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Jl. Raya Bekasi Tambun KM39,5 Bekasi 17510
Telp: (062)(021)88349570-573 Fax: (062)(021)8806966

PO No. : 4100057711 / 03-Jan-2024 Payment Term : Due Date 30 Days
To Supplier : SURYAMEGA JAYA STEEL Delivery To : PT. Niramas Utama Bekasi (HO)
Address : JL. PANGERAN JAYAKARTA KOMP 121 NO 73 Jln. Raya Tambun Bekasi Km. 39. 5 Bekasi,
JAKARTA PUSAT 10730 Jawa Barat

Phone : 012-6007936
PR No. : 2000044530 PR Date : 16-Dec-2023 PO Due Date : 24 Jan 2024
We confirm having ordered from you the following goods, on the term and condition to delivery date are subject to accepted of quality and conform to the
delivery date are integral part of this order

No Code Goods Description Quantity Unit Unit Price IDR Amount IDR
20 6500144 Globe Valve steam 5" PN 16 Flange 5" 1 PCS 5.150.000 5.150.000

Item No Schedule Line Delivery Schedule Quantity Gross Total 5.150.000

20 1 24.01.2024 1 Discount 0
Subtotal 5.150.000
PPN 566.500
Other Cost 0

Total 5.716.500
Remark :

Accepted by, Order by,

Seller's Signature Merchandiser's Signature

(___________________) (___________________)

Note : 1. This order will not be valid else all signature have been signed.
2. After signature, please fax to 8806966.
3. Each shipment of goods please accompanied COA and recognized Halal
Certification MUI" as shown on the figure above.
4. This PO considered valid without a signature.

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Print On 23/01/2024 15:58:46

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