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Fracture Management for Primary Care

Updated Edition M. Patrice Eiff

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Fracture Management
for Primary Care

Management for
Primary Care
M. Patrice Eiff, MD
Department of Family Medicine
Oregon Health and Science University
Portland, Oregon

Robert Hatch, MD, MPH

Department of Community Health and Family Medicine
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida

Mariam K. Higgins
Medical Illustrator
Portland, Oregon
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Eiff, M. Patrice.
Fracture management for primary care / M. Patrice Eiff, Robert Hatch.—3rd ed.
   p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4377-0428-0 (pbk.)
1. Fractures. 2. Primary care (Medicine) I. Hatch, Robert, 1957- II. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Fractures, Bone—diagnosis. 2. Fractures, Bone—therapy. 3. Primary Health
Care—methods. WE 180]
RD101.E34 2012

Senior Acquisitions Editor: Kate Dimock

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M. Patrice Eiff, MD Adam Prawer, MD
Professor Family Medicine Resident
Department of Family Medicine Department of Family Medicine
Oregon Health and Science University Bayfront Medical Center
Portland, Oregon St. Petersburg, Florida
Robert L. Hatch, MD, MPH Michael Seth Smith, MD, PharmD
Professor University of Florida
Department of Community Health and Family Department of Community Health and
Medicine Family Medicine
University of Florida Gainesville, Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Charles W. Webb, DO, FAAFP
John Malaty, MD Associate Professor
Assistant Professor Director, Sports Medicine
Department of Community Health and Family Department of Family Medicine
Medicine Associate Professor
Shands Hospital at University of Florida Department of Family Medicine and Orthopedics
Gainesville, Florida Oregon Health and Science University
Portland, Oregon
Ryan C. Petering, MD
Clinical Instructor
Department of Family Medicine
Oregon Health and Science University
Portland, Oregon
Michael J. Petrizzi, MD
Clinical Professor
Department of Family Medicine
Virginia Commonwealth University School
of Medicine
Richmond, Virginia

From the earliest conception of this book through and casts. Another update in this edition is the
the publication of this third edition, it has always inclusion of patient education handouts that can
been our intent to produce a practical user-friendly be downloaded from the online version of the
book that helps clinicians manage their patients book. These handouts will give your patients infor-
who have fractures. We have accomplished this mation about the healing process and the kinds of
through a systematic approach to each fracture rehabilitation exercises they can do to return to
that enables you to find the information you need full activity after an injury. The online book also
quickly, including what to look for, what to do in includes videos covering techniques for splinting
the acute setting, how to manage the fracture long and reducing dislocations.
term, and when to refer. The many high-quality We would like to thank the many individuals
radiographs and illustrations help clinicians prop- who helped us in the preparation of this edition.
erly identify those fractures that can be managed We thank our contributing authors for their assis-
by primary care providers and those that need to tance with individual chapters and the appendix:
be referred. The basic systematic format of the text Ryan Petering, MD (Finger Fractures and Carpal
has been retained, but information from the second Fractures), Charles Webb, MD (Metacarpal Frac-
edition has been significantly revised to include tures), John Malaty, MD (Facial and Skull Frac-
current evidence and references. We have expanded tures), Adam Prawer, MD (Radius and Ulna
the discussion in the imaging sections for each Fractures), Michael Seth Smith, MD (Metatarsal
fracture to include evidence regarding preferred Fractures), and Michael Petrizzi, MD, and
modalities for identifying fractures. Aspects of the Timothy Sanford, MD (Appendix). We thank
emergency care of fractures, including guidelines Walter Calmbach, MD, for his contribution to the
for emergent referral and greater detail regarding first two editions of the book. We also thank
methods for closed reductions for fractures and dis- Janice Gaillard, senior developmental editor, at
locations, are featured in this edition. New radio- Elsevier for her guidance and advice. And finally,
graphs and illustrations have been added to give we are grateful to the many practicing clinicians
you optimal examples of the fractures you will who have encouraged us to take this next step
encounter. in pursuit of our vision to give you the most accu-
This edition builds on the success of the second rate and practical working guide to fracture
edition and gives you an even better reference for management.
your practice. One of the most notable changes is M. Patrice Eiff
the addition of an entire section devoted to step- Robert L. Hatch
by-step instructions on applying a variety of splints


Fracture Management: remark to the ED physician, “I don’t look at bone

A Personal View films too often, but even I can tell that these don’t
look quite right.”
I’ve always enjoyed teaching sports medicine and My X rays that “don’t look quite right” provide
fracture management, but I never aspired to an excellent tool to reinforce the orthopedic prin-
become an orthopedic teaching case. That was all ciple that one should always obtain two views
to change on the Mambo Run in January 1988. taken at 90-degree angles from each other when
While I was lying in the snow awaiting trans- evaluating skeletal injuries. At first glance the
port, my mind quickly began running through a X rays tend to create confusion and some head
differential diagnosis. My first thought was a femur scratching. Confusion turns to a somewhat queasy
or tibia fracture. A few torn ligaments were cer- feeling when viewers realize that they are looking
tainly a possibility. After the Ski Patrol member at the femur and tibia at 90-degree angles from
said, “Something doesn’t feel quite right,” I revised each other on the same view.
my differential to put patellar dislocation at the top One’s own joint injury or fracture can certainly
of the list. Of course, that must be it. I wanted that generate interest in orthopedics. In my case, my
to be it. knee dislocation fueled a passion to write this book
In the emergency department of the local hos- and help others manage patients with orthopedic
pital, I got the first glimpse of my knee. Admittedly injuries. There have been many advances in the
it didn’t look right, but I was unwilling to broaden management of fractures and imaging techniques
my differential. The physician on duty pulled since the first edition of this book was published in
the sheet back and said something like, “Oooh! 1998, but plain films can still tell a story. Even if
Give her some morphine and call the orthopedic my X-ray picture isn’t worth a thousand words, it
surgeon.” My concern was mounting. As I might be worth a teaching point or two.
was wheeled back from the X-ray department, I
overheard my surgeon and skiing companion M. Patrice Eiff, MD

