What Is Coaching

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What is Coaching? Coaching is a new profession.


Assist people to identify specific goals and then reach those goals faster and with ease. Provide client with the tools, perspective and structure to accomplish more through a process of accountability. Reframe beliefs and create a point of focus for clients to reflect upon.

How is coaching different from consulting, therapy, sports coaching and having a supportive friend? Coaching is similar to consulting. However, consulting provides temporary or intermittent solutions. Coaching is a consistent, on going relationship where the coach stays with the client to help implement new skills, changes and goals. Another distinction is that consulting often involves dispensing advice, telling people what they should do. Coaching is different in that it focuses on assisting an entity to discover a solution on its own. Coaching is not therapy. Where therapy brings understanding and awareness of the past to a client; coaching provides the support and strategy to make changes based on the awareness a client holds. Coaching is movement oriented and action based. Coaching includes several principles from sports coaching like teamwork, meeting and exceeding potential in order to be one's best. Unlike sports coaching, the results are not win or lose based. Coaches focus on strengthening their clients' skills from the first session forward. Any amount of coaching will benefit a client from this perspective. A supportive friend is wonderful to have in life, yet does not hold the objectivity and distance that a coach does. A coach is a professional who is trusted to work with you on the most important aspects of your life and/or business. A coach offers a different perspective of the truth because of the emotional distance the professional relationship offers. Who hires a coach? Corporations, for coaching related to:

Organizations/teams Leaderships and executives Small businesses and entrepreneurs

Individuals, for coaching related to:

Relationships Career and transitions Lifestyle Fitness

Why would a corporation and individual hire a coach? Coaches are hired by corporations and people because:

They want more. They want to grow and be more productive. They want to discover innovative ways of do things more effortlessly.

Coaches assist any client in attaining all three, quickly. Does the coach work on personal goals or business/professional goals? Both! The 'common denominator' between a client and work; a client and play; a client and relationships; a client and productivity IS THE CLIENT. Coaching inevitably works with all aspects of personal, business and professional goals relating to who the client is specifically. What is the focus of Coaching? Coaches focus where their clients need them to the most. Part of their discussions often include:

Where are you now in relation to where you want to be? What are your goals? Are they based in your values? In order to get what you want from any situation, what are the areas of strength and what are the areas for improvement and focus?

By creating the focus of coaching around what a client wants to achieve; coaches assist their clients to maintain focus on that which will make them most successful. Why does coaching work? Coaching works for several reasons:

Synergy between the coach and client creates momentum. Better defined goals support a client to move toward those goals faster and effortlessly. The clients develop new skills, and these skills translate into more success and a balanced life.

Why is coaching becoming so popular? Coaching is becoming popular for several reasons: 1. many people are tired of doing what they think they "should" do and are ready do what they "want" to do, understanding that they have the choice. 2. People are realizing how simple it can be to accomplish something that several years ago might have felt out of reach. More people are creating the time and resources to invest in themselves in this kind of growth as they see the long term benefits. 3. Spirituality. Our society is looking for deeper meaning in our lives and work. Companies are looking to innovative ways of growing themselves from the inside out; starting with themselves and their employees. Can I hire a coach just for a short-term project? Yes. Some clients hire a coach to help them accomplish specific goals or projects. Usually, however, the client keeps working with the coach after that because of the synergy created and the support the relationship provides in setting and meeting goals.

How long must I commit if I start working with a coach? Most coaches ask for a minimum 3 month commitment. There is always the option to discontinue coaching immediately if the partnership is not working for the client. Some coaches ask for a written agreement or contract. For corporate clients, a signed agreement is simply good business. What does it cost to hire a coach? The cost for coaching varies depending on the type of coaching a client is looking for, the duration of coaching, whether it is personal or corporate coaching and the nature of the project (if there is one).

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Everything you ever wanted to know about coaching and mentoring, and quite a lot that you probably didn't
What are coaching Both coaching and mentoring are processes that and mentoring? enable both individual and corporate clients to Useful achieve their full potential. definitions Coaching and mentoring share many similarities The difference so it makes sense to outline the common things coaches and mentors do whether the services are between coaching offered in a paid (professional) or unpaid and (philanthropic) role. mentoring Business Facilitate the exploration of needs, coaching motivations, desires, skills and thought and processes to assist the individual in mentoring making real, lasting change. Executive coaching & Use questioning techniques to facilitate client's own thought processes in order to mentoring identify solutions and actions rather than Performanc e coaching takes a wholly directive approach and mentoring Support the client in setting appropriate goals and methods of assessing progress Skills coaching in relation to these goals and mentoring Observe, listen and ask questions to Personal understand the client's situation coaching & mentoring Creatively apply tools and techniques How do which may include one-to-one training, coaching & facilitating, counselling & networking. mentoring compare Encourage a commitment to action and with other the development of lasting personal services? growth & change. Is coaching just therapy Maintain unconditional positive regard by another What are Coaching and Mentoring?

