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Group : M5B

Experiment Code : 1OS3


Lecturer’s / Examiner’s
Name :
Starting Date (1st
session) :
Ending Date (2nd
Submission Date : 15/5/2023




(student’s full name and ID number)

hereby declare that this laboratory report is my own work. I further declare


1. The references / bibliography reflect the sources I have consulted,


2. I also certify that this report has not previously been submitted
for assessment in this or any other units, and that I have not copied
in part or whole or otherwise plagiarized the work of other
students and/or persons.

3. Sections with no source referrals are my own ideas, arguments

and/or conclusions.

Signature: Date:





First Year Laboratory Report


This experiment aimed to investigate the properties of converging and diverging
lenses, as well as the construction and magnification of a telescope and microscope. In part
A, the focal length of a converging lens was determined to be (10.16 ± 0.02) cm, with a low
percentage difference of 2.5%. Part B involved the determination of the position and
properties of a virtual image formed by a diverging lens. The virtual image was found to be
located at -7.8 cm and had a magnification of -0.39. Part C focused on constructing and
determining the magnification of a telescope, yielding an overall magnification of 1.89, with
a discrepancy of 5.45% from the theoretical value. In part D, the magnification of a
microscope was determined to be -5.23, indicating the ability to produce an enlarged and
virtual image. Overall, the experiment successfully achieved its objectives, providing
valuable insights into the properties and applications of lenses.


1. To determine the focal length of a converging lens by forming an image on the

viewing screen;
2. To discover the position of a virtual image formed by a diverging lens;
3. To construct and determine the magnifications of a
a. Telescope;
b. Microscope.


First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. John Soo Yue Han,
whose explanation and guidance are the key to success and completion of this experiment.

I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the
laboratory assistants for preparing the required apparatus and materials for the experiment.

I also take this opportunity to thank my laboratory partner Mahirah Qistina Binti
Mashrizam for being cooperative and helpful throughout the experiment.


REPORT SUBMISSION FORM...............................................................................................1
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY......................................................................................2
LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................7
LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................................7
1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................8
1.1 What Is Lens?...................................................................................................................8
1.2 The Property of Lens........................................................................................................8
2.0 THEORY..............................................................................................................................9
2.1 Lens Maker’s Equation and Thin Lens Equation.............................................................9
Use of Lens maker’s equation and thin lens equation......................................................11
2.2 Microscope and Telescope.............................................................................................11
3.0 EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY.............................................................................14
Part A: Focal Length and Magnification of a Thin Lens.....................................................14
Part B: Virtual Images..........................................................................................................14
Part C: The Telescope..........................................................................................................15
Part D: The Microscope.......................................................................................................16
4.0 DATA AND ANALYSIS..................................................................................................17
Part A: Focal Length and Magnification of a Thin Lens.....................................................17
Finding focal length, fx and its standard error...................................................................18
Finding focal length, fy and its standard error...................................................................19
Find Md,1, Ms,1 Mean M 1 and percentage difference, %..................................................20
Find Md,2, Ms,2 Mean M 2 and percentage difference, %..................................................20
Part B: Virtual Images..........................................................................................................21
Part C: The Telescope..........................................................................................................22
Part D: The Microscope.......................................................................................................23
5.0 DICUSSIONS....................................................................................................................25
6.0 CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................26
7.0 REFERENCE.....................................................................................................................26

Figure 1: Converging lenses and diverging lenses. …………………………………….…….
Figure 2: Light refracted at the first surface of a thin lens. …………………………………..
Figure 3: Light refracted at the second surface of a thin lens. ……………..……….………..
Figure 4: A compound microscope is composed of two lenses: an objective and an
eyepiece. …………………………………………………………………….....….12
Figure 5: Simple refracting telescopes with two convex lenses. ……………………………
Figure 6: Experimental setup for Part A. ……………………………………………………
Figure 7: First experiment setup for Part B. …………………………………………………
Figure 8: Second experiment setup for Part B. …………………………………..………… 15
Figure 9: Third experiment setup for Part B. ………………...……………………………..
Figure 10: Experimental setup for Part C. …………………………………………………...
Figure 11: Experimental setup for Part D. …………………………………………………. 16
Figure 12: Graph of 1/i (cm-1) against 1/o (cm-1). ………………………………………….. 17
Figure 13: Ray diagram for part B. ………………………………………………………….

