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I can listen, listen, and listen

I can speak, speak, and speak

I can read, read, read
I can write, write, and write
I can think, think, and think
I can listen, speak, read, write and think!

Who am I?
Who am I?

I am a little bright boy

I am a little bright girl
That is who I am.
You can do it!
I can do it!

We all can do it!

The cat, the cow, and the crab
Eat corn; eat corn
Eat corn; eat corn
crossing the camp and having a cramp
crossing the camp and having a cramp
crawling and limping, crawling and limping

Together they all lay down.


Activity 1: ad - families

d c

f ad h

l m

A. Choose a letter above to form a word with ad .

1.____ad 2._____ad
3.____ad 4._____ad
5.____ad 6._____ad
7.____ad 8._____ad

B. Read words with ad Families.

b…ad bad d…ad dad

c…ad cad f…ad fad
h…ad had l…ad lad
m…ad mad pad
s…ad sad wad

Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.

The lad.
The lad has an ad.
The lad is Tad.

This is dad.
Dad has an ad.
Dad reads an ad.

This is an ad.
Dad reads an ad.

This is Tad.
Tad reads an ad, too.

Activity 3: Reading with comprehension

My Dad

My dad had an ad. He read an ad. One day, dad was sad.
Tad got a pad and a match. Tad burned Dad’s ad. Dad was mad
at Tad. Tad was a cad. Tad said sorry Dad. Dad said, “It is all
right son.” Tad said, “Thank you Dad.” Dad answered, “You are
welcome, Tad.”

Question to answer.

1. Who had an ad?

a. dad b. tad c. mom
2. Why did Dad get mad?
a. Tad was bad b. Tad burned the ad
3. What did Tad say to Dad?
a. “I am sorry, Dad” b. nothing
4. What did dad say to Tad?
a. “It is all right, Tad.” b. “I am sorry, Tad.”

Lesson -2

Activity 1: am – families

d h

j am r

s y

A. Choose a letter above to form a word with am .
1.____am 2._____am
3.____am 4._____am
5.____am 6._____am
7.____am 8._____am
B. Read words with am families.

b….am bam c….am cam

d….am dam h….am ham
j….am jam j….am jam
N….am Nam r….am ram
S….am Sam y….am yam

Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.


This is Sam.
Sam is a little boy.
Sam is a little boy who lives in Nam.

The Ram

This is a ram.
This is Sam’s ram.
Sam and the ram live near the dam.

Sam and the Ram

Sam has a pet.

Sam has a pet ram.
Sam and his pet ram are good friends.
Sam and his pet ram lives in Nam.
Sam and his pet ram lives near the dam.

Sam, the Ram, and the Jam

Sam and his pet ram went to the dam.
Sam and his pet ram live near the dam.
Sam and his pet ram gathered some yam.
Sam cooked the yam into a jam

Activity 3: Reading with comprehension.

Sam and the ram.

Sam and the ram, got some yam.

Sam and the ram, got some yam near the dam. Sam cooked the
yam into a jam. Sam and the ram ate the jam.

Answer Questions:

1. Who are good friends?

2. What did they do?
3. Where did they go?
4. Do you have a friend?
5. Why do you like your friend?\

Lesson - 3

Activity 1: ag – families


s w

A. Choose a letter above to form a word with at .

11.____ag 2._____ag
3.____ag 4._____ag
5.____ag 6._____ag
7.____ag 8._____ag
.BB. Read words with ag Families

b…ag bag j… jag

h….ag hag g….ag gag
r….ag rag n….ag nag
s….ag sag w…ag wag
f….ag fag l….ag lag
Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.

The Red Bag

This is a red bag.

This is a big bag
This is a big red bag
The Hag

The Hag.
The Hag had a bag.
The Hag dragged the bag.
The Hag dragged the bag full of rags.

Activity 3: Reading with comprehension.

The Red Bag

This is a red bag.
This is a big bag
This is a big red bag.

Questions to answer:

1. What can you see in the picture?

2. How do you describe the bag?
3. What is the color of the bag?
4. Do you like the bag,Why?


This is Mama.
Mama has a bag.
Mama has a big bag.
Mama has a big red bag.
Mama loves the big red bag.

Questions to answer:

1. Who had a red bag?

2. Did she like the bag?
3. Why did she love the bag?
4. What kind of color do you want? Why?


Activity 1: an – families

w D
r an
V t p

A. Match the letters with an - families to form a word.

1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ___________

4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________
7. ____________ 8. ____________ 9. ____________

B. Read words with an families.


can Dan fan

van man ran

man wan pan

Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.

This is a fan.

This is a can.

This man had a pan.

This man is Dan.

Activity 3:
Reading with comprehension

This is Dan.
Dan had a fan.
Dan had a can.
Dan had a pan.
Dan had a yellow van too.

Questions to answer:
1. What is the name of the man?
2. What the man had.
3. Which thing did Dan have that you like best?
4. Why do you like it?
5. What kind of man is Dan?