The evaluation and management of patients with survey of West Virginian family physicians revealed
acute musculoskeletal injuries is a routine part of that 42% provided fracture care.6 The majority
most primary care practices. Distinguishing a frac- of the respondents of the survey practiced in
ture from a soft tissue injury is an essential part rural areas.
of clinical decision making for these injuries. The distribution of various types of fractures
To provide physicians, nurse practitioners (NPs), managed by family physicians has been reported in
and physician assistants (PAs) with adequate train- a few studies.7-9 Two of these studies were done in
ing and continuing education in fracture care, we military family practice residency programs, and
need to know more about the scope, content, and the other was performed in a rural residency prac-
outcome of this aspect of their practices. tice in Virginia. The distribution of fractures is
presented in Table 1-1. The most common injuries
encountered were fractures of the fingers, radius,
Primary Care Physicians metacarpals, toes, and fibula. A report of the epi-
Determining the extent of fracture management demiology of nearly 6000 fractures seen in an
performed by primary care providers starts with a orthopedic trauma unit in Scotland during the year
query of large databases that catalogue the most 2000 found the top five fracture locations to be
common diagnoses encountered in primary care. the distal radius, metacarpal, proximal femur,
The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey finger, and ankle.10
(NAMCS) is the most comprehensive database Family physicians vary in which fractures they
available to characterize visits to office-based phy- manage and which they refer. This is often based
sicians in many specialties.1,2 Based on the author’s on the accessibility of orthopedic specialists, prac-
(MPE) analysis of 2005 data, in a representative tical experience with fractures, and amount of frac-
national sample of more than 25,000 patient visits, ture management taught during family medicine
fractures and dislocations made up 1.2% of all residency training. In settings in which family phy-
visits and ranked 18th of the top 20 diagnoses. As sicians have considerable experience in fracture
expected, orthopedic surgeons saw most of the management, the overall rate of fracture referral to
patients with fractures (68%). Family physicians orthopedists varies from 16% to 25% (excluding
handled the majority of the remaining visits (10% fractures of the hip and face).6,8,11 Most fractures
of the total fracture visits). Visits to family physi- are referred because of the presence of at least one
cians, general internists, and general pediatricians complicated feature, such as angulation or dis-
accounted for approximately 18% of the total visits placement requiring reduction, multiple fractures,
for fracture treatment. Fracture diagnoses rank intraarticular fractures, tendon or nerve disruption,
thirteenth among children younger than 17 years or epiphyseal plate injury.
of age. Orthopedic surgeons provided 65%, family Although we have an understanding of the
physicians provided 6%, and pediatricians pro- common types of fractures seen by family physi-
vided 17% of the visits for pediatric fractures. cians, less is known about the outcomes of fractures
In a 1979 study using national, regional, and managed by family physicians. In a study of 624
individual practice data, orthopedic problems con- fractures treated by family physicians, healing
stituted approximately 10% of all visits to family times for nearly all fractures were consistent with
physicians, and fractures accounted for 6% to standard healing times reported in a primary care
14% of the orthopedic problems encountered.3 In orthopedic textbook (Table 1-2).8 In a retrospec-
studies done in the early 1980s, fracture care varied tive study, Hatch and Rosenbaum9 collected infor-
in rank from 19th to 28th in relation to other mation about the outcomes of 170 fractures
diagnoses made by family physicians.4,5 A 1995 managed by family physicians. Only four patients

Table 1-1 Percentage Distribution of Fractures Seen by Family Physicians

8 9
(N = 624)* (N = 268)* IBEN
(N = 411)†
Finger 17 18 12
Metacarpal 16 7 5
Radius 14 10 16
Toe 9 9 1
Fibula 7 7 7
Metatarsal 6 5 4
Clavicle 5 6 7
Radius and ulna 4 6 4
Carpal 2 1 5
Ulna 2 2 3
Humerus 2 4 3
Tibia 2 4 4
Tarsal 1 1 2
*Number of fractures.

Number of fracture visits.

had a significant decrease in range of motion, and have been found to provide care similar to one
only 10 patients had marked symptoms at the end another and physicians in regards to diagnostic,
of the follow-up period. Fractures requiring reduc- therapeutic, and preventive services in a primary
tion, intraarticular fractures, and scaphoid frac- care setting.12
tures had the worst outcomes. Complications A few studies have documented how often NPs
noted in the total group were minor and with rare encounter acute orthopedic problems in practice.
exception resolved fully during treatment. The A study of a nurse-managed health center in rural
authors concluded that the vast majority of frac- Tennessee found that minor trauma and acute mus-
tures treated by family physicians heal well and culoskeletal problems represented 8.5% of all acute
that most adverse outcomes can be avoided if conditions treated.13 The incidence of fractures
family physicians carefully select which fractures encountered was not specifically stated. Respon-
they manage. dents to a survey study of family nurse practitioners
throughout the United States reported “neurologic/
Nurse Practitioners and musculoskeletal” problems as the second most
common category of cases seen in their practices.14
Physician Assistants Accidental injuries were encountered at least one
As more and more NPs and PAs join primary care to three times a month. In another national survey
teams, especially in rural communities, they will study, fractures ranked 13th out of the top 15
need skills in managing fractures. PAs and NP’s diagnoses in patients seen by 356 family nurse

Table 1-2 Healing Time of Acute Nonoperative Fractures


Proximal phalanx 4.1 4
Middle phalanx 3.7 4
Distal phalanx 4.4 3
Metacarpal (excluding fifth) 4.9 4
Fifth metacarpal (boxers) 5.1 4
Scaphoid 7.7 6-12
Distal radius 5.6 6
Distal radius and ulna 6.7 6
Clavicle 3.9 4-6
Fibula 5.9 7-8
Metatarsal 5.9 4-6
Toes 3.6 3-4
*Median values for time from injury to clinical healing (see Alcoff and Iben7).

Eiff MP, Saultz JW. Fracture care by family physicians. J Am Board Fam Pract., 1993;6(2):179-181.
1 | Fracture Management by Primary Care Providers 3

