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Ultrasound Imaging of the Thoracic Spine in Paramedian

Sagittal Oblique Plane
The Correlation Between Estimated and Actual
Depth to the Epidural Space
Aliya Salman, MD, FRCPC, Cristian Arzola, MD, MSc, Uma Tharmaratnam, MD, FRCPC,
and Mrinalini Balki, MD

(Reg Anesth Pain Med 2011;36: 542Y547)

Background: Ultrasound (US) imaging of the spine has been shown
to be a reliable tool to facilitate lumbar epidural needle placement;
however, its feasibility in thoracic epidural placement is still unknown.
The objective of this study was to assess the accuracy and reliability of
prepuncture US imaging in the paramedian sagittal oblique plane to T horacic epidural analgesia is highly effective in improving
the quality of intraoperative and postoperative pain relief
during thoracic and abdominal surgical procedures. The
estimate the depth to the epidural space and optimum insertion point for
guiding epidural needle placement at the mid-low thoracic level. advantages include reduction in adverse hemodynamic effects,
Methods: This prospective study included 35 healthy adult patients minimal motor blockade due to segmental analgesia, avoidance
who requested thoracic epidural analgesia before their upper abdomi- of pulmonary complications, and accelerated recovery of post-
nal surgeries. Ultrasound imaging was done in the paramedian sagittal operative gastrointestinal function.1
oblique plane at the desired thoracic level to identify the intervertebral The insertion of an epidural catheter at the thoracic level is
space, the distance from the skin to the epidural space (US depth [UD]) technically more challenging as compared with lumbar epidural
and the needle insertion point. Subsequently, a staff anesthesiologist catheter placement. There is also a potential for neurologic
located the epidural space through the predetermined insertion point and complications due to the close proximity of the thoracic epidural
marked the actual distance from the skin to the epidural space (needle space to the spinal cord.2,3 The conventional technique for tho-
depth [ND]) on the needle with a sterile marker. The agreement between racic epidural space localization continues to be heralded by
the UD and the ND was calculated using the Pearson and concordance several drawbacks because of its ‘‘blind’’ nature, challenging
correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman analysis with 95% limits of anatomic landmarks, and dependability solely on tactile feed-
agreement. back if a loss-of-resistance (LOR) technique is used. Although
Results: The average patient age was 56 (SD, 14) years, and body mass the aforementioned factors and experience/skill of the anesthe-
index was 28 (SD, 6) kg/m2. The precision of the agreement between siologist have been identified as possible sources of failure of
UD and ND estimated by Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.75, and thoracic epidurals, a variety of other causes such as placing the
the accuracy was 0.80, whereas the concordance correlation coefficient epidural catheter at an inappropriate level because of unreliable
was 0.60 (confidence interval, 0.43Y0.78). The mean UD and ND were surface landmarks, maldistribution of drugs delivered into epi-
4.3 (SD, 0.96) and 5.0 (SD, 1.2) cm, respectively. The Bland-Altman dural space, and catheter dislodgement may also be related to
analysis showed a mean difference of j0.71 cm (95% limits of agree- inadequate analgesia.4
ment, 0.8 to j2.2 cm). There was a significant direct correlation of Ultrasound (US) has recently emerged as a useful tool for
the ND with the body mass index (r2 = 0.27, P = 0.008). The mean the identification of the intervertebral level, estimation of the
number of attempts was 1 (p25-p75 = 1Y2), and the epidural space was depth to the epidural space, and localization of midline and
identified with 2 or less redirections in 88% of the cases. interlaminar spaces for lumbar epidural catheter placement.5,6
Conclusions: We found a good correlation between the US-estimated Grau and colleagues7 explored the possibility of US imaging
distance to the epidural space and the actual measured needle distance technique to improve diagnostic and procedural capabilities in
in our patients. We suggest that our proposed prepuncture US method, the thoracic spine and have demonstrated a good correlation of
using the paramedian sagittal oblique approach, can be a useful guide the US findings with those of magnetic resonance imaging.
to facilitate the placement of epidural needles at mid-low thoracic levels. Therefore, prepuncture US can be a possible tool to facilitate
A randomized controlled trial is necessary to confirm the utility of identification of the thoracic epidural space.
prepuncture US in thoracic epidural placement. The objective of this pilot study was to assess the accuracy
of prepuncture US scanning in the paramedian sagittal oblique
plane as a tool for estimating the depth to the epidural space and
From the Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management, Mount Sinai the optimal puncture site for epidural needle placement at the
Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. level of mid-lower thoracic spine. We believe this is the first
Accepted for publication August 7, 2011.
Address correspondence to: Mrinalini Balki, MD, University of Toronto, study evaluating the utility of US imaging in epidural catheter
Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management, Mount Sinai Hospital, placement at the thoracic level.
600 University Ave, Room 1514, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1X5
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. METHODS
This study received institutional funding. After the institutional research ethics board at Mount Sinai
Copyright * 2011 by American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain
Hospital gave approval, this prospective cohort study was con-
ISSN: 1098-7339 ducted between January 2009 and July 2010. All patients gave
DOI: 10.1097/AAP.0b013e31823217e7 their written informed consent for participation in the study.

