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I would like to express my sincere thanks to Padmashree College's Bachelor of Information

Technology department for giving me the chance to complete this assignment as part of
my academic program.

I sincerely thank Mrs. Sarita Chhetri, my lecturer, for her continuous support, direction,
and attention to detail during the course of the assignment, all of which contributed to
its successful conclusion. Mrs. Chhetri, in addition to his busy schedule, offered priceless
advice, helpful criticism and encouragement.

I also want to express thanks to all of the materials that helped me finish this task. The
books, research papers, websites, and software tools that I have used have been extremely
helpful in both deepening my understanding and making the execution of the task easier.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to all individuals who directly or indirectly
contributed to the accomplishment of this assignment. Your support and assistance have
been invaluable, and I am truly grateful for your contributions.

Thank you all for your invaluable support and assistance during this assignment.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO FIBERTECH’S HELPDESK SYSTEM ..................................... 4
SPECIFICATION OF THE DESIGN ........................................................................... 6
ANALYSIS OF DESIGN PROBLEM ................................................................................ 6
USE CASE DIAGRAM...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

A solid technical support system is essential in today's technologically advanced world, particularly
for Fiber Optics Internet (FTTH) networks. This system, also known as a Helpdesk or Service Desk,
acts as a central hub where users and tech experts can easily communicate. Its primary role is to
simplify things for everyone involved. It provides users with a single point of contact for assistance,
assigns tasks efficiently, tracks progress, and prioritizes issues based on urgency. Moreover, it
gathers valuable data on encountered issues, storing it for future reference, and generates
detailed reports on resource usage. In FTTH systems, where reliability is paramount, a top-notch
technical support system ensures smooth internet operation, prompt issue resolution, and optimal
resource allocation. By leveraging smart tools and meticulous planning, this support system
enhances the experience for both customers and the FTTH team, making their lives easier.


The project will focus on creating a customized IT Helpdesk system that is designed to meet the
unique requirements of FiberTech Telecom Limited. This involves creating, executing, and
combining a thorough solution that can effectively oversee customer inquiries and support needs.
Furthermore, the range also includes guaranteeing smooth integration with current systems and
compliance with regulatory standards.

The minimum requirements for the IT Helpdesk system include:
• Analysis and evaluation of existing market systems to inform the design process.
• Comprehensive analysis of FiberTech Telecom's requirements, including functional
specifications, quality standards, and constraints.
• Design and implementation of a sophisticated helpdesk management system, utilizing
industry-standard UML design techniques.
• Development of a prototype call logging system with Service Level Agreement (SLA) tracking
functionalities to demonstrate the system's effectiveness in meeting user needs.
• Evaluation of the prototype to gauge its effectiveness in fulfilling user requirements and
identify areas for improvement.

In addition to the basic requirements, possible improvements to the IT Helpdesk system might
consist of:
• Beyond basic requirements, analyze prototype for enhancements.
• Incorporate user input.
• Integrate time tracking system.
• Delegate tasks.
• Implement management reporting tools.


To make FiberTech's IT Helpdesk system the best it can be, we need to gather a lot of information.
We can do this in different ways, like talking to people and asking questions. So, I've decided to
use surveys and interviews to talk to different people at FiberTech. Surveys are like big
questionnaires we send out to lots of people to get their overall opinions. Interviews are more
personal, like having a chat with someone, where we can really understand what each person

Surveys will help us understand what everyone thinks about the current system and what they
want from the new one. Interviews will let us go deeper and find out if there are any tricky
problems people are facing that we might not have known about before. This mix of methods will
help us find any hidden problems, figure out what's most important to everyone, and get an idea
of where FiberTech's IT Helpdesk system could go in the future.

After delving into our survey findings and conducting interviews, I've identified several key areas
vital for enhancing the IT Helpdesk system at FiberTech Limited. Not only did we uncover some
hidden constraints. On top of that, we laid out the functional requirement and quality
requirements we must include. As we look forward, we've outlined potential paths for the future
development of the product. Furthermore, it's crucial to prioritize the adaptability of the software,
ensuring that it can be easily modified to keep pace with changes effectively. Let's delve into each
of these aspects in more detail.

Some Hidden Constraints:

• Keep an eye on our budget to avoid spending too much on software and upgrades
(Budgetary Constraints).
• Make sure we have enough trained staff to handle helpdesk queries well (Availability of
Skilled Personnel).
• Follow all the rules about keeping people's data safe and private (Data Protection and
Privacy Regulations).
• Think about any tech limitations or compatibility issues with our current systems
(Technological Limitations and Compatibility).
• Consider any company rules or procedures that might affect how we set up the helpdesk
(Organizational Policies and Procedures).

Quality Requirements:
• Performance: The system's ability to respond quickly to user actions corresponds to the
performance quality requirement.
• Reliability: Ensuring the system works continuously without errors or interruptions reflects the
quality requirement of reliability.
• Availability: Ensuring the system is consistently accessible and operational indicates the
availability quality requirement.
• Usability: Making the system easy for users to understand and use suggests a usability quality
• Security: Keeping data safe and limiting access to authorized users addresses the security
quality requirement.

Functional Requirements:
• Logging Calls: The system keeps a record of who called, who answered, when the call
happened, and details about the caller's computer.
• Caller Verification: It makes sure the caller is who they say they are by checking their name
against a list that includes their ID number and job title.
• Equipment and Software Checks: It checks what kind of equipment the caller is using and
whether their software is valid and legally licensed.
• Call Logging: Every time someone calls, it gets written down, and they're given a special
number so they can talk about the same problem later if they need to.
• Problem Description and Notes: The system writes down what the problem is and any other
important details, like how urgent it is.
• Problem Allocation: It decides what type of problem it is and who's the best person to deal
with it, based on what's known so far.
• Referral and Specialist Management: If the problem needs someone special to fix it, the system
finds the right person and makes sure they're not too busy with other things.

The key areas to focus on for the software's future growth and development are listed
• Scalability: As the business expands, make sure the system can accommodate more users
and inquiries.
• Flexibility and adaptability: Make it simple to add new features or make adjustments to suit
the demands of the organization.
• Maintainability: Organize the system so that future updates and fixes will be simple.
• User-Friendly Interface: For a positive user experience, provide an interface that is simple to
• Make sure the website is compatible with a variety of devices and browsers so that it can be
readily used by all users.
After gathering feedback through surveys and interviews, we've uncovered vital insights to
enhance FiberTech's IT Helpdesk system. We identified hidden constraints like budget limitations
and staffing needs, along with quality and functional requirements essential for system
improvement. Looking ahead, scalability, adaptability, and user-friendliness emerge as critical
areas for future development. By prioritizing these aspects, we ensure the system can evolve
effectively to meet FiberTech's growing needs. With a focus on simplicity, accessibility, and
efficiency, we're poised to create an IT Helpdesk system that not only addresses current challenges
but also adapts seamlessly to future demands, fostering user satisfaction and organizational

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