practitioners.15 Data from the NAMCS found that REFERENCES

symptoms referable to the musculoskeletal system 1. Rosenblatt RA, Hart LG, Gamliel S, et al. Identifying
were the most common category of emergency primary care disciplines by analyzing the diagnostic content
department (ED) visits for patients who saw nurse of ambulatory care. J Am Board Fam Pract. 1995;
practitioners, and “orthopedic care” procedures 2. Binns HJ, Lanier D, Pace WD, et al. Describing primary
were performed in 27.6% of the visits related to care encounters: the Primary Care Network Survey and
musculoskeletal symptoms.16 Results from another the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Ann Fam
national survey found that orthopedic procedures Med. 2007;5:39-47.
such as reduction of a nursemaid’s elbow; splinting 3. Geyman JP, Gordon MJ. Orthopedic problems in family
practice: incidence, distribution, and curricular implica-
an extremity; and reduction of finger, shoulder, and tions. J Fam Pract. 1979;8(4):759-765.
patellar dislocations are performed commonly by 4. Geyman JP, Rosenblatt RA. The content of family prac-
nurse practitioners in EDs.17 According to the tice: current status and future trends. J Fam Pract.
American Academy of Physician Assistants 2009 1982;15(4):677-737.
5. Kirkwood CR, Clure HR, Brodsky R, et al. The diagnostic
Census survey, 36% practice in a primary care content of family practice: 50 most common diagnoses
setting and 10% in an ED setting.18 Today the PA’s recorded in the WAMI community practices. J Fam Pract.
role is determined by his or her supervising physi- 1982;15(3):485-492.
cian within the bounds of the PA’s training and 6. Swain R, Ashley J. Primary care orthopedics and sports
experience and in accordance with state laws. Cer- medicine in West Virginia. West Virginia Med J. 1995;99:
tainly in the primary care or ED setting, NPs and 7. Alcoff J, Iben G. A family practice orthopedic trauma
PAs care for patients with a variety of musculo­ clinic. J Fam Pract. 1982;14(1):93-96.
skeletal conditions, including fractures. 8. Eiff MP, Saultz JW. Fracture care by family physicians. J Am
Generalizing the results of the studies men- Board Fam Pract. 1993;6(2):179-181.
9. Hatch RL, Rosenbaum CI. Fracture care by family physi-
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be used as only rough estimates of the amount of 10. Court-Brown CM, Caesar B. Epidemiology of adult frac-
fracture care provided by primary care providers. tures: a review. Injury. 2006;37:691-697.
Even so, the data support the fact that primary care 11. Manusov EG, Pearman D, Ross S, et al. Orthopedic
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routine part of their practices. Even though primary 12. Hooker RS, McCaig LF. Use of physician assistants and
care providers have a large role in managing mus- nurse practitioners in primary care, 1995-1999. Health
culoskeletal problems, some reports have demon- Affairs. 2001;20(4):231-238.
strated a mismatch between the level of skill 13. Ramsey P, Edwards J, Lenz C, et al. Types of health
problems and satisfaction with services in a rural nurse
required in practice and the adequacy of training managed clinic. J Community Health Nurs. 1993;10(3):161-
and self-assessed musculoskeletal knowledge.19-21 170.
Skills in recognizing and managing fractures should 14. Ward MJ. Family nurse practitioners: perceived competen-
be an essential part of formal education in muscu- cies and recommendations. Nurs Res. 1979;28(6):343-
loskeletal medicine in residency to adequately 347.
15. Draye MA, Pesznecker BL. Diagnostic scope and certainty:
train our primary care workforce.22,23 The Society an analysis of FNP practice. Nurse Pract. 1979;4(15):
of Teachers of Family Medicine Group on Hospital 42-43.
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initial management of simple fractures, applying and procedures performed for patients who saw nurse prac-
titioners. J Emerg Nurse. 2005;31:145-149.
splints and casts, and performing closed reductions 17. Wood, C, Wettlaufer J, Shaha SH, Lillis K. Nurse
to be core skills that all family medicine residents practitioner roles in pediatric emergency departments:
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graduation.24 407.
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Physician Assistant Census Report. Accessed August
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22. Haywood BL, Porter SL, Grana WA. Assessment of mus- 24. Nothnagle M, Sicilia JM, Forman S, et al. Required pro-
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23. Manning RL, DePiero AD, Sadow KB. Recognition and
management of pediatric fractures by pediatric residents.
Pediatrics. 2004;114:1530-1533.

Although each fracture requires individual evalu- begins before repair is complete and may continue
ation and management, general principles of frac- for several months to years after a fracture.
ture assessment and fracture healing can be applied
to aid providers in the proper care of patients with
fractures. Accurate fracture identification is the Inflammation is the shortest phase of healing
first step in deciding whether to treat the fracture and begins immediately after injury. Release of
or refer the patient to a specialist. After carefully chemical mediators, migration of inflammatory
selecting which fractures to manage, the primary cells to the injury site, vasodilatation, and
care provider can follow general guidelines for plasma exudation occur during this phase. Signs
initial and definitive treatment, immobilization, and symptoms include swelling, erythema, bruis-
and follow-up evaluation. Keeping in mind the ing, pain, and impaired function. After impact
different healing mechanisms and healing rates of to the bone, a hematoma forms between the frac-
various types of fractures also helps guide decisions ture ends and beneath the elevated periosteum.
about immobilization, duration of treatment, and In a closed fracture, increased interstitial pressure
radiographic follow-up. within the hematoma compresses the blood
vessels, limiting the size of the hematoma.
Bone Composition Nevertheless, the bleeding associated with a
closed fracture can still be substantial. For example,
Bone consists of cells imbedded within an abun- a closed fracture of the femoral shaft can result in
dant extracellular matrix of mineral and organic up to 3 L of blood loss. Generally, open fractures
elements. Mineral in the matrix lends strength and result in much greater blood loss because the tam-
stiffness in compression and bending. The organic ponade effect of the surrounding soft tissue is
component, primarily type I collagen, gives bone absent.
great strength in tension. The outer covering of
bone, the periosteum, consists of two layers—an
outer fibrous layer and an inner more vascular and The bone reparative process is stimulated by che-
cellular layer. The inner periosteal layer in infants motactic factors released during inflammation.
and children is thicker and more vascular and Electrical stimuli may also play a role. As the
therefore is more active in healing. This difference inflammatory response subsides, necrotic tissue at
partially explains why the periosteal reaction and the bone ends is resorbed. This resorption of 1 to
callus formation after many pediatric fractures are 2 mm of the fracture ends makes fracture lines
more pronounced than those in adults. more distinct radiographically 5 to 10 days after
injury. Fibroblasts appear and start building a new
reparative matrix. The fracture hematoma pro-
Fracture Healing vides a fibrin scaffold for the formation of the frac-
Bone has the remarkable and unique ability to heal ture callus. The new tissue that arises, the soft
by complete regeneration rather than by scar tissue callus, is primarily cartilage and acts to stabilize
formation. Fractures in bones initiate a continuous and bridge the fracture gap. As new blood vessels
sequence of healing that includes inflammation, develop that supply nutrients to the cartilage,
repair, and remodeling.1 The inflammation phase immobilization of the fracture site is desirable
is relatively short, constituting only about 10% of during this phase to allow for revascularization.
the total healing time. Bone repair continues for Bone begins to replace the cartilage approximately
several weeks after the injury. Remodeling of bone 2 to 3 weeks after injury, forming a hard callus.