Table 1: Sign convention for lens-maker’s equation and the thin lens equation. ……...……
Table 2: Focal Length and Magnification of a Thin Lens. ……………………….…………
Table 3: The LINEST function. ………………………………………………………….….
Table 4: Values of x-intercept, y-intercept, fx, fy, f̅ and their errors. …………………………
Table 5: Values of Md,1, Md,2, |Ms,1|, |Ms,2|, Mean |M1|, Mean |M2|, and their
percentage difference. ……………………….………………………………….… 21
Table 6: Measurements for Part B. ……………………………………….………………….
Table 7: Measurements for Part C. …………………………………….…………………….
Table 8: Measurement for part D. ………………………………………………………….. 23


1.1 What Is Lens?

Lenses are found in a huge array of optical instruments, ranging from a simple magnifying
glass to the eye to a camera’s zoom lens. A lens is a piece of transparent material that is
shaped so as to cause light rays to bend in a specific way as they pass through it, whether
that means making the rays converge to a specific point or to diverge as if from a specific
point. The material used could be a piece of glass or plastic, and the shape of the lens
determines whether it causes light rays to converge or diverge.

The actual bending of light rays produced by a lens occurs because the lens
material has a different index of refraction than the surrounding air. This behaviour is
described by Snell’s law for refraction, which relates the different in angle between the
incident and refracted light ray to the indices of refraction for the two materials.

Lenses are classified either as converging or diverging lenses:

Figure 1: Converging lenses and diverging lenses.

1.2 The Property of Lens

A lens has the valuable property of forming images of objects situated in front of it. Single
lenses are used in eyeglasses, contact lenses, pocket magnifiers, projection condensers, signal
lights, viewfinders, and on simple box cameras. More often a number of lenses made of
different materials are combined together as a compound lens in a tube to permit the
correction of aberrations. Compound lenses are used in such instruments as cameras,
microscopes, and telescopes for optical magnification.


2.1 Lens Maker’s Equation and Thin Lens Equation

Thin lenses are lenses where the distance between the two refracting surfaces is very small
compared to their radii of curvature. When light passes through a lens, it will be refracted
twice. Hence, to determine the position of the final image formed, the refraction equation
needs to be used twice. Thus, a single equation can be derived to replace the double use of the
refraction equation.

Where the refraction equation is:

n1 n2 n2−n 1 (1)
+ =
u v r

For thin lenses, the object distance, u, is almost the same as the distance of the object from
the first refracting surface. Consider a thin lens with radii of curvature r 1 and r2 made with
material of refractive index n2.

Figure 2: Light refracted at the first surface of a thin lens.

Using the equation of refraction for the first surface,

n1 n2 n2−n1
+ = (2)
u v1 r1
The image formed by this first refracting surface, I 1, becomes a virtual object for the second
refracting surface. Hence the object distance for the second refracting surface, u 2 = -v1.
Again, we can ignore the thickness of the lens since it is a thin lens.

Figure 3: Light refracted at the second surface of a thin lens.

Using the equation of refraction for the second surface,
n2 n 1 n1−n2
+ = (3)
−v 1 v r2

Adding up Equation (2) and (3),

n1 n1 n2−n 1 n1−n2
+ = +
u v r1 r2
n1 n1 n2−n 1 n2−n1
+ = −
u v r1 r2
1 1 1 1
n1 ( + )=(n2−n1)( − )
u v r1 r2
1 1 n2 1 1 (4)
( + )=( −1)( − )
u v n1 r1 r 2

The definition of the focal length of a converging lens tells us that if u =  , then v = f.


1 1 n2 1 1
( + )=( −1)( − )
∞ f n1 r1 r2
1 n2 1 1 (5)
=( −1)( − )
f n1 r1 r2

Equation (5) is known as the lens-maker’s equation.

