Mini Quiz Biostatistics Inter 2021

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Question] Answer saved Marked out of 10.00 & Flog question Toevaluate the ettectiveness of 2 diferent smoking cessation programs, smokers are randomized to receive either program A or program B. Of 6 smokers on program A, | stopped ‘smoking and 5 did not.Of 6 smokers on program 8, 4 stopped smoking and 2 didnot. Which stotistical procedure would you use to test the null hypotheses that the programs are equally effective and to obtain a p-value? Select one: Q. Paired t- test b. Fisher exact test c, 2samplet- test i. Mann-Whitney (Wwicoxon rank sum) nonporametric test Chi Square Test Question 2 Answer saved Marked out of 10.00 ¥ Flog question Measurements on a (random) sompie of babies born to mothers who took “Prescription Drug A~ during pregnancy were compared to measurements on a (random) sample of babies born to mothers who did not take “Prescription Drug A”. A statistically significant difference in the mean ead circumference was found between children born to the two groups of mothers with p = 0.03. Based only on this information you can conclude Select one: _@, Thereis a 3% chance the null hypothesis is true. __ b, Taking “Prescription Drug A" is not associated with an increased child head circumference. ¢, Toking’Prescription Drug A" during pregnancy couses a reduction in child's head circumference. The sample mean diterence in children’s head circumterence between children born © totne so groups of motners is cnicaly mportant/sgnitcant. __ @, Taking Prescription Drug A" Is associated with an increased child head circumference. Question 3 Answer saved Marked out of 10.00 & Flog question ‘The changes in blood pressure after oral contraceptive use were calculated for 75 women. A statistics test was used to determine if there was a statistically significant change in blood pressure. Please state the null hypotheses Select one: 1G. There is no ditference between oral contraceptive use and blood pressure 'b, There is no litference in mean of blood pressure between women who use an oral contraceptive and women who use non-oral contraceptive use ¢, There Is no aitference in mean of blood pressure of women before and after oral © contraceptive use d._ There is no aliference proportion of blood pressure between women who use an oral contraceptive and women who use non-oral contraceptive use @, There is difference in mean of blood pressure between women who use an oral contraceptive and women who use non-oral contraceptive use Clear my choice 5 40 45 20 Blood glucose (mmol/L) Figure 11.10 Data of Figure 11.9 with regression line, showing differences between observed and fitted values. Select one: 1a. I the mean value of Vet blood glucose level increases by Immol/t the mean value of Vet increases by 0.02%/s blood glucese level increases by I mmol/L __ b. the slopes far trom zero c._ it the blood glucose level increases by | mmol/t the mean value of Vct increases by o0zx/s d_ the slope is near from zero ©. there is @ negative correlation between Vl and blood glucose Question 5 ‘Answer saved Marked out of 10.00 F Flag avestion When do we need to use Fisher Exact test? Select one: a b. When one of the expected cell countsin the contingency table is «5 When one of the variables analyzed is ordinal When one of the observed cell counts in the contingency table is < 5 When the study design is case contro! When we want to analyze the trend Clear my choice Question 6 it you wont to do data entry using Epidata, how many file(s) that you should make? Not yet ‘onewored Select one: Marked out of G. Thee files with the extensions: CSV, REQ, CHK 10.00 0 eae tb. Fivefiles with the extensions: REC, CHK, CSV, SAV, DAT question - C, Three files with the extensions: Q&S, REC, CHK Four files with tne extensions: QES, REC, CHK, SAV ‘Three file with the extensians:.QES, REQ. CHQ Clear my choice Question 7 Not yet answered Marked out of 10.00 ¥ Rog question ‘The table below show correlation result between hypertension and low birth weight Chu Square Tests Unatinood Rate her's Exact Test Linear bp Linear Associaton Notvaua Cases 7 1 cat (250% nave enpectea count , Computed ony for a 22 tate (ew): Which one the correct interpretation of the following statements? Select one: __ a. Nullnypotnesis is rejected because p-value 10.05 'b, The volue that we use to Interpret I Pearson chi-square, ¢, Null hypothesis filed to reject d__There is inear relationship ond the strength is 463 @. Atemative nypotnesis accepted Question 8 ‘Not yet answered Marked out of 10.00 F Flog question Which ot these variables is not continuous data? Select one: _ @. Body height incm b, Anemia status tor pregnant women ¢. Blood pressure for eystole and diastole d. Aperson weight @. Body mass index in kg/m? Clear my choice Question 9 Not yet ‘answered Marked out of 10.00 F Flag queaton ‘Two hundred hypertensive patients are randomized to either a diet program or an exercise program. (102 patients to diet program, 98 patients to exercise program) Blood pressure is. ‘Measured on each patient both before the programs start and 3 months after the start of each program. The correct statistical procedure to determine whether or not the mean blood Pressure change (atfter-before) was statistically significantly different for the two programs is: Select one: a, Two sample independent t-test b, Fisher's exoct test ¢, Paired t-test d._ Wilcoxon-rank test fe, Monn-whitney » Clear my choice question 10 Not yet conswered Morked out of 10.00 Rog ‘question From tie below please noose the comoct eterpretaton Correlations | —_{ewn | 9 Crycount Pearson Correlation ‘Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2+tailed) N * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2- tailed). Select one: @, Ournullhypothesis accepted bb, There's near relationship ana tne strengin is 0358 ‘c._ Theres no linear refationship between 19 and crycount d__ Ouratternative hypothesis accepted 2. Crycount could explain 35.8% of 1@ variation

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