This process continues until continuity is reestab- gonadal steroids all play roles.2 Fractures in patients
lished between the cortical bone ends. with a hormonal imbalance generally heal,
Mineralization of the fracture callus by chon- although union may be delayed. Nutritional factors
drocytes and osteoblasts mimics similar events in are also important in the healing process. An ade-
the normal growth plate. As mineralization pro- quate balanced diet and sufficient amounts of
ceeds, stability of the fracture fragments progres- vitamin D and vitamin C are essential for normal
sively increases, and eventually clinical union fracture healing. Conditions that compromise frac-
occurs. Clinical union is demonstrated by lack of ture healing include diabetes, hypothyroidism,
movement or pain at the fracture site and radio- excessive chronic alcohol use, and smoking. Cor-
graphs showing bone crossing the fracture site. At ticosteroids compromise fracture healing, and
this stage, fracture healing is not yet complete. The patients who use steroids on a long-term basis
fracture callus is weaker than normal bone and are at increased risk of fractures because of the
regains full strength only during the remodeling increased risk of osteoporosis.3 A causal relation-
process. ship between nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) and an increased risk of nonunion has
Remodeling not been established despite some reports of an
The final phase of fracture healing begins approxi- effect on fracture healing.4
mately 6 weeks after the injury. During the repair The treatment factors that promote bone
phase, woven bone is deposited rapidly and has an healing include adequate fragment apposition,
irregular pattern of matrix collagen. Remodeling weight bearing or fracture loading, and proper frac-
reshapes the repair tissue by replacing irregular, ture stabilization. For most fractures, inappropriate
immature woven bone with lamellar or mature or ineffective stabilization slows healing and may
bone and by resorbing excessive callus. Osteoclasts lead to nonunion. Some fractures heal well even
resorb unnecessary or poorly placed trabeculae and though the fracture remains mobile until callus
form new bony struts oriented along the lines of forms. This is true of clavicle, some metacarpal,
stress. Although most remodeling that is apparent and many humeral shaft fractures.
on plain radiographs ceases within months of
injury, removal and reorganization of repair tissue Potential Fracture Sites
may continue for several years. Bone scans will
continue to show increased uptake at the fracture Identifying the specific location of the fracture
site during this lengthy period of remodeling. within a bone is the first step in the proper evalu-
ation of fractures. In a skeletally mature adult, frac-
Factors That Influence Fracture Healing tures may occur in the diaphysis (e.g., shaft of long
Fracture healing is a complex process and can be bones) or in the metaphysis (e.g., neck of long
influenced by a number of injury, patient, and bones or short, flat bones) or may extend into
treatment factors. Severe injuries with significant the joint (intraarticular). Fractures in children
soft tissue and bone damage, open fractures, seg- may also involve the growth plate (physis) or the
mental fractures, inadequate blood supply, and soft epiphysis. Fig. 2-1 shows the potential fracture
tissue interposition adversely affect healing. Frac- locations in adult and growing bone.
ture healing ranges from rapid and complete to Bone tissue is of two types: cortical or compact
delayed or incomplete. When fracture healing pro- bone and cancellous or trabecular bone. The
gresses more slowly than usual, it is referred to as diaphysis is made up mostly of solid, hard, cortical
delayed union. When the healing process is arrested, bone. Metaphyseal bone consists of a thin shell of
a nonunion occurs, and a pseudarthrosis or fibrous cortical bone surrounding primarily spongy, can-
tissue that does not progress to complete healing cellous bone. Differences in the distribution of
forms at the fracture site. Intraarticular fracture cortical and cancellous bone in various locations
healing may be delayed because of excessive result in differences in healing mechanisms and
motion of fracture fragments or synovial fluid col- rates.
lagenases that weaken the fracture callus. Because In a diaphyseal fracture with minimal separa-
of this, intraarticular fractures must be in excellent tion in cortical bone, healing occurs by formation
alignment and sufficiently stabilized to reduce the of callus that progressively stabilizes the fracture
possibility of poor healing. fragments. In shaft fractures that require surgery
Age is one of the most important factors that and rigid internal fixation, healing can occur
influence bone healing. Whereas children’s frac- without callus formation. In this type of healing
tures heal rapidly, fractures heal much more slowly (called primary bone healing), the bone surfaces are
in older persons. Hormonal factors also affect in direct contact, and lamellar bone forms directly
healing. Growth hormone, thyroid hormone, across the fracture line. In cancellous bone, which
insulin, calcitonin, cortisol, anabolic steroids, and consists of a labyrinth of trabeculae lined by
2 | General Principles of Fracture Care 7

(growth plate)


A (shaft)

FIGURE 2-2 A transverse fracture of the fifth metacarpal

Metaphysis shaft.

relatively unstable and can result from a rotational
force applied to the bone. An intraarticular frac-
ture extends into the joint space and is typically
FIGURE 2-1 Potential fracture sites. A, Section through
the diaphysis revealing mostly cortical bone. B, Section
described in relation to the percentage of the joint
through the metaphysis showing mostly cancellous bone. space that is disrupted. A comminuted fracture
has multiple fragments, and a segmental fracture
is a type of comminuted fracture in which large
osteoblastic cells, new bone is created in all areas well-defined fragments occur. Radiographic exam-
after a fracture. Healing in cancellous bone is ples of these fracture types are shown in Figs. 2-2
usually much more rapid and complete than corti- to 2-6.
cal bone healing, but it is more difficult to evaluate Other terms used to describe fracture
radiographically because it does not produce an types relate to the deforming forces applied to the
external callus.

Fracture Description
The management of fractures begins with proper
identification and description, including fracture
location, fracture type, and the amount of displace-
ment. Learning to describe fractures accurately and
precisely is essential for primary care providers.
Effective communication with consultants who
provide advice over the telephone or receive the
patient in referral is difficult without this skill.
Fracture Type
Many terms are used to describe fractures. Using
precise language and avoiding vague terminology
help ensure proper treatment, especially when the
primary care practitioner is relying on telephone
advice. Fracture type includes description of the
direction of the fracture line, the number of frag-
ments, and the injury force applied to the bone. A
transverse fracture has a fracture line oriented
perpendicular to the long axis of the bone. Frac-
ture lines can be transverse, oblique, or spiral. A
true spiral fracture involves a fracture line that
traverses in two different oblique directions. A
long oblique fracture line is often mistakenly called FIGURE 2-3 An oblique fracture of the fifth metatarsal
a spiral fracture. Both of these fracture types are shaft.

FIGURE 2-6 A segmental fracture of the radius and ulna.