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name? for the client, which means that the coach Traditional is at all times supportive and nontherapies, judgemental of the client, their views, psychology lifestyle and aspirations. & counselling Ensure that clients develop personal and their competencies and do not develop relationship unhealthy dependencies on the coaching with or mentoring relationship. coaching & mentoring Evaluate the outcomes of the process, using objective measures wherever possible to ensure the relationship is successful and the client is achieving their personal goals. Encourage clients to continually improve competencies and to develop new developmental alliances where necessary to achieve their goals. Work within their area of personal competence. Possess qualifications and experience in the areas that skills-transfer coaching is offered. Manage the relationship to ensure the client receives the appropriate level of service and that programmes are neither too short, nor too long.

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Useful definitions The common thread uniting all types of coaching & mentoring is that these services offer a vehicle for analysis, reflection and action that ultimately enable the client to achieve success in one more areas of their life or work. Here are some published definitions we particularly like... Coaching is

"a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be a successful a Coach requires a knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place" Eric Parsloe, The Manager as Coach and Mentor (1999) page 8. Eric is a respected author and Director of the OCM

Mentoring is... "off-line help by one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking" Clutterbuck, D & Megginson, D, Mentoring Executives and Directors (1999) page 3 (available in the bookshop). David Clutterbuck & David Megginson are both founder members of The European Mentoring and Coaching Council and highly respected authors, academics and consultants in the mentoring arena. top of page

The difference between coaching and mentoring As can be seen above, there are many similarities between coaching and mentoring! Mentoring, particularly in its traditional sense, enables an individual to follow in the path of an older and wiser colleague who can pass on knowledge, experience and open doors to otherwise out-ofreach opportunities. Coaching on the other hand is not generally performed on the basis that the coach has direct experience of their clients formal occupational role unless the coaching is specific and skills focused. Having said this, there are professionals offering their services under the name of mentoring who have no direct experience of their clients' roles

and others offering services under the name of coaching who do. So the moral of the story is, it is essential to determine what your needs are and to ensure that the coach or mentor can supply you with the type and level of service you require, whatever that service is called. See also Finding the right service top of page

Business coaching & mentoring Organisational development, changes brought about by mergers and acquisitions as well as the need to provide key employees with support through a change of role or career are often catalysts, which inspire companies to seek coaching or mentoring. At one time coaching and mentoring were reserved for senior managers and company directors, now it is available to all as a professional or personal development tool. Coaching and mentoring are also closely linked with organisational change initiatives in order to help staff to accept and adapt to changes in a manner consistent with their personal values and goals. Coaching & mentoring, both of which focus on the individual, can enhance morale, motivation and productivity and reduce staff turnover as individuals feel valued and connected with both small and large organisational changes. This role may be provided by internal coaches or mentors and, increasingly, by professional coaching agencies. Coaching and mentoring programmes generally prove to be popular amongst employees as coaching achieves a balance between fulfilling organisational goals and objectives whilst taking into account the personal development needs of individual employees. It is a two-way relationship with both the organisation and the employee gaining significant benefits.

There is also an increasing trend for individuals to take greater responsibility for their personal & professional development and even those who are employed in large organisations are no longer relying on employers to provide them with all or their career development needs. There has been an increase in the number of individuals contracting coaches and mentors on a private basis. Some are looking for a career change, but many are also seeking to maximise their potential with an existing employer or achieve greater balance with their work and home lives. top of page

Executive Coaching & Mentoring There is a great deal of overlap between business and executive coaching or mentoring. Many people will offer either service, but there is a growing body of professionals in the UK who are calling themselves executive coaches and mentors and are differentiating themsleves in the marketplace. The key differences between business and executive coaching and mentoring are that Executive coaches and mentors typically

Have a track record in professional and executive roles Work exclusively with the high-flyers or with those who have potential to be a high flyer Work at board or CEO level within high profile or blue-chip organisations Offer total confidentiality Work with potential 'captains of industry' and high profile business leaders