542 Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine & Volume 36, Number 6, November-December 2011

Copyright © 2011 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine & Volume 36, Number 6, November-December 2011 US for Thoracic Epidural Placement

The inclusion criteria were adult patients (American Society The US depth (UD), that is, the depth to the epidural space
of Anesthesiologists physical status I and II) of both sexes or the distance from skin to LF, was measured using built-in
undergoing elective open abdominal surgeries under general calipers on the US machine (Fig. 1). The depth from skin to
anesthesia and requesting thoracic epidural analgesia for post- lamina and VB was also recorded. On the optimized image, a
operative pain relief. Patients with coagulopathy or sepsis and vertical line was drawn with the calipers from skin to the center
those with previous spinal surgery, trauma or deformity, or preg- of the LF (LF line). Another oblique line (VB line) was also
nancy were excluded. drawn crossing the visible cephalad end of the VB and LF line
Intravenous access and routine monitoring, including elec- at the level of LF. The angle (>) between the LF line and VB
trocardiogram, noninvasive blood pressure, and pulse oximetry, line was visually noted (Fig. 1B) to determine the cephalocaudad
were established. The findings on superficial and deep palpa- angle of needle insertion in the paramedian plane with respect
tion of the thoracic spines and interspaces and the visibility of to the horizontal plane, that is, 90 degrees j > with respect to
spinous processes were recorded. Ultrasound scanning was done the patient’s back. The quality of images was graded as good,
by 1 of 2 study investigators with experience in neuraxial scan- fair, or poor by the investigator. The image was considered
ning (M.B. and U.T.); a staff anesthesiologist who had full ac- good if the visualized structures were sharp with clear demar-
cess to US data inserted the epidurals. cation of both the LF and VB, fair if they were not sharp but
demarcation was possible, and poor if they were visible but
US Scanning blurry with poor demarcation of 1 or both structures.8
Ultrasound examination was performed using a 5-2 MHz
curved array probe (Zonare Medical Products Canada, Beaverton, Epidural Procedure
Ontario, Canada). The scanning was performed with the patient After sterile preparation, the operator infiltrated the skin
in the sitting position, with the back arched and neck flexed at the US-determined puncture site with 2% lidocaine. The epi-
as for the epidural placement. The scanning was done in the dural space was located with a 17-gauge (8.9 cm) Tuohy epidu-
paramedian sagittal oblique plane by tilting the probe slightly ral needle with markings at 1-cm intervals, using the LOR to
oblique toward the midline, starting at the level of sacrum. By air or saline method in the paramedian plane. The needle was
sliding the probe cephalad, alternate laminae and the interspaces advanced cephalad, reproducing the predetermined angle in the
were identified, and the interspace corresponding to the mid- paramedian sagittal plane directly into the epidural space with-
line dermatome based on the surgical incision site was chosen. out purposely contacting the lamina with the Tuohy needle. A
If the sonoanatomy was not clear, the interspace above or sterile marker was then placed on the needle, as close to the skin
below was considered for detailed scanning and epidural place- surface as possible to determine the actual distance from the
ment. Within the interspace, 2 parallel hyperechoic structuresV skin to the epidural space. The insertion angle of the needle
the ligamentum flavum (LF)Ydorsal dura mater unit as the outer was measured using a sterile spinal needle that was held along
band and the vertebral body (VB)Yposterior longitudinal ligamentY the long axis of the spine and bent to reproduce the epidural
ventral dura mater complex as the inner bandVwere identified needle direction. This angle was later measured with a protractor.
and centered on the screen. The image was frozen for various A 19-gauge uniport, wire-embedded epidural catheter (Arrow
measurements (Fig. 1A). Once the best image of the interspace FlexTip Plus; Arrow International, Reading, Pa) was inserted
structures was captured, with the transducer stabilized, the skin approximately 5 cm into the epidural space. After the removal of
was marked at the midpoints of the cephalad and caudad aspects the epidural needle, the distance from the tip of the needle to the
and at the midpoints of the right and left aspects of the transducer. marker was measured, using a ruler with millimeter markings,
The transducer was removed, and lines were drawn to connect and recorded as the needle depth (ND). After aspiration of the
these marks. The puncture site was determined by the intersec- catheter to exclude intrathecal or intravascular placement, a test
tion of these 2 lines (Fig. 2). The plane of the US beam that pro- dose of 2% lidocaine 3 mL was administered, followed 3 mins
duced the best image was noted to provide guidance for the later by an additional 5- to 8-mL dose to ensure dermatomal loss
needle direction at the insertion point in that plane. of sensation to cold. General anesthesia was then instituted, and