(From Browner BD, Jupiter JB, Levine AM, Trafton PG [eds].
Skeletal Trauma: Fractures, Dislocations, Ligamentous Inju-
ries. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1992.)

fracture fragments (Fig. 2-7). In an impacted frac-

ture, a direct force applied down the length of the
bone results in a telescoping of one fragment on
the other. An avulsion fracture occurs after a force-
ful contraction of the muscle that tears its bony
attachment loose. Compression fractures are
common in cancellous flat bones because they are
FIGURE 2-4 A spiral fracture of the tibial shaft.
spongy. A pathologic fracture occurs at the site of
bone weakened by tumor or osteoporosis. A stress
fracture results from chronic or repetitive over-
loading of the bone (Fig. 2-8).
The fracture types unique to growing bone are
torus (buckle), greenstick, and plastic deformation.
These are discussed in the Pediatric Fracture
section at the end of this chapter.
Fracture Displacement
Fracture displacement occurs when one fragment
shifts in relation to the other through translation,
angulation, shortening, or rotation. In general, dis-
placement is described by referring to the move-
ment of the distal fragment relative to the proximal
fragment. Translation can occur in either the
anteroposterior (AP) plane or the medial-lateral
plane. In the description of displacement of hand
and wrist fractures, the terms volar and dorsal are
commonly used instead of anterior and posterior,
and ulnar and radial are used instead of medial and
lateral. In addition to a description of the direction
of translation, the amount of translation should be
reported. This can be measured on the radiograph
in millimeters, or the percentage of apposition can
be estimated (Fig. 2-9). Generally speaking, 3 mm
or less of translation is considered “minimally
Angulation at the fracture site may be in the
FIGURE 2-5 A comminuted intraarticular fracture of the frontal or sagittal plane or both. True AP and
distal radius. lateral radiographs, at 90 degrees from each other,
2 | General Principles of Fracture Care 9


FIGURE 2-7 Fracture types. A, Impacted. B, Avulsion. C, Compression. D, Pathologic.

are necessary to accurately estimate angulation of fragments) is pointing should be stated. Fig. 2-10
a fracture. Angulation cannot be assessed from an is an example of apex medial angulation. Fig. 2-11
oblique film. In the description of angulation, the demonstrates apex dorsal angulation. The amount
direction in which the apex of the angle (i.e., the of angulation is measured in degrees with the aid
point of the “V” formed by the angulated of a goniometer (Fig. 2-12).
Shortening of the bone is another type of dis-
placement. A change in bone length occurs in an
impacted fracture or in bayonet-type apposition.
Fractures vary as to how much shortening is accept-
able for proper healing. The deforming forces of
trauma, gravity, or muscle pull can cause rotational
displacement of fracture fragments. Rotation is dif-
ficult to visualize radiographically and is more
often detected clinically (Fig. 2-13).
Radiographic Interpretation
Using proper terminology as already described
leads to accurate and clear descriptions of radio-
graphs. Description of the radiographic findings of
a fracture should identify the following aspects:
the bone involved, the location of the fracture,
the type of fracture, and the amount of displace-
ment. Noting whether a fracture is diaphyseal or
metaphyseal helps with decisions that affect
healing. Other terms used to describe the location
of a fracture within a bone include proximal
or distal; medial and lateral; and head, neck, shaft,
or base.
In the radiograph in Fig. 2-14, the fracture
would be accurately described as a nondisplaced,
nonangulated oblique fracture of the left distal
fibula (or distal fibula metaphysis). Examples
of other fractures and corresponding radiographic
FIGURE 2-8 A stress fracture of the anterior midshaft of interpretations are presented in Figs. 2-15 to
the tibia (arrow). 2-17.
2 | General Principles of Fracture Care 21

include those at the second through fourth meta-

tarsal shafts, proximal humerus or humeral shaft,
ribs, and pubic rami. High-risk sites are pars inter-
articularis of the lumbar spine, superior side of the
femoral neck (i.e., tension side), anterior cortex of
the tibia (i.e., tension side), tarsal navicular, and
proximal fifth metatarsal.
Risk factors for stress injury to the bone include
both extrinsic and intrinsic mechanical factors.
Extrinsic factors include acute change in training
routine (duration, intensity, frequency), footwear,
and poor fitness level.10,11 Intrinsic factors include
bone mass, body composition, and biomechanical
malalignment. A history of stress fractures is a pre-
dictor of future stress fractures in runners and mili-
tary recruits. Especially in women, hormonal and
nutritional factors influence the risk of stress frac-
tures.12 Delayed menarche, hypothalamic hypoes-
trogenic amenorrhea, and ovulatory disturbances
place women at risk for stress fractures. Inadequate
calcium, insufficient calories, and disordered eating
are additional nutritional factors that adversely
affect bone health. The combination of disordered
eating, amenorrhea, and decreased bone density,
termed the female athlete triad, puts women at par-
ticularly high risk for stress fractures.13
FIGURE 2-21 Transverse distal radius fracture with
approximately 15 degrees of apex volar angulation. This Clinical Presentation
amount of angulation is the maximum one would accept in
The locations of stress fractures vary with the phys-
this 12-year-old patient, whose angulation will most likely
be corrected as she grows.
ical activity, but the vast majority of stress fractures

