BMW Club By-Laws Constitution

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01 Name
02 Registered Place of Business
03 Logo
04 Aims and Objectives of the Club
05 Affiliation
06 Membership
07 Register of Members
08 Change of Address
09 Entrance Fee and Subscription Fee
10 Termination and Expulsion
11 General Meeting
12 Managing Committee
13 Duties of Office Bearers
14 Financial Provisions
15 Auditor
16 Appointment of Officers under Section 9a of the Societies Act, 1966
17 Interpretation
18 Prohibitions
19 Patron
20 Amendment of Constitution
21 Dissolution

Article 01 : Name
1.1 The name of the Club shall be KELAB BMW MALAYSIA (BMW CLUB
MALAYSIA) and shall be hereinafter be referred to as the “Club”.

Article 02 : The Registered Place of Business

2.1 The registered place of business of the Club shall be A503, Kelana Square, SS
7/26, Kelana Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia or at such other place
or places as may from time to time be decided on by the Managing Committee. Its
registered place of business shall not be changed without the prior approval of the
Registrar of Societies.

Article 03 : Logo
3.1 The logo of the Club is

Description about the Logo :-

1. The logo shape as the shield represents integrity and protection

2. The map of Malaysia represents the country the club resides

Color description about the Logo :-

1. Blue and white is the corporate colour of BMW AG

Motto description

1. It represents the name of the club and the website,
Article 04 : Aims and Objectives of the Club
4.1 Mission Statement:

To further enhance the BMW ownership experience through sharing of

knowledge and experiences and in building a community of like minded people,
to provide and promote avenues and activities for perpetuation of this common
interest and to be a representative of its members in Malaysia and the region.

4.2 Vision:

4.2.1 To become the premier car enthusiast club in Malaysia.

4.2.2 To be recognized as a responsible, caring, useful, innovative and

well-informed component of the Malaysian society.

4.2.3 To be the regional portal for BMW owners to voice, understand and
enhance the ownership of BMW.

4.2.4. To become the ultimate car enthusiast club for BMW enthusiasts
in Malaysia and the region with a predisposition to contribute positively
to the Malaysian community.

4.2.5. To be self-governing and independent, abiding by the principles of

good teamwork in organizing, and carrying out events and activities
by combining the knowledge and expertise of its membership.

Article 05 : Affiliation
5.1 The Club may on its own volition as it deems fit, be affiliated with other local or
international BMW Clubs or Societies as part of or under the International BMW
Club Council.

Article 06 : Membership
6.1 Membership of the Club shall be open to Malaysian citizens who are above 18
years of age, regardless of race, sex, religion and occupation, who own or whose
household own or have access or is assigned by the company a BMW vehicle.

6.2 Classification of Membership

The membership of the Club shall be classified as follows:-

6.2.1 Ordinary Membership

Any Person above the age of eighteen (18) years of good moral character,
who own or whose household own or have access or is assigned by the
company a BMW vehicle at the time of registration and shall be a pre-
requisite criteria towards renewing said membership in the subsequent
year(s) and supports the Club’s objectives and is willing to abide by the
Club’s Constitution shall be eligible for membership as an Ordinary
Member. He/she shall have voting rights and be entitled to all the
privileges prescribed under the Club’s Constitution.

6.2.2 Honorary Membership

The Managing Committee shall be empowered to grant Honorary
Memberships subject to approval of the General Meeting with two-thirds
(2/3) special majority vote. An Honorary Member shall be entitled to all
the privileges of the Ordinary Members, but shall have no voting rights or
powers to nominate or be nominated to hold office in the Managing

6.3 All applications must be made on the forms prescribed by the Club and shall be
submitted to the Secretary and approved by the Managing Committee.

6.4 All approved applications shall upon payment of the prescribed Entrance Fee and
Subscription Fee be admitted as members of the Club and shall accordingly, be
entitled to all the privileges of membership. Declined applications will be entitled
for refund of their Entrance Fee and Subscription Fee (free of interest). The Club
or its Managing Committee shall not be obliged to provide any reasons for
declining any application.