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Performance Coaching and mentoring Many coaching clients will seek coaching or mentoring for performance enhancement rather than the rectification of a performance issue. Coaching & mentoring have been shown to be

highly successful intervention in these cases. When an organisation is paying premium rates for development services, performance is usually the key pay-back they are looking for. Even if an executive or manager receives support in balancing work and home life, it will be with the aim of increasing their effectiveness and productivity at work and not for more altruistic reasons. Performance coaching derives its theoretical underpinnings and models from business and sports psychology as well as general management approaches. top of page

Skills coaching & mentoring Skills coaching has some commonalities with one-to-one training. Skills coaches & mentors combine a holistic approach to personal development with the ability to focus on the core skills an employee needs to perform in their role. Skills coaches & mentors should be highly experienced and competent in performing the skills they teach. Job roles are changing at an ever increasing rate. Traditional training programmes are often too inflexible or generic to deal with these fast moving requirements. In these instances one-toone skills coaching allows a flexible, adaptive just-in-time approach to skills development. It is also possible to apply skills coaching in live environments rather than taking people away from the job into a classroom where it is less easy to simulate the job environment. Skills coaching programmes are tailored specifically to the individual, their knowledge, experience, maturity and ambitions and is generally focused on achieving a number of objectives for both the individual and the company. These objectives often include the individual being able to perform specific, welldefined tasks whilst taking in to account the personal and career development needs of the

individual. One-to-one skills training is not the same as the sitting next to Nelly approach to on the job training. What differentiates it is that like any good personal or professional development intervention it is based on an assessment of need in relation to the job-role, delivered in a structured (but highly flexible) manner, and generates measurable learning and performance outcomes. This form of skills training is likely to focus purely on the skills required to perform the job function even though it may adopt a facilitative coaching approach instead of a 'telling' or directive style. top of page

Personal coaching & mentoring Personal or life coaching is growing significantly in the UK, Europe and Australia. Personal coaches may work face-to-face but email and telephone based relationships are also very common. These coaches and mentors operate in highly supportive roles to those who wish to make some form of significant change happen within their lives. Coaches offer their clients a supportive and motivating environment to explore what they want in life and how they might achieve their aspirations and fulfil their needs. By assisting the client in committing to action and by being a sounding-board to their experiences, coaching allows the individual the personal space and support they need to grow and develop. The coach's key role is often is assisting the client to maintain the motivation and commitment needed to achieve their goals. In many cases personal coaching is differentiated from business coaching purely by the context and the focus of the programme. Business coaching is always conducted within the constraints placed on the individual or group by the organisational context. Personal coaching on the other hand is taken entirely from the individual's perspective.

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How do coaching and mentoring compare with other services?

Traditional forms of training


Wholesale transfer of new skills, e.g. change in procedures, new systems (e.g. software application training), new job function. Programmes are mostly generic and not tailored to individual needs. Delegates generally have to complete standard modules, so there is little room for tailoring the programme to account for existing knowledge, skills or preferences. Not always sufficiently similar to the live working environment to ensure effective skills transfer.

Development activities are designed to suit clients personal needs (whether aspiration or performance related) and learning styles. Fine tunes and develops skills. Can focus on interpersonal skills, which cannot be readily or effectively transferred in a traditional training environment. Provides client with contacts and networks to assist with furthering their career or life aspirations. Performed in the live environment or off-line. Highly effective when used as a means of supporting training

Best suited to transfer of knowledge and certain skills rather than the development of personal qualities or competencies

initiatives to ensure that key skills are transferred to the live environment. Coaches and mentors transfer the skills to the client rather than doing the job for them.



Explore personal issues and problems through discussion in order to increase understanding or develop greater selfawareness. The aim of counselling is to lead the client toward self-directed actions to achieve their goals.

N.B Coaching and counselling share many core skills. However, professional counsellors work with personal issues in much greater depth than would generally be explored within a coaching context.