repositioned. In children, healing occurs more

rapidly, and such follow-up films are best obtained 4
to 7 days after injury.
Assessment of healing
Assessment of healing in unstable fractures differs
from that in stable fractures in one important
regard: removing the cast before healing could
allow an unstable fracture to lose position. To
prevent this, the provider should obtain radio-
graphs through the cast as the first step in assessing
fracture healing. If callus is seen, the cast may be
removed and healing assessed as noted earlier.
Stress Fractures
The term stress fracture is used to describe a type of
fractures in which the bone composition is normal
but the bone breaks after exposure to repeated
overuse tensile or compression stress over time.
This is in contrast to insufficiency fractures in
which the bone composition is abnormal (e.g.,
osteoporosis) and the bone fractures when normal
stress is applied. Stress fractures are classified as low
risk or high risk based on the fracture site and the FIGURE 2-22 Follow-up radiograph taken 5 weeks after
risk of complications, such as fracture propagation, the radiograph shown in Fig. 2-21. Angulation has increased
nonunion, or displacement. Low-risk fractures to 45 degrees, and abundant callus is present.
Another random document with
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Pineria, 442
Pinna, 449;
shell, 254
Pinnoctopus, 385
Pinnotheres, 62
Pinoceras, 398
Pirena, 417
Pirenella, 416
Piropsis, 424
Pirula—see Pyrula
Pisania, 424
Pisidium, 453;
smell, 195;
ova, 146;
P. pusillum, distribution, 282
Pitys, 327
Placobranchus, 432
Placostylus, 322, 323–325, 359, 442;
radula, 233
Placuna, 448;
P. placenta used for windows, 101
Placunanomia, 448
Placunopsis, 448
Plagioptycha, 347–351, 441
Plagioptychus, 456
Planaxis, 417
Planispira, 311, 312, 319, 441
Planorbis, 27, 247, 439;
monstrosity, 93;
eye, 181;
P. albus, distribution, 282
Platyceras, 76, 412
Platydoris, 434
Platypoda, 411
Platyschisma, 413
Plaxiphora, 403
Plecochilus, 442
Plecotrema, 439
Plectambonites, 505
Plectomya, 459
Plectopylis, 303, 305, 314, 316;
aperture, 63
Plectostylus, 358, 442
Plectotropis, 305, 306, 310, 311, 314–318, 441
Plectrophorus, 298
Plesiastarte, 451
Plesiotriton, 420
Pleurobranchaea, 431;
jaws, 212
Pleurobranchoidea, 431
Pleurobranchus, 245, 428, 431;
warning coloration, 73;
jaws, 212;
radula, 230
Pleurocera, 340, 417
Pleuroceridae, origin, 17
Pleurodonta, 348;
aperture, 63
Pleuroleura, 433
Pleuromya, 458
Pleurophorus, 451
Pleurophyllidia, 433;
breathing organs, 159;
radula, 230
Pleuropyrgus, 357
Pleurotoma, 426, 426;
slit, 263, 265
Pleurotomaria, 266, 373, 376, 407, 407;
prices given for recent, 122;
slit, 156;
radula, 226
Plicatula, 450
Pliny the elder, on use of snails, 118, 120
Plocamopherus, 434
Plochelaea, 425
Plutonia, 298, 440
Pneumoderma, 158, 437, 438
Poecilozonites, 352, 440
Poisonous bite of Conus, 65;
poisonous oysters, 114;
mussels, 117
Polycera, 434;
radula, 230
Polycerella, 434
Polyconites, 456
Polydontes, 346–351, 347, 441
Polygona, 424
Polygyra, 340, 345–353, 441;
aperture, 63
Polygyratia, 246, 263, 357, 442
Polymita, 346–351, 347, 441
Polyplacophora, 9, 401 f.;
radula, 228
Polytremaria, 266, 407
Pomatia, 285, 293, 295, 441
Pomatias, 288, 289, 292 f., 302, 413
Pomatiopsis, 415
Pomaulax, 409
Pompholyx, 250, 341, 439
Ponsonbya, 332
Poromya, 459;
branchiae, 168
Porphyrobaphe, 27, 356, 442
Position of Mollusca in Animal Kingdom, 4
Potamides, 16, 416
Potamomya, 15
Potamopyrgus, 325, 326, 415
Poterioceratidae, 394
Praecardium, 459
Prasina, 449
Prices given for rare shells, 121
Primitive mollusc, form of, 245;
types of, 7
Prisogaster, 409
Pristiloma, 341, 440
Proboscidella, 497, 504
Productidae, 497, 500, 504, 508
Productus, 492, 501, 502, 504;
stratigraphical distribution, 508
Promachoteuthis, 389
Proneomenia, 404;
breathing organs, 154;
nervous system, 203;
radula, 229
Prophysaon, 341, 441;
habits, 44
Propilidium, 405
Proserpina, 21, 355, 410
Proserpinella, 354, 410
Proserpinidae, relationships, 21
Prosobranchiata, 9, 404 f.;
breathing organs, 154
Prosocoelus, 451
Protective coloration, 69 f.;
in snails, 70;
in Nudibranchs, 71 f.;
in other Mollusca, 74
Protegulum, 509
Protobranchiata, 447;
branchiae, 166
Protoma, 417
Protremata, 511
Provocator, 376, 425
Psammobia, 456
Pseudachatina, 328–330, 443
Pseudedmondia, 452
Pseudobalea, 350
Pseudo-deltidium, 498, 511
Pseudodon, 295, 307, 452
Pseudolamellibranchiata, 167, 449
Pseudoliva, 424
Pseudomelania, 417
Pseudomilax, 296, 440
Pseudomurex, 423
Pseudopartula, 323
Pseudosubulina, 440
Ptenoglossa, 224, 411
Pterinaea, 449
Pteroceras, 256, 262, 418
Pteroctopus, 384
Pterocyclus, 266, 267, 300, 316, 414;
tube, 157
Pterodonta, 418
Pteropoda, 7, 434;
breathing organs, 158;
foot, 200;
radula, 230
Pterotrachaea, 421;
foot, 200;
radula, 227
Ptychatractus, 424
Ptychoceras, 399
Ptychodesma, 452
Pugilina, 424
Pulmonata, 10, 22, 151, 185, 438;
origin, 17, 19;
breathing organs, 160;
nervous system, 203
Pulsellum, 444
Punctum, 441
Puncturella, 265, 406
Pupa, 289, 296, 325–357, 442;
P. cinerea, hybrid union, 129
Pupidae, radula, 233
Pupilla, 442
Pupillaea, 406
Pupina, 157, 266, 309, 318–327, 414
Pupinella, 318, 414
Purpura, 423;
operculum, 269;
erosion, 276;
P. coronata, 367;
lapillus, feeding on Mytilus, 60;
on oysters, 111;
protective coloration, 69;
variation, 90;
egg-capsules, 124;
time of breeding, 129;
distribution, 363 n.
Purpuroidea, 423
Pusionella, 426
Pygocardia, 451
Pygope, 497
Pyramidella, 422
Pyramidellidae, 262
Pyrazus, 50, 416
Pyrgina, 330
Pyrgula, 415
Pyrochilus, 441
Pyrolofusus, 423
Pyrula (= Pirula), 419, 420;
spawn, 125;
operculum, 269
Pythina, 453

Quenstedtia, 456
Quoyia, 260, 417

Rachiglossa, 220, 422;

eggs, 124
Rachis, 329–335, 441, 442
Radiolites, 456
Radius, 419
Radsia, 403
Radula, 213 f.;
of Littorina, 20;
of Cyclophorus, 21;
of parasitic Mollusca, 79
Raëta, 454
Ranella, 256, 420
Range of distribution, 362 f.
Rangia, 15, 453
Ranularia, 420
Rapa, 423
Rapana, 423
Raphaulus, 305, 309
Rathouisia, 316, 440
Rats devouring Mollusca, 57
Realia, 316, 327, 414
Recluzia, 411
Rectum, 241
Registoma, 414
Relationship of Mollusca to other groups, 5
Renssoellaria, 512
Reproductive activity of oyster, 112;
system in Mollusca, 123, 134 f.
Requienia, 269, 455, 455
Respiration, 150 f.
Retzia, 508
Revoilia, 331, 414
Reymondia, 332
Rhabdoceras, 398
Rhagada, 311, 324
Rhenea, 325, 440
Rhinobolus, 504
Rhiostoma, 247, 266, 309, 414
Rhipidoglossa, 225, 405
Rhizochilus, 75, 423
Rhodea, 356, 441
Rhodina, 307, 310, 442
Rhynchonella, 466, 470, 471, 472, 474, 483, 487;
distribution, 487;
fossil, 492, 497, 499, 505;
stratigraphical distribution, 506, 507, 508, 511
Rhynchonellidae, 487, 501, 505;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508, 511
Rhysota, 67, 310, 314, 316, 319, 440
Rhytida, 319–326, 333, 359, 440;
habits, 54;
radula, 232
Rillya, 442
Rimella, 418
Rimula, 265, 406
Ringicula, 430;
radula, 230
Risella, 413
Rissoa, 415
Rissoina, 415
Robillardia, 77
Rochebrunia, 331, 414
Rock-boring snails, 49
Rolleia, 349
Rossia, 389
Rostellaria, 418
Rudistae, 456
Rumina, 260, 442
Runcina, 431;
protective coloration, 73