FIGURE 1. A, Ultrasound imaging in the paramedian sagittal oblique approach at T6-7 interspace: hyperechoic laminae have
saw-teeth appearance; interspace between the 2 laminae contains parallel hyperechoic bands representing LFYdorsal dura mater
unit (upper) and the VBYposterior longitudinal ligamentYventral dura mater complex (lower). The depth to the epidural space,
measured from the skin to the ventral border of the LF-dura unit in the longitudinal paramedian approach, was 3.84 cm.
B, Ultrasound image, showing the angle (>) between the LF line (vertical line from skin to the center of the LF) and VB line
(oblique line crossing the cephalad end of the VB and the center of the LF) at the level of LF.

* 2011 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 543

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Salman et al Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine & Volume 36, Number 6, November-December 2011

redirections (changing the needle angle through the same

puncture site); the duration of the US scanning (from placing the
probe on patient’s back until marking the insertion point on the
skin) and the epidural procedure (from local infiltration of skin
to completion of catheter insertion); pain during epidural needle
placement assessed after the completion of catheter insertion
(verbal rating scale, 0Y10, 0 = no pain, 10 = maximum pain); and
procedure complications, such as paresthesia, vascular puncture,
and dural puncture.
A research assistant, not involved in performing the pro-
cedure, documented the number of attempts, the pain with the
epidural procedure, the time required to perform the procedure,
and complications. The need for intraoperative supplemental par-
enteral opioids to control sympathetic response to pain due to
failure of epidural administration of drugs was documented by
the attending anesthesiologist.
Statistical Methods
Descriptive statistics were calculated using means, SDs,
range, or median and interquartile range (25th and 75th per-
centiles) for continuous data and percentages for discrete vari-
ables. We used the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) to
determine the degree of agreement between UD and ND.9,10 This
coefficient estimates agreement between 2 methods by measur-
ing the variation of their linear relationship from the 45-degree
line through the origin (perfect agreement). It measures how far
each observation deviates from the line that best fits the data
(precision) and how far this line deviates from the 45-degree line
through the origin (accuracy).11 The precision corresponds to the
Pearson correlation coefficient, which as a sole measure, could
potentially overestimate agreement,12 and the accuracy as a co-
efficient is estimated by the bias correction factor. To visually
evaluate CCC, UD was plotted against ND, and the line that best
fitted the data (Pearson) and the line of perfect agreement were
The Bland-Altman analysis was performed to place the
magnitudes of the differences between the 2 measurements in a
more clinical context.13,14 This approach shows the graphical
presentation of agreement, plotting the differences between UD
and ND against the means of the 2 measures for each patient.
In addition, we estimated the 95% limits of agreement for the
differences, which represents differences likely to arise between
the 2 measures with a 95% probability. The assumption of nor-
mal distribution of the differences was checked by the Shapiro-
Wilk W test for normal data.
The required sample size of 29 patients was calculated
using a reference CCC of 0.88, as reported in a previous study at
our institution for lumbar spine US15 to test the null hypothesis
FIGURE 2. Skin markings are shown. The vertical line marking (1-tailed) of poor correlation observed in another study16 be-
the paramedian insertion site (A), the horizontal line marking tween the UD and the actual ND (correlation coefficient e0.59).
the interspace (B), and the skin puncture site at the intersection A type I error and type II error of 5% and 20% were assumed,
of these lines (C). respectively. We elected to evaluate 35 patients (ie, 20% more)
to compensate for possible protocol violations during the study
period. Statistical analysis was performed with Stata 9.2 for
intraoperative analgesia was maintained by an infusion of Macintosh (College Station, Tex).
bupivacaine 0.2% with either fentanyl 3 Kg/mL or morphine 20
to 25 Kg/mL at a rate of 6 to 9 mL/min. The attending anes- RESULTS
thesiologist was instructed to adjust the epidural infusion rate Thirty-five patients were recruited in the study. Two patients
to manage intraoperative hemodynamic changes. were excluded from the analysis because of technical prob-
The primary outcome was the accuracy and precision of lems during US imaging and incomplete documentation, leaving
the depth to the epidural space determined by US in the para- 33 patients for the analysis of the primary outcome.
median sagittal oblique plane, as measured by the correlation Patient characteristics revealed the mean age of 56 (SD,
between the UD and the ND. The secondary outcomes were the 14) years, height of 168 (SD, 11) cm, and weight of 78 (SD, 19)
accuracy of the insertion point as determined by the number of kg. The mean body mass index (BMI) was 27.5 (SD, 6.2) kg/m2
attempts (reinsertion through a different skin puncture site) or (range, 18.4Y47.75 kg/m2). There was a good balance between

544 * 2011 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Copyright © 2011 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine & Volume 36, Number 6, November-December 2011 US for Thoracic Epidural Placement

TABLE 1. Agreement Between Ultrasound Depth and

Needle Depth

All Patients BMI 930 kg/m2

Parameter (n = 33) (n = 14)
Concordance correlation coefficient 0.60 0.79
95% CI 0.43Y0.78 0.61Y0.97
Precision (Pearson r) 0.75 0.88
Accuracy (bias correction factor) 0.80 0.90
95% limits of agreement, cm j2.2 to 0.8 j2.0 to 1.1
Mean difference, cm j0.71 j0.5

