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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality


Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Junil D. Clamocha Date Started:

Course & Section: BTLED ICT 3D Date Submitted:
Activity No. : 4 Rating:

Then and Now

Instruction: Complete the table below by providing the difference in terms of teacher, students
and instruction then and now.

Note: Provide a short discussion on your answer.


Then Now
1. Traditional teaching methods. 1. Technology-integrated
2. Teachers were the primary source of 2. Student-centered
knowledge and information in the classroom.
3. Limited technology 3. Have access to a wide range of digital tools
4. Had more authoritative role in the 4. Promote student-centered learning
5. Had less flexibility in terms of curriculum 5. Have more flexibility in adapting the
and instruction curriculum to meet the needs and interests of
their students.
Then Now
1. Passive learners 1. Active participants in the learning process
2. Limited access to information outside the 2. Access to a wealth of information through
classroom the internet
3. Teacher-dependent 3. Engage with multimedia resources and
online platforms
4. Limited opportunities for collaboration 4. Collaborate with peers through group
and interaction work and online discussions
5. Evaluation based on memorization and 5. Evaluation based on critical thinking,
regurgitation of information problem-solving, and application of
Then Now
1. Teacher-centered instruction 1. Student-centered instruction
2. Emphasis on rote memorization and 2. Focus on critical thinking and problem-
regurgitation solving skills
3. Lecture-based teaching methods 3. Hands-on learning activities
4. Limited use of technology in the classroom 4. Integration of technology for enhanced
learning experiences
5. Strict adherence to standardized 5. Customization of instruction to meet
curriculum individual student needs
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

Short Discussion:

The ways that instruction, students, and teachers have changed between then and today
demonstrate how education has changed. Teachers used to be the primary source of knowledge,
using antiquated techniques and scant technological resources. Students had little access to
information and were passive learners. Memorization and following prescribed curriculum were
the main goals of instruction. Educators are transforming into facilitators, utilizing technology
and promoting active learning among students, emphasizing problem-solving and critical
thinking, and focusing on application over memorizing. The integration of technology in
education has transformed it into a more engaging and meaningful experience for both teachers
and students, catering to individual needs and interests. Overall, these advancements have
transformed education into a more engaging and meaningful experience for both teachers and

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