Focus is on developing organisational practices, processes and structure. Role generally more strategic and often used to instigate and design broad ranging change programmes Consultancy frequently involves expert advice about specific issues and organisational processes. Consultants are often brought in to provide specific solutions to business problems and needs Consultant leads the job for the

organisation: whilst upskilling the employee/client may be a contractual part of the service, it is not generally the primary goal. N.B. The term consultant coach is often used when the coach is external to the organisation and therefore offering services on an external or consultancy basis. This is not, however, the same as consultancy per se. Coaching and mentoring has been offered by consultancy companies for many years, even though it is not specifically consultancy It is only recently that people have begun drawing a distinction which in some cases, like the distinction between coaching and mentoring, is not useful in distinguishing between them. top of page

Is coaching just therapy by another name? Coaching is not therapy by another name although the key theoretical underpinnings, models and techniques found their origins in the

field of psychology and associated therapies like gestalt & cognitive behavioural therapy which have broad ranging applications in both organisational and personal contexts. The key difference between coaching and the therapies is that coaching does not seek to resolve the deeper underlying issues that are the cause of serious problems like poor motivation, low self-esteem and poor job performance. Coaching and mentoring programmes are generally more concerned with the practical issues of setting goals and achieving results within specific time-scales. Coaching and mentoring is generally commenced on the premise that clients are self-aware and whole and have selected coaching or mentoring because they do not require a therapeutic intervention. It is possible for someone who has underlying issues to experience success within a coaching context even if the underlying issues are not resolved. If, however, a client becomes stuck and the coaching or mentoring programme is not achieving desired results, then a psychological or therapeutic intervention may be necessary for the client to move forward and achieve their goals. Coach & mentor training programmes which are typically quite short are not aimed at qualifying coaches to conduct an assessment of whether someone may be in need of a therapeutic intervention, rather than a coaching or mentoring one. This is driven in part by the professional restrictions and barriers that have traditionally been placed around psychology and the therapies, but is mostly due to the fact that psychological assessment is a complex process that does require specialised training. Professional coaches & mentors do, however, stay ever alert to the possibility that a client may have or may develop issues or problems for which coaching or mentoring on its own, is not sufficient. Client progress is always monitored and coaches and mentors watch for signs which may indicate that a client requires an assessment by a trained

therapist. Some coaches will on-refer a client to an appropriate therapist if this is felt to be useful. Other coaches will conduct a coaching programme in parallel with a therapeutic intervention. Most coaches & mentors are keen to maintain the professional boundaries between coaching & mentoring and the traditional therapies and will collaborate with therapists when a client requires this form of intervention. top of page

The traditional therapies, psychology and counselling and their relationship to coaching Contrary to popular belief, therapy is not backwards focused and does not conform to the stereotype of spending 20 years attending weekly sessions to discuss childhood experiences. See A Guide to Psychology and its Practice for a more realistic & modern view of what clinical psychology and the therapies have to offer. Therapy is, if anything, an extension of what happens in a coaching relationship, it is forward focused and aimed at life improvement or enhancement. It is about moving on and breaking free from problems and issues that have held people back and prevented them from getting all they can from their lives. Another popular misconception is that in order to undergo therapy one must be crazy or neurotic which is not the case. Therapy is also time-limited and based on an assessment of needs. It is quite rare now to encounter therapies that involve open-ended interventions that last for many years. Therapists are highly trained, with 4 years of full-time undergraduate training followed by 1-2 years full-time post-graduate study and from 3-5 supervised full-time practice before being considered qualified. Counsellors & clinical psychologists must also engage in professional supervision for the whole of their career to ensure that a high standards are maintained.

Therapists are also ethically and professionally bound to work with clients only if measurable value can be demonstrated, this means that if people do not actually NEED therapy, it is not ethical for therapists to make money through providing it. Because of this relationship between coaching and psychology & the therapies, some professionals offering coaching services are, in fact, therapists or psychologists who are marketing their services under the names coaching and mentoring. This means it is possible to offer the appropriate level of service depending on immediate needs and client preferences. This also has the benefit of transcending some of the negative conceptions of what these services involve. Services of this nature can often be found under the terms positive or coaching psychology to make it easier for clients to find service providers who take a psychological focus within their work as a coach. For an explanation of coaching psychology as an area of practice see www.coachingpsychologist.net/WhatIs/Index.ph p Anyone seeking life improvement, and who is willing to work at the deeper issues, should consider contracting a coach or mentor who does have a traditional therapeutic background in the first instance. If the client is not sure if they have issues that would benefit from a therapeutic intervention are encouraged to secure professional an assessment by an appropriately qualified person. In the UK the terms psychologist, therapist and counsellor are not restricted to who can use them so when selecting a coach or mentor with therapeutic or counselling skills it is important to ensure they are accredited by the appropriate professional bodies e.g. British Psychological Society, British Psychoanalytic Council or British Association for Counselling. Note: in some countries the practice of psychology, psychotherapy and counselling are government regulated and practitioners should hold

appropriate licenses. top of page

What Is Coaching? Coaching is a partnership that supports you in creating a rich and fulfilling life. As you work with a coach towards the realization of your vision, goals and dreams, you discover more about who you are and who you want to be. Coaching helps people achieve results and sustain lifechanging behaviors in their lives and careers. Using the tools and skills of coaching, we will create a strategy for your success that will deepen self-awareness, improve performance, and enhance the quality of your life. Coaching Can Help You - Enhance communication skills - Uncover your core values - Navigate life transitions - Assist with career changes - Create the life you want - Reach your dreams & - Make powerful, clear choices aspirations - Choose new attitudes & perspectives - Clarify what it is you really - Create an action plan to move forward want - Infuse passion into your life