Lesson 5

Activity 1: ap – word families

w l
n ap

A. Match the letters with ap families to form a word.

1. ____________ ___________ 2. ____________________
3. _______________________ 4. ______________________
5. ________________________ 6. _____________________
7. _________________________ 8._____________________
B. Read words with ap Families

cap lap map

nap rap sap

tap wap

Activity 2:
Reading phrases and sentences.

This is a map.

This is a cap.

The man had a nap.

Activity 3:
Reading with comprehension.

The man
The man had a cap.
The man had a cap and a map.
The man had a cap on his lap.
The man taps his lap.
The man had a nap under the tree.

Questions to answer:

1. Who had a cap and a map?

2. What did the man do?
3. Where is the man?
4. What do you think he is doing?

Lesson 6

Activity:1 ar – word families

j f

w ar c


A. Choose a letter above to form a word with ar .

B. Read Words with ar Families.

bar car jar Mar

far war tar par

Activity 2:

Reading phrases and sentences.

a blue car

The jar

Mar had a blue car

Activity 3:
Reading with comprehension

This is Mar.
Mar had a car.
Mar had a blue car.
Mar wash his car with a bar of soap.

Questions to answer:
1 .Who had a car?
2. What is the color of his car?
3. What did he do with his car?
4. Do you want to have a car?
5. Why? What will you do?

Lesson 7

Activity:1 at – word families


at f


A. Choose a letter above to form a word with at .

1. ________________ 2. _______________
3. ________________ 4. _______________
5. ________________ 6. _______________
7. ________________ 8. _______________
B. Read words with at Families.

bat cat fat hat

mat pat rat sat

Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.

A fat cat. A black rat.

A big bat.
A red mat.
`The rats

The rats sat on the mat.

The fat rats sat on the mat.
The fat black rats sat on the mat.

Activity 3:
Reading with comprehension
Nat and the Cat
This is Nat.
Nat had a cat.
Nat had a fat cat.
Nat pat the fat cat.
Nat pat the fat cat on the mat.
Nat pat the fat cat that sat on the mat.

Questions to answer:
1. Who is the girl in the story?
2. What is her pet?
3. What did she do with her pet?
4. Do you have a pet?
5. How did you take care of your pet?
Lesson 8

Activity:1 ed– word families

b f l

r T w


A. Choose a letter above to form a word with ed .

1. ________________ 2. _______________
3. ________________ 4. _______________
5. ________________ 6. _______________

B. Read words with ed Families.


bed fed led

red Ted wed

Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences

Ted wed

Ted fed

Red bed

Activity 3: Reading with comprehension.

This is Ned
Ned had a red bed.
Ned is in the bed.

Question to answer:

1. Who is the girl in the story?

2. What color is her bed?
3. Why do you think she is in bed?

Lesson 9

Activity:1 en– word families

z d


A. Choose a letter above to form a word with en.

1. ________________ 2. _______________
3. ________________ 4. _______________
5. ________________ 6. _______________
7. ________________ 8. _______________

B. Read words with en Families.


Ben den hen men

pen ten yen zen
Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.

Ben’s hen.

Ten eggs.

This is Ben.

Activity 3: Reading with comprehension.

Ben and the Hen

This is Ben.
Ben had a hen.
Ben’s hen is in a pen.
Ben’s hen has ten eggs.

Questions to answer:

1. Who is the boy in the story?

2. How many does Ben’s hen have?
3. Where is Ben’s hen?
4. What does Ben have?

Activity:1 et– word families

w g

p et n


A. Complete the words using et.
1. ______________ 2. _____________
3. ______________ 4. _____________
5. ______________ 6. _____________
7. ______________ 8. _____________

B. Read words with et Families.


bet get let met

pet set wet vet

Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.

wet pet

met the vet.

get the pet.

Activity 3: Reading with comprehension.

The pet.
The pet is sick.
The boy brings the pet to the vet.
The pet is in the bed.
The vet treats the pet.

Questions to answer:
1. What is the pet in the story?
2. Why did the boy bring the pet to the vet?
3. Who treats the pet?
4. What do you think happened to the pet?

Lesson -11

Activity:1 im– word families

b h d
r im s

A. Complete the words using im.

1. b_____________ 2. h_____________
3. r_____________ 4. s____________
5. d_____________ 6. J____________

B. read words with im word Families.


bim dim nim
rim him Tim
sim Jim Kim
Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.

This is Kim

This is Tim

The eyeglass rim.

Activity 3: Reading with comprehension.

Kim and Tim

Kim and Tim are good friends.
The room is dim.
Kim gave Tim his eyeglasses.

Questions to answer:

1. What is the story all about?

2. What did Tim gave Tim?
3. Why did Tim gave his eyeglasses?
4. Why Kim need eyeglasses?
5. How to take care of our eyes?

Lesson 12

Activity:1 ig– word families

j d f r

b ig p

A. Complete the words using ig.

1. _____________ 2. _____________
3. _____________ 4. _____________
5. _____________ 6. _____________

B. Read words with ig Families.


fig pig

wig dig

Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.

the pig
big pig dig
rig with a wig

Activity 3: Reading with comprehension.

