexuality and society, which will also favor a comparative analysis.
The study of this work will be based on ideas and assumptions of theorists who have significant importance in
the definition and construction of the concepts discussed in this analysis. Modernism, Post-Modernism, New
Wave, Cinema and Adolescents, for example.
To this end, such objects will be studied in secondary sources such as academic works, articles, books and
the like, which were selected here.Therefore the work will be based on the conceptual-analytical method. We
will use concepts and ideas from other authors, similar to our objectives, to build a scientific analysis of our
object of study.
The research method chosen favors freedom in the analysis to move through different paths of knowledge.
This makes it possible to assume several positions along the way, not obliging to assign a unique and universal
answer regarding the object.
The references about cinema, under some characteristics that will be presented in this work, do not present
irreversible predictions. The possibilities of analysis are countless when it comes to the sociocultural
expression of a society.[...]"
• The purpose of the results
section, as its name implies, is to
reveal what was found in the

Findings •This part of the article will consist

of relevant data obtained and
synthesized by the author.
•First, the characteristics of the study subjects are presented. It is
demographic, socioeconomic, clinical or other information that
describes the group or groups studied.

•In general, this communication is done in the form of a table. The

reader, when inspecting these data, will be able to verify if the
selection procedures adopted produced the adequate sample for
the study or, in the case of analytical studies, if the groups are

• It also serves to indicate to which population the results are

•Another recommended conduct, to compose the initial part of the
results section, is to report how the final sample used in the data
analysis was reached.

• If the description is too complex to appear in the text, it is

suggested that a flow chart (or flowchart) be inserted containing
the details of the selection of research subjects and the reasons
for excluding participants.
Data analysis
•Data analysis is the stage of academic work where you
transform numerical data or loose qualitative data into a
conclusion to solve your research problem.

•In other words, it is the moment when the researcher

transforms the data into information for the research and
answers the question that started the research.
•So, in this phase, the objective is to organize all the data
that were collected so that, from this, it is possible to
achieve the research objectives. Whether to confirm or
refute the hypotheses.

•It is important to remember that data analysis must be

developed mainly in line with the research methodology and
theoretical foundation.
[...] This research aims to investigate how teachers, students and
directors of a Basic Education school build identities
discursively. For analysis purposes, we chose two categories: the
transitivity and modality (Halliday, 1985, 1994), as mentioned
previously. The definition of identity with which we will work is that of
Zimmerman (1998), who considers identities as an element of context.
For that, we organized the analysis and discussion of the data according to the four
search times:
I) Questionnaires;
II) Narratives;
III) Posters;
IV) Data triangulation.
We recall that, for data analysis and discussion, we will consider the
participation of two teachers (Renato and Bethânia), the assistant principal (Beth)
and three students (Pedro, Flávio and Márcio) who participated in the research.[...]"
Scientific Articles



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