Sabatia, 430
Sactoceras, 394
Sagda, 348–351, 441
Sageceras, 398
Salasiella, 353, 440
Salivary glands, 237
Sandford, on strength of Helix, 45
Sandwich islanders, use of shells, 99
Sanguinolaria, 456
Sarepta, 447
Sarmaticus, 409
Satsuma, 314, 316, 441
Saxicava, 447, 457
Saxidomus arata, money made from, 97
Scalaria, 247, 263, 411;
radula, 224
Scaldia, 452
Scalenostoma, 422
Scaliola, 415
Scaphander, 428, 429, 430;
radula, 231;
gizzard, 238
Scaphites, 399, 399
Scaphopoda, 444;
defined, 6;
breathing organs, 160;
nervous system, 205;
radula, 236
Scaphula, 14, 305, 448
Scarabus, 18, 278, 439, 439
Scharff, R., on food of slugs, 31;
on protective coloration in slugs, 70
Schasicheila, 347, 351, 354, 410
Schismope, 266, 407
Schizochiton, 187, 402, 403
Schizodus, 448
Schizoglossa, 325, 440
Schizoplax, 403
Schizostoma, 413
Schloenbacia, 398
Scintilla, 175, 453
Scissurella, 265, 407;
radula, 226
Sclerochiton, 403
Scrobicularia, 15, 164, 453;
siphons, 164
Sculptaria, 333
Scurria, 405
Scutalus, 356, 442
Scutellastra, 405
Scutus, 245, 406, 406
Scyllaea, 433;
jaws, 212;
stomach, 239
Segmentina, 320
Selenites, 339, 341, 440
Selenitidae, radula, 231
Selenochlamys, 296
Self-fertilisation, 42–44
Semele, 453
Semicassis, 420
Semper, K., on habits of Limnaea, 34;
of Helicarion, 45, 67;
on mimicry, 67;
on parasitic Eulima, 79;
on development of Limnaea, 84, 94;
on sexual maturity in snails, 129;
on Onchidium, 187
Sepia, 381, 385–387, 389;
egg-capsules, 127;
glands, 136;
jaws, 214;
radula, 236;
alimentary canal, 238;
ink-sac, 241;
hectocotylus, 389
Sepiadarium, 389
Sepiella, 389
Sepiola, 389;
glands, 136;
radula, 236
Sepioloidea, 389
Sepiophora, 388
Sepioteuthis, 390;
hectocotylus, 139
Septaria, 337, 338, 410
Septibranchiata, 145, 167, 459;
branchiae, 166
Septifer, 274, 449
Sequenzia, 420
Sergius Orata, 104
Serrifusus, 424
Sesara, 305, 440
Sex, differences of, 133
Shell, 244 f.;
internal, 174;
shape of bivalve, 445
Shell-gland, primitive, 132
Shells as money, 96 f.;
as ornament, etc., 98 f.;
various uses of, 98 f.;
prices given for rare, 121;
sinistral, 249
Shores of N. Asia, no littoral fauna, 2
Showers of shells, 47
Sigaretus, 186, 245, 267, 411;
foot, 198
Sight, 180
Silenia, 459;
branchiae, 168
Silia, 425
Siliqua, 274, 457
Siliquaria, 248, 418
Simnia, 419
Simpulopsis, 345, 350, 442
Simpulum, 420
Simroth, on recent forms of Helix, 22;
on food of slugs, 31;
on crawling of Helix, 45
Singular habitat, 48
Sinistral shells, 249
Sinistralia, 424
Sinusigera, 133
Sipho, 424
Siphonalia, 424
Siphonaria, 18, 431;
classification, 19;
breathing organs, 151, 152
Siphonarioidea, 431
Siphonodentalium, 444
Siphonostomata, 156
Siphonotreta, 493, 496, 504;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Siphons, 173;
in burrowing genera, 165;
branchial, 155
Sistrum, 75, 423;
radula of S. spectrum, 79, 222
Sitala, 301, 304, 310, 314–319, 333, 440
Skärgard, Mollusca of the, 13
Skenea, 415
Skenidium, 505, 508
Slit, in Gasteropoda, 265, 406
Slugs, habits and food of, 30 f.;
bite hand of captor, 33;
in bee-hives, 36;
in greenhouses, 36;
protective coloration, 70;
eaten in England, 120
Smaragdia, 21
Smaragdinella, 430
Smell, sense of, 192
Smith, W. Anderson, quoted, 98, 111, 114, 191
Snails as barometers, 50;
plants fertilised by, 102;
cultivation for food, 118 f.;
used for cream, 119;
as medicine, 120;
banned by the Church, 121
Solariella, 408;
radula, 225
Solarium, 264, 412, 413;
radula, 224
Solaropsis, 343, 353–357, 442
Solecurtus, 165, 457
Solen, 171, 446, 457;
vision, 190;
habits, 45
Solenaia, 452
Solenomya, 275, 448
Solenotellina, 456
Solomon islanders, use of shells, 98
Somatogyrus, 415
Sophina, 305
Spallanzani, experiments on Helix, 163
Spat, fall of, 113
Spatha, 294, 331, 336, 452
Spekia, 333
Spermatophore, in Cephalopoda, 137;
in Helix, 142
Spermatozoa, forms of, 136
Sphaerium, 453
Sphenia, 456
Sphenodiscus, 398
Sphyradium, 442
Spines, use of, 64
Spiraculum, 266, 414
Spiraxis, 442
Spirialis, 249
Spirifera, 468, 501, 505;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508, 511, 512
Spiriferidae, 501, 505, 508
Spiriferina, stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Spirobranchiata, 464
Spirotropis, 426;
radula, 218, 219
Spirula, 247, 386, 387, 388
Spirulirostra, 380, 386, 388
Spondylium, 500
Spondylus, 257, 446, 450, 450;
ocelli, 191;
genital orifice, 242
Spongiobranchaea, 437
Spongiochiton, 403
Sportella, 453
Starfish eat oysters, 110
Stearns, R. E. C., on tenacity of life, 38
Stegodera, 306
Stenochisma, 505;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Stenogyra, 324, 442;
S. decollata, 279;
food, 34;
smell, 194;
Goodallii, 279;
octona, sudden appearance, 47
Stenogyridae, radula, 234
Stenopus, 440;
habits, 45
Stenothyra, 415
Stenotis, 416
Stenotrema, 340, 441
Stephanoceras, 399
Stepsanoda, 358
Stilifer, 76, 77, 79, 422
Stiliferina, 76, 422
Stiliger, 432
Stilina, 76
Stoastoma, 348–351, 410
Stoloteuthis, 389
Stomach, 239
Stomatella, 408
Stomatia, 408
Stomatodon, 302, 417
Strebelia, 353, 440
Strength of Helix, 45
Strephobasis, 417
Strepsidura, 424
Streptaulus, 414
Streptaxis, 302, 306, 309, 314–331, 343, 357–359, 440;
variation, 87
Streptoneura, 203, 404
Streptosiphon, 424
Streptostele, 329, 338, 440
Streptostyla, 343–355, 353, 440
Stricklandia, 505;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Strigatella, 425
Stringocephalidae, 506, 508
Stringocephalus, 492, 497, 498, 500, 501, 506;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Strobila, 340, 345–353
Strobilops, 442
Strombidae, habits, 64;
penis, 136
Strombina, 423
Strombus, 69, 200, 252, 418;
mimicking Conus, 69;
operculum, 78, 269;
pearls from, 101;
metapodium, 199;
stomach, 239
Strophalosia, 504;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Stropheodonta, 497, 505, 508
Strophia, 343–355, 442;
S. nana, 278
Strophochilus, 358, 441
Strophomena, 499, 505;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Strophomenidae, 500, 505, 508
Strophostoma, 248, 414
Structure of shell, 252
Struthiolaria, 99, 418;
radula, 216
Styliola, 437
Stylodonta, 339, 441
Stylommatophora, 11, 181, 439;
origin, 19
Subemarginula, 406
Submytilacea, 451
Subularia, 422
Subulina, 332, 352, 442
Subulites, 420
Succinea, 325, 327, 358, 433;
jaw, 211;
S. putris, parasite of, 61
Succineidae, 443;
radula, 234
Sudden appearance of Mollusca, 46
Suessia, stratigraphical distribution, 507
Sulphuric acid, 237
Surcula, 426
Sycotypus, 424
Synaptocochlea, 408
Syndosmya, 453
Syringothyris, 500, 508
Syrnola, 422
Syrnolopis, 332, 333
Systrophia, 356, 357