sexes (female/male, 15/18). The anatomic landmarks were visi- FIGURE 4. Bland-Altman analysis. The difference between the
ble (85%) and palpable (94%) in the majority of the subjects, UD and the ND is plotted against the mean of UD and ND.
whereas the quality of the US scans was deemed good in 76% Line of perfect mean agreement (green line), observed mean
and fair in 24% of cases. The 3 most prevalent thoracic vertebral agreement (purple dash line), and 95% limits of agreement
interspaces, T7Y8, T8Y9, and T9Y10, were evenly distributed (red lines) are shown.
between 11, 10, and 9 cases, respectively, whereas T10Y11 and
T6Y7 were used in 1 and 2 cases, respectively.
The mean UD was 4.3 (SD, 0.96) cm, and ND was 5.0 2 subjects, respectively. There was no need to redirect the needle
(SD, 1.17) cm. The precision of the agreement between UD and in 58% of cases, whereas epidural space was identified with 2
ND estimated by Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.75, and or fewer redirections in 88% of the cases. The median angle of
the accuracy was 0.80, whereas the CCC calculated was 0.60 needle insertion (90 degrees j >) in the plane of the US beam
(95% confidence interval [CI], 0.43Y0.78) (Table 1). The graph- was 50 degrees (p25-p75 = 40Y60 degrees). Patient discomfort
ical representation of UD versus ND is depicted in Figure 3. during the procedure presented a mean verbal rating scale of
The Bland-Altman analysis showed that the mean difference be- 3 (p25-p75 = 2Y4). The time required for US scanning was 6.3
tween UD and ND was j0.71 cm. The upper and lower 95% (SD, 3.5) mins, and for the epidural insertion, 10.6 (SD, 6.2)
limits of agreement were 0.8 and j2.2 cm, respectively (Fig. 4). mins. Regarding complications during the epidural procedure,
The mean depth estimated by US from skin to lamina was 3.6 2 patients had transient paresthesia without any neurologic se-
(SD, 0.79) cm and to VB was 5.9 (SD, 0.94) cm. quelae, and 1 patient had unintentional dural puncture but did
There was a significant correlation of the BMI with the not develop a headache. All patients demonstrated dermatomal
ND (r2 = 0.27, P = 0.008) as well as with the UD (r2 = 0.41, sensory loss to cold after the administration of lidocaine bolus.
P = 0.0003). A secondary analysis of the correlation of The hemodynamic changes could be managed by adjusting the
UD and ND in patients with BMI of greater than 30 kg/m2 rate of epidural infusions in all patients without the need for
showed Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.88, accuracy of additional parenteral opioids.
0.90, and the calculated CCC of 0.79 (95% CI, 0.61Y0.96).
The mean difference between the UD and ND was j0.5 cm DISCUSSION
(95% limits of agreement, 1.1 to j2.0 cm) (Table 1). A good correlation of the estimated UD with the actual
During the epidural insertion, the mean number of attempts ND, as seen in our study, indicates that US can be a useful tool
was 1 (p25-p75 = 1Y2), requiring 4 and 3 attempts in only 1 and to facilitate epidural placement and to predict the needle distance
to the epidural space before its insertion at the thoracic level.