If the external medium is air (n1 = 1.0), then the lens-maker’s equation can be simplified to

1 1 1
=(n−1)( − )
f r1 r2

Where n is the refractive index of the lens

Comparing equation (4) with equation (5), we obtain the thin lens equation

1 1 1
+ = (6)
u v f

Use of Lens maker’s equation and thin lens equation

The sign convention for lens-maker’s equation and the thin lens equation are as follows:

Table 1: Sign convention for lens-maker’s equation and the thin lens equation.
Positive Negative
Object distance, u Real object Virtual object
Image distance, v Real image Virtual image
Radius of curvature, r Surface convex to the Surface concave to the
incident ray incident ray
Focal length, f Converging lens Diverging lens

The relative size of the image compared to the object is known as the linear magnification, m,

−Image height , h1
m= (7)
Object height , h0

Linear magnification is also given by the ratio of image distance to object distance


Note that if the image is upright, 𝑀 is positive; if the image is inverted, 𝑀 is negative.

A virtual image cannot be viewed on a screen, it forms where the backwards (

extensions of diverging rays cross. We can see a virtual image by looking at it through
8 a lens
or mirror. Like all images, a virtual image formed by a lens or mirror can serve as )the object
of another lens or mirror.

When two thin lenses are used, we can analyse the distances by taking the image from
one lens as the object for the second. The observer views an image that is “an image of an
image”. The overall magnification M of a two-lens system is equal to the product of the
magnifications of the individual lenses, 𝑀1 and 𝑀2:

−v 1 −v 2 (9)
M =M 1 M 2=( )( )
u1 u2
2.2 Microscope and Telescope


Although the eye is marvellous in its ability to see objects large and small, it obviously is
limited in the smallest details it can detect. The desire to see beyond what is possible with the
naked eye led to the use of optical instruments. A single convex lens with magnification
greater than 5× is difficult without distorting the image. To get higher magnification, we can
combine the simple magnifying glass with one or more additional lenses. The
simplest compound microscope is constructed from two convex lenses (Figure 4).
The objective lens is a convex lens of short focal length (i.e., high power) with
typical magnification from 5× to 100×. The eyepiece, also referred to as the ocular, is a
convex lens of longer focal length. The purpose of a microscope is to create magnified

images of small objects, and both lenses contribute to the final magnification. Also, the final
enlarged image is produced sufficiently far from the observer to be easily viewed, since the
eye cannot focus on objects or images that are too close.

Figure 4: A compound microscope is composed of two lenses: an objective and an eyepiece.

Consider its two lenses in succession, the object is just beyond the focal length, Fo of
the objective lens, producing a real, inverted image that is larger than the object. This first
image serves as the object for the second lens, or eyepiece. The eyepiece is positioned so that
the first image is within its focal length, Fe so that it can further magnify the image. In a
sense, it acts as a magnifying glass that magnifies the intermediate image produced by
the objective lens. The image produced by the eyepiece is a magnified virtual image. The
final image remains inverted but is farther from the observer than the object, making it easy
to view. The eye views the virtual image created by the eyepiece, which serves as the object
for the lens in the eye. The virtual image formed by the eyepiece is well outside the focal
length of the eye, so the eye forms a real image on the retina.

The magnification of the microscope is the product of the linear magnification Mo by

the objective and the angular magnification Me by the eyepiece. These are given by
obj obj
−d i di (10)
M o= obj ≈−
do Fo
25 cm (11)
M e =1+

Here, F0 and Fe are the focal lengths of the objective and the eyepiece, respectively. We
assume that the final image is formed at the near point of the eye, providing the
largest magnification. Note that the angular magnification of the eyepiece is the same as
obtained earlier for the simple magnifying glass. This should not be surprising, because
the eyepiece is essentially a magnifying glass, and the same physics applies here. The net
magnification Mnet of the compound microscope is the product of the linear magnification of
the objective and the angular magnification of the eyepiece by using Equation (9):


−d i (F e +25 cm)
M net =M o M o =
Fo Fe

Telescopes are meant for viewing distant objects and produce an image that is larger than the
image produced in the unaided eye. Telescopes gather far more light than the eye, allowing
dim objects to be observed with greater magnification and better resolution.

Figure 5: Simple refracting telescopes with two convex lenses.

Figure 5 shows a refracting telescope made of two lenses. The first lens, called
the objective, forms a real image within the focal length of the second lens, which is called
the eyepiece. The image of the objective lens serves as the object for the eyepiece, which
forms a magnified virtual image that is observed by the eye.