Tachea, 441
Taenioglossa, 223, 411
Taheitia, 414
Talona, 457
Tanalia, 304, 417
Tancredia, 453
Tanganyicia, 332, 415
Tanganyika, L., fauna of, 12
Tanysiphon, 454
Taonius, 391, 391
Tapes, 454
Taste, 179
Tebennophorus, 143, 340, 440
Tectarius, 413
Tectibranchiata, 10, 429
Tectura, 305, 405
Tectus, 408
Teeth in aperture of the shell, 63
Teinostoma, 247, 408
Teinotis, 407
Telescopium, 252, 416
Tellina, 440, 453, 453
T. balthica, variation, 84
Tellinacea, 453
Telotremata, 511
Tenacity of life, 37
Tenison-Woods, on red blood, 171;
on shell-eyes, 189
Tennent, Sir J. E., on musical sounds produced by Mollusca, 50
Tennentia, 304, 314, 338, 440
Terebellum, 418;
jumping powers, 64
Terebra, 246, 263, 426, 426;
radula, 219
Terebratella, 468, 487;
distribution, 486;
fossil, 506;
stratigraphical distribution, 508
Terebratula, 467, 468, 487;
size, 484;
distribution, 485, 486;
fossil, 492, 499, 506;
stratigraphical distribution, 506, 507, 508
Terebratulidae, 487;
fossil, 500, 505, 506;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Terebratulina, 466, 479, 487;
larva, 482;
distribution, 486;
fossil, 506;
stratigraphical distribution, 508;
form of shell, 510
Teredina, 457
Teredo, 262, 457, 458;
nervous system, 206;
intestine, 241
Tergipes, 432
Terquemia, 450
Testacella, 22, 52, 440;
habits, etc., 49, 51 f.;
pulmonary orifice, 160;
eyes, 186;
radula, 231;
anus, 241
Testicardines, 466, 487;
muscles, 476;
fossil, 497, 504;
external characters, 497;
internal characters, 499;
attachment of muscles, 501;
stratigraphical distribution, 508
Testis, 135
Tethyidae, 216
Tethys, 432
Tetrabranchiata, 391 f.
Thala, 425
Thalassia, 319
Thalotia, 408
Thapsia, 329
Thaumasia, 349, 442
Thaumastus, 356, 442
Thecacera, 434;
radula, 229
Thecidiidae, 487;
fossil, 501, 506, 508
Thecidium, 475, 479, 480, 483, 487;
fossil, 506, 508
Thecosomata, 435
Thelidomus, 346–351, 350, 441
Theora, 453
Therasia, 441
Thersites (Helicidae), 322, 325
Thersites (Fasciolariidae), 424
Thetis, 454
Thracia, 245, 459
Thread-spinning, 29
Thridachia, 432
Thyca, 76, 79
Thyrophorella, 330, 440
Thysanoteuthis, 390
Tiedemannia, veliger, 132
Tiphobia, 332, 333, 417
Titicaca, L., Mollusca of, 25
Todarodes, 390
Tomichia, 414
Tomigerus, 334, 356, 358, 442
Tomocyclus, 354
Tomostele, 330, 440
Tonicella, 403
Tonicia, 403;
eyes, 188
Torellia, 411
Torinia, 413;
radula, 224;
operculum, 269
Tornatellina, 278, 319, 323–327, 338, 358, 443
Tornatina, 250, 430
Torquilla, 442
Toucasia, 455
Touch, sense of, 177
Toxoglossa, 218, 426
Trachia, 314
Trachyceras, 397
Trachydermon, 403
Trachyteuthis, 389
Tralia, 439
Transovula, 419
Trematis, 492, 493, 504;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Trematonotus, 407
Tremoctopus, 384;
radula, 236;
hectocotylus, 137
Trevelyana, 434
Trichia, 316
Trichotropis, 275, 411
Tricula, 302
Tridacna, 273, 455
Triforis, 416;
radula, 224
Trigonellites, 397
Trigonia, 15, 254, 269, 448;
jumping powers, 65;
distribution, 370
Trigonochlamys, 296, 440
Trigonostoma, 426
Trimerella, 495, 504, 508, 511
Trimerellidae, 493, 494, 496, 504;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Trinacria, 448

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