We found that the actual needle length to the epidural space
tended to be more than the US-derived depth from the skin to
the epidural space by a mean of 0.7 cm. Hence, we acknowledge
that US examination does not preclude the need for LOR test-
ing for epidural space localization but in fact provides some
margin of safety while performing the block. The wide limits
of agreement of UD and ND in our study (0.8 to j2.2 cm) could
perhaps be due to variation in the oblique angle of the US
probe in the paramedian sagittal plane required to direct the
beam toward midline for optimal imaging, as well as the accu-
racy of the estimated cephalocaudad angle or variation in the
actual needle trajectory during insertion. Interestingly, we found
a smaller difference between the UD and ND in obese patients
and a superior direct correlation of these variables in this pa-
tient population. This could perhaps be due to the contour of
the US probe that is likely to fit better in the paramedian
groove between the spine and the paraspinal muscles in obese
FIGURE 3. The agreement between UD and ND, both in patients.
centimeters. The correlation line that best fit the observed data Our findings are comparable to those of US scanning at
(green line) and the line of perfect agreement (45-degree red line) lumbar levels. Various studies in obstetric and nonobstetric
are shown. patients have demonstrated an excellent correlation of the UD,

* 2011 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 545

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Salman et al Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine & Volume 36, Number 6, November-December 2011

measured in paramedian sagittal oblique or transverse median In conclusion, this pilot study suggests that US can reliably
planes, with the ND at lumbar levels (r = 0.79Y0.98).5,6,14Y16 determine the skin puncture site and the depth to the epidural
Superior visibility of the sonoanatomic structures, because of space at the thoracic level and optimize the placement of mid-
better acoustic windows in both paramedian sagittal oblique and low thoracic epidural catheters. However, a randomized con-
transverse median planes, and wider intervertebral spaces allow trolled trial is necessary to confirm the utility of US in this
easy passage of the epidural needle via both the approaches at patient population and aid thoracic epidural placement in an-
lumbar levels.14,17,18 However, at thoracic levels, imaging is ticipated difficult cases.
much more difficult because of extreme caudad angulation of
the spinous processes and overlapping laminae, which make the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
interlaminar spaces very narrow and difficult to access.7,15 More- The authors thank Kristi Downey (research assistant) for
over, a high number of occluded interlaminar spaces and exis- organizing the database for this study.
tence of supraspinous ligament ossification at thoracic levels are
likely to impair the visibility of LF in some cases.19 REFERENCES
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