The object is so far from the telescope that it is essentially at infinity compared with
the focal lengths of the lenses d obj
o ≈ ∞, so the incoming rays are essentially parallel and focus
on the focal plane. Thus, the first image is produced at
d i =F o

Astronomical telescopes are usually built so that the first image forms exactly at the
focal point of the eyepiece lens. In this case, the separation between the lenses is exactly 𝑑 =
Fo + Fe, which is the length of the telescope tube. The magnification of an astronomical
telescope with the object at infinity, and with F o and Fe both coincident with the first image, is
defined as the ratio of the focal length of the objective to that of the eyepiece:
Fo di
M = = eye (13)
Fi do


Part A: Focal Length and Magnification of a Thin Lens

Figure 6: Experimental setup for Part A.

The light source and the screen are placed at the 0 cm and 100 cm marks on the optics
bench, respectively, with the light source’s crossed-arrow object facing toward the screen.
The +𝟏𝟎 cm lens is placed between them. Starting with the lens close to the screen, the lens
is slide away from the screen to a position where a clear image of the crossed-arrow object is
formed on the screen. This position of the lens, the size of the crossed-arrow (object size, 𝑠𝑜)
and the size of the projected image of the crossed-arrow on the screen (image size, 𝑠𝑖) are
recorded in Table 2. Without moving the screen or the light source, the lens is moved to a
second position where the image is in focus. This second position of the lens, and the
corresponding object and image sizes are recorded in Table 2. The entire crossed-arrow
pattern cannot be seen on the screen, so in this situation, the image and object sizes are
measured as the distance between two index marks on the pattern. The experiment is repeated
again by changing the position of the screen to 90 cm, 80 cm, 70 cm, 60 cm, and 50 cm,
respectively. For each screen position, find two lens positions where clear images formed are
found. For the repeated experiment, the image and object sizes are not measured. From the
data gathered, a graph of 1/o and 1/i is plotted to find the x and y intercept with their
corresponding values of f. The mean of f 1 and f2 is the focal length of the thin lens used.
Based on Table 2, the values of magnification M d and absolute magnification Ms are found

Part B: Virtual Images

Figure 7: First experiment setup for Part B.

Figure 8: Second experiment setup for Part B.

Figure 9: Third experiment setup for Part B.

The −𝟏𝟓 cm lens is placed on the bench at the 30 cm mark. The light source is placed
at the 10 cm mark with the crossed-arrow object toward the lens. By looking through the lens
toward the light source (Figure 7), the properties of the image is observed and recorded in
Table 3. Then, the +𝟐𝟎 cm lens is placed on the bench at the 65 cm mark (Figure 8). The
viewing screen is placed behind the positive lens. The screen is slide to a position where a
clear image is formed on it and its position is recorded. The negative lens is removed from
the bench (Figure 9). The light source is slide to a new position so that a clear image is
formed on the screen. The bench position of the light source is recorded. A scaled diagram
(without the rays) is draw to show the positions of the light source (initial), both lenses, the
screen, and both the real and virtual images.

Part C: The Telescope

Figure 10: Experimental setup for Part C.

The optics bench is set such that its 0 cm end points toward an open window in the
laboratory (Figure 10). The lights inside the laboratory are dimmed. The +𝟐𝟎 cm lens
(objective) is mounted at the 80 cm mark. The viewing screen is installed at the end of the

track. The viewing screen is moved towards the lens until a sharp image of the object is seen.
Fine adjustments are made and the exact positions of the objective lens and the first image
along the track are recorded in Table 4. The properties of the first image are recorded in
Table 4. The +𝟏𝟎 cm lens (eyepiece) is mounted 10 cm behind the first image. This should
make the separation between the lenses ~30 cm. The viewing screen is removed. With only
one eye open, the object is observed through the eyepiece directly. The eyepiece is moved
forward or backwards a little bit, as needed, until a very sharp, enlarged image of the object is
formed. The position of the eyepiece is recorded. Based on Table 4, the total magnification of
the telescope is calculated.

Part D: The Microscope

Figure 11: Experimental setup for Part D.

The +𝟏𝟎 cm lens is mounted at the 60 cm mark. The light source is installed at the 45
cm mark (15 cm behind the +𝟏𝟎 cm lens), with the crossed-arrows facing the lens. The
viewing screen is installed on the other side of the lens, as illustrated in Figure 11. The
viewing screen is moved towards the lens until a sharp image of the crossed-arrows is seen.
The location of this first image is recorded in Table 5. Then, the properties of the first image
are recorded in Table 5. The +𝟐𝟎 cm lens is mounted directly behind the viewing screen.
With the eye very close to the +𝟐𝟎 cm lens, look through the lens as it is moved back away
from the viewing screen. The lens is stopped when a sharp and enlarged image formed at the
back of the viewing screen. The viewing screen and the light source is removed. A copy of
the grid is hold against the viewing screen using a rubber band. The screen with the grid is
placed in the exact same position where the light source used to be. The very small message
written in the middle of the grid will be the object. By looking through the eyepiece and
moving the head around, the image of the small message is found. This lens is moved slightly
to focus it. The grid is moved, if needed, to centre the message in the field of view. The
position of the eyepiece is recorded. Based on Table 5, the total magnification of the
microscope is calculated.


Part A: Focal Length and Magnification of a Thin Lens

Table 2: Focal Length and Magnification of a Thin Lens.

Positions (cm)
o (cm) i (cm) 1/o 1/i so (mm) si (mm)
Screen Lens
88.6 88.6 11.4 0.0113 0.0877 42.0 5.5
11.6 11.6 88.4 0.0862 0.0113 10.0 77.0
78.6 78.6 11.4 0.0127 0.0877
11.8 11.8 78.2 0.0847 0.0128
68.1 68.1 11.9 0.0147 0.0840
12.1 12.1 67.9 0.0826 0.0147
57.9 57.9 12.1 0.0173 0.0826
12.3 12.3 57.7 0.0813 0.0173
47.0 47.0 13.0 0.0213 0.0769
13.3 13.3 46.7 0.0752 0.0214
35.9 35.9 14.1 0.0279 0.0709
14.3 14.3 35.7 0.0699 0.0280

Graph of 1/i against 1/o


f(x) = − 1.02528628162394 x + 0.0996210726029413
R² = 0.999570651690387


1/i (cm-1)







1/o (cm-1)

Figure 12: Graph of 1/i (cm-1) against 1/o (cm-1).
Table 3: The LINEST function.
m -1.025 0.0996 c
σm 0.007 0.0004 σc
r 0.9996 0.0007 σy

Finding focal length, fx and its standard error

Find x-intercept when y=0,

0=m x intercept + c
x intercept=
x intercept=
x intercept=0.0972 cm

Let 1/o = 0.0972 cm-1 to find fx,

1 1
fx o
f x =10.29 cm

Standard error of fx

1 1
fx o
f x=
x intercept

[ ] √[ ]
Sm ( f x) Sm ( x intercept )
fx x intercept

] √[ √[ ]

][ ]
2 2
Sm( c ) S (m)
x intercept + m
[Sm ( f x)

[ ] √[ ] [ ]
2 2
Sm ( f x) Sm ( c ) S m ( m)
= +
fx c m

[ ] √[
Sm ( f x)
][ ]
2 2
0.0004 0.007
= +
10.29 0.0996 −1.025
Sm ( f x )=±0.0786 cm

Finding focal length, fy and its standard error

Find y-intercept when x=0,

y=0.0996 cm

Let 1/i = 0.0996 cm-1 to find fy,

1 1
fy i
f y =10.04 cm

Standard error of fy

1 1
fy i
f y=
y intercept

[ ] √[ ]
Sm( f y ) Sm ( y intercept )
fy y intercept

√[ √[ ] ]
Sm (c )
y intercept
[ ] Sm( f y )
y intercept

[ ] √[ ]
Sm( f y ) Sm ( c )
fy c

[Sm( f y )
] √[ ]
10.04 0.0996
Sm ( f y )=± 0.0394 cm

Mean of fx and fy with its percentage difference

f x+ f y
f =10.16 cm

Standard error of f

With the help of Excel, the standard deviation is found to have a value of 0.0277 cm

standard deviation
Standard error of f =
Standard error of f =
Standard error of f =0.0196 cm

Table 4: Values of x-intercept, y-intercept, fx, fy, f̅ and their errors.

0.0972 fx 10.29 ± 0.08 cm
0.0996 fy 10.04 ± 0.04 cm
f̅ 10.16 ± 0.02 cm
% diff. 2.50 %

Find Md,1, Ms,1 Mean |M 1| and percentage difference, %

M d , 1=
M d , 1=
M d , 1=0.129

| |
M s , 1=
s i ,1
s o ,1

| |
M s , 1=
M s , 1=0.131

M d ,1 + M s ,1
Mean|M 1|=
0.129+ 0.131
Mean|M 1|=
Mean|M 1|=0.130

Percentage difference , %=
| Mean| M 1| |
M d , 1−M s ,1
× 100 %

Percentage difference , %= |0.129−0.131

0.130 |×100 %
Percentage difference , %=1.76 %

Find Md,2, Ms,2 Mean |M 2| and percentage difference, %

M d , 2=

M d , 2=
M d , 2=7.621

M s , 2=
| |
s i ,2
s o ,2

M s , 2= | |
M s , 2=7.700

M d ,2 + M s ,2
Mean|M 2|=
Mean|M 2|=
Mean|M 2|=7.660

Percentage difference , %=
| Mean| M 2| |
M d , 2−M s ,2
× 100 %

Percentage difference , %= |7.621−7.700

7.660 |×100 %
Percentage difference , %=1.04 %

Table 5: Values of Md,1, Md,2, |Ms,1|, |Ms,2|, Mean |M1|, Mean |M2|, and their percentage
Using o and i: Md,1 0.129 Md,2 7.621
Using so and si: |Ms,1| 0.131 |Ms,2| 7.700
Mean | Mean |
0.130 7.660
M1| M2|
% diff. 1.76 % diff. 1.04

Part B: Virtual Images

Table 6: Measurements for Part B.

Positions (cm)
Light Light i theo
-15 cm +20 cm o (cm) i (cm) M
source Screen source (cm)
lens lens
(initial) (final)
10.0 30.0 65.0 99.7 22.2 20.0 -7.8 -0.39

o=20.0 cm

i=−7.8 cm


M =−0.39
Light source -15 cm lens +20 cm lens Screen
10 cm 30.0 cm 65.0 cm 99.7 cm


22.2 cm 99.7 cm

10 cm

Figure 13: Ray diagram for part B.

Properties of the image by the first lens: upright, reduced and closer to the object than lens

Part C: The Telescope

Table 7: Measurements for Part C.

Positions (cm)
Objective Eyepiec io (cm) oe (cm) ie (cm) Me M Mtheo % disc.
lens e
80.0 99.1 109.2 19.1 10.1 1010.0 100.0 1.89 2.00 5.45

First image properties: inverted, reduced, real

i o=99.1−80.0
i o=19.1 cm

o e =109.2−99.1
o e =10.1 cm

1 1 1
= +
f o i
1 1 1
= +
10 10.1 i e
i e =1010.0 cm

M e= c
M e=
M e =100.0


M =1.89

M e=
+ 20 cm
M e=
+ 10 cm
M e =+2.00

Percentage of discrepancy= | ExperimentalTheoretical

value−Theoretical value
value |×100 %
2.00 |
×100 %
¿ 5.45 %

Part D: The Microscope

Table 8: Measurement for part D.

Positions (cm)
oo io oe ie
Light Objective Mo Me M
Screen Eyepiece (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
source lens
45.0 60.0 91.8 103.8 15.0 31.8 12.0 -30.0 2.09 -2.50 -5.23

First image properties: inverted, enlarged, real

Oo=15.0 cm

i o=91.8−60.0
i o=31.8 cm

Oe =103.8−91.8
Oe =12.0 cm

1 1 1
= +
f o i
1 1 1
= +
20 12.0 i e
i e =−30.0 cm

M o=
+31.8 cm
M o=
+15.0 cm
M o=+ 2.09

M e=
−30.0 cm
M e=
+ 12.0 cm
M e =−2.50

M =M o × M e
M =+2.09 ×−2.50
M =−5.23


Based on the data in Table 1, a graph of 1/i (cm-1) against 1/o (cm-1) is plotted as shown in
Figure 12. Then, Table 2 the LINEST function is created and calculated by using Excel.
From Figure 12 and Table 2, it is found that the value of 1/i decreases with the increase of
1/o and the value of r2 almost equal to 1 hence we can deduce that i is inversely proportional
to o or vice versa when the focal length of the lens, f used are fixed. The focal length of the
converging lens used can be determined from the x and y intercepts of graph in Figure 12.
From the calculations above, it is calculated that the two focal lengths obtained each are
f x =( 10.29 ± 0.08 ) cm and f y =( 10. 04 ± 0.0 4 ) cm. These two values of f give a mean focal
length f =( 10.16 ± 0.02 ) cm which has a percentage difference of merely 2.5 % shows that the
result yield is quite consistent. The magnification of the images formed can be calculated by
using both the position of the lens and by comparing the size of the object and image formed.
When the lens is nearer to the object than the image, the value of M d , 1 and |M s , 1| obtained
are each M d , 1=0.129 and |M s , 1|=0.131 which give a mean, Mean|M 1|=0.130 with
percentage difference of 1.76 %. This result shows that the size of the image is reduced when
the converging lens is placed nearer to the object than the lens. On the other hand, when the
lens is nearer to the image than the object, the value of M d , 2 and |M s , 2| obtained are each
M d , 2=7.621 and |M s , 2|=7.700 which give a mean, Mean|M 2|=7.660 with percentage
difference of 1.04 %. This result shows that the size of the image is enlarged when the
converging lens is placed nearer to the lens than the object.

In the part B to find the position of virtual image formed by a diverging lens, when
the light first pass through -15 cm diverging lens, the light will be diverged and formed an
image on the same side as the object/the left side of the lens as shown in the ray diagram in
Figure 13. This image is virtual and cannot be observed by naked eyes. Then, the light ray of
this virtual image will continue to travel to the +20.0 cm converging lens and acts as object
for the second lens. The light ray is converged and the final image produced falls on 99.7 cm
on the optic bench. The position of this virtual image however can be found by removing the
diverging lens and adjusting the light source to the position of the image until a clear image is
formed on the screen. The position of the virtual image is determined at 12.2 cm from the
object and 7.8 cm in front of the diverging lens. Thus, the value of i is -7.8 cm in which the
negative sign shows that the image is virtual. It is also found that the virtual image has a
magnification of −0.39 . From the value of M and the ray diagram, the virtual image
properties are upright, reduced and closer to the objects than the lens.

In part C to construct and determine the magnification of a telescope, two pieces of

converging lens are needed. When light from infinitely far travel to the telescope and pass
through the objective lens, the light is converged to approximately the focal length of the
lens. The properties of the first image formed is real, inverted and reduced. For the sake of
usability, the inverted image can be turned upright by using an eyepiece lens. The eyepiece
lens is positioned such that its focal length is roughly on the point of the first image to

produce a final real, upright, located at almost infinite distance image for the user. The
magnification, M e of the eyepiece is found to be M e =100 while the overall magnification M
of the telescope is M =1.89 which has a 5.45 % of discrepancy from the theoretical value of
M theo =2.00. This small error arises when the observer tried to position the second eyepiece
lens such that its focal length is roughly on the point of the first image by their own

In the part D of the experiment to construct and determine the magnification of a

microscope, the +10 cm objective lens will produce a real, inverted, and enlarged image at
91.8 cm on the optic bench. This image will act as the object for the second eyepiece lens at
103.8 cm to produce a virtual, enlarged and upright final image. The magnification of the
objective lens and eyepiece lens are each M o=2.09 and M e =−2.50 while the overall
magnification of the microscope is M =−5.23 . The value of M shows that microscope can
produce an enlarged and virtual image.

In a nutshell, the focal length of a converging lens in part A is f =( 10.16 ± 0.02 ) cm
which has a percentage difference of merely 2.5 %. The position of the virtual image in part
B is -7.8 cm. In part C and D, the magnification of telescope and microscope are each
M telescope=1.89 which has a 5.45 % of discrepancy from the theoretical value of M theo =2.00
and M microscope=−5.23 . Although the magnitude of both M telescope and M microscope are both larger
than 1, telescope and microscope have different property on how they function. The value of
M telescope shows the ability of a telescope to magnify an object very far away while M microscope
shows that microscope can magnify a small object at a near distance. Thus, all the objective
of the experiment has been achieved.


1. Halliday, D., Resnick, R. & Walker, J. (2020) Principles of Physics (11th ed.). Wiley.
2. Korneff, T. (1966). Introduction to Physics (1st ed.). Academic Press.
3. Brophy, J. J. (1990). Physics for Scientists and Engineers. McGraw-Hill.
4. Mitchell, F. H. (1969). Concept of Physics. Addison-Wesley.
5. R. Shankar. (2014). Fundamentals of Physics: Mechanics, Relativity, and
Thermodynamics. Yale University Press.


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