Article 07 : Register of Members

The Secretary shall keep a register of numbers containing such particulars as follows :-

a.Membership number
b.Date of admission
d.Date and place of birth
e.Identity card or Passport number (if applicable)
f.Nationality and race
g.Occupation and office address
h.Residential address and contact telephone number
i.Type of membership
j.Email address
k.Vehicle details

Article 08 : Change of Address

Every member shall within 14 days notify the Secretary of his/her change of address,
failing which any correspondence, circular or notice sent by ordinary post to his/her last
known address as appearing in the Club’s register of members shall be deemed to have
been duly dispatched or given and to the member for any purpose prescribed under the
Club’s rules.
Article 09 : Entrance Fee and Subscription Fee

9.1 The Entrance Fee and Subscription Fee payable by Ordinary Members shall be as
follows :-

Entrance Fee : RM 150.00

Yearly Subscription Fee : RM 150.00

9.2 Honorary members shall not be liable to any enhance fees and/or yearly
subscription fees during their term as said Honorary member.

9.3 All yearly Subscription Fees must be paid in advance within the first three (3)
months of each calendar year. Payment shall be made to the Treasurer of the

9.4 Any member whose Subscription Fee is in arrears by a year (1) or more shall
receive a written notice signed by the Secretary on behalf of the Managing
Committee and such member’s rights or privileges of the Club shall be suspended
until all dues are fully settled in his account.

9.5 Any member whose arrears in Subscription Fee exceed two (2) years shall
automatically cease to be member of the Club. The Managing Committee, upon
being satisfied that due written notice has given to member to settle all
outstanding sums, exercise its sole and absolute discretion to initiate any legal
recourse necessary, to recover all sums outstanding.

9.6 The Managing Committee may, subject to a simple majority, be empowered to

waive any applicant’s Entrance Fee and/or annual Subscription Fee in the event
an applicant being unable to afford the same. Such a waiver shall be reviewable
annually by the Managing Committee.

9.7 The Managing Committee shall be empowered to levy any additional fee to allow
any member whose membership has lapsed to rejoin the Club.

9.8 No membership fee shall be refunded to any member who leaves the Club before
the expiry of his annual subscription.

9.9 Special subscription fees or levies for any specified purposes may be raised from
voting members at the Club’s General Meeting. Such sums due from a member
who fails to pay such special subscription shall be treated in the same way as
arrears for Annual Subscription Fee.

9.10 All application for admission as a member and/or a forummer and the admission
and refusal thereof are subject to shall be the sole discretion of the Committee
whose decision shall be final.
Article 10 : Termination and Expulsion
10.1 Any member wishing to terminate his membership in the Club must provide one
(1) month’s written notice to the Secretary and settle all payments due to the Club

10.2 Any member who fails to comply with the Club’s Constitution or has acted in a
manner to bring disrepute to the Club, may be expelled or suspended for any
period of time as the Managing Committee deems fit. This shall be carried out
via a formal notice to the relevant Member, who shall be given an opportunity to
show cause why such action should not be taken. In any event, the Managing
Committee shall retain its sole and absolute discretion to affirm or reverse its
decision to expel or suspend the said Member.

10.3 Any person who has terminated his membership of the Club may subject to
Article 6.1 of this Constitution be re-admitted as a Member of the Club.

Article 11 : General Meeting

11.1 The supreme authority of the Club is vested in members voting at the General
Meeting. At least fifty percent (50%) of the voting membership of the Club or
two (2) times the total of the members of the Managing Committee must be
present at the General Meeting for its proceedings to be valid and to constitute a
valid quorum.

11.2 If half (1/2) an hour after the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not
present, the meeting shall be postponed to a later date (not exceeding 30 days)
from the date of the first meeting to be decided by the Managing Committee; and
if a quorum is not present half (1/2) an hour after the time appointed for the
postponed meeting, the members present shall have the power to proceed with the
agenda of the meeting but shall not have the power to alter the rules of the Club
of make any decision affecting the whole membership.