Before I started working with Deb, I used to wake up in the morning with a feeling of dread hanging over me. I'd lost my connection to my Self, and stress was the dominant energy in my life. Now, just a few months later, I genuinely enjoy my life. There's still stress, of course, but there's also joy, richness, fun, and a rootedness in life. Most importantly, there's sustenance from feeling gratitude for each day. Deb's approach is subtle and kind. She works with you - in whatever state you're in - and I really appreciate that each session is guided by where I am that week, and what I want to explore. Best of all, Deb is playful, and it's hard not to leave a session feeling great. Deb has helped me as I made real changes in my life, but most importantly, she's helped me change my perspective on life. With blinders removed, it's a lot easier to see (and enjoy!) that ocean of possibilities that we really are all swimming in. I am grateful for the work we've

done together and know I will mark this time as one of the most important in my life. Thank you Deb, from the depths of soul. Meaghan Recovering Corporate Professional Personal Coaching Services Ocean of Possibilities offers a range of coaching services to meet your needs. Visa and Mastercard Now Accepted INDIVIDUAL COACHING We begin your customized coaching with an in-depth discovery during the first month, exploring your personal vision and life purpose, clarifying your values, and creating inspired action plans. Usually, coaching continues with weekly or bimonthly sessions in person or by phone. Schedule a complimentary session to assess what works best for you. GROUP COACHING This coaching draws on the synergy of a group to support, encourage, and create new possibilities. Group coaching is a fun and less expensive way to receive my coaching to address specific areas determined by the objectives of the group. SPOT COACHING Sometimes you're just stuck. You don't need a full-time coach, just someone to help you get moving again. SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS, AND KEYNOTE ADDRESSES Seminar, workshop, and keynotes available for groups and organizations. Topics and prices available upon request.

I believe that we all yearn for a more meaningful, rich and impactful life. When we are clear about our values our vision of the future becomes clearer and we are more able to deal with self-defeating behaviors. I will help you quickly and effectively discover your life purpose and support and encourage you through the process of claiming your best life.

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free"- Michelangelo Michelangelo, the master artist, believed that the sculpture lived within the stone already complete and perfect. His job was simply to chip away the outside stone and rock to reveal the masterpiece within. Imagine, if you will, a world where people interacted with each other in this way. A world where we all believe there is an incredible, magnificent person inside each of us -- simply waiting to be revealed. When was the last time you asked yourself, what do I truly want? Like no kidding, what do you truly, truly want? Most of us have learned from a very young age to listen to the negative, self-limiting messages in our minds and/or have been influenced

by something externally that has shaped our lives. What would it be like to manifest your magnificence, to truly create what you really want and live a wildly rich, satisfying life of significance? Coaching is a profession that helps people achieve results and sustain life-changing behaviors in their lives and careers. It considers the whole person with an emphasis on uncovering learning and producing action. How fulfilled is your life? I believe that we all yearn for a more meaningful, rich and impactful life. When we are clear about our values, our vision of the future becomes clearer and we are more able to deal with self-defeating behaviors. Do you ever feel like life is ruling you rather than you ruling your life? The demand on time, resources and pocketbooks is increasing at an accelerating pace. When we understand and acknowledge the choices we make in life and the impact they have, it is easier to look at ways to create and lead a more balance life. When was the last time you allowed yourself to be human? Allowed yourself to understand and look at the flow of your life, the highs and the lows, the ups and the downs? Giving yourself permission to be human creates great learning, helps to uncover what is keeping you from moving forward. By including everything that life has to offer, rather than hiding from it or resisting it, comes an opportunity to then create a much bigger life. Isnt it time for you to invest in the worlds most precious resource YOU? My core belief is that every person is creative, resourceful, whole and complete. I believe that we all have within us the power to identify, then fully realize our unlimited potential. My commitment is to support you in discovering yourself and developing the roadmap to your most amazing life. I am honored and humbled to share this journey with you.

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