The pig

The big pig.

The big pig digs.
The big pig digs in the mud.
The big pig gets dirty.

Questions to answer:

1.What is the story all about?

2.Where did the pig dig?

3.What do you think will happen to the pig?


Activity:1 it – word families


it f

P l

A. Choose a letter above to form a word with it .

1. ________________ 2. _______________
3. ________________ 4. _______________
5. ________________ 6. _______________
7. ________________ 8. _______________

B. Read the words with it families


bit hit fit lit
pit tit sit wit
Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.

lit a candle

hit a ball

the dog sit still

Activity 3:

Reading with comprehension

Lito and the candle

One night, there was a sudden blackout.

Lito lit the candle on the table.
Lito lit the candle in the kitchen.
Lito lit the candle in his room too.
Lito and his dog sit still beside the table.
Lito and his pet dog wait for the light to come back.

Questions to Answer:

1. What happen one night?

2. What did Lito do?

3. Where did Lito go?
4. What is Lito’s pet?
5. What did Lito and his pet do?

Activity:1 in – word families

b f


s t

A. Choose a letter above to form a word with in .

1. ________________ 2. _______________
3. ________________ 4. _______________
5. ________________ 6. _______________
7. ________________ 8. _______________
B. Read the words with in families
i+n ……in

bin fin kin

sin tin win

Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.

Fish fin tin bin win a game
Activity 3:

Reading with comprehension

The Fish in the bin

My father went to the sea to catch fish.

My father catches ten fishes.
He puts the ten- fishes in a tin bin.
The ten fishes are in a tin bin.

Question to Answer:
1. Who went fishing?
2. Where did father go?
3. How many fish did he catch?
4. Where did father put the fishes?
5. Why father catches fish?


Activity:1 ip – word families

h ip
p r

z s

A. Choose a letter above to form a word with ip .

1. ________________ 2. _______________
3. ________________ 4. _______________
5. ________________ 6. _______________
7. ________________ 8. _______________

B. Read the words with ip families

i+n ……ip

dip hip lip

sip tip zip
Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.

sip with lips

red lips Shake your hips

Activity 3:

Reading with comprehension

The Fat Little Boy

This is Bip.
Bip is a little boy.
He wanted to dance
He wanted to shake his hips.

Question to Answer:

1. Who is the boy in the story?

2. How will you describe him?
3. Why did he shake his hips?
4. Do you want to dance? Why?
5. What benefit can you get from dancing?


Activity:1 all – word families

b h
all t
m c

A. Choose a letter above to form a word with all.

1. ________________ 2. _______________
3. ________________ 4. _______________
5. ________________ 6. _______________
7. ________________ 8. _______________

B. Read the words with all families


ball hall call

hall mall tall

Activity 2: Reading phrases and sentences.

sit tall walk tall

The boy hit the ball.

The men stay in the wall.

Activity 3:

Reading with comprehension

Three Fat Men.

There are three fat men.

They are standing on the wall.
They are standing on the wall, because they are afraid of the ball.

Question to Answer:
1. What are the fat men doing?
2. How many fat men are there in the story?
3. How will you describe them?
4. Why did they stand in the wall?
5. What happen when you are hit with a ball?


A. Reading words with digraphs or consonant cluster

Sound as one

1. Fill the blanks with Sh

___op ____ook ____ade ___ake

2. Fill the blanks with th

____in ____ink ____ick ____ong

3. Fill the blanks with ch

_____ick _____eck _____in ____ick

4. Fill the blanks with wh

_____en _____at _____o _______e

B. Let us read together.

Colorful Shells

Shien was hungry. She went to the shore to buy some shell.
She bought colored blue, black, brown shells. Shien was
very happy to have the shells. She went home and gathered
sticks. She builds fire and cooks the shells. When the shells
were cooked, Shien eat them all and she was not hungry

C. Let us think together.

Story Map
Title: _______________________
Character: ___________________
Setting: _____________________
Problem: ____________________

Goal: _______________________

Events to reach solution:


Solution: _____________________

A. Reading words Initial consonant blend

Sound as one
1. Fill the blanks with br
______a ______ood _____ook ___oth

______ush _____ an _____ew ____ow

2. Fill the blanks with bl

_____ack ______ond _____ush _____ess

_____end _____ew _____ow ______own

3. Fill the blanks with st

______and ______ar ______ir ______ore

_____ick _____ack ____alk ______ood

B. Let us read together .

Brownie was a very big brown dog. Brownie loves to
eat stew, and sturdy bones. Every day, Brownie went to the
brook to have some exercise. Brownie went to the brook with his
Master Bruce. Brownie needs some exercise because of his
excess weight. Brownie needs to exercise to get the bad fat in

the body. After weeks of exercise, Brownie becomes fit and
C. Let us think together.

Story Map

Title: _______________________

Character: ___________________

Setting: _____________________

Problem: ____________________

Goal: _______________________

Events to reach solution:


Solution: _____________________


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