11.3 An Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Club shall be held as soon as
possible after the close of each financial year but shall not be later than 31st
March, on the date at a time and place decided on by the Managing Committee.
The business of the AGM shall be:-

a. To confirm the minutes of the previous AGM and General Meeting(s).

b. To receive the Managing Committee’s report on the activities of the
Club during the prior year.
c. To receive the Treasurer’s report and to pass the audited statement
of accounts of the Club for the previous year.
d.To elect a Managing Committee every (2) years and to appoint an auditor.
e.To deal with such other matters as may be put before the AGM.

11.4 The Secretary shall send to all members at least thirty (30) days before the
meeting, a notice of the Annual General Meeting including agenda and copies of
minutes and reports, motions, together with the audited accounts of the Club for
the prior year. Copies of these documents will also be made available at the
registered place of business of the Club for the perusal of members.
11.5 An Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) shall be called at any time upon
either a resolution of the Managing Committee or the requisition in writing of at
least fifty percent (50%) of the voting members whose names appear in the
register of members of the Club. The purpose of such meeting must be stated at
the time of such requisition and not less than thirty (30) days’ notice of such
meeting must be given to all members of the Club. No business other than that of
which notice has been given shall be considered at the EGM.

11.6 All requisition must be in writing and shall be served by Acknowledged Receipt
Registered Mail (“AR registered”) on the Secretary and deemed received if the
same is duly acknowledged by Secretary on behalf of the Club.

11.7 An EGM requisitioned by voting members shall be convened on a date within

thirty (30) days of receipt of such a written requisition.

11.8 Article 11.1 and 11.2 of this Constitution regarding the quorum and the
postponement of the AGM shall also apply to an EGM, but with the proviso that
if no quorum is present after half (1/2) an hour from the time appointed for a
postponed EGM as requisitioned by voting members, the meeting shall be
cancelled and no such meeting shall be requisitioned for the same purpose until
after the lapse of at lease six (6) months from the date thereof.

11.9 At any General Meeting, the decisions shall be made by simple majority of votes
except where otherwise provided by the Societies Act, 1966 and the Constitution.

Article 12 : Managing Committee

12.1 A Managing Committee of the Club shall consist of not less than Eight (8)
members as follows, who shall be termed as the Office-Bearers of the Club, shall
be elected every two (2) years at the Annual General meeting.

(i) A President
(ii) A Vice President
(iii) A Secretary
(iv) A Treasurer
(v) Four (4) other Ordinary Committee Members

12.2 The Founder shall be automatically be named or appointed as the Honorary Club
Advisor of the Club should the appointment be accepted by said Founder.

12.3 The Office-Bearers of the Club and every officer performing executive functions
in the Club shall be Malaysian citizens.
12.4 Election of Office-Bearers of the Club will be held every two (2) years. Names
for the above offices shall be proposed and seconded by a simple majority of
votes by members at the AGM convened for the purposes of the election. All
Office-Bearers of the Club serving for the previous two (2) terms shall not be
eligible for re-election.

12.5 The function of the Managing Committee shall meet at least once every three (3)
months, and seven (14) days’ notice of each meeting shall be given to its
members. Notwithstanding the aforesaid the President acting alone or not less
than five (5) of the Managing Committee acting together may call for a meeting
to be held at any time. At least half (1/2) of the Managing Committee Members
must be present at such a meeting to constitute a quorum and for the proceeding
to be valid.

12.6 Questions arising at any meeting of the Managing Committee shall be decided by
a simple majority of votes and determination by a majority of the Office bearers
of the Club shall for all purpose be deemed a determination of the Managing

12.7 Where any urgent matters requiring the approval of the Managing Committee
arises and it is not possible to convene a meeting, the Secretary may obtain such
approval be means of a Circular Letter together with a Circular Resolution. The
following conditions must be fulfilled before a decision of the Managing
Committee is deemed to have been validly obtained :-

a. The issue must be clearly set out in the Circular Letter and forwarded
together with the Circular Resolution to all members of the Managing
b. At least half (1/2) of the Managing Committee members must indicate by
signing the Circular Resolution whether they are in favor or against the
proposal; and
c. The decision must be determined by a simple majority as appearing in the
sign Circular Resolution. Any decision obtained by Circular Resolution
shall be reported by the Secretary at the next Managing Committee
meeting and be recorded in the minutes thereof. The signed Circular
Resolution shall be duly filed for record keeping.

12.8 Any members of the Managing Committee who fail to attend three (3)
consecutive meetings of the managing Committee without leave or satisfactory
explanation given to the Managing Committee shall be deemed to have resigned
from the Managing Committee.
12.9 Any member of the Managing Committee wishing to resign from his/her post
shall give one (1) month’s notice in writing stating his reasons for such
resignation and shall deliver the same to the Secretary who shall within seven (7)
days of receipt of the resignation duly inform the Managing Committee of such
notice. The resignation shall be deemed conclusive after the same has been
approved and accepted by the Managing Committee.

12.10 In the event of death or resignation of a member of the Managing Committee, the
Managing Committee shall have the power to co-opt any other member of the
Club to fill the vacancy until the next AGM.

12.11 The Managing Committee shall give instructions to the Secretary and the other
officers for the conduct of the affairs of the Club. It may appoint such organizers
and such staff, as it deems necessary. It may suspend or dismiss any organizer or
member of the staff for neglecting his duty, dishonesty, and incompetence in
caring out his duty refusing to abide by the decision of the Managing Committee
or for any other reasons, which it deems good and sufficient in the interest of the

12.12 The Managing Committee shall have the power to appoint a Technical Advisor
and co-opt any person of good moral character for any purpose of the Club or
appoint any Sub-Committee in connection with the activates of the Club and shall
give instructions regarding the special duties to the Sub-Committee so appointed.

Article 13 : Duties of Office Bearers

13.1 The President shall during his term of office preside at all General Meeting and
all meetings of the Managing Committee and shall be responsible for the proper
conduct of all such meetings. He/She shall have a casting vote and shall sign the
minutes of each meeting at the time they are approved.

13.2 The Vice President shall deputize for the President during the latter’s absence.
The Vice President shall carry out such special assignments as may be necessary
in the opinion of the President and/or/ the Managing Committee to advance the
work of the Club.

13.3 The Secretary shall conduct the business of the Club in accordance with its
Constitution and shall carry out the instructions of the General Meeting and of the
Managing Committee. He shall be responsible for all conducting all
correspondence and keeping all books, documentation and papers except for the
accounts and financial records. He shall maintain a register of numbers with
particulars as stated in Article 7. He shall attend all meetings and record the
proceedings. He shall submit the annual return of the Club to the Registrar of
Societies after the holding of the AGM as required under Section 14 (1) of the
Societies Act, 1966.
13.4 The Treasurer shall be responsible for all the finances of the Club. He/She shall
keep accounts of all its financial transactions and shall be responsible for their

13.5 The Ordinary Managing Committee Members shall attend all meetings of the
Club and assist in the proper functioning of the Club.

Article 14 : Financial Provisions

14.1 The income of the Club shall be derived from the following sources :-
a. subscriptions;
b. donations - the Club shall not attempt to or collect monies from any
individuals, companies or any entities wherever situate for the purpose
of donations ;
c. sponsorship;
d. sales of merchandise; and
e. such other sources as may be approved from time to time by the Committee

14.2 Subject to the following provisions in this rules, the funds of the Club may be
expended for the purposed necessary for the carrying out of its objects, including
the expenses of its office-bearers and paid staff, and the audit of its accounts, but
they shall on no account be used to pay the fine of any member who may be
convicted in a Court of Law.

14.3 The Treasurer may hold a petty cash advance not exceeding RM 500 at any one
time. All money in excess of this sum shall within seven days of receipt be
deposited in a bank approved by the Committee. The bank account shall be in the
name of the Club.

14.4 All cheque or withdrawal notices on the Club’s account shall be signed jointly by
the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. In the absence of the President, the
Secretary and the Treasurer for a long period, the Committee shall appoint one of
its members to sign in his place.

14.5 Expenditure exceeding RM 10,000 at any one time shall be incurred with
approval without prior sanction of the Committee and no expenditure exceeding
RM 50,000 in any one month shall be incurred without prior sanction of a general
meeting. Expenditure less than RM 10,000 at any one time may be incurred by
the President together with the Secretary or the Treasurer.

14.6 As soon as possible after the end of each financial year, a statement of receipts and
payments and a balance sheet for the year shall be prepared by the Treasurer and
audited by the Auditors appointed under Article 15. The audited accounts shall be
submitted for the approval of the next annual general meeting, and copies shall be
made available at the registered place of business of the Club for the perusal of
14.7 The financial year of the Club shall commence on the 01st January and end on the
31st December every year.

Article 15 : Auditor
15.1 An Auditor who is a qualified Accountant and not a member of the Club shall be
appointed. The Auditor thus appointed shall hold his office for two (2) years or
until he resigns or until his appointment is otherwise terminated by the General

15.2 The Auditor shall be required to audit the accounts of the Club for the year, and to
prepare a report or statement of accounts for approval at the AGM. He may also
be required by the President to audit the accounts of the Club for any period
within his tenure of office at any date, and to make a report to the Managing

Article 16 : Appointment of Officers under Section 9a of the Societies Act, 1966

16.1 Three (3) persons who must be Office-Bearers and over 21 years of age shall be
appointed by the Managing Committee for the purpose of Section 9A of the
Societies Act, 1966.

16.2 The officers appointed under this rule shall deal with the immovable property of
the Club in such manner as the General Meeting may direct provided always all
immovable properties shall be registered in the name of the Club.

16.3 The officers shall not sell, withdraw or transfer any of the properties of the Club
without the consent and authority of a General Meeting.

Article 17 : Interpretation
18.1 Between AGMs, the Managing Committee shall interpret the Constitution of the
Club, and when necessary, determine any point on which the Constitution is

18.2 Except where they are contrary to or inconsistent with the policy previously laid
down by a General Meeting, the decision of the Managing Committee shall be
binding on all members of the Club.

Article 19 : Prohibitions
19.1 No “Benefits” as defined in Section 2 of the Societies Act, 1966 shall be paid to
any member or member’s dependents.

19.2 Neither the Club nor its members shall attempt to restrict or in any other manner
interfere with the trade or prices or engages in any Trade Union activities as
defined in the Trade Union Act, 1959.

19.3 None of the following games shall be played in the premise of the Club :
Roulette, Lotto, Fan Tan, Poh, Peh Bin, Belankai, Pai Kau, Tau Ngau, Tien Ngau,
Tien Kow, Chap Ji Kee, Sam Cheong, Twenty One, Thirty One, Ten and a half,
all games of dice, bankers’ games, all video games and all games of mere chance.
19.4 The Club shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in
the name of the Club, its office-bearers or members without prior approval from
the authorities concerned.

19.5 No University/College student can be allowed to be a member of the Club

without the prior written approval from the Vice Chancellor of the university

Article 20 : Patron(s)
The Managing Committee may, if it deems necessary, elect any distinguished person to
be a patron(s) of the Club. The person appointed must give his consent in writing.

Article 21 : Amendment of Constitution

Any amendments, revisions or alterations to the Club’s Constitution shall be
invoked only at the instigation of the Managing Committee and shall be subject to
the endorsement of a special or two-thirds majority of a specially convened EGM or
at the AGM. This amendment, revision or alteration shall only take effect from the
date such is approved by the Registrar of Societies, which shall be notified within 60
days of the endorsing EGM or AGM.

Article 22 : Dissolution
22.1 The Club may be voluntarily dissolved by a resolution of not less than three-fifths
(3/5) of the total voting members at a General Meeting convened for that purpose.

22.2 In the event of the Club being dissolved as provided above, all debts and
liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Club shall be fully discharged and the
remaining funds and assets shall be distributed to the Federal Government, or
State Government, or local authority or other established institutions.

22.3 Notice of this dissolution shall be given within fourteen (14) days of the
dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.

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