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Acceleration Waves in Micropolar Elastic Media

Victor A. Eremeyev

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Victor A. Eremeyev. Acceleration Waves in Micropolar Elastic Media. Doklady Physics, 2005, 50 (4),
pp.204-206. �hal-00827543�

HAL Id: hal-00827543
Submitted on 4 Jun 2013

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quantities themselves and their first derivatives are con- the Fresnel–Hadamard–Duhem theorem for micropolar
tinuous; i.e., the equalities media.
冀F冁 = 0, 冀 gradH 冁 = 0, 冀v冁 = 0, 冀w冁 =0 (3) Theorem 1. The squares of the velocities of second-
order singular surfaces (acceleration waves) in the
are valid on S. According to Eqs. (3), deformation mea- micropolar elastic medium are real for arbitrary prop-
sures E and K are continuous near S, and, in view of agation directions specified by the vector n.
constitutive equations (2), jumps of the tensors í and å The positive definiteness of A(n), which is both nec-
are absent. essary and sufficient for the wave velocity V to be real,
The application of the Maxwell theorem [13] to con- i.e., the inequality
tinuous fields of velocities v and w, stresses, and couple
stresses í and å yields a system of equations that x ⋅ A ( n ) ⋅ x > 0,
relate the jumps of their derivatives with respect to the ∀n ∈ R
n ≠
0, ∀x ∈R ,
x ≠ 0,
spatial coordinates and time:
is an additional constraint imposed on constitutive rela-
冀 v̇ 冁 = – Va, 冀 gradv 冁 = n ⊗ a, 冀 ẇ 冁 = – Vb, tionships (2).
冀 gradw 冁 = n ⊗ b, (4) Following [7], one can prove Theorem 2.
Theorem 2. Condition (6) for the existence of the
V 冀 divT 冁 = – n ⋅ 冀 Ṫ 冁 , V 冀 divM 冁 = – n ⋅ 冀 Ṁ 冁 . acceleration wave in the micropolar elastic medium is
equivalent the condition of strong ellipticity of the equi-
Here, a and b are the vector amplitudes for the jumps of librium equation.
the linear and angular accelerations, n is the unit nor-
mal vector to S, and V is the velocity of the surface S in Weak inequality (6) is an analogue of the Had-
the direction n [13]. If mass forces and moments are amard inequality from the spatial theory of elasticity
continuous, the relations [12, 13]. As in the case of simple materials, a break in
inequality (6) means the possibility of existing nons-
冀 divT 冁 = ρ 冀 v̇ 冁 , 冀 divM 冁 = ργ 冀 ẇ 冁 mooth solutions of the equilibrium equations.
As an example, we consider the equation of state of
follow from the equations of motion (1). Differentiating a physically linear micropolar medium [7]
constitutive equations (2) and using Eqs. (4), we
express these relations only in terms of the vector W = W 1 ( E ) + W 2 ( K ). (7)
amplitudes a and b:
n ⋅ W ,EE ·· ( H ⋅ a ⊗ n ) + n ⋅ W ,EK ·· ( H ⋅ b ⊗ n )
W 1 ( E ) = α 1 tr ( ( E – I ) ⋅ ( E – I ) )

= ρV a ⋅ H ,
2 T

+ α 2 tr ( ( E – I ) ) + α 3 tr ( E – I ),
2 2
n ⋅ W ,KE ·· ( H ⋅ a ⊗ n ) + n ⋅ W ,KK ·· ( H ⋅ b ⊗ n )
W 2 ( K ) = β 1 tr ( K ⋅ K ) + β 2 tr ( K ) + β 3 tr ( K ),
T 2 2
= ργ V b ⋅ H .
2 T

These relations can be written in a more compact form where αk and βk , k = 1, 2, 3, are constants. In this case,
using the matrix notation inequality (6) is equivalent to the inequalities [7]
α 1 > 0, α 1 + α 2 + α 3 > 0, β 1 > 0, β 1 + β 2 + β 3 > 0.
A ( n ) ⋅ x = ρV 2 B ⋅ x, (5)
Under these conditions, the solutions of Eq. (5) are
where x = (a', b') ∈ ⺢6, a' = a · HT, b' = b · HT, A and given by the expressions
B are the matrices with tensor elements
V 1, 2 = -----, x 1, 2 = ( e 1, 2, 0 ),
W ,EE { n } W ,EK { n } ρ
A(n) ≡ , B ≡ ρV 2 I 0 (8)
W ,KE { n } W ,KK { n } 0 γI α1 + α2 + α3
V3 = ------------------------------ , x 3 = ( 0, n ),
and the notation G{n} ≡ Gklmnnknmil ⊗ in is introduced ρ
for any fourth-rank tensor G and any vector n that are
represented in terms of their decompositions in the V 4, 5 = -----, x 4, 5 = ( e 4, 5, 0 ),
arbitrary Cartesian basis ik , k = 1, 2, 3. γρ
Thus, the problem of acceleration wave propagation β1 + β2 + β3
in the micropolar medium has been reduced to the spec- V6 = ----------------------------, x 6 = ( 0, n ),
tral problem given by Eq. (5). Owing to the existence of
the potential-energy function W, A(n) is symmetric. where e1, e2, e4 , and e5 are arbitrary unit vectors lying
This property enables one to formulate an analogue of in the plane tangent to S (e1 · e2 = e1 · n = e2 · n = 0,

DOKLADY PHYSICS Vol. 50 No. 4 2005


e4 · e5 = e4 · n = e5 · n = 0). Solutions (8) describe the 4. R. A. Toupin, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 17 (2), 85
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the acceleration waves given by Eqs. (8) and (9) coin- 6. L. I. Shkutin, Mechanics of Deformations of Flexible
cide with the limiting phase velocities of plane har- Bodies (Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1988) [in Russian].
monic waves propagating in the linearly elastic 7. V. A. Eremeev and L. M. Zubov, Izv. Akad. Nauk: Mekh.
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tends to infinity. 8. V. A. Eremeev and L. M. Zubov, Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 63,
801 (1999).
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 9. W. Nowacki, Theory of Asymmetric Elasticity (Perga-
mon, Oxford, 1986).
I am grateful to L.M. Zubov for the attention he 10. L. M. Zubov, Nonlinear Theory of Dislocations and Dis-
devoted to this work. This work was supported by the clinations in Elastic Bodies (Springer, Berlin, 1997).
Competitive Center of Fundamental Natural Science, 11. A. C. Eringen, Microcontinuum Field Theories. I. Foun-
St. Petersburg State University (project no. E02-4.0-91). dations and Solids (Springer, Berlin, 1999).
12. A. I. Lur’e, Nonlinear Theory of Elasticity (Nauka, Mos-
REFERENCES cow, 1980) [in Russian].
1. É. L. Aéro and E. V. Kuvshinskiœ, Fiz. Tverd. Tela 2 (7), 13. C. Truesdell, First Course in Rational Continuum
1399 (1960). Mechanics (John Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, 1972; Mir,
Moscow, 1975).
2. V. A. Pal’mov, Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 28, 401 (1964).
3. W. T. Koiter, Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., Ser. B: Phys.
Sci., No. 1, 17 (1964). Translated by R. Tyapaev

DOKLADY PHYSICS Vol. 50 